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DOOM Gameplay Demo (E3 2015)


Yeah, but how does it look to you?

Looks like Bethesda published Crysis game.


But seriously, Carmack et al were some pretty crazy out-of-the-box thinkers always trying to push tech and gameplay in new and interesting ways. They were ahead of the curve with Q3A by foregoing a traditional single-player campaign. Doom3 had some really innovative stuff with seamless high-res interactable GUI (which is something I wish people would copy). For all it's faults, RAGE actually had a half-decent (although half-baked and clearly unfinished/rushed) RPG style campaign. Not to mention RAGE's megatexture technology, which, while it didn't really "work" was ambitious and definitely unique.

I haven't been following this new DOOM very closely, but the old id would always be trying something different and unconventional. It's no wonder Carmack and Abrash (via Valve) ended up at Oculus. They're just people who want to work on unique stuff.

BethSoft and Crytek both strike me as iterative not innovative. I never think -well those people are going against the grain of what's popular and trying something that may or may not work.


Isn't it obvious?


LOL wtf! what a fucking vagina.


He touched the black heart of a mod
Yeah don't count on that. So far Bethesda seems to be Youtube only (talking about embed codes in their E3 email a few minutes ago), which is a huge blow considering they have always released their videos in HQ until now :(

Agh, bummer.
I'm going to have to go against the grain here. I just watched some Doom 1 gameplay videos. And all I can say is that people who are not satisfied with the new Doom have severe case of rose tinted nostalgia goggles. Lots of small rooms and corridors. The speed looked about the same as what the new Doom is showcasing. And the guns look more interesting in the new Doom in my opinion.

I get the impression people are looking for a new Quake here instead of a new Doom. Because IMO, this new Doom is Doom head-to-toe.

People are confusing OG Doom with the suped up Moded Brutal Doom


Considering that there's only name left out of the id Software, I'm pretty sure that fans of the series actually know better what Doom is, not the people in charge of this puppet under Zenimax.

What? Donald Trumps brother TOTALLY knows what DOOM is all about!
Hes got the systematic checklist of
'Features from other large successful AAAA shoot bangs'
completed, every box checked!

I Sure am glad hes on the board of directors making sure these games stay on the straight and narrow of what features are in games making the most money right now!
Just like the original doom and Wolfenstein right? Exactly like a checklist of all the other games popular at the time!

Thank you Trump Management!
Oh, and lets not forget Harry E. Sloan! Thanks Golden Eagle Aquisitions Corp!


sealed with a kiss
I'm allways glad to see more fast arena style shooters on consoles
Those user created content tools looked great
It would have been nice, too bad this is slow as molasses corridor shooter #14534

For all those saying it looks generic and boring, explain why? Lots of cool weapons, effects, graphics, new little things and plus the fact that it has a year to get it out to the market plus the MP gives them tips on what to do better over that time. I'm optimistic for this game.

"cool weapons" shotgun, slightly less boring shotgun, fast pew pew rifle, slow pew pew glowing rifle.... sure

it looks generic and boring because it's slow and clunky and scripted af


Well gore is something weird to cheer for. Like all the people who instantly bought Hatred because it was "edgy" or whatnot.

Anyways, I hope they get rid of slowing time mechanic while switching weapons (i imagine it's optional since that doesn't work for multiplayer). Also, the finishers seem kind of overpowered in that they didn't seem to have any downside. Maybe the demo was just set on easy mode because the monsters didn't seem to react to shit.

I think it's not really the gore. It's a part of it, sure, but it's more the correlation of the weaponry. Doom weapon mainstays have taken on a life of their own with fans; the shotgun and the chainsaw being notably absent in the past.

So, it's of course the case that what immediately follows is the use of those weapons and the over the top gore. Sure, some weird guy is cheering because he loves the gore -- most everyone else is probably cheering because they love the callbacks to the weapons.


13 minutes of a gameplay demo is more than enough to get the general gist of the pacing, level design style, and general speed of a game. That's not to say we've seen everything, but it's not like it's immune to critiques either.

If the demo is misrepresenting the the game that much, to the point where we still know very little about the game's pacing and level design, then it's just an extremely poor demo and not worth defending (and this almost never happens in E3 demos).

My hope here is that the game is being played "slowly" to show off the tech and detail. Zipping by levels as played by a speedrunner wouldn't let us appreciate the work put into the tech. If the game is truly this slow, though...eh...

Criticism is fine. I just feel the grievances thus far are off base and overly critical.

I saw fast paced movement. I saw what looked like open ended levels with multiple pathways. I saw brutal, visceral, visual and audio effects that establish a good sense of weight and feedback to the player.

I don't know what others saw or were expecting. But based on the comments, people either saw a completely different game or just so jaded, pessimistic or even apathetic towards everything at this point, they can't be bothered to recognize something that might actually be good.


I'd be in the dick
I'm going to have to go against the grain here. I just watched some Doom 1 gameplay videos. And all I can say is that people who are not satisfied with the new Doom have severe case of rose tinted nostalgia goggles. Lots of small rooms and corridors. The speed looked about the same as what the new Doom is showcasing. And the guns look more interesting in the new Doom in my opinion.

I get the impression people are looking for a new Quake here instead of a new Doom. Because IMO, this new Doom is Doom head-to-toe.

People have played modded Doom for so long that they forgot what vanilla Doom looks like. It was slower but everything looked like what I would expect a modern Doom to look like.


Is this a remake of Doom 2 or Doom 1?

I just watched some Doom 1 gameplay videos. And all I can say is that people who are not satisfied with the new Doom have severe case of rose tinted nostalgia goggles. Lots of small rooms and corridors. The speed looked about the same as what the new Doom is showcasing. And the guns look more interesting in the new Doom in my opinion.

Because IMO, this new Doom is Doom head-to-toe.

make up your mind


I am very surprised at the reception here. This seems like the perfect reveal and was my game of the show. The demo was all single player, no cinematic stuff, no set pieces, just pure gameplay with hip-firing. The animations looked awesome and the graphics were nice. Then they showed the multiplayer which is basically mods on consoles which is AMAZING! Then they showed MORE of the awesome single player with boss fights (which is very rare for an FPS), varied kill animations and the gunplay looked great. Granted, I've never played a Doom game before but I don't know what else they could have done to make people happy. I don't think I saw any sprinting either.


How are people calling this extremely violent, disturbing? I can see why people would say that about Mortal Kombat, GOW, etc but honestly this wasn't that bad at all. Just about what I'd expect from a modern DOOM game.


There should be more tampons in gaming

*shrugs* Everyone is entitled to their opinion but the enemy count was high, it was hectic and chaotic. The only thing missing are the long, labyrinthine maps but that remains to be seen and can't gauged from a short demo that doesn't speak of the entire game. But like I said, opinions...


I just watched the Hell sequence over again. That fight sequence was FANTASTIC! Watching again helped me to see all of the nuances in the combat. The game does looks really smooth and fast. I'm also loving that the enemies use actual projectiles instead of hit-scan weapons! The player was running, strafing and jumping all over the place in the hell fight with lots of enemies. It may not have been 20 enemies on screen at once, but I think that was more because of how the player was moving around the space. He killed a fare amount of enemies.


The game, just like Bethesda's entire conference, was a joke. The only thing that's Doom'd is the integrity of the series, because right now, it's like a dog without its balls.


sealed with a kiss
I am very surprised at the reception here. This seems like the perfect reveal and was my game of the show. The demo was all single player, no cinematic stuff, no set pieces, just pure gameplay with hip-firing. The animations looked awesome and the graphics were nice. Then they showed the multiplayer which is basically mods on consoles which is AMAZING! Then they showed MORE of the awesome single player with boss fights (which is very rare for an FPS), varied kill animations and the gunplay looked great. Granted, I've never played a Doom game before but I don't know what else they could have done to make people happy. I don't think I saw any sprinting either.

every second kill was "cinematic" lol
Agreed with the both of you. I remember playing Doom on Dos Shareware when it first came out. I was 15 at the time and played for years.

This definitely struck the nostalgia bug, and is actually making me run out to buy the Wolfenstein reboot as well (I know, LTTP).

I think people are either too young to remember or too clouded by modern shooters to make the connection of this simplicity that is Doom.

It's not perfect, and there is plenty of time for them to tweak it. It isn't coming out next week after all.

I play vanilla doom all the time, it's much, much faster paced than what was shown in the demo. I think it's more likely that you guys simply haven't played the game in a long time and can't see how different from what we've shown the original games are.


Man, this looks great to me.

Full arsenal of Doom weapons, non regenerating health with health pickups, no reloading except for the super shotty, and even spotted an invincibility orb pickup.

Can't wait for the demo.


No, because Brutal Doom is a bad mod that slows the gameplay down with kill animations just like this. The movement itself in BD is just as fast as the original.

Exactly. If anything, Doom 4 has more in common with Brutal Doom than with vanilla Doom 1/2, with the unnecessary attention to gore.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
So I guess Mick Gordon is doing the music.


Gold Member
Looks like Bethesda published Crysis game.


But seriously, Carmack et al were some pretty crazy out-of-the-box thinkers always trying to push tech and gameplay in new and interesting ways. They were ahead of the curve with Q3A by foregoing a traditional single-player campaign. Doom3 had some really innovative stuff with seamless high-res interactable GUI (which is something I wish people would copy). For all it's faults, RAGE actually had a half-decent (although half-baked and clearly unfinished/rushed) RPG style campaign. Not to mention RAGE's megatexture technology, which, while it didn't really "work" was ambitious and definitely unique.

I haven't been following this new DOOM very closely, but the old id would always be trying something different and unconventional. It's no wonder Carmack and Abrash (via Valve) ended up at Oculus. They're just people who want to work on unique stuff.

BethSoft and Crytek both strike me as iterative not innovative. I never think -well those people are going against the grain of what's popular and trying something that may or may not work.

I get what you are saying. However, if it were unlike Doom, then that would be a whole slew of new complaints.

They evolve and try "new things" with different IP's. Staying with the course of the original IP with some added flare (not unlike Wolfenstein) is what we all expect I think.

Not to mention we are coming to a point where there is only so much you can do with an FPS now, without borrowing mechanics. The well of "innovation" is pretty dry with the genre.

It has great graphics, sound, atmosphere, framerate, and Doom like evolved destruction. Now it is up to refining the gameplay in which they have a year to do, and work on classic (yet evolved) level design based on feedback.


That's not how opinions work.

Exactly. I'm not saying there shouldn't be dissent or criticism. I'm just curious as to why some people feel the way they do.

Hell, I'm critical and hard to please and that shit looked damn good to me. That says "old school Doom" all over it.
Talking about myself.... This game is all over my face & body now, just please have a lengthy single player mode so I can get as much from this insanely good atmosphere.

So happy they rebooted the franchise with this.
I thought it looked great. Not worried about the speed because it seemed to me that the demo was played that way to show of the tech and gore. Those finishers are not an issue as it's easily fixed by not using them. I'd rather shoot shit anyway. Wonder how Snapmap will turn out. Either way, excited for Doom for now.


I absolutely love what I saw. I can't wait to get my hands on this! That snippet of multiplayer looked like a classic arena FPS. Beyond excited! Can't wait to see more. I honestly have no idea why people are upset about the openness, it has existed in the series. Two portions aren't the entire game. I thought the speed was fine too, honestly I don't know how they could channel the original game any better than they did.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
Modern game design? It's fucking DOOM come on!
Brutally dismembering demons is where the line is drawn. There's something wrong with anyone who doesn't agree, demons are not supposed to be subjected to such violence. #boycottDOOM4



I did make up my mind. I'm rightfully comparing what was shown today to Doom 1. Unless you can show me where ID is saying this is a remake of Doom 2.
i uh, don't quite understand your statement then

that they're basing the game's pacing, weapon and level design off doom 1 over 2?
i mean, doom 2 is kinda extremely iterative of doom 1 so i really don't see what you're arguing here. that doom 2's level designs, pace and weapons design are wildly different from doom 1's and that doom 1 is more similar to the demo footage shown?


Talk about a let down. After the hype from quake con. I thought we were In for something special. Instead I was very unimpressed. Just looked so Repetitive. Might be a case of them showing far too much.


+ Non-hitscan enemy projectiles, which is a Good Thing That Encourages Movement because...
+ Movespeed seems faster than most shooters, encouraging mobility and dodging
+ Guns look and sound good, and you can carry several of them (weapon wheel)
+ Map maker looks cool. I think these things, through no fault of their own, look like a pain in the ass to work on console when making more complex mods, but I'm sure that won't stop people from making amazing mods.

~ Gore and melee. It's too over-the-top for me, but I guess other people like it. As EmCeeGamr mentioned, the context-sensitive melee can negatively affect the pace of the game. Extended melee animations have their place in games (RE4/5/6), but I'm unconvinced DOOM is that place.

- Visually a bit too much like Doom 3 for my tastes. I would've liked to see them go wild with the art rather than stick to Doom 3's more industrial look


The slow down, blur and bokeh effect when the weapon wheel comes up is so divine. Love it. I like the minimal UI too. Everything seems really simple, yet smooth, fluid and intuitive. That is exactly what an old school FPS should be.


I just watched the Hell sequence over again. That fight sequence was FANTASTIC! Watching again helped me to see all of the nuances in the combat. The game does looks really smooth and fast. I'm also loving that the enemies use actual projectiles instead of hit-scan weapons! The player was running, strafing and jumping all over the place in the hell fight with lots of enemies. It may not have been 20 enemies on screen at once, but I think that was more because of how the player was moving around the space. He killed a fare amount of enemies.
Has anyone tallied the kills up to see who won in Bossman vs Huber?
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