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WV Mayor, local official under fire after racist social media post about Mrs Obama

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Not at all, he went to both of those states and put the hard work in and he went there after being elected.

My bad, it wasn't WV. But I swear I remembered something about KY. I found this:

During the general election, Obama opted not to campaign in Kentucky and preferred to spend his time and money and other resources in battleground states such as North Carolina and Indiana. Opinion polling in Kentucky showed McCain leading the state safely over Obama
I mean...c'mon...



Stuff like this continues to blow my mind. I've lived in a 90+% white area for my entire life and literally never heard someone say something this vile and incomprehensible.


The irony cannot be lost.

I'm aware, although I didn't know that was a picture of said mayor. She's racist and deserves whatever shade comes her way, but insulting a woman because of how she looks also feeds into misogyny.

Eh, whatever. Fuck this woman and all of her friends.
Real interesting way of vocalizing economic anxiety…

Don't call then racist though, because that's just need and going too far and you only push these people towards Trump. In fact Michelle should fly out there and sit down and educate these people, get to know them and understand why they said that poor in taste joke! Everyone is demonizing these two women and that's not fair! Besides Trump is president-elect now; so instead of being divisive we need to unify and show respect to him and his supporters. <insert videogame/movie/book quote about being the better person>
Oh but we should work with these people to bridge gaps. They just need some understanding. /s

The rhetoric on both sides is so toxic :( We, especially minorities, should cancel all our plans and spend an indeterminate amount of time stifling our emotions to calmly convince her frustrated working class behind that calling a black woman an ape is wrong
The rhetoric on both sides is so toxic :( We, especially minorities, should cancel all our plans and spend an indeterminate amount of time stifling our emotions to calmly convince her frustrated working class behind that calling a black woman an ape is wrong

At the magical gathering table. Where we can discuss about race and other topics.


...but insulting a woman because of how she looks also feeds into misogyny.

Nah. That's like saying this asshole insulting the first lady can be excused because she's just a victim of the patriarchal system.

It's simple pot and kettle; and it's okay to point it out
Real interesting way of vocalizing economic anxiety…

Don't call then racist though, because that's just need and going too far and you only push these people towards Trump. In fact Michelle should fly out there and sit down and educate these people, get to know them and understand why they said that poor in taste joke! Everyone is demonizing these two women and that's not fair! Besides Trump is president-elect now; so instead of being divisive we need to unify and show respect to him and his supporters. <insert videogame/movie/book quote about being the better person>
You forgot to conjure MLK.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Stuff like this continues to blow my mind. I've lived in a 90+% white area for my entire life and literally never heard someone say something this vile and incomprehensible.

In America? Never? I personally find that hard to believe, but that's only due to my own experience...
"It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I'm tired of seeing a Ape in heels."


As if, you racist fuckboi.
Even after she's gone, Michelle Obama will still be one of the best First Ladies to grace the Whitehouse.

Plus Michelle has more of a personality and style than Trump's trophy wife.

I doubt she'll even give half the effort Michelle Obama put into this country and its problems.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Yea I'm starting to be convinced Trump won because ppl didnt think Obama was gonna be elected for a 2nd term. And still pissed about him winning period the first time.

Trump appealed to these types of ppl BIG TIME.

The slurs against the Obamas have been going on loong before the election.

I have seen ppl make fun of Presidents intelligence but nothing as disrespectful as this.

We are still so divided as a nation its not even funny.


Not anything surprising or new. Conservatives have been comparing her to an ape, saying she had masculine arms, and calling her "Moochelle" for the last 8 years.
I've never actually heard anything bad about Melania. True, she plagiarized a speech and inflated her resume, but I'm not aware of any evil rumors about her.

I just do not believe that if certain facts about Melania were instead true of Michelle (nude photos, artsy lesbian cuddling, claimed a false degree and accomplishments, third wife, etc.) that conservatives would be shrugging it off or labeling it "classy and dignified."

TIME - West Virginia Official Placed on Leave After Calling Michelle Obama an &#8216;Ape in Heels&#8217;

A West Virginia official who called First Lady Michelle Obama an &#8220;ape in heels&#8221; has been placed on leave after the racist remark prompted intense backlash and calls for her termination.

Pamela Ramsey Taylor, the director of Clay County Development Corp., came under fire after she wrote in a since-deleted Facebook post: &#8220;It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House. I&#8217;m tired of seeing a (sic) Ape in heels,&#8221; according to the Associated Press.

Clay Mayor Beverly Whaling chimed in, writing in a comment: &#8220;Just made my day Pam.&#8221;

Both landed in hot water for the comments, which came after Republican Donald Trump was elected president. More than 103,000 people have signed an online petition calling for both Taylor and Whaling to be fired. The petition says the post was &#8220;hateful&#8221; and &#8220;racially motivated.&#8221; &#8220;Every grant and piece of paper Mrs. Taylor and Ms. Whaling have to fill out and sign promises equal opportunities and a racism free workplace,&#8221; it reads.

Taylor, who runs a nonprofit that provides services to elderly and low-income residents in the county, told WCHS-TV on Monday night that she was put on leave. She apologized on Facebook but subsequently deleted her page, the station reports.

Whaling apologized for her role in the firestorm and said in a statement to WCHS that she was not racist. &#8220;I would like to apologize for any unintentional harm caused by my comment,&#8221; Whaling said. &#8220;My comment was not intended to be racist at all. I was referring to my day being made for the change in the White House! I am truly sorry for any hard feeling this may have caused! Those who know me, know that I am not in any way racist! Again, I would like to apologize for this getting out of hand!&#8221;
Paid leave, no doubt.

lmao @ the bolded tho.


Are Melania's nude photoshoots gonna be okay with all conservative family folks too? Fucking racists shits.

They don't care. The fact that Trump got a higher % of white evangelical voters than any other republican sums it up. These people are simply evil, racist hypocrites.

(Oh, and they have 'economic anxiety as well).


How did West Virginia turn from union state in the Civil War to what it is now?

WV used to be a pretty dependable blue state up until 2000. I think what you're seeing in PA, Michigan and Wisconsin now is what happened to WV a decade and half ago. Basically, blue collar workers who feel neglected by the Democratic Party. The reason WV turned red faster is because it doesn't have any highly populated urban areas to balance it all out.

The imaginary Obama war on coal has exasperated all of this too.


Unconfirmed Member
One of the most depressing things I've realised over the past couple of years is that there are still a lot of people out there who think like this. Closet racists who are now crawling out of the woodwork, feeling emboldened by Trump's victory and, before that, by clever snakes like that Farage fucker who have managed to present this kind of mindset in an almost approachable manner.

In my naivety I believed that in western society we were getting past this shit, but we're not and it's fucking depressing.
WV used to be a pretty dependable blue state up until 2000. I think what you're seeing in PA, Michigan and Wisconsin now is what happened to WV a decade and half ago. Basically, blue collar workers who feel neglected by the Democratic Party. The reason WV turned red faster is because it doesn't have any highly populated urban areas to balance it all out.

The imaginary Obama war on coal has exasperated all of this too.

And the Unions died/were killed.


how you going to call a black women a fucking ape and then say it wasn't intended to be racist? the fucking nerve of people like this.


I'm sure Michelle is just laughing this off. She ain't gonna take shit from such an ignorant and deplorable human being.
“My comment was not intended to be racist at all. I was referring to my day being made for the change in the White House!

i wish there was a way for scientists to crack open a brain and actually watch the thought processes of these people and how they come to the conclusions and justifications that they do
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