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Would anyone be surprised by a new XBOX in 2017/2018 ?


I've been around for a long time , 32 years going on to 33 here in fact. One of the things I got to witness first hand was Microsoft's entrance into the gaming world back in 2001 with the original Xbox. This thing brute forced a mid range year 2000 level PC into a 400 dollar box you could plug into your TV and it knocked the competition out of the park with it's visuals.

Here's the thing though , it was a middling success at best. A proof of concept , MS could make a console. Unfortunately, they were roped into a pricey contract with Nvidia that kept manufacturing costs high for the lifetime of the console and to top that off , they were selling only around 400,000 systems a month world wide compared to the over 1 million Sony moved on a monthly basis. Despite some big hits and lots of console first ideas (broadband only internet play, digital game sales) it was simply too hard to compete with Sony and too much money was being lost on each console sold so , after just 3 years of availability work began on the successor - the only goal ? to make a console that beats the PS3 to the market place and is also powerful enough to render games at 720p resolution. So , in this specific case, 2004 became the last real year that any new (exclusive) content released on the original xbox to make way for the coming of the xbox 360 in 2005. For those keeping track , that meant the xbox was available for just 4 years before getting replaced. As we all know , it mostly worked in MS favor , their user based quadrupled from the xbox to the xbox 360 but forcing that much hardware into that box caused many issues with heat dispersal that lead to the red ring of death fiasco. But, these days the nearly 90 million systems sold are a testament to the power of moving on quickly to attempt to make something better.

Current Situation
Which brings us to the current situation with the xbox one. Here we have a piece of hardware that wasn't designed by the same miracle workers the original console had. Instead of a clear vision during it's conception , we had a cloudy mess - the media department that had sent 3 Zunes to die and a few microsoft branded phones and tablets to also die was now left to come up with a new xbox. One that focused on being the only thing anyone would want in their living room - it could stream all the video services , plug into your cable box so you could watch tv with an xbox overlay , let you listen to music and watch videos through the former zune marketplace , play bluray movies. Yeah this thing was poised to be quite the media hub , hell there were even plans to make a bunch of exclusive tv shows. Problem was they did all of this and then also shoehorned in the successor to the Kinect sensor. "people will want to watch tv and change the channel with their voice , people will want to leave the xbox one on all the time so it can just detect them and turn itself on so they can watch TV". In all this hodgepodge mess of ideas they kind of quietly also tossed in "oh ... and I guess it'll play games.... but we want each game disc to just be a one time use software key to convince people to just buy digitally and to save a few bucks we're going to really cheap out on the hardware that makes games look better". Basically what the media department built was meant to be a super fancy tv streaming box and somewhere along that time they decided to throw in some gaming hardware too. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this thing started out as a media device that could also play xbox 360 games. So fast forward a bit - 500$ vs 400$ xb1 VS ps4, more money for crappier looking games vs less money for better looking games on hardware built to do nothing but play them. The end result of all of this now ? there are over 30 million PS4 owners worldwide vs less than 15 million xbox one owners worldwide , the bulk of which can be found in north america. A sales situation that's not all that different from the original xbox. Not to mention that the console itself is once again a fairly large box with too many parts and a complicated , expensive to build CPU. Unlike the original xbox, it isn't even faster than the competition.

The point I'm getting at
Whether anyone admits it or not , we are now officially starting year 3 of the xbox one vs ps4 console battle. Most of the games MS has announced or even shared a peak at are going to be out by the end of 2016 - Fable Legends, Quantum Break, Gears of War 4 , Scalebound , Sea of Thieves. With some guesswork and assumptions we can expect Forza Horizon 3 as well. Looking farther ahead we have the Crackdown remake , Halo Wars 2 , Halo 6 and ... uh. Well that's what I'm getting at really. There's nothing stopping MS from just starting over again. Stretch out the big releases they have in the works on XB1 to last until the end of 2017 and bump a big release like Halo 6 to the next console. Bring out the 4th generation xbox console in 2018 with Halo 6 as a launch title. Make a console that specializes in games first and foremost, try and win back the audience they ignored in 2013. If things get really bad , they could even kill the XB1 next year, make Gears of war 4 the last big release and save Rares new game along with a couple other titles for a 2017 launch. Make this new device capable of playing xbox 360 titles from day 1 and allow it to run the top 10 best selling xbox one games via Backward compatibility (as well as all first party games).

Obviously I feel that this is more likely than not , if MS intends to continue in the console space they need a new box again and my best guess as to when Sony will have a PS5 ready is 2019 , the PS4 is selling so well that there's no reason to replace it sooner. MS only chance to win back a userbase is to come out at least a year before that in 2018. 2017 is also possible but will lead to some burnt bridges , the sega saturn to dreamcast effect. It will also mean a much weaker box compared to the PS5 but , for at least a couple years it will give them the most powerful console available. They could tout themselves "first 4k capable videogame machine" even. Either way, I think the writing is already on the wall for the xbox one. It's got 1 good year of software left followed by a couple years of whatever is almost done before we see a new system on the shelf.

What are GAFS thoughts ?



I don't think publishers and developers would be ready to move on that quickly. They will want to reap the financial rewards of a large install base first.

Consumers also wouldn't wish to make a new invest so quickly.

Therefore MS would be foolish to move on so quickly.
2017, yes.

2018, no. I expect it then to get it out before PS5 which is probably 2019.

I don't think publishers and developers would be ready to move on that quickly.

I don't think we see a huge jump next gen in terms of what the games will do. I think cross-gen will be a big deal for a long while.


2017/18 seems way too early but I don't doubt MS pulls a 360 and tries to get out in front of Sony again. Also I think their next console will be something different than what we're used to. I can see them doing a console that is basically just a streamlined version of Windows with set hardware that allows them to launch games on W10/Xbox 4 seamlessly.
The Xbone isn't nearly unnecessarily enough to merit an entirely new version. It's doing perfectly fine, just losing out to Ps4 is all.


Wouldn't mind a redesign though, still can't get the fat VCR look out of my head, easily my least favourite console design this gen. Not that the Ps4 or Wii U designs are blowing minds.


In that case, developers would need information on the hardware already, and there would be plenty of rumors. That has not happened.
i'm pretty skeptical of another dedicated hardware console from microsoft, as I think they (microsoft, a software and service company; who would've thought?!) will just further transition into the pc landscape and rely on things like havok and other middleware services and minecraft, of course

i mean with the inevitable contraction of the console market among longer developmental cycles and bigger budgets for software, their pie as a traditional console owner is getting slimmer like everyone else, while they pursue other nontraditional services and complimentary transactions for bigger budgeted games (req packs), it makes sense to further tap into a market already primed for it
2017 is too soon, but you can bet your ass Microsoft wants this gen finished with as soon as possible. We've all seen how much a company's fortunes can change in the console market when switching over to a new generation, and the Xbox brand has no chance of coming out on top over the PS4 now, so they'll be jonesing to get a headstart on Sony next time around.


I wouldn't be surprised given how the Xbone has fared competitively this gen. I think this gen has taught them a lot so I'm interested in what they'll do next.


Depends on the sales, as you say.

Microsoft had the right vision from the outset. There were three problems with how they brought it to life, however.

i) it was far too early
ii) it was half-baked
iii) they pitched it terribly

I can't forsee a situation in the future where we're not enjoying AAA games on a converged and integrated platform. Microsoft has taken something of a step back from this.

Many sources will tell you that the original Xbox project was essentially a "trojan horse" to dominate the living room; not just in gaming but in general media consumption.

The next Xbox will be something of a course-correction, getting core gamers back on side with an über-powerful architecture and a more focused plan of action for its implementation. After that, I see the Xbox brand expanding once again with a broader platform—although hopefully, that time, in a way that doesn't chastise their customers.

I think 2018 would be about right, all things equal. If sales pick up, you can push it back a year. If they don't, vice versa. But either way, you can be sure it's in development right now.
Last Gen everyone was okay with drawing things out. By all accounts the 360 was a huge success for Microsoft. Sony was in no position to relaunch in the first half of the generation, and they turned the PS3 around in the second half of it's life cycle. Nintendo was riding high. When it was all said and done it benefited everyone to wait out the generation.

Now? MS and Nintendo probably want a do over. We know the NX is coming out in a year or two. It's going to be a shorter generation for everyone.


Without working on their biggest weakness which is ROTW it wont matter. I'm starting to think that if the launch fiasco of the X1 didn't happen they'd be at best another 5 million units up from where they are now. The bulk of those units coming from UK/US.

The problem is from Sonys' own numbers those two territories are still only a small part of the total. Microsoft needs to gain ground in Europe especially, releasing a more powerful box isn't the solution.


The Xbox One is selling fantastically, just not as fantastically as the PS4. It'd be nothing short of idiotic to cut its lifespan short unless sales started to drop off.

At the moment however, yes it would be surprising because Microsoft aren't completely stupid.


Well, Nintendo run from the definition of "next gen". Why can't Microsoft?

Anyway, both have problems with third party support, if they can fix this, game on.

Still, hope Microsoft at least wait till 2018.


Well, Nintendo run from the definition of "next gen". Why can't Microsoft?

Anyway, both have problems with third party support, if they can fix this, game on.

Still, hope Microsoft at least wait till 2018.

Does that line not answer its own question?


Neo Member
No. Developers won't support three "current gen" consoles easily. They're already stretched for resources.

A move in 2017 would heavily alienate Xbox fans and is unlikely to produce anything new worth the upgrade.
Well, Nintendo run from the definition of "next gen". Why can't Microsoft?

Anyway, both have problems with third party support, if they can fix this, game on.

Still, hope Microsoft at least wait till 2018.

Xbox has problems with 3rd party support?


2018 at the absolute earliest, but I'm still expecting 2019/2020 to be when we start to see the next version of PS and XB.


Getting a new console out significantly before the PS5 would be ill advised. No point releasing early as you end up in the same situation they are currently in as far as price-performance.
If MS is wise they will release around the same time as PS5 and significantly outspend that machine.


There's nothing stopping MS from just starting over again. Stretch out the big releases they have in the works on XB1 to last until the end of 2017 and bump a big release like Halo 6 to the next console.

That's my prediction. Microsoft to strike early by cutting short the lifespan of Xbox One and launching a new system (similar to how they handled the original Xbox). Sony will have zero intention of following them, choosing instead to extend the lifespan of PS4.


Nope, not a chance anything drops before 2019.
This was the ten year thing if you remember.

Only thing I could see is that when they launch they will have bc from the get go with XBO.


I don't think hardware prices have decreased enough to the point that a "generational leap" of hardware over the xbone would not come at a price that is affordable to the average console buyer. MS would also have to eat a lot of R&D money for a new box, and even though the yearly/semi-yearly update model works for phones and tablets, it would probably garner ill will from the gaming world, and would probably not make developers very happy either.

Xbox has problems with 3rd party support?

They seem to, with Japanese publishers and indies.
Nah but I can see them getting out their new console before Sony's. They're probably already working hard on their next console. It makes me curious what a Phil Spencer/Satya Nadella Xbox will look like.

I'm thinking 2018 tbh. I really don't want this generation to be long because this generation has for the most part been average at best.
There's so much conjecture and assumptions here about MS abandoning support for Xbox that basically amounts to confirmation bias. There is simply no way a hardware and services focused MS will leave an ecosystem that is evolving into another personal computer system in the living room. Xbox will become more like a pc in features/content, but for them to leave their walled garden support system is contrary to all the billions currently being spent on the program, and the fact that it's MS most popular/successful consumer device.

With the next gen, what they have to do is smack gamers in the face with value. They will understand that and make XBOX as simple to develop for and as powerful as they can. It will include backwards compatibility from the outset, and cloud games and services will be powering it from the beginning. Surface pro also lost them billions in the beginning, they stuck through with it and have made it as compelling and powerful as they can with each new generation. I expect them to fully understand they have to lose money on hardware in the beginning, and that they have to chase price point based sales, so a $400 start is the only way to go. I do not expect them to go for a two tiered hardware strategy like an Xbox 2/ 2.5 situation. This generation had taught them that making gaming as impressive and simplistic as possible is the way forward.

Word of mouth amongst gamers and early adoption are everything, so they will make the package compelling from the beginning. I would expect them to launch with at least a few exclusive long running gaming licenses.

One thing this generation does prove is that the living room personal computing system is still a relevant thing in the age of mobile computing. That's a very good thing. MS will likely wage a very big battle for those 30 million+ that have already purchased the competitor.


That's my prediction. Microsoft to strike early by cutting short the lifespan of Xbox One and launching a new system (similar to how they handled the original Xbox). Sony will have zero intention of following them, choosing instead to extend the lifespan of PS4.

No way would Sony allow MS a massive head start again.


That's my prediction. Microsoft to strike early by cutting short the lifespan of Xbox One and launching a new system (similar to how they handled the original Xbox). Sony will have zero intention of following them, choosing instead to extend the lifespan of PS4.
That strategy only really worked for the 360 because Sony botched the PS3 launch so much.


That strategy only really worked for the 360 because Sony botched the PS3 launch so much.

Partially. But having an established install base by the time your competitors console launches goes a long way towards striking 2nd and 3rd party deals.
Getting a new console out significantly before the PS5 would be ill advised. No point releasing early as you end up in the same situation they are currently in as far as price-performance.
If MS is wise they will release around the same time as PS5 and significantly outspend that machine.
Highly doubt there will be that much of change in tech in a year between the next Xbox and the PS5 if the Xbox launches a year early. By that time the PS5 specs would already be about finalized.
I forgot to say that it's silly to think that MS biggest gaming properties will become more of a relaxed commodity and become fully available for pc. I expect them to continue to support pc in the way that they have started to do, but it's still in the trial stages. If they wanted to go all in, porting halo 5 and forza 6 would have been an effort equivalent to snapping their fingers, and they aloud have chased that higher profit model already. They are clearly invested in protecting the image of the Xbox ecosystem. EVERYTHING points to that.

Also, it seems to me that late 2018 is the perfect timing. Both Sony and ms want mileage out of these platforms, especially for the sake of developers.
I think Mindshare wise and market share it has to come out a year before the PS5 does, As what helped the 360 was having a head start.

I am more than happy with my PS4 and will be for quite a few years, But i switched from being Xbox the 11 years before that so the next console for MS has to be a gaming machine first and media centre second, Surely they have learned from a couple of years ago.

I can see them going all out with the cloud and digital stuff tho.
I don't think hardware prices have decreased enough to the point that a "generational leap" of hardware over the xbone would not come at a price that is affordable to the average console buyer. MS would also have to eat a lot of R&D money for a new box, and even though the yearly/semi-yearly update model works for phones and tablets, it would probably garner ill will from the gaming world, and would probably not make developers very happy either.

They seem to, with Japanese publishers and indies.

Still a far cry from Wii U's third party issues. Grouping the two is a little dramatic imo.

My opinion on the topic: It will be 2018 at the earliest purely from a tech development standpoint. There will be some major advances in the next years that should be featured in a new console.


I think it depends on how well NX does, Nintendo at least to me feels like the first company outta the 3 that's going to push the "reset" button. So if they do well i think MS will feel more comfortable releasing a new Xbox. The only thing about Xbox is that after the HORRIBLE horrible reveal they have almost used half of their own "reset" button already trying to pump life into a platform that the masses don't automatically gravitate toward anymore.
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