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Xbox 360 launch lineup?


Looking forward to hockey and football. Love sports games, so I won't be disappointed. With 15 sports titles in launch window, you would think they would get 1 baseball title. hopefully before xmas.


Zeo said:
Man, you guys sure let the hype get to you.


(list here)

Except you barely know about them. :\ PDZ? How is that a must buy yet? We know little to nothing about it.

MANY of them, including the one you posted, are sequels to critically acclaimed games.

Take a look at my list:
# Amped 3 (2K Games) MAYBE
# Call of Duty 2 (Activision) FO SHO!
# Condemned (Sega) MAYBE
# Dead Or Alive 4 (Tecmo) DEPENDS ON GAMEPLAY
# Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter FO SHO!
# Madden NFL 06 (EA) RENT
# NBA 2K6 (2K Games) RENT
# NHL 2K6 (2K Games) FO SHO!
# Perfect Dark LE (Microsoft) FO SHO!
# Project Gotham Racing 3 (Microsoft) FO SHO!
# Ridge Racer 6 (Namco) FO SHO!
# Saints Row (THQ) RENT
# Top Spin 2 (2K Games) RENT

The only new games there are Condemned and Saints Row, both of which I plan to rent as I have no idea whether or not they'll be good. I plan to rent the rest to see if they are worth it during a time of financial duress. Top Spin was an incredible game. Same with Amped, and I'd probably buy them during early 2006.
Tedesco! said:
You know, it won't even matter if the XBOX 360 is over-priced. I just won't buy them.

Neither would I except my parents are heavy Best Buy users who let me use their Reward Zone coupons. I just got $15 in them recently. With these, I can get these games for at or under $50.

I will not get a $60 game. I would probably just wait for a retailer to have a discount for them at $50 or less.


trmas said:
I hope PD0 doesn't make launch, because it looks like ass currently. If Ridge Racer made launch that would be interesting, considering we haven't seen ANYTHING for the game but some beautiful car renders on a black background.

I do wonder how much of RR we saw before PSP's launch. I wasn't following it's launch closely, so I have no idea.

Plus, historically, RR has always appeared during console launches. PSX, PS2, PSP...if it's announced for launch, it usually makes it.

But as you said, there hasn't been much media...no screens and such.
Zeo said:
Man, you guys sure let the hype get to you.


(list here)

Except you barely know about them. :\ PDZ? How is that a must buy yet? We know little to nothing about it.

You act like this is different from any pre-order thread. :lol


Norse said:
# Call of Duty 2 (Activision) R
# Dead Or Alive 4 (Tecmo) R
# Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda) $
# Final Fantasy XI (Microsoft) $
# Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (Ubisoft) $
# Perfect Dark LE (Microsoft) $
# Project Gotham Racing 3 (Microsoft) $
# Ridge Racer 6 (Namco) R

Ouch... :(

$ = Buy
R = Rent/Buy Later


Clothed, sober, cooperative
PG2G said:
Hehe, is a $10 price increase that big of a deal? That's like... one day of lunch.

OW! Slippery slope. But you're right. Another poster wisely noted that in real terms, games and consoles have actually come down in price when cost of living and inflation are taken into account. The jump from cart to DVD afforded us this dubious luxury.
Zeo said:
You act like that makes it any less dumb. :lol :lol

Not "dumb" at all. Its called being enthusiastic about your hobby. Sorry if we're not all fucking downers like you, Zeo.

Oh I forgot to add some :lolz :lolz

You of all people have no biz calling something "dumb"


works for Gamestop (lol)
Zeo said:
Man, you guys sure let the hype get to you.


(list here)

Except you barely know about them. :\ PDZ? How is that a must buy yet? We know little to nothing about it.

or maybe people are fans of Perfect Dark and expect a great game?

why should people preorder a X360? we don't know what 3rd generation titles are releasing for the X360. plus it's more expensive and early models may break down easily!


Ah, Wario64 putting words in my mouth again. That's new.

And to the very slow couple of people, it has nothing to do with actually being hyped for something, but saying I'M DEFINITELY BUYING PERFECT DARK ZERO (for example), when there's little to no reasoning behind already knowing you'll buy it, is very dumb to me. There's little reason to EXPECT a great game based on what we've seen so far.

Nothing wrong with being hyped, but you shouldn't give into the hype.


I need at least three games that I MUST have for a system to be out before I buy it. I waited until summer after launch on the XBox, but there's more than three on the likely launch lineup alone. Craziness!

Perfect Dark 0
Project Gotham 3
Quake IV

Damn. Downpayment on house....X360 launch....hmmm.....gotta go break some news to my wife....


Zeo said:
Ah, Wario64 putting words in my mouth again. That's new.

And to the very slow couple of people, it has nothing to do with actually being hyped for something, but saying I'M DEFINITELY BUYING PERFECT DARK ZERO (for example), when there's little to no reasoning behind already knowing you'll buy it, is very dumb to me. There's little reason to EXPECT a great game based on what we've seen so far.

Nothing wrong with being hyped, but you shouldn't give into the hype.

Perfect Dark fans are already sold on it. Others, such as myself, are sold on the wildly ambitious online play plans (64 players, scalable environments, etc.).
Zeo said:
Ah, Wario64 putting words in my mouth again. That's new.

And to the very slow couple of people, it has nothing to do with actually being hyped for something, but saying I'M DEFINITELY BUYING PERFECT DARK ZERO (for example), when there's little to no reasoning behind already knowing you'll buy it, is very dumb to me. There's little reason to EXPECT a great game based on what we've seen so far.

Nothing wrong with being hyped, but you shouldn't give into the hype.

So we're "slow" because we don't get your incredibly intelligent point? Fuck you, chum.


Rage Bait Youtuber
Zeo said:
Man, you guys sure let the hype get to you.


(list here)

Except you barely know about them. :\ PDZ? How is that a must buy yet? We know little to nothing about it.

Not true. I just want Madden, PGR3, and DOA4.

DOA4 we know is a fighting game, and the fourth in the Dead or Alive series.

PGR3 is the sequel to PGR2, a great racing game, and looks great.

Madden is...well it's fucking Madden with next gen graphics.

It's no worse than the people who go into EB and Gamestop begging to pre-order a RevOlution, when no one has seen ANY games for it or have a decent idea when it's being released.


Zeo said:
Ah, Wario64 putting words in my mouth again. That's new.

And to the very slow couple of people, it has nothing to do with actually being hyped for something, but saying I'M DEFINITELY BUYING PERFECT DARK ZERO (for example), when there's little to no reasoning behind already knowing you'll buy it, is very dumb to me. There's little reason to EXPECT a great game based on what we've seen so far.

Nothing wrong with being hyped, but you shouldn't give into the hype.
It's not very dumb at all. You see, Rare fans will buy it because it's a Rare game. PD fans will buy it because it's a PD game. Anybody who doesn't fall into these categories can then look at the other factors and get hyped for it thus saying that they are going to buy it. It's hype, that's all. Just because you're not hyped for a game doesn't mean nobody else is and saying that they're dumb because they're expressing this hype by saying that they're going to buy it is what is really dumb.


Didn't Microsoft recently say they would have three self-published games for the launch? If not Perfect Dark, Kameo and PGR3, what would those three games be?


I'm most definately picking up at lauch

# Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda)
# Project Gotham Racing 3 (Microsoft)

and probably

# Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
# Ridge Racer 6 (Namco)

Interested in

# Call of Duty 2 (Activision)
# Condemned (Sega)
# Kameo: Elements of Power (Microsoft)
# Perfect Dark LE (Microsoft)

Sounds like a very good line up actually

Kon Tiki

# NHL 2K6 (2K Games)
# Perfect Dark LE (Microsoft)
# Ridge Racer 6 (Namco)

Slim launch for me. I always make the mistake of buying overhyped garbage at launches, so I will stay will known (enjoyable) games this time.


suaveric said:
Didn't Microsoft recently say they would have three self-published games for the launch? If not Perfect Dark, Kameo and PGR3, what would those three games be?

Peter Moore: Both Perfect Dark and Kameo are games that we held back for Xbox 360...when you see them in 720p, when you hear the surround sound - I saw the latest builds and they are just gorgeous.

SP0 nG: They are both on track for launch?

Peter Moore: Yes. The launch window

*****: Which is what, exactly?

Peter Moore: Holiday. Christmas.

*****: So what is this launch window? Any dates or specifics?

Peter Moore: Well, we haven't announced any dates, but clearly as we get closer we'll be doing that. But if we take the holiday period in the US, anything from Thanksgiving to New Year's, that's when people are in the shops and that's when we'll be there. What we have said is that Europe, North America and Japan, and that's no mean undertaking, will all launch this holiday. That is a logistical Behemoth of a task, bringing not only the hardware around the world, which is localised, but also the software enough to have a compelling line-up of games all around the world and getting the marketing all done and localised and getting ready to really blow this thing out.

*****: How many games do you expect for launch?

Peter Moore: Well you know, it's really tough to say. But my experience tells me that it will be somewhere between...well, as little as 10 and many as 15 or 16 seems to be where it's at.


She specified, and emphasized, launch window. Not launch day. I suspect if one of them gets pushed back, it's Kameo. PD0 has the launch hype behind it.


not that many from launch day I'm interested in

Ghost Recon
Perfect Dark
Ridge Racer

So 2 and a half FPSes, and two racing games.

playing the cynical game, I'd probably pick up Perfect Dark, PGR and Ghost recon. I figure that Ridge Racer is the one most likely to hit a good used price quickly (much as I love it), and I can't concentrate on two racers at the same time. Same with FPSes, and I'm more curious about Perfect Dark


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
How accurate do you think this is? That list is great, but I'm worried about certain titles. For example, Oblivion is a BethSoft title. What are the odds of actually seeing that at launch? I mean, really...

If this list is true, I'll go for...

# Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda)
# Perfect Dark LE (Microsoft) -maybe-
# Project Gotham Racing 3 (Microsoft)
# Quake 4 (Activision)
# Ridge Racer 6 (Namco)


I'll buy at least 2 (looking more like 5) games the day of maybe another a couple days later. Right now i'll go for.

Saints Row

Still other games i'm gonna definitely gonna check out to. Brokeness is coming :(
God damnit. I orginally just wanted to get Oblivion and Madden but I'm slowly thinking about getting other games too like Perfect Dark, PGR3, Kameo, Call of Duty 2, Ghost Recon, and Ridge Racer. That's just too much money to be spending on games.

After all the bitching, I guess the 360 launch lineup does look pretty damn solid.
Activision & EA games are pretty much guaranteed, along with 2-3 Microsoft titles. I think we'll see Microsoft work with publishers to spread these out over the first 3-4 months.

In the 90%+ of making it for this year:
Activision: GUN, Quake 4, COD 2, & TH: UW
EA: Madden 2006, NFSU 2, Tiger Woods
Microsoft: PGR 3, Kameo
Ubisoft: Ghost Recon
Bethesda: Oblivion
Tecmo: DOA 4
Take 2: NHL 2k6, NBA 2k6
Sega: Full Auto

Don't know about their status:
Microsoft: PDZ
SquareEnix: FFXI
Namco: Ridge Racer 6 (I know they've said launch, but we haven't seen it), Frame City Killers
Sega: Condemned,
THQ: Saints Row
Take 2: Amped, Top Spin 2k6

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Norse said:

If this list turns out to be true, I will be one broke gamer come november.

# Amped 3 (2K Games)
# Call of Duty 2 (Activision)
# Dead Or Alive 4 (Tecmo)
# Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Bethesda)
# Full Auto (Sega)
# Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter
# Gun (Activision)
# Kameo: Elements of Power (Microsoft)
# Madden NFL 06 (EA)
# NBA 2K6 (2K Games)
# The Outfit (THQ)
# Perfect Dark LE (Microsoft)
# Project Gotham Racing 3 (Microsoft)
# Quake 4 (Activision)
# Saints Row (THQ)
# Tony Hawk's American Wasteland (Activision)
# Top Spin 2 (2K Games)

Xbox 360 second wave launch titles, which EB has scheduled for November 16, include the majority of Electronic Arts' games:

* FIFA Soccer 06
* Peter Jackson's King Kong
* Need For Speed Most Wanted
* Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06

Namco's Frame City Killer is listed as releasing November 19, 2005

Every game listed is paid for, provided they are 49.99. That is looking very unlikely now. I can come with 10 bucks more a game. I wonder how much controllers will cost. My plan is to get 3 more wireless controllers.

Like someone mentioned, most of these games are sequels to acclaimed games. We mostly know what we are getting.


Not too crazy about any of the launch games.
Guess I won't buy 360 till mid-2006, hopefully Blue Dragon, eM, NNN, Chrome Hounds and some other japanese games will be released in the west by then.


So i'm guessing the 360 doesn't have a launch date other than Nov. I'm looking at getting Project Gotham Racing 3 and Kameo as my choices for launch. Launch window titles ( basically Christmas ) are going to be Ghost Recon and Madden NFL 2006. Saint's Row is interesting, i was hoping maybe we could have a platformer at launch, but Kameo is the closest thing. Broke...is me come Holiday 05.



The Inside Track
AniHawk said:
Has there been any update on Perfect Dark Zero? I haven't heard much since the MTV thing.
Not a word during the Game Convention. The final launch lineup will be announced at X05.


this list needs more racing games. seriously.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I saw a snippet on B3d that seems to support that Quake 4 will make launch.

Here's hoping so. I think the online play element will make it the killer launch title.


3 months from launch and still no official screens from Madden is fuckin with my brain...

I'd probably pick it up for Kameo alone at this point as the game looks fun to me.


sp0rsk said:
Totally serious.
Even if both are 60fps you are still only half serious? I mean come on, the new age if gaming is upon us and you are kinda acting like it's just another day :)

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