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Xbox E3 Possibly Fully Leaked.

There was a lot of hate for Death Stranding from the Xbox side on twitter and many other places..... I find it funny that Kojima would go and make an exclusive game for the people that undermined and ridiculed his last game.
Either way... I don't see him finding an audience there on Xbox.

Hope he is ready for the backlash.
well done. you just made me not take you seriously at all.

i'm sure Kojima cares about pathetic fanboy wars. if MS were to offer him money he'd make a game for them.
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Rage Bait Youtuber
Wolfenstein 3 and new Arkane game surprises me because I thought they were busy with Indiana Jones, Deathloop,

Deathloop has been done for months and was done by Arkane Lyon. This new IP is probably done by Arkane Austin.



As much as I'm looking forward to Starfield... Fantasy RPGs really are my jam so hoping to see more of Avowed next month!


Ask me about my Stream Deck
This is the best time of year. Announcements start rolling out and the rumors start flying.

Can't wait to see the next leaked lunchbox texture for Starfield.


Lol how is Hellblade 2 not being shown. First series X game announced, this thing is destined to be Deep Down 2 at this point.

Interested to see what Halo looks like now. The pressure on them is immense after that first reveal.

Zero interest in Starfield if Todd Howard is at the helm. Game is destined to be a buggy mess. Whatever that man says at this show believe the opposite.

Curious to see the rest. Still think all these games minus the Forza's and Halo are at least a year or two out.
Kojima just shot himself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase a Kojima game for either system, nor will they purchase any of Microsoft's games.

This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Kojima has alienated an entire market with this move.

Kojima, publicly apologize and cancel your Microsoft project or you can kiss your business goodbye.
This must be a parody post? (Hard to tell anymore)

Hugely insulting to Japanese people, if nothing else.
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Do not call him that.

It sounds wrong and what's worse, it's INCORRECT.

Klobrille means toilet seat in German.

Klo = toilet
Brille = seat

The correct abbreviation of his username therefore is Klo. Or Brille.

Not Klob!

Do it right!
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This must be a parody post? (Hard to tell anymore)

Hugely insulting to Japanese people, if nothing else.
You just shot yourself in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Neogaf culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in Resetera where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over on Neogaf, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the Neogaf members, after hearing about this, are not going to want to reply to you posts on either Neogaf or Resetera, nor will they gift you any Neogaf Gold.

This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but you have alienated an entire forum with this move.

Aguero9320, publicly apologize and delete your Post or you can kiss your Member status goodbye.

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Alright, so what about the rest of their stuff? It's not like they only have new studios.
What rest of stuff? The only fair criticism is Halo and Everwild’s lengthy development period... the coalition released Gears 2019, and Tactics 2020, Obsidian released Grounded 2020, explanations to The Outer Worlds, FH4 was 2018 and that’s pretty much all the studios they have until 2018 (the same year they were bought). I don’t think you realize how litttle studios they had before 2018. If we give Xbox the same development time you guys give Sony then they wouldn’t have anything ready till 2022 the earliest unless the game was already in production (that’s where Bethesda can come into play).


Gold Member
Do not call him that.

It sounds wrong and what's worse, it's INCORRECT.

Klobrille means toilet seat in German.

Klo = toilet
Brille = seat

The correct abbreviation of his username therefore is Klo. Or Brille.

Not Klob!

Do it right!

Mercedes Reaction GIF

Toilet leaker
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Reactions: MrS


Is it realistic that Arkane would have another game in development far enough along to release a trailer at Microsoft’s conference this year?

Seems kinda iffy when they have already delayed Deathloop a couple times. But I don’t know much about this Project Omen myself.
Arkane has two teams. Dishonored 2 and Prey were released half a year apart.
Yeah that's part of why I think this might be BS. Also Psychonauts 2 isn't far off so can't see them not having that there.
I believe this leak is mostly for the big stuff. Let's be real, Scorn and Crossfire is filler content. Not saying they are bad or not interesting, but people are more interested in the big 1st party AAA reveals.

Just because its not listed here doesn't mean its not there. I am 100% positive they'll have a game pass section and a indie game here and there.


There was a lot of hate for Death Stranding from the Xbox side on twitter and many other places..... I find it funny that Kojima would go and make an exclusive game for the people that undermined and ridiculed his last game.
Either way... I don't see him finding an audience there on Xbox.

Hope he is ready for the backlash.

This is beyond pathetic, stop fanboying and trolling.
Lol how is Hellblade 2 not being shown. First series X game announced, this thing is destined to be Deep Down 2 at this point.

Yeah, the sequel to an award winning new IP is now vaporware (despite the updates/video diaries from the developer) because it isn't coming during the first year of this generation.

That makes all the sense in the world.


Gold Member
Just gonna go all in and name the game after himself now then?
You know it. And after every act ingame?

'Kojima game. Brought to you by Kojima, starring Kojima, produced by Kojima. Special thanks to Kojima, songs sung by Kojima. Additional thanks to Kojima international'
The Kojima announcement would overshadow everything else there, in a good way of course. I hope they can show off as much gameplay as possible for these and as little CG trailer, though in some cases like again the Kojima game a teaser might be enough and then they could show a bit more at TGS.

If they can't get some or enough gameplay for the titles listed in OP in, give us some updated gameplay for Bright Memory Infinite, The Gunk, Exo Mecha and Scorn. They're games which should be coming this year so I don't see why a couple minutes of gameplay for each is too much to ask for. Same for FS 2020 on Series X. If they can do that plus the things in the OP I think it'll actually be a very good showing so long as things look up to snuff i.e no Halo Infinite July 2020 situation.

They'll probably also have a trailer cut for new indies coming to GamePass and likely some big 3P AAA reveal or two like Battlefield 6 there to round things out, but if they did a surprise announcement for VR on Xbox (either with 3P headset compatibility or a new 1P VR headset) that'd also be a pretty big deal especially if they target 2022 for it (same year PSVR 2 is supposed to be coming). I really think MS needs to jump into the VR game already in the console side of things.


I was excited at seeing "fully", but this isn't "fully", haha.

I'll take with a grain of salt regardless, would be cool for some of these things.


Gold Member
Did people really dislike the newer Wolfenstein games? I never played Youngblood or the VR one but the two main games were imho fucking great.

Iced Arcade

I believe this leak is mostly for the big stuff. Let's be real, Scorn and Crossfire is filler content. Not saying they are bad or not interesting, but people are more interested in the big 1st party AAA reveals.

Just because its not listed here doesn't mean its not there. I am 100% positive they'll have a game pass section and a indie game here and there.
Well that's not "fully" leaked then.


I can see Kojima making something with/for Xbox, but I highly, highly doubt it'd be his next major project.

No Japanese dev of any standing is ever going to shackle themselves to a platform with zero market penetration in their homeland. Especially given MS' penchant for losing interest once the reality sets in that Xbox is worthless as a brand in Japan and shifting focus elsewhere.
This is a retarded stance to think any business would take. Or at the very least a fanboyish view of the gaming industry. Tecmo did this on the original xbox and it raised the view of dead or alive and ninja gaiden to levels it hasnt been at since.

Also this is in turn why the console market in japan is dying. If game companies in japan don't make inroads into other markets, its increasingly unlikely they will survive.
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but if they did a surprise announcement for VR on Xbox (either with 3P headset compatibility or a new 1P VR headset) that'd also be a pretty big deal especially if they target 2022 for it (same year PSVR 2 is supposed to be coming). I really think MS needs to jump into the VR game already in the console side of things.

I can see them making an adapter/breakout cable or something to bring Oculus/Index/WMR to Xbox at some point, it would really surprise me if they developed a completely in-house headset. After Kinect they appear committed to sticking to the basics with the hardware. Unless, of course, the headset was just a WMR device with Xbox branding.
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