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Yakuza 5 |OT| Rage Your Dreams

Can someone please tell me how to continue with Haruka's dance battle stories. I'm on the final part, chapter 4 and have completed 4 of these stories.

I've tried everything, doing a dance battle with everyone I could find and maxing out my stats. I'm at a lose.


Can someone please tell me how to continue with Haruka's dance battle stories. I'm on the final part, chapter 4 and have completed 4 of these stories.

I've tried everything, doing a dance battle with everyone I could find and maxing out my stats. I'm at a lose.
You need to go places. I'm pretty sure at the point that you're at, Akari should have sent emails about challengers and where to meet them.

The 5th one should be at the SW parking lot.


Decided to do the Ultimate Battles and geez, these are really bad. Most of these are boringly easy and the ones that aren't are just tedious (rather than actually challenging).

Shinada's are the worst by far. I was going crazy over that dumb weapon switch one. And I'm still stuck at that stupid kill everyone with one throw/ball.

Akiyama's fight was difficult, but it was awesome.

I feel like all of Akiyama's bossfights were oddly hard tbh.
Ogita and Kanai
were the only bosses in my first playthrough where I burnt through healing items. Even
was less annoying to fight against for me.


Gold Member
Does anyone know where I can find Kiryu's 18th substory? I only have one left and I can't find a question mark anywhere in Kamurucho or the other city, (forget the name.) I already did the Tatsuya Cafe Alps thing, so there has to be something else somewhere.
Does anyone know where I can find Kiryu's 18th substory? I only have one left and I can't find a question mark anywhere in Kamurucho or the other city, (forget the name.) I already did the Tatsuya Cafe Alps thing, so there has to be something else somewhere.

You need to complete every substory for all characters to trigger that one.


Someone post the gif of miryu jumping into the air then posing?
Its from hacking the game to play dance bates as him :p
Oh, Haruka? Do you like playing the same song over and over and over and over and over.

Such is the life of a pop idol. You think they only play and rehearse songs once or twice?

Also, really enjoying KENZAN! I poopsocked ISHIN over New Years. Such a fun game. I could talk endlessly about this series. If you all have any questions regarding the Japanese games, don't hesitate to ask! Once I'm through with KENZAN I'll probably take a break and play BINARY DOMAIN (never played it before, but heard it was decent)


My brother messages me that a package arrived at th post office.
It was just Trails of Cold Steel

Really wanted it to be Ishin so I can fools up during the weekend.
I wonder if I should even attempt playing Ishin without knowing Japanese.

I got by just fine. It was kind of a game within itself to interpret the story and what was happening. At the same time, KHHsubs.com has a full ISHIN translation guide, with convenient pictures and lots of details. After playing through it myself (without knowing a word of Japanese) I'm glad that the language barrier didn't put me off playing this game. No doubt I missed some of the more intricate nuances of the game, but I played through the story in it's entirety and did a fair amount of side quests without any real issues.
I feel like all of Akiyama's bossfights were oddly hard tbh.
Ogita and Kanai
were the only bosses in my first playthrough where I burnt through healing items. Even
was less annoying to fight against for me.

He got people that can
just eat his moves and have super armour. It was a bit odd, but I guess it simulates a regular joe (a not as crazy strong as Kiryu or Saejima) fighting proper Yakuzas.

I wish Ishin even had a chance coming out here. I played the demo and it felt great. But I don't fancy trekking through the game using a guide to understand it. I guess 19th Century Japanese spin offs aren't allowed to come out in the west.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Update on Yakuza 5 popularity, The US list updated, and Currently, Yakuza 5 is 8th.

1. SSX
2.Gauntlet:Slayer Edition
3.Freedom Wars
4.Rocketbirds Hard Boiled Chicken
5.Kings Quest Ep 1.
6. FF7
7. Journey

Not bad considering some of those games were Psplus.

Taken from this list here.
those are all PS4 and Vita except SSX and Yakuza 5.
Just started part 4. Not liking it much
you just started... 4 is one of the best games in the series.
Got to the revelation tutorial with Mack. Is there a guide that explains where they can all be found or do they appear on the map like substories?
Got to the revelation tutorial with Mack. Is there a guide that explains where they can all be found or do they appear on the map like substories?

There's only one per character and they're all associated with a substory. If the character makes a note to come back to a location after a sidquest ends, that's the revelation.


Finally finished, Im not someone who cares about the substories. Maybe if I didnt have such a backlog!!! On to Yoshi!


Just started part 4. Not liking it much

Part 4 basically ruined the game for me with its heavy focus on baseball corruption. I understand that it's something Yakuza could be involved in but such heavy focus on it with a completely new character just completely destroyed my enthusiasm to uncover what was going on. It's a shame because I really liked A Shinada.

Got to the revelation tutorial with Mack. Is there a guide that explains where they can all be found or do they appear on the map like substories?

I'm 70 hours in on the final part and I've seen one so far. I'm sure I remember there being a lot more if these in previous games. That one didn't appear on the map, it was a character I'd met in a substory that I noticed around again and talked to.
Just finished the game clocking in at 120 hours. I'm so happy I got to play this game.

You need to go places. I'm pretty sure at the point that you're at, Akari should have sent emails about challengers and where to meet them.

The 5th one should be at the SW parking lot.

Cheers. I went to the parking lot many times but didn't go far enough into it to activate the event.
That's by far the toughest part of the game. No boss or minigame compares to it.
I can't believe so many people found that part THAT difficult. I mean, I'm not saying it was easy, but the button prompt were always the same for each routine, the "timing" just meant you had to answer as soon as the guy stopped talking, and on top of that it was really really easy to cheat through the event by pausing the game with each line and preparing yourself for the subsequent answer... I'm sure getting a "perfect" score with each golf course is going to be A LOT harder.


I got back after being away for few weeks, and finished Saejima's chapter.

I liked what they tried to do with the variety in gameplay with Saejima. I was worried at first but I didn't really dislike it as much as I thought I would. But it was still nowhere near as fun as Kiryu's chapter. Part of the reason is I never liked Saejima's character since Y4... and I still don't really like him in Y5.

Now time to start chapter 3.


still working through saejima pt4. over 30% completion! can't find all the map pieces...

I'm missing one damn piece of a map and i can't find it. I've been looking around for ages around town (and goddammit, i wish there was a item or something that let you roam the game without encounters. I once had 5 fights in row in the same corner)
still working through saejima pt4. over 30% completion! can't find all the map pieces...

Its not a perfect English guide (as its Google translated from Japanese) but this is still the best guide available (in my opinion) for Yakuza 5:


I had to resort to a guide to find the last couple of map bits as well, I'll probably have to do the same for the locker keys...

Anyway, just finished the first half of Haruka's story. Loved it, though I can't ever see her being
a playable character that actually fights, as she's just to kind hearted. She just really wouldn't be suited to bare knuckle brawling against Yakuza. They really need to bring Karou back...

I really like her optional side quests tied to the Princess League stuff. My only issues (as mentioned by other people) is the reptitive nature of hand shaking and singing/dancing events. They really needed more variety in each to spice them up (or at least have Haruka cover a few of the Karaoke songs to give her a larger song list). The TV and interviews stuff has been my favourites so far. Really nice presentation on the TV stuff, and I love the mini games anyway so it was just a decent excuse to play them more.

Having already played the Japanese version of the game I already knew how the chapter ended, but it was still
pretty damn sad. Haruka just can't catch a break :( It was a really nice series of cutscenes that had her and Pak bonding. Still, the chapter manages to end on an up beat note, thanks to Akiyama turning up. Can't wait to get stuck into his side of the story.
Shinada's chapter is really starting to drag, I honestly don't understand what exactly is going on.

I admit, not knowing anything about baseball, it was a bit hard to follow in parts. I think there's definitely a tragic story in there - but he was definitely the weakest link of the storylines. I still enjoyed his combat, and man - his fight theme was absolutely funky (it's even in the song title!)



I admit, not knowing anything about baseball, it was a bit hard to follow in parts. I think there's definitely a tragic story in there - but he was definitely the weakest link of the storylines. I still enjoyed his combat, and man - his fight theme was absolutely funky (it's even in the song title!)


Yeah his battle theme is easily my favorite, I even like his fight style to an extent.I really feel bad for him and what he's gone through, they did a good job making him look and act like struggling person, but I don't fully grasp why everything happened the way it did.I might have to read a synopsis or something after I'm done with his story.
Just bought and started this after finishing 4. This one plays so much better it really got me thinking that I should import the ps4 games especially ishin and the remake.

I used to think these games were garbage too so glad I gave em a second chance.
Just bought and started this after finishing 4. This one plays so much better it really got me thinking that I should import the ps4 games especially ishin and the remake.

I used to think these games were garbage too so glad I gave em a second chance.

The improvements made with each new installment (combined with a good story) warrant those releases. I too thought 5 played great. Just wait til you play Zero though. So fluid and smooth. If you're already familiar with the story of the original, I'd definitely import Kiwami. Also, Ishin is pretty damn fun. I completed the main story in roughly 22 hours and don't understand a word of Japanese.


Cock Strain, Lifetime Warranty
Its not a perfect English guide (as its Google translated from Japanese) but this is still the best guide available (in my opinion) for Yakuza 5:


I had to resort to a guide to find the last couple of map bits as well, I'll probably have to do the same for the locker keys...

Anyway, just finished the first half of Haruka's story. Loved it, though I can't ever see her being
a playable character that actually fights, as she's just to kind hearted. She just really wouldn't be suited to bare knuckle brawling against Yakuza. They really need to bring Karou back...

I really like her optional side quests tied to the Princess League stuff. My only issues (as mentioned by other people) is the reptitive nature of hand shaking and singing/dancing events. They really needed more variety in each to spice them up (or at least have Haruka cover a few of the Karaoke songs to give her a larger song list). The TV and interviews stuff has been my favourites so far. Really nice presentation on the TV stuff, and I love the mini games anyway so it was just a decent excuse to play them more.

Having already played the Japanese version of the game I already knew how the chapter ended, but it was still
pretty damn sad. Haruka just can't catch a break :( It was a really nice series of cutscenes that had her and Pak bonding. Still, the chapter manages to end on an up beat note, thanks to Akiyama turning up. Can't wait to get stuck into his side of the story.
thank you.
Shiiit I picked a key as Haruka :'( Totally forgot the advice I got... Well the item was Ash wood, hope it's not important/rare to craft good items...
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