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Yakuza 5 |OT| Rage Your Dreams


Yes, typo, I did mean 4.

I loved loved loved 4 but somewhere near the middle I felt it started to drag, and I couldn't hype myself to play it. I took a 6 month break then came back and finished it. It sounds like this one has similar pacing problems.

It's very stop-start in terms of pacing like 4 because of the multiple characters again. Plus their stories don't really tie together until near the end which adds to the weird pacing.
It was the Saejima chapter in 4 where I felt it really started to drag. I didn't like his slow fighting style which probably contributed to that. I'm disappointed that he's in 5 as well.


It was the Saejima chapter in 4 where I felt it really started to drag. I didn't like his slow fighting style which probably contributed to that. I'm disappointed that he's in 5 as well.

Not as much as Saejima is disappointed in you. Live your dreams. Burn until your essence is pure.
Looks like I'm about to finish Kazuma's chapter now. Is it possible to complete all his 18 substories before moving on to the point of no return? I've got 16 done, but I don't see any prompts on the map as to the whereabouts of the other two.
Looks like I'm about to finish Kazuma's chapter now. Is it possible to complete all his 18 substories before moving on to the point of no return? I've got 16 done, but I don't see any prompts on the map as to the whereabouts of the other two.

The remaining substories show up in the last chapter of the game, where you can freely switch between the playable characters (minus Haruka).
Is there guide for missable things? I only play Yakuza games once cause of the time investment and I want to make sure I'm not missing anything cool.

Also, I barely remember Yakuza 4's story. Should I watch through the story on YouTube before I play, or should I be alright?
okay i must just be really fucking dumb or something

I'm doing Shinada's final master mission (fishing for a marlin), and whenever I reel a catch close enough to the dock, the tension meter just immediately drops down to nothing and the fish gets away. Anyone know what the deal is? Don't remember any problems like this during Kiryu's fishing substory, or while fishing in 3 and 4.


okay i must just be really fucking dumb or something

I'm doing Shinada's final master mission (fishing for a marlin), and whenever I reel a catch close enough to the dock, the tension meter just immediately drops down to nothing and the fish gets away. Anyone know what the deal is? Don't remember any problems like this during Kiryu's fishing substory, or while fishing in 3 and 4.

You're not dumb, the exact same thing happened to me twice or thrice. Didn't have any problems in 3 or 4. Try and wiggle the left analog stick near the end, press both R1+R2 and keep tension towards the middle. Make some upward motions with the stick as if you were pulling the fish out. That did the trick for me.


I feel like not being able to create clear data in PA was overlooked. The last game had it if i recall. Basically you can 100% but not start a new game with all the list complete because PA is just stuck there...

The 100% trophy always stops me from the Platinum damnit.


As someone who completed this game 100% though, I don't really know the benefit from doing it in the one playthrough versus doing it in premium adventure. I mean, sure I can bring over all my completion items to new game plus but it's not like Ex-Hard is so difficult that you even need those items.

Either way you're getting the platinum trophy and probably not feeling like immediately playing it again after 130+ hours.
I feel like not being able to create clear data in PA was overlooked. The last game had it if i recall. Basically you can 100% but not start a new game with all the list complete because PA is just stuck there...

The 100% trophy always stops me from the Platinum damnit.

Ishin has the same issue. Which kinda sucked as I grinded for hours to get Amon's sword and then couldn't use it in Game plus! 0 goes one step further by forcing you to start from scratch on Legend difficulty.
I'm confused about this photocircle thing. I manage to get some shots with Kiryu where I strike the pose when the photo is taken, but it doesn't register in my completion log. How do you do this?


Okay, I've played about 5 hours and I'm only on Chapter 1 Part 2. Time to get some story progress.

Three hours later. No story progress. No regrets.
I'm confused about this photocircle thing. I manage to get some shots with Kiryu where I strike the pose when the photo is taken, but it doesn't register in my completion log. How do you do this?

You have to hit the pose button at just the right time for the character to reach the right place in the pose animation when the camera goes off. If you did it right, you'll get a special sound and the picture will have sparkles over it. This page lists the right time to hit each button for each character.

Okay, I've played about 5 hours and I'm only on Chapter 1 Part 2. Time to get some story progress.

Three hours later. No story progress. No regrets.

The side content is often the best part of Yakuza, and that's especially true here.


I was nearing the end of Saejima Part 1, and now I think my PS3 died. :/ When it rains it pours. The game hard froze, the system shut off, and now it's flashing a red light.

The save data death toll(not counting lots and lots of clear data and FTGs): Tales of Xillia, Super Robot Wars OG2, Dungeon Siege III, and DIsgaea 4(that one stings).


awww thank you lol

But seriously, thanks a bunch, that did the trick. Must've subconsciously been tugging up when I did it with Kiryu, I guess. Oh well, no more fishing for me now lol

You already got all the fish? I still need about five but I need a guide because I'm getting sick of catching umbrella's and oil drums. Just cleared 81 percent completion today so nearing the finish line.

I'll probably take a break from the game before I attempt ex-hard though.
You already got all the fish? I still need about five but I need a guide because I'm getting sick of catching umbrella's and oil drums. Just cleared 81 percent completion today so nearing the finish line.

I'll probably take a break from the game before I attempt ex-hard though.

The best guide I used in the past (for the Japanese version) is a translated Japanese wiki:
http://kouryakutsushin.com/ryu5-wiki/ (run it through Google Translate).

Its a great guide, but isn't perfect since it loses a bit in translation but its better than nothing for sure. It helped me out greatly last week completing the golf mini game quickly!


I was nearing the end of Saejima Part 1, and now I think my PS3 died. :/ When it rains it pours. The game hard froze, the system shut off, and now it's flashing a red light.

The save data death toll(not counting lots and lots of clear data and FTGs): Tales of Xillia, Super Robot Wars OG2, Dungeon Siege III, and DIsgaea 4(that one stings).

Ouch :(

My PS3 is 9 years old and Yakuza 5 was my last PS3 game.

Throughout my playthrough I kept thinking "please hold baby".

Sorry to hear you weren't as lucky. :(
Played a bit of Soejima's first chapter. Is it just me or does Kamurocho look better than Nakata? I mean in the sense that Nakata is full of very low res textures while it doesn't seem nearly as bad in Kamurocho.
I got a gun in my inventory at the start of the game for having Yakuza: Dead Souls save data. Under it there's a 45, then an infinity symbol. Does that mean the gun has infinite ammo?
I got a gun in my inventory at the start of the game for having Yakuza: Dead Souls save data. Under it there's a 45, then an infinity symbol. Does that mean the gun has infinite ammo?

Nope, its got 45 shots. What it means is the weapon won't break if you use melee attacks (basically smacking people with the butt of the gun). Melee weapons (swords, kali sticks, tonfas etc.) only have a limited number of uses before they need to be repaired, in the guns case it will never break, but you'll need to use a repair kit or go to Kamiyama to reload the gun.

Played a bit of Soejima's first chapter. Is it just me or does Kamurocho look better than Nakata? I mean in the sense that Nakata is full of very low res textures while it doesn't seem nearly as bad in Kamurocho.

I always felt that the areas all looked fairly uneven in terms of graphics - Kamuracho looking the best due to it being used in 4 previous games - so they just refine a few textures here and there but the base work is already done from 3 and 4. The other towns had to done from the ground up since they'd never been used in any HD Yakuza game before. Even Osaka looks fairly bad in a couple of spots (mainly just down to bad texture work and incredibly low res signs). The main streets still look really nice at night though.

My favourite area in the game is the small mountain town Seijima ends up in part 3 of his chapter. It looks beautiful even if its essentially a very small area with little to interact with.
Why did I spent two straight hours collecting things in the UFO Catcher?

I always felt that the areas all looked fairly uneven in terms of graphics - Kamuracho looking the best due to it being used in 4 previous games - so they just refine a few textures here and there but the base work is already done from 3 and 4. The other towns had to done from the ground up since they'd never been used in any HD Yakuza game before. Even Osaka looks fairly bad in a couple of spots (mainly just down to bad texture work and incredibly low res signs). The main streets still look really nice at night though.

My favourite area in the game is the small mountain town Seijima ends up in part 3 of his chapter. It looks beautiful even if its essentially a very small area with little to interact with.

i thought they reused some signs from the ps2 in osaka. that's the only explanation i can come up with for those low res signs. that's pretty bad man.


I think i reached the middle of Haruka/3rd Chapter. A few thoughts:

Her comedy submission can go and die in hell. It's fucking hard to complete that mission without doing it at least 5 times!
On the other side, her dancing battles are way more fun that it should be lol
WTF with Ms. Park suicide/homicide! No, seriously, WTF! Took me totally by surprise! And just when i started to kinda like her :(

Anyway, I'm starting to think i'm gonna spend more time on Yakuza 5 that i did on Fallout 4 lol
I love that they get you in and out of combat so much quicker. Not having to button through two lines of dialogue every time you enter and exit combat got so annoying in 4.

Also, I'm not sure how they changed the combat system or even if they did, but it just "feels" better to play. I'm not getting constantly knocked down, stun locked or caught in animations in 5 like I did in 4.
Is it necessary for any trophies or completion stuff to get characters to level 25? I'm at 5-4 now and I've done everything I saw listed in completion guides for Haruka (substories, side stories, masters, IF8, print circle), and getting her to level 25 seems like it'll be a pain in the ass now that I've
beaten Noa

also more importantly is there a way to
replay Noa's version of So Much More
lol (edit: never mind i found where i can, rad)
Damn... I just realize that there is only one
revelation per character
That was one of my favorite thing in 3 & 4 :(

I hope they'll put more in Yakuza 6 (and 0)


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I finally finished this. I liked it less than 3 and 4. The story just got ridiculously hokey at the end. I thought the connections were forced and if I heard one more Uguu~ Dreamsu~ I was going to scream. The game itself remains great but I don't think I would buy another one on PS3. The foundations are creaking.

Haruka's chapter was good but was EXTREMELY long, Shinada just was not fun to play as (and I almost gave up on his
final battle vs. Baba
, etc.). It might just be me, but I felt like this game had the most, "We've obviously solved this problem in a reasonable way, but...I think we should pound each other's face to dust just because we're Yakuza. We gotta be BURNT like TRIPE." It just got soooo hokey.


Noa is added to Mittsu's list of opponents, and you can select either Dance or Concert Battle once you challenge her.

Oh, you have to talk to that guy. Thanks, completely forgot about him lol.

For the trophy : Cleared the game on NORMAL without switching to EASY
If I selected HARD, I won't have the trophy ?

Yes, you won't get the trophy if you play on hard. I got pretty mad when the trophy didn't pop up. My fault for wanting to have a bit of a challenge by selecting hard, I guess.


So I've been playing these games since the first one, and I really like winding down with them after a crappy day of work. My wife watches with me and we have a blast. I don't plow through the story or anything, I really, really take my time with them. Keep that in mind.

I just finished my first playthrough of the game (which I started on launch day) and clocked in around 130 hours, with some 65-ish % completion.

This one's up there for me with Yakuza 2 -- I loved everything about it. I almost feel like it was made for me, as I love idols, baseball, and (beating people up in) Japan. The cutscene after the credits is a series highlight for me.

Random spoilery thoughts:
I really hope we get to see more of Aizawa in a future game - even briefly.

The most memorable sections of the game for me were Saejima's jailbreak followed by life in the village - I spent soooooo much time hunting. Shinada's chapter as a whole was probably my favorite chapter of the game. His was a pretty self contained story. Takasugi (the money lender friend - I may have spelled that wrong) completely made that section for me. What a great character!

All of the different clans bowing/thanking Akiyama for his hard work towards the end was great.

I have a bunch more thoughts but I'm at work lol so I should probably stop for now. Moral of the story: one of the best Yakuza games!
Managed to finish the comedy routine mini game with Haruka. Didn't find it that tough to be honest, I used a guide to get the best answers (I'm not mad, it'd have taken me forever to clear otherwise). I expected it to take me longer, when I did it in the Japanese version I remember it took me way longer the first time round...

Almost done Akiyama's side of chapter 3 as well, I'd probably have it done by now but I instead ended up playing more Mah Jong. Ended up going on a great streak and clearing that mini game as well. The AI is still hilarious though, sometimes it seems near impossible to declare Riichi, and other times its damn easy!
Whew, all done with the story. Decided to give up on going for 100% during the main story because I just wanted to get to the ending, lol. My clock was at 120 or so hours but I probably left the game paused a bunch.

All in all, some of the story stuff is kinda messy, I do have to admit, but when it comes to virtual-tourism with tons of fun stuff to do, 5 is just head and shoulders above the rest. All in all I'd say it's my second favorite after 2 now, if it matters.

Some story thoughts:

God, I sooooo didn't care about half of the stuff in the Epilogue. I didn't care about Kurosawa, I still didn't care about Daigo, and I suuuuuper didn't care about Aizawa. What I did care about were all the individual stories within each part, and the characters involved in those. I really enjoyed pretty much every part on its own. And Takasugi was totally my favorite new character in the game. But the way things tied together just didn't work for me.

I'm sure some people hated the ending, but god, it was exactly what I wanted to hear lol. Ever since the idea of Kiryu sending off Haruka to "protect" her came up in Yakuza 2, I've fucking hated it. It felt like it went completely against everything Kiryu and Haruka wanted and worked for. But for some reason it just never went away! By the epilogue of 5, I was just sick of Haruka being kidnapped and used as a pawn to lure out Kiryu. There's only so many times I can get emotionally invested in some bad guy threatening harm upon her. And only so many times I can sympathize with Kiryu when he's the one who thinks leaving her and the kids on their own is a good idea.

So Haruka finally telling it straight and saying "I just want to live happily with my family" and going to save Kiryu's ragged old ass from freezing to death was basically exactly what I wanted this whole time, lol. I love super goodboy hero Kiryu, but yeesh dude, you've got people who care about you!

so wow wow i REALLY hope there's a good justification for kiryu hauling his butt back to kamurocho in 6!!!


Well, I hit 90% on the trophies. I can't do 4 more hostess missions AND complete every mini game...Will be ready for 0.
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