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Dear Girls Who Are (Finally) Ready To Date Fedoras: We Don't Want You Anymore, M'Lady

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
It seems like one of these kinds of threads pops up every other day. I guess it's really popular to take turns dishing out advice to fictitious guys while discussing how much better we are all than them. It's just ... odd.

Every one of these threads devolves into a long list of prescribed advice that we're all supposed to follow to not be a horrible person. The fact is, nobody knows this guy, or the girl he went on a date with. No one knows what he should or shouldn't have done. All these threads are, is an elaborate way for people to jump in and say why they're better than someone else.

It's just nauseating to listen to an endless list of ways that men are supposed to behave before they are considered fit to be with someone. There is someone out there for everyone, and everyone deserves to have someone else important in their lives. There's lots of shit women could do as well to be better people, but no one wants to vaguely describe how all women should act because we're all a little more self-aware about how incredibly condescending and sexist that is.

People don't just want a person, they want a person that is desirable to them. I'm sure Fedora 5000: NeoGAF Edition can land a stage 3 obese chick with a 75 IQ and a job selling roadkill taxidermy on Etsy, but he's probably not happy with the idea of hunting for the right skin fold while she sings Hallelujah, so he needs to become desirable himself in any number of ways in order to get what he wants.


We need a hero programmer to design an human-interaction algorithm for all the lovely fedora-wearing gentlemen of the world.

Is subject twirling her hair? No --> abandon ship. Yes --> Shipping intensifies.


People don't just want a person, they want a person that is desirable to them. I'm sure Fedora 5000: NeoGAF Edition can land a stage 3 obese chick with a 75 IQ and a job selling roadkill taxidermy on Etsy, but he's probably not happy with the idea of hunting for the right skin fold while she sings Hallelujah, so he needs to become desirable himself in any number of ways in order to get what he wants.

Oh. Shit. Son.


People don't just want a person, they want a person that is desirable to them. I'm sure Fedora 5000: NeoGAF Edition can land a stage 3 obese chick with a 75 IQ and a job selling roadkill taxidermy on Etsy, but he's probably not happy with the idea of hunting for the right skin fold while she sings Hallelujah, so he needs to become desirable himself in any number of ways in order to get what he wants.

Btw if anyone here is struggling to find the right skinfold on their BBW I recommend you roll her in flour first, it shows up the wet areas really well, then just slap a thigh and ride the wave in.


People don't just want a person, they want a person that is desirable to them. I'm sure Fedora 5000: NeoGAF Edition can land a stage 3 obese chick with a 75 IQ and a job selling roadkill taxidermy on Etsy, but he's probably not happy with the idea of hunting for the right skin fold while she sings Hallelujah, so he needs to become desirable himself in any number of ways in order to get what he wants.
Exactly. Evilore used to be a nice guy, watching my little pony and scratching the crumbs from the bottom of his kfc bucket. He didn't get the girls and was fed up of his life so he made a choice - he became a jerk. Now he owns a website, dates models and beats up Asians for a living.

Make a choice, people.
People don't just want a person, they want a person that is desirable to them. I'm sure Fedora 5000: NeoGAF Edition can land a stage 3 obese chick with a 75 IQ and a job selling roadkill taxidermy on Etsy, but he's probably not happy with the idea of hunting for the right skin fold while she sings Hallelujah, so he needs to become desirable himself in any number of ways in order to get what he wants.

Man down.


Exactly. Evilore used to be a nice guy, watching my little pony and scratching the crumbs from the bottom of his kfc bucket. He didn't get the girls and was fed up of his life so he made a choice - he became a jerk. Now he owns a website, dates models and beats up Asians for a living.

He's Marky Mark with a website!


Girls like men with drama, and as much as some will say they don't, they are only half lying. Some women love the pain, love the arguing , the cheating just to have the excuse to be spiteful. We love to talk about it, we love to obsess over it. Shit, this is how some of us meet new friends and create sisterhoods. "Nice guys" unfortunately, do not come with those traits (which isn't a bad thing), but when your young and dumb, you don't want that. You want to explore and have stories to tell your girlfriends and your kids. Guys do the same thing, albeit not exactly the way that girls do it, but they want to get the most out of their experiences too. Some guys will say they love crazy girls and are pretty much only attracted to them, this sometimes is why.

Are you saying misogynist have it right if they call woman overly emotional drama queens that throw away reason and common sense for some feels ?! WTF! I am glad not everyone is like this :|


Exactly. Evilore used to be a nice guy, watching my little pony and scratching the crumbs from the bottom of his kfc bucket. He didn't get the girls and was fed up of his life so he made a choice - he became a jerk. Now he owns a website, dates models and beats up Asians for a living.

Make a choice, people.

I stand corrected. I'm not disagreeing with his point honestly. If people want to date above their league, they should probably put some work in first. And individually, no one owes you anything of course. But generally, I think everyone deserves to be with someone.

I still see some of this discussion as a bit of a gender-based double standard on how we all react though. A generally nice woman who is a bit lacking in confidence, maybe a tad clingy, and isn't that outgoing is not really the target of intense ridicule, mocking and hatred. She's the star of a romantic comedy that the audience usually cheers for until she meets Mr. Right. I guess the first thing that I think of when I see these threads is to wonder what the real motivation is of the people who like declaring "nice guy" as enemy no. 1. I enjoyed the Amy Schumer skit too; it's funny because it's really on point. I guess I'm just waiting for the skit that mocks the people laughing at the skit.
I stand corrected. I'm not disagreeing with his point honestly. If people want to date above their league, they should probably put some work in first. And individually, no one owes you anything of course. But generally, I think everyone deserves to be with someone.

I still see some of this discussion as a bit of a gender-based double standard on how we all react though. A generally nice woman who is a bit lacking in confidence, and isn't that outgoing is not really the target of intense ridicule. She's the star of a romantic comedy that the audience usually cheers for until she meets Mr. Right. I guess the first thing that I think of when I see these is to wonder what the real motivation is of the people who like declaring "nice guy" as enemy no. 1. I enjoyed the Amy Schumer skit too; it's funny because it's really on point. I guess I'm just waiting for the skit that mocks the people laughing at the skit.

We aren't talking about "a generally nice [man] who is a bit lacking in confidence."


Is this fedora culture a US thing? Think I've only come across 2 in the UK. One sporting a purple Fedora in the campus library.


Are you saying misogynist have it right if they call woman overly emotional drama queens that throw away reason and common sense for some feels ?! WTF! I am glad not everyone is like this :|

Yeah, what that lady wrote is extremely unappealing. 3/10 would not open door for


FAKE. I have a hard time believing this guy is an Audi-driving success and not in his mama's basement or psychiatric ward.


Did you read the OP?

There are people who think like that.

I read it, and that is definitely an ugly example. At the other end of the spectrum though, it's possible for someone to get passed over, and to then better themselves and enjoy a little bit of quiet revenge in their newly reversed roles.

That's basically the entire point of high school reunions. I definitely think the guy takes it a bit far with his insults though, for sure.


It's entirely possible I've never met someone like you guys are talking about.

OH there are a BUNCH of these, and most of them are real.




Which is why you don't shit where you eat, so to speak.

I also know a few guys who are pretty salty irl as well. They've finished college/uni and are working in some respectable jobs, women just didn't give them the time of day when they were studying and now are extremely bitter about it.


The number and variety of arbitrary checkboxes which women have to fulfill in order to be considered "beautiful" and "desirable" or even not fat/ugly/bitchy/insufferable by *someone* are by no means lesser or less exacting unless you're really not paying attention to the beauty & personality standards which young women in or out of the dating scene are expected to meet.

I wasn't really saying they were less exacting. I was just pointing out that it's interesting that we all recognize them as arbitrary checkboxes when it comes to women. We are hostile to the idea of even listing checkboxes, because it's condescending and sexist. But in thread after thread like these about men, it's fair game to checkbox for 18 pages without anyone even noticing.


I also know a few guys who are pretty salty irl as well. They've finished college/uni and are working in some respectable jobs, women just didn't give them the time of day when they were studying and now are extremely bitter about it.

Surely that's a good thing, they could do better now and aren't tied down to their geeky old uni girlfriend.


Surely that's a good thing, they could do better now and aren't tied down to their geeky old uni girlfriend.

It would be if they weren't so bitter about it to the point where it's translated to a terrible attitude towards women and eventually people in general.



this blog post is exquisitely/disgustingly true. you can't get over wanting the good looking (but too often crazy ass) girls even tho you dare yourself to think you do. just as they can't settle on nice boyism.

tons of good stories happen, tho. as long as you don't think/act desillusional.


Junior Member
I can't even begin to say how utterly stupid the post in OP is. Self-proclaimed "man of your dreams". I'm so happy I'm not so boring as to treat girls with "the utmost respect that they deserve". Of course they deserve your respect. Everyone you meet in your life does so until they prove otherwise. But that doesn't mean you can't be fun, or that you can't let her know she can't text all night when she's on a date with you.

Man, people have no idea what being nice is about, these days.


I can't even begin to say how utterly stupid the post in OP is. Self-proclaimed "man of your dreams". I'm so happy I'm not so boring as to treat girls with "the utmost respect that they deserve". Of course they deserve your respect. Everyone you meet in your life does so until they prove otherwise. But that doesn't mean you can't be fun, or that you can't let her know she can't text all night when she's on a date with you.

Man, people have no idea what being nice is about, these days.

this text is satyrical.

The number and variety of arbitrary checkboxes which women have to fulfill in order to be considered "beautiful" and "desirable" or even not fat/ugly/bitchy/insufferable by *someone* are by no means lesser or less exacting unless you're really not paying attention to the beauty & personality standards which young women in or out of the dating scene are expected to meet.

they could give less a fuck. Tho I fully agree on your points, I tend to consider many women disguise their lack of a clue about what to personnaly accomplish with acknowledging and following whatever trends would put them in the upper echelons of the meat pyramid.

the most beautiful girl can only give what she has best. just as the richest man. etc...all that ends up in the carnival of stupid we so often discuss here.


Thought Catalogue: social media click bait.

Same goes for sites like Elite Daily.

I'd not take anything produced by either site seriously.
Are you saying misogynist have it right if they call woman overly emotional drama queens that throw away reason and common sense for some feels ?! WTF! I am glad not everyone is like this :|

A lot of women aren't like that. It is completely possible to find a nice young girl who doesn't need you to ride a motorcycle, have a tattoo, scream in her face face when drunk, and cheat on her with her best friend that one time you went to a party without her.

She's just saying that there are women who get off on that, and those are the reasons.


Post didn't describe it very well but I understand the underlying sentiment. I was never a dork, captain of my basketball team in high school and was a scholarship basketball player , but I always focused on school and my schedule was busy. Was tall and in shape and moderately attractive but shy because I spent so much time ballin or studying. Women were attracted to me but just not the ones I wanted. Consequently, I lost my virginity in college and only really dated one girl throughout college. Fast forward 6 years and my career as an attorney is coming together and I'm making money and I have my pick of women right now. I'm the same guy, but my bank account is bigger and peoples priorities change as they get older. A lot of times I want nothing to do with these women because they either don't have their stuff together, are too old(at 28 why would I date a 30 year old aging shrew, unconsciously falling in love is different but I'm not gonna seek that out) or their slutty past is a turn off to me because it's just something I can't relate to or respect in my partner. So yea, I don't want that same girl in hs that everyone said was really pretty and made tons of bad decisions now that I have made good ones...I'm out of her league. It is that simple. If I was a different person I'd entertain it, use her for a quick lay and keep it moving but I'm not that type of guy.


Post didn't describe it very well but I understand the underlying sentiment. I was never a dork, captain of my basketball team in high school and was a scholarship basketball player , but I always focused on school and my schedule was busy. Was tall and in shape and moderately attractive but shy because I spent so much time ballin or studying. Women were attracted to me but just not the ones I wanted. Consequently, I lost my virginity in college and only really dated one girl throughout college. Fast forward 6 years and my career as an attorney is coming together and I'm making money and I have my pick of women right now. I'm the same guy, but my bank account is bigger and peoples priorities change as they get older. A lot of times I want nothing to do with these women because they either don't have their stuff together, are too old(at 28 why would I date a 30 year old aging shrew, unconsciously falling in love is different but I'm not gonna seek that out) or their slutty past is a turn off to me because it's just something I can't relate to or respect in my partner. So yea, I don't want that same girl in hs that everyone said was really pretty and made tons of bad decisions now that I have made good ones...I'm out of her league. It is that simple. If I was a different person I'd entertain it, use her for a quick lay and keep it moving but I'm not that type of guy.

that's your brain speaking...what about your schlong?
who takes out girls out to expensive restaurants on the 1st date?
who takes out girls out to restaurant on the 1st date?

1st dates should always be simplest of dates


I'm not entirely sure I understand what point you're getting at because of the odd way you're phrasing your posts, but if you really believe this is satire (satyr?), then your agreement with the text in the OP is the equivalent of responding to A Modest Proposal with "so exquisitely/disgustingly true. What use are poor kids to their parents if not as food for the wealthy?"

The better question is why any self-respecting thirty year old (thirty! she's practically dead at that point) would date you, who would describe them as a "shrew" or, hell, "slutty" (for enjoying sex, one presumes, and you understandably can't have that in a partner.) Better to stay away from such a nice guy. ;p

Yea, although there is difference between enjoying sex and not respecting your body. Sorry I don't want some women who has been ran through by 100 men...25 of whom she can't remember their names. Oh and yes, at 30 if you don't have your life together then I don't want anything to do with you. I'm not trying to subsidize some women who didn't have the foresight to make good decisions. The game has changed and you can find some other dude that is a better match.


who takes out girls out to expensive restaurants on the 1st date?
who takes out girls out to restaurant on the 1st date?

1st dates should always be simplest of dates
That has been my experience. But I've heard some weird stories from co-workers. A month ago this guy took her out to Wolfgangs Steakhouse for a first date. More recently, I male coworker took a women out to some other steakhouse...I was shocked. But they just called me cheap, maybe the world is changing....I thought coffee and conversation was enough and then if We mesh we can set out something nicer.


Yeah, this guy rocks a trilby for sure.
Don't even know what that is. More the type that plays sports. I just respect my body and respect that quality in others.

Edit: and if you meant a tattoo, nope don't have any. Especially one of those disgusting things.
A lot of times I want nothing to do with these women because they either don't have their stuff together, are too old(at 28 why would I date a 30 year old aging shrew, unconsciously falling in love is different but I'm not gonna seek that out) or their slutty past is a turn off to me because it's just something I can't relate to or respect in my partner. So yea, I don't want that same girl in hs that everyone said was really pretty and made tons of bad decisions now that I have made good ones...I'm out of her league. It is that simple. If I was a different person I'd entertain it, use her for a quick lay and keep it moving but I'm not that type of guy.

You sound like a prize catch.


Yea, although there is difference between enjoying sex and not respecting your body. Sorry I don't want some women who has been ran through by 100 men...25 of whom she can't remember their names. Oh and yes, at 30 if you don't have your life together then I don't want anything to do with you. I'm not trying to subsidize some women who didn't have the foresight to make good decisions. The game has changed and you can find some other dude that is a better match.
You tell 'em champ. Those hypothetical women don't stand a chance with a prize bachelor like you!

Yea, will I do admit that wanting to date a women around my own age who respects her body seems to odd around here, I guess only women are allowed to have standards.
There's 'having standards' and then there's 'reeling off a list of warped criteria like Patrick Bateman after too many cans of Red Bull'.


A two year age difference falls way out of your age range?

Honestly, I exaggerated the age range. I would go up to 31. I would date 25-31. 30 is just a round number. That is what I would seek out with a stronger preference for someone my age or slightly younger.


Out of curiosity do you ask them how many men have run through them at the coffee shop, or do you wait for a later date for that?

I dunno, I'd personally rather not date athletes as they just don't respect their bodies.

And a trilby is a hat, sort of similar to a fedora; you can find this out in approximately 2 seconds on the search engine of your choice, as I just did.

Obviously I was speaking generalities...but most woman would not give out this this information regardless of the time asked. Obviously I don't ask on 1st dates. But there are several qualities that are unattractive that you can't discover on first dates, doesn't make them any less unattractive.

That's good for you. I'm sure all the professional athletes(not me, I receive no checks from any sports leagues) are saddened this morning.

Dead Man

Don't even know what that is. More the type that plays sports. I just respect my body and respect that quality in others.

Edit: and if you meant a tattoo, nope don't have any. Especially one of those disgusting things.

Ah, joke poster. Carry on.
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