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Wolfenstein: The New Order |OT| They put Nazis on the Moon, Scheiß auf den Mond!


Neo Member
Was about to start this game, then I was hit with the 5GB patch (that is a 3ish hour wait for me and my crappy internet) :/

I know I can play without it, but I would like to have the best experience I can with the game. I checked online to find out what the patch does and got

Some of those sound like they could be annoying, so is it recommended to wait for the patch to install, or should I just go ahead.

I am behind on Orphan Black, so could catch up with a few episodes if needed when waiting!

What system did you get this on -- PC or console?
Have they said if they might do any DLC?

Edit: Having a hell of a time with the Vaporize trophy. It just isn't counting the kills for some reason. I'm doing it in the oft-suggested spot in Chapter 1, and I've definitely gotten them to drop the grenades, but the Perks page just never registers the kills.


I was really enjoying this until chapter 11, when I had to fight a wave of nazi's and then 2 giant robots. Everytime I died, I restarted having to kill the wave of nazi's, which of course included a few grunts who magically seem to teleport next to you.

Incredibly frustrating given how excellent the rest of the game is, but I haven't been so frustrated with a game in a *long* time. Taking away my weapons, force me to re-fight waves of trash, and then two super-soldiers just isn't fun - at all.


I really want DLC for this game, they could always set it during WWII again but with new prototype Nazi weapons.

Hopefully we get that sequel too. Btw, my favourite line had to be BJ's "I'm on the motherfuckin' moon" line for some reason haha.


Ok, just finished my first run-through. I've mixed feelings.

In many ways this game is the perfect FPS, but after the first half's perfect pacing and brilliant level design, the game starts settling for relentless encounter after encounter and it starts to get a little tiresome.


+ The first half of the game is a masterclass in level design, the use of the wire cutter and laser to cut through fences/chains/crates/panels is just brilliant and feels like a spiritual successor to Half-Life at times.

+ Weapons feel great to fire, the core combat is amongst the best in the genre. Dual wielding is ridiculously fun.

+ The lack of obnoxious GPS guidance is a godsend, and the level design requires you to think a little about your route.

+ Encounters in the early game such as the part where you have to clear the outpost for the car to drive through are incredibly open and allow you lots of freedom to explore.

- Movement can be awkward sometimes. Things like not moving though fences because you didn't cut half a foot off the bottom of the fence could have done with smoothing out, and a slightly higher jump or ability to clamber or just step up instead of getting stuck against shin high fences/scenery.

- It never gets boring, and the gunplay is enjoyable enough to carry it, but everything from the moon onward just felt half-considered.

- The final level is especially upsetting. It felt uneventful, just room after room of swarms of enemies, and the final encounter came with almost no build up. The ending was extremely anti-climatic, too. I understand they've left it open, but /this/ instalment has left me unsatisfied.

- While every base is covered, the weaponry wasn't as imaginative as I'd have liked. They had a lot of opportunity to explore crazy tech, I thought this was a bit of a missed opportunity.


Overall, it's a great game. It harks back to the old-school shooter while retaining a modern feeling, has a surprisingly well developed narrative, and combines cinematic and action elements without feeling like control has been wrested from the player.

I'd recommend it to any fan of the genre, but those who don't enjoy FPS might not make it through the relentless second half.


Do i get this for PS4 or PC?

Only got a 660ti and a 3750k and everything on PC since the new consoles launched has been stupidy demanding, ghosts, watch dogs etc, so will i be ok here or should i just go ps4?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Do i get this for PS4 or PC?

Only got a 660ti and a 3750k and everything on PC since the new consoles launched has been stupidy demanding, ghosts, watch dogs etc, so will i be ok here or should i just go ps4?

You'll get slightly better texture quality in the PS4 version. 2GB VRAM isn't enough for the "Ultra" texture cache size setting on the PC.


Do i get this for PS4 or PC?

Only got a 660ti and a 3750k and everything on PC since the new consoles launched has been stupidy demanding, ghosts, watch dogs etc, so will i be ok here or should i just go ps4?

PS4 ver. is 60 FPS, PC ver. has the benefit of M+KB control, but if you prefer playing with a controller a PS4 is the way to go.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Just finished it, fantastic game aside from the horrid graphics.

Is the ending different on different difficulties? I was surprised by no post credit sequence.

Well worth the purchase, hope to see a sequel. New engine though please.


There are plenty of screenshots in the screenshot thread that are far from "horrid". iDTech 5 has awful textures, deal with it. The art style kept the game looking visually appealing, for me.

There was plenty of fantastic lighting and atmosphere throughout, and the destructibility of the environments lended to the beauty of destruction and chaos.


There are plenty of screenshots in the screenshot thread that are far from "horrid". iDTech 5 has awful textures, deal with it. The art style kept the game looking visually appealing, for me.

There was plenty of fantastic lighting and atmosphere throughout, and the destructibility of the environments lended to the beauty of destruction and chaos.


It's a little rough around the edges, but the art style is great. Really atmospheric.
I think I'm gonna pick this game up today thanks to all the praise you guys keep heaping on it.

It's been a longgggg time since I've played a really good single-player FPS, so hopefully this will scratch that itch.


Good to hear!

Haha I have a macbook pro, so I'm gonna have to go PS4 on it.

I was planning on trading in like 20 of my old PS3 games in at gamestop for it, but I assume that will only get me like $5, right? Better to sell them on ebay?

Begging the Gamestop cashier to give you a discount would probably be better than trading in games. I would call it a scam, but you willfully have to bring them your games.
Just finished it, fantastic game aside from the horrid graphics.

Is the ending different on different difficulties? I was surprised by no post credit sequence.

Well worth the purchase, hope to see a sequel. New engine though please.

"Horrid", really?? I think that's a bit much. By no means a showstopper, but far, far from being an ugly game.
Just finished this last night. I was originally against getting this because I thought the trailer was pretty bad. So I was kinda biased against it from the get-go. But after hearing nothing but great things from folks, I decided to get it and give it a shot. I'm REALLY glad I did.

The shooting is quite fun. I thought it might get old as single player shooters usually do, but this game stayed fresh for me until the very end. Mixing things up with knife throws helped a lot. I always tried to be stealthy until it was no longer an option. I just wish the laser batteries lasted a bit longer. I hated recharging those.

The highlight for me was definitely the bridge level. As I type this I'm tempted to go back and replay it.

I do have 1 major gripe though. Performance and\or the lack of SLI support. At 2560x1440 with NO anti-aliasing, this game runs worse than Battlefield 4 at 2560x1440 with 4xMSAA. That's simply due to having SLI in Battlefield though. I also had an issue with texture streaming. Every time I turned my mouse I saw textures popping in. I didn't really look around for a solution for this so many there's an easy way to fix it. But it bothered me.

I didn't find the graphics horrid, but playing with no AA to keep my frame rate up didn't do the game any favors. If I had a really strong single card that allowed me to play the game downsampled, I would have thought it looked amazing. Here are some screenshots to back that up (though you may have seen them already if you frequent the high-res thread).







The whole screenshot album is here.
Picked the game up and played through the first chapter.

My impressions so far:

This game is awesome. In terms of visuals the game is a little rough, but I think that in the indoor environments like the bunker and castle the game looks really good actually, with some cool foggy effects and nice lighting. Also, the art direction is quite strong.

The combat is brilliant. I'm so used to regenerating health in games I kept getting decimated in the first room with a turret because I was playing like I would any other modern fps: hide behind the same spot of cover, and pop out to take shots. But that didn't work because my health wouldn't regenerate. The shooting feels great (I love that you can duel wield EVERYTHING including knives), which is bolstered by the excellent destruction effects, smoke, and enemy hit reactions/blood splatters. Shootouts are just so much fun.

They also seem to do a good job of throwing different combat scenarios like
scaling the bunker wall, shooting down from bridges, etc.
while doing a good job of having different (and incredibly awesome ) enemy types like the armored dogs and huge armored guys.

The environments have been great so far, with tons of detail, and I'm really really impressed that it's not super linear. I love that you get a map, and a bunch of places to explore that often reward you with any number of collectables and secrets.

Overall I'm really impressed with just how much content overall there is. 16 chapters (and chapter one alone took me an hour, if not more), two timelines (that was an amazing moment in the story
where you had to choose who would live and die. I wasn't expecting that, let alone expecting it to result in a new timeline.
. Although I wonder how different they will be), a bunch of difficulties (I got a kick out of the changing icon for each difficulty), letters to find, and enigma code, tons of perks that get you new abilities, secret modes, concept art, character bios. Just so much stuff.

Lastly, the aspect I'm most surprised and impressed with is the presentation of the game. There are some excellent musical cues, and the story is told really, really well. I loved the whole title credit sequence, and the following cutscene where BJ is
in the mental asylum and life seems to be flitting by
. The menus and everything look great too, its a super stylish game despite some of the rough edges in the graphics.

I can't wait to play more, and I'm hoping it just continues to get better from here.


Completed my first play through 2 nights ago! Awesome game! Like some of you guys have said, it would be awesome if Machinegames gets a crack at helping with Doom. I loved the old school feel of wolfenstein with picking up all the ammo, weapons and collectibles. I would love to see that return for doom as well. Is it worthwhile to play through on the opposite time line? I've been going back to old levels and trying to find all the gold/collectibles and grinding out the remaining perks that I didn't unlock on first playthrough, but does anything new unlock on different time lines? I did the health upgrade timeline (forgot name at the moment) on first play.


Is it worthwhile to play through on the opposite time line? I've been going back to old levels and trying to find all the gold/collectibles and grinding out the remaining perks that I didn't unlock on first playthrough, but does anything new unlock on different time lines? I did the health upgrade timeline (forgot name at the moment) on first play.

If you went through the Health Upgrade timeline first, the other timeline will give you Armor Upgrades.


Alas, this one didn't quite do it for me.

I appreciate what my beloved former-Starbreeze devs tried to do, but in the end, it just wasn't the experience I'd hoped for.

I liked the settings and story. Who knew B.J. was such a character? So kudos for that.

But too often, movement seemed a chore and I was frequently frustrated by the inability to jump over or up to an object that looked perfectly accessible. Those slow-moving fetch quests at the hub world lost my interest, and the stealth sections, which had wonderful potential, were utterly broken due to the fact that as soon as one guard caught an inkling of you, or you stood up at the wrong moment 75 yards from anybody, everybody on the level instantly pulled their weapons.

I also wish the weapons had more punch. I was hoping for a double-fisted Battlefield, but the guns didn't feel, or especially, sound, anywhere near as bombastic.

Oh, and that graphics engine needs to die in a fire. Horrible.

So I traded it in at chapter 9, and based on what I've read, that was a good place for me. If the first half of the game is the star, then I'm glad to stop out now while I still feel adequate about the experience.

Cheers, Machine Games! I'll keep an eye out for your next project.


Junior Member
The PC performance thread is pretty show on this so I'll ask here: Does this game seriously require an i7? Is an i5 4670k really not enough to run the game well?


The PC performance thread is pretty show on this so I'll ask here: Does this game seriously require an i7? Is an i5 4670k really not enough to run the game well?

I really can't imagine you'd have a problem...but I don't have first-hand evidence.

Anyone with an i5 able to chime in?
I really can't imagine you'd have a problem...but I don't have first-hand evidence.

Anyone with an i5 able to chime in?

I have a Titan and an i5 OC'd to 4.5. No problems on the CPU side, but the game is pretty GPU heavy if you enable any kind of AA (ingame MSAA or downsampling).
I get a constant 60 fps maxed with no AA though, but the aliasing is pretty bad in this game, especailly in motion.


Sorry if this has been asked before, but are the enigma codes an actual puzzle you can solve, or is it just code entry?

When you collect them you can go to to main menu, into collectibles>engima section where you can solve puzzles and unlock 3 special game modes. All those unlocks also give you one trophy.


What is the audio problem on PC?

Lots of mixing issues from what I could hear.
Pieces of BJ's monologue bits are non audible half of the time, guns sound weak sometimes, and crazy good other times.
There is also issues with how the mixing is done for environmental sounds.
I found the
Gibraltar bridge
level to be almost silent, no wind sounds.
When you collect them you can go to to main menu, into collectibles>engima section where you can solve puzzles and unlock 3 special game modes. All those unlocks also give you one trophy.

I understand that much, but how do I solve them? Trial and error? Is there some sort of methodology I should follow? I don't really get why the answer to enigma code #1 is what it is.


Alright, now that I've gotten my fill of Destiny, I'm hopping back in and trying to finish this tonight. Last time I played I sort of got hung up on the water level. Is that towards the end of the game?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Audio seems off on PS4 as well. Even with the volume turned up, its really difficult to make out BJ's musings as you explore. Couldn't find any sliders for individual audio settings besides "Master Audio" in options either. Sounds effects just feel way too low particularly guns, which feel very muted. :/

Fun game so far though. Really appreciate how open the environments are and how much I have enjoyed turning over every room in search of secrets and pickups.


Alright, now that I've gotten my fill of Destiny, I'm hopping back in and trying to finish this tonight. Last time I played I sort of got hung up on the water level. Is that towards the end of the game?

Not really, but it's more than halfway. I think it's like Chapter 10 of 16.
I played with headphones connected the PS4 controller for the most part. Audio seemed alright. I didn't really have an issue hearing B.J. speak.
Fantastic game, I cannot sing enough praises over the story, tight plot, and who would know that I could care about doom man precursor; but I think someone messed up the sound config or mix, most of the time sounds like its missing one audio track
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