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Xbox boss Phil Spencer asks fans not to "weaponise" games for "battles between platforms"

Mr Moose

So he's not actively apologizing to the competition for having an exclusive game, and that's what is going too far? This is parody at this point!
When asked if he had a message for fans, Spencer was keen to voice his wish players respected creators, rather than use games as ammunition in a console war. "I think it's very often that creations can be kind of weaponised and used in battles between platforms and other things," Spencer said.
I must've misunderstood the point of this thread.

I don't care about Starfield.
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this 1000% he is kick ass at pr.
Yes, he's really awesome a PR. Everybody buys any bullshit he want to say and knows how make something bad or random to sound good, how to make stuff sound better than it really is, and to make sure people doesn't take attention into their weak points. And selling himself as the good guy.

To make some devs or IPs exclusive would weaponize games because of his decisions, but at least he does it acting as a gentleman, unlike Greenberg.
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I will use your infinite lies as toilet paper Phil-is-not-your-buddy. Thanks.
Toilet Paper GIF
Toilet Paper Cat GIF by Libby VanderPloeg

toilet paper hulk GIF
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It breaks my heart to disagree with you Mr. Moose, but even friends bicker sometimes lol.

I just think it's not weaponizing something to not actively grovel to your competition because you have a highly anticipated exclusive game.
#1 - 100% agreement with the bolded.

# 2 - I don't think anyone is really disagreeing with that.

# 3 - There's a big difference between buying an anticipated 3rd party game, making it exclusive, and making sure everyone knows it is exclusive and they are not sorry for it (on the first hand), and simply not apologizing for having an exclusive game (on the second hand). The first hand scenario is weaponizing content to drive sales of consoles. It is a viable strategy, but it still is what it is.


But does he? I don't think he does. Also, at this point, the Activision acquisition proves he doesn't mind making games for Playstation either.

We’ll see. I feel like the Activision plans/comments are to facilitate FTC approval.

What’s more telling is that Mr. “Phil”anthropy projects himself to be the champion of the gamer but the majority of first party games he is currently owner of continue to be Xbox exclusive. Until this changes, Phil’s words are empty.
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We’ll see. I feel like the Activision plans/comments are to facilitate FTC approval.

What’s more telling is that Mr. “Phil”anthropy projects himself to be the champion of the gamer but the majority of first party games he is currently owner of continue to be Xbox exclusive. Until this changes, Phil’s words are empty.
While true, the Activision thing is a different acquisition. Chances are, they were going to go belly up without help, but forcing their games to be exclusive doesn't effectively help the industry as a whole. Not to mention, it's a huge takeover and I'm sure they want it to be a lucrative investment. Going exclusive doesn't rake the cash in. Keeping Sony and their 100m+ consoles does.
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While true, the Activision thing is a different acquisition. Chances are, they were going to go belly up without help, but forcing their games to be exclusive doesn't effectively help the industry as a whole. Not to mention, it's a huge takeover and I'm sure they want it to be a lucrative investment. Going exclusive doesn't rake the cash in. Keeping Sony and their 100m+ consoles does.

Activision were not going to go belly up lmao


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
We’ll see. I feel like the Activision plans/comments are to facilitate FTC approval.

What’s more telling is that Mr. “Phil”anthropy projects himself to be the champion of the gamer but the majority of first party games he is currently owner of continue to be Xbox exclusive. Until this changes, Phil’s words are empty.

Ah, so Phil should make every game multiplat and Aaron should be apologizing for keeping Starfield exclusive.

Ah, so Phil should make every game multiplat and Aaron should be apologizing for keeping Starfield exclusive.


Well he's right

Phil loves to tout that gaming is for everyone and that you should be able to play what you want on whatever device you choose. Which is fine. I'm still pro-exclusives. But his words are just that, words. He's not practicing what he preaches

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Well he's right

Phil loves to tout that gaming is for everyone and that you should be able to play what you want on whatever device you choose. Which is fine. I'm still pro-exclusives. But his words are just that, words. He's not practicing what he preaches
The CEO of MS studios prioritizing MS systems. What a deceiver.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Well he's right

Phil loves to tout that gaming is for everyone and that you should be able to play what you want on whatever device you choose. Which is fine. I'm still pro-exclusives. But his words are just that, words. He's not practicing what he preaches

Sure, you'll be able to play Phil's exclusives on any device that has game pass, or hell he'll also let other consoles play Call of Duty even without it.

He's definitely doing a lot more on that front than either Sony or Nintendo are at the moment.

The CEO of MS studios prioritizing MS systems. What a deceiver.

No no, let's be fair. He's an MS guy, therefore he must always be giving multi platforms and in an apologetic tone, that's the only thing that'll make some folks happy.
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Sure, you'll be able to play Phil's exclusives on any device that has game pass, or hell he'll also let other consoles play Call of Duty even without it.

He's definitely doing a lot more on that front than either Sony or Nintendo are at the moment.
Yep! Some of these PS only gamers are so damn entitled. Waaahhh I don't get to play Starfield. Suck it up! Xbox gamers don't get to play Uncharted but I don't think you hear them complaining about it as much as some of these PS only gamers! Either buy an Xbox or capable PC or stfu! Phil is doing more than Sony or Nintendo. That's a fact.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Good job missing the point
I dont think you have a point. If you ever thought his rhetoric about expanding player bases with sub services and cloud gaming and pc support meant that they will have zero exclusives then I think youre purposefully lying to yourself to act like he's a hypocrite. Its the dumbest take. Of course there are exclusives.
I dont think you have a point. If you ever thought his rhetoric about expanding player bases with sub services and cloud gaming and pc support meant that they will have zero exclusives then I think youre purposefully lying to yourself to act like he's a hypocrite. Its the dumbest take. Of course there are exclusives.

I litterally just said i'm still pro-exclusive so I have no issue with Phil making games exclusive.

The point is calling a spade a spade. Phil is a hypocrite. He critises exclusives but still takes part in the practice. It is what it is
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Sony and Nintendo don't use sweet PR talk like exclusives not being what gaming is about

“The strategy as we were developing it when I was there was that we need to go out to where these new customers are, these new fans could be. We need to go to where they are because they’ve decided not to come to my house. So I’ve got to go to their house now, and what’s the best way to go to their house?”

They literally do though, in so many words.

Just that Sony and Nintendo, especially Nintendo since Reggie left, don't have reps which actively communicate with people. Phil maintains a very active media presence.

That's the only difference.
So which is it? A revenue profit DLC machine, or poor lowly company on the brink of shutdown?

This narrative shifts depending on the argument and thread topic.

Tea Time Drink GIF by VH1
A company that was mis-managed that was slowly going down the shitter that will hopefully get its management gutted and replaced with competent and experienced people. I don't really care about trying to paint a picture or fit a narrative, but this is my own speculation. I also speculate that most games will remain multi-plat with new IP being exclusive. You don't just consume a company the size of Activision that owns Blizzard, King and MLG and simply keep it to yourself when you don't own the market. It makes no financial sense.
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They literally do though, in so many words.

Just that Sony and Nintendo, especially Nintendo since Reggie left, don't have reps which actively communicate with people. Phil maintains a very active media presence.

That's the only difference.

The language is complettely different.

Phil's is customers shouldn't be forced to buy my specific box.

Sony's is about we couldn't get them to buy my box so we'll have no choice but to come to them
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
The language is complettely different.

Phil's is customers shouldn't be forced to buy my specific box.

Sony's is about we couldn't get them to buy my box so we'll have no choice but to come to them

You realize the bolded part is exactly what he's trying to do with Game Pass, right ?

Have it integrated into as many places as possible. And yet people raise a massive tantrum here at the thought that GP should be on PlayStations as well.
You realize the bolded part is exactly what he's trying to do with Game Pass, right ?

Have it integrated into as many places as possible. And yet people raise a massive tantrum here at the thought that GP should be on PlayStations as well.

I was one of the ponies who kept saying COD wasn't going to come to PS except through gamepass in some form. I know exactly what Phil actually means behind his nice guy act.


You realize the bolded part is exactly what he's trying to do with Game Pass, right ?

Have it integrated into as many places as possible. And yet people raise a massive tantrum here at the thought that GP should be on PlayStations as well.
Who throws these tantrums? Is there even 1 person who has these massive tantrums, or is that just more nonsense? Cause it sure seems like most people would love to have more games on PlayStation from my vantage point. I cannot recall anyone saying they want less games.


Uhhh no? Greenberg celebrates Xbox but he doesn't say FUCK PLAYSTATION. There is a difference between being a cheerleader for a brand and being a "soldier" against a competitor.
I honestly think Greenberg just comes across as someone who loves his job and the brand he works for in all honesty.

Nothing wrong with being passionate your job imo.

I think all the people you tagged are just trying to find something to upset/angry over for some weird reason.
There is no hypocrisy, when the other part did the same thing.
Its fair game now.
The difference is 1 party has more money now.

I think you misunderstand the meaning of hypocrisy.

It's not dependent on what anyone else is doing. And Sony mouthpieces would be just as big hypocrites if they spouted off saying shit like this, while buying up studios and making games exclusive.

N.B. also if by the same thing, I hope you're not referencing Bungie, because well, it's pretty clear their games aren't exclusive to PS consoles.


I've noticed a lot of people are in denial talking about MS and it's employees doesn't do the exact opposite of what he is saying in his statement 🤣

Dude started the Gen off swinging mud lol.


I think you misunderstand the meaning of hypocrisy.

It's not dependent on what anyone else is doing. And Sony mouthpieces would be just as big hypocrites if they spouted off saying shit like this, while buying up studios and making games exclusive.

N.B. also if by the same thing, I hope you're not referencing Bungie, because well, it's pretty clear their games aren't exclusive to PS consoles.
Its hypocrisy, because 3rd party games have been exclusive by other systems before, while blocking access to other system. This was going before xbox joined the game.

And as for making sure more gamers play the game, he did exactly what he said. He opened his platform to PC. He made cloud streaming, which will reduce the need for the console. I can play any xbox exclusive on a browser. I can play xbox games on my android phone, or browser on my ipad/iPhone.

If Sony wants those games, there is 1 thing they can do. Get the complete gamepass package on their system. Phill will be happy by that decision. It's all on Sony hand.



So many butthurt Sony fans around these days. They aren't even losing. Not even close. Not sure why there is such a need to defend the brand. Sony put Ryu in the PS4 TV spot before SFV was even announced for PS4. Greenberg is a bit of a loose cannon but he loves crash and was excited its now part of Xbox.
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