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Xbox Series X, BC to bring HDR and 60/120 FPS

The Alien

The article is a good little read if you have 2 mins spare.

MS knock backwards compatibility out of the park. The auto HDR implementation, frame rate increases, resolution increases are simply icing on an already lovely BC flavoured cake.
It's a great, great feature gove for free to consumers. It will add life to so many older games.

Unfortunately most wont spare the 2 mins: "cuz Micro$oft bad".


Go Go Neo Rangers!
I meant to refer to the post I made, not sure if you may have seen someone else’s too, right after the original one you quoted:

The topic of the video is 100% how HDR was achieved in BC titles thanks to ML.

I believe I had seen the video before or read something form it, not sure.

But my original reply still stands. We can argue all day long on if its post process filter but wasn't really the point. Your original post eluded to that this has to be patched in each game individually or it would look bad. Which means it would simply be like a filter on say an LG OLED HDR effect filter. Which isn't true. That's where my uneducated comment came from because its not similar at all to LGs, and other filters of its kind, which simply increases brightness and color saturation in parts the filter deems necessary. I believe the Sony OLED actually looks at tone mappings but I could be wrong.

This can be implemented system wide as its a system level feature and not a per software base feature and accesses things like tone mapping from the learning it has acquired from the various actual HDR sources.
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just show new games that you got with new devs teams ... because if they are not good not up to highest level then you wont hold in top, . i dont need old games run on higher fps at all


I have a question .. dose AI upscaling require special hardware ''like tensor cores'' or it can be done without it ?
if no .. does the XS have the required hardware ?
XSX has hardware customizations for ML. They run on shaders but at a very low cost. FP4 and FP8 can be used for this.

just show new games that you got with new devs teams ... because if they are not good not up to highest level then you wont hold in top, . i dont need old games run on higher fps at all

Just because you don't want it doesn't mean others don't and judging by threads on forums there are many that will appreciate this.
So much asking for understanding the point, I guess.

But will maki it in two sentences so every brain can understand:

MS: full of pr marketing, clear lack of focus, but they gotta say whatever they can so the can keep with the marketing momentum

Sony: straight to what it matters, waiting to drop the bomb at the right time. Not much afraid of MS, since MS have been talking >>>>>>> doing since forever.

Better now?
In what world have Sony been “straight to what it matters”? A dev-centric PS5 talk they hyped up for casual consumers that drew mixed responses, a random drop of a picture of their new controller that most of you froth over cause “omg the likes!!1!”, and a tech demo for an engine that’s both multiplatform and over a year away from release. They’ve also showed a whopping one game for PS5, that is also coming to PC.

MS messaging and marketing has been head and shoulders clearer up until the 3rd party showing (which ironically, included more 1st party exclusives than Sony has yet shown). To suggest otherwise is deluding yourself. Maybe formulate an argument with some actual facts next time instead of these random aspersions of companies “fearing” each other.
I was on the fence about buying a tv that does 120 fps but I never thought about old games. I'm in now oled 48 inch cx when its on sale


so XSX will be way to play old games ? is that what they saying here ... hope not , i need that Forza 8, but on pc i guess.
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Selfishly plays on Xbox Purr-ies X
If you aren't interested in BC older games that's fine you don't have to use it. Personally I've put in hundreds of hours on BC games, FO:NV, Oblivion, the Mass Effect trilogy, getting ready to replay Dead Space trilogy, you know, trilogies PS4 owners are always begging for a remaster. With a 1X and Xbox BC we already have free remasters, but some Sony fans like to pay for their games more than once apparently.
so XSX will be way to play old games ? is that what they saying here ... hope not , i need that Forza 8, but on pc i guess.

How are you coming to that conclusion? Having hooks to enable easy BC does not = console only plays old games, but I’m sure you already know that.

I never imagined I’d see people on a gaming enthusiast forum trying so hard to paint BC that allows you to play games without repurchasing them and auto-upgrading them at no cost as a negative.

This is still a gaming enthusiast forum right?
If you aren't interested in BC older games that's fine you don't have to use it. Personally I've put in hundreds of hours on BC games, FO:NV, Oblivion, the Mass Effect trilogy, getting ready to replay Dead Space trilogy, you know, trilogies PS4 owners are always begging for a remaster. With a 1X and Xbox BC we already have free remasters, but some Sony fans like to pay for their games more than once apparently.
This makes the system have a huge library already if you haven’t bought an Xbox since 360 like me. There’s a shit ton of games I haven’t played this gen still that will be played on a nextgen console. There’s actually a few I’m purposely skipping for a nextgen console.

It definitely seems to create synergy with Game Pass. BC enhancements and the Game Pass library. If they can make a game like RDR look and play even better than it already does on One X BC, that's pretty damn cool IMO, and will be fun to go through a bunch of great games again with similar enhancements on XsX. Especially games from this gen that suffered on base XBO
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just show new games that you got with new devs teams ... because if they are not good not up to highest level then you wont hold in top, . i dont need old games run on higher fps at all
so your not bothered about your xbox one library at all?


So this means Dead Space at 4k with HDR?

If so, can’t wait!!

this would most likely be already possible on Xbox One X, because One X enhanced games also support HDR since many 360 games actually already support this basically natively, like Mirror's Edge on One X is 4k with HDR and it looks phenomenal. if they patch that to 60 fps on Series X that would be nice

so far only Halo 3 and Mirror's Edge have HDR support tho, since even tho a bunch 360 games natively support HDR it's not even close to all of them, so that's where the AI powered HDR comes in on Series X
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Cyberpunk is cross gen and giving you the Series X version with the X1 version for free with Smart Delivery.

That is sick, I heard about that.

But there's supposed to be a proper next gen upgrade down the line, that is still happening someday? With the launch of expansions perhaps.


And we have Sony to thank for MS bringing it next gen. If it wasn't for Sony killing them this gen and there was no competition then they would not be making this much effort.. Do not forget Microsoft's history!

But I digress, it is very good to see this much work going into the Series X, congrats Microsoft!


Not Banned from OT
And we have Sony to thank for MS bringing it next gen. If it wasn't for Sony killing them this gen and there was no competition then they would not be making this much effort.. Do not forget Microsoft's history!

But I digress, it is very good to see this much work going into the Series X, congrats Microsoft!
It is every company that does it. Nintendo treated developers like crap when they had a near monopoly and ruled the industry with a iron fist. The Nintendo seal of approval to clear content with them and keeping prices artificially high on games. Sony and thier get a second job lines we quickly forget. Or screwing over all of us who bought ps1 and ps2 digital games on the PS3 and not supporting them on the ps4.


It is every company that does it. Nintendo treated developers like crap when they had a near monopoly and ruled the industry with a iron fist. The Nintendo seal of approval to clear content with them and keeping prices artificially high on games. Sony and thier get a second job lines we quickly forget. Or screwing over all of us who bought ps1 and ps2 digital games on the PS3 and not supporting them on the ps4.
Sony are certainly not innocent, they have screwed up a lot of things and also screwed a lot of people.. But if you want to get down to the nitty gritty of who is the worst out of the bunch as far as profiteering and anti consumer greed, it is Microsoft hands down!

I'm not Anti Microsoft either, I do own a One X and my Pro has been collecting dust!
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
It is every company that does it. Nintendo treated developers like crap when they had a near monopoly and ruled the industry with a iron fist. The Nintendo seal of approval to clear content with them and keeping prices artificially high on games. Sony and thier get a second job lines we quickly forget. Or screwing over all of us who bought ps1 and ps2 digital games on the PS3 and not supporting them on the ps4.

It is a good place to be when the main “oh Sony did treat consumers poorly” when the worst thing you recall are lack of BC in PS4 (one console in 25+ years) and a statement made before giving out a console sold at an incredible loss (cost for Sony was sky high) and with tons of features (comparisons with Xbox 360’s launch price miss: lack of HDMI, 20 GB vs 60 GB HDD, lack of WiFi [$69 something add on], non user expandable HDD bay, lack of CF/SD and obviously Memory Stick support, lack of Super Audio CD support, lack of Blu-Ray support, etc... and the console while hard to develop for was powerful in its own right too) ;).


It's been stated many times how this can be done. The same way as DLSS. AI can do wonders for something like this. It can indeed create shadow detail out of "nothing."

Comparing it to a post process filter is uneducated.

Post process filter and machine learning are not mutually exclusive :messenger_sunglasses:.


How so? Being able to play my OG Xbox and 360 games (many enhanced) on my XB1X makes XB1X my main platform = bad advertisement? Do you have common sense? Because it's pretty easy to understand.
I'm currently playing Gears of War 2 for first time and damn that game looks so good in 4K.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Do you have to wink everytime you put some effort into a post?

Yes Ma’am... ;).

I am not sure this was the case to derail the thread like so, but I guess I trigger you even when I do not talk to you for some reason so much you just need to add your two cents regardless... is that it?
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King Snowflake
This is what I want to see from Sony in the PS6. A BW compatible enhanced system so I can skip a gen and play all the last gen must play exclusives on the next gen system. So PC and Nintendo as my main gaming and family systems with a PS6 in 10 years to play all the PS5 and PS6 exclusives as cheaply as possible.


The amount of irony here is interesting, quotes vs smileys.

Hiding snarky remarks behind smileys has always been sorta weird. "Hey champ, you're an idiot. :messenger_winking:" is just as bad as, or even worse, than "Hey champ, you're an idiot".
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
Hiding snarky remarks behind smileys has always been sorta weird. "Hey champ, you're an idiot. :messenger_winking:" is just as bad as, or even worse, than "Hey champ, you're an idiot".

We agree on that (edit: if they were meant as snarky passive aggressive remakes to begin with). Assuming someone is passive aggressive about something and derail a thread further seems an odd choice too.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
I didn't assume that.
If this is your clever way to say “I do not assume, I know” or not, I am not sure... so you joined up on the thread derailment for what reason then?

Look, if you have a bone to pick with me fine... meaning not fine (not jumping of joy or with anticipation, but 🤷‍♂️), not sure it is deserved but I am obviously biased here... maybe better for PM-land?


If this is your clever way to say “I do not assume, I know” or not, I am not sure... so you joined up on the thread derailment for what reason then?

Look, if you have a bone to pick with me fine... meaning not fine (not jumping of joy or with anticipation, but 🤷‍♂️), not sure it is deserved but I am obviously biased here... maybe better for PM-land?

I have no beef with you. I answered Bernkastels question.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I have no beef with you. I answered Bernkastels question.

:rolleyes: look... want to have fun in your group fine or maybe present yourself as the independent arbiter, but do not treat others like idiots and accuse others of being passive aggressive trying to stir shit up.

Hiding snarky remarks behind smileys has always been sorta weird. "Hey champ, you're an idiot. :messenger_winking:" is just as bad as, or even worse, than "Hey champ, you're an idiot".
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