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Deviation Games Has Shut Down - Ex CoD Devs, Were Creating New IP for PlayStation




Could the game be almost done? Layoffs and firings are not uncommon once a project is nearly done.
Studio is only 3 years old, there's been no teasers and reveals, makes me think that it's unlikely that the layoffs are due to the project being complete and close to shipping.
Firesprite's action shooter was canned about a year ago. Their current projects seem to only be the dark narrative adventure game and Twisted Metal.

TBH both of those sound more to my tastes than the action shooter, so it's not a big loss in that regard.

90 people! That's most of the studio. Either Sony cancelled the project with them or they have to go back to the drawing board to unlock more funding. Tough position, if Sony cancelled the project, their other option is to see if another publisher will pick-up/fund the project.

Sony commited to investing significantly into their 1st party studios ($300M/year expansion) but also cited 1st party costs as a reason for the decline in net income this FY. So they're cutting projects that aren't going to make it, including 2nd party games.

Yep, astute conclusion. Interesting it does also seem to signal they're scaling back on the amount of live-service games. Maybe instead of 10-12 they are looking to start with 3-5 and make sure they're really good and have the financial support behind them to expand and adjust depending on how they do in the market.

MS should have done this with Redfall after they bought the studio

TBH the issue with RedFall seems like it was on the way to being one sort of game, but then when MS stepped in forced the game to become something else and only with a two-year timeline to change it to whatever taste they were looking for to satiate "Xbox, PC and Game Pass".

There's probably an earlier build of RedFall with very different gameplay compared to what we got, that will leak some day in the future.


TBH both of those sound more to my tastes than the action shooter, so it's not a big loss in that regard.

Yep, astute conclusion. Interesting it does also seem to signal they're scaling back on the amount of live-service games. Maybe instead of 10-12 they are looking to start with 3-5 and make sure they're really good and have the financial support behind them to expand and adjust depending on how they do in the market.

TBH the issue with RedFall seems like it was on the way to being one sort of game, but then when MS stepped in forced the game to become something else and only with a two-year timeline to change it to whatever taste they were looking for to satiate "Xbox, PC and Game Pass".

There's probably an earlier build of RedFall with very different gameplay compared to what we got, that will leak some day in the future.

I don't think they are scaling back their live service funding, I think they still plan to launch 10-12 live-service games, but they're not going launch 12 for the sake of launching 12. They'll launch 12 games that reach their internal bar of quality.

This is an interesting time for PS Studios. We haven't seen the true impact of Hermen's leadership yet. The games they've launched (GOW, GT7, Horizon) were either established IP, with established teams, or games that were greenlit by Shu (Returnal, Destruction All-Stars etc...). We'll only be able to judge Hermen's capability based on PS Studios launching successful new IP or delivering stellar games from new teams. Hermen has big shoes to fill. Shu & Layden hit it out of the park in the PS4 generation by launching 5 20M selling games (TLOU, Uncharted, GoW, Horizon, Spiderman) & 2 10M sellers (Ghost of Tsushima, GT: Sport) and 3 5M+ sellers (Death Stranding, Days Gone, Detroit).
The project is either dead, or will take much longer to produce...
Explains the silence surrounding it...

Most probably cancelled, unless the studio heads decide to pivot...but then again, would Sony re-invest still?
I feel for the developers...Hope they all land on their feet.
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Gold Member
MS should have done this with Redfall after they bought the studio
Redfall issue existed before MS purchase and Bethesda was chasing the co-op trend.

Also why people are bringing these stuff?
It's normal for studios to have situations like these. They aren't owned by big companies, and the risk of big projects results in situations like this.

We only hear about successful companies with their big first launch, but not those companies who dispand after 2-4 years due to situations like these.


The project is either dead, or will take much longer to produce...
Explains the silence surrounding it...
Yep. Dead or needs to go back to the drawing board.

Redfall issue existed before MS purchase and Bethesda was chasing the co-op trend.

Also why people are bringing these stuff?
It's normal for studios to have situations like these. They aren't owned by big companies, and the risk of big projects results in situations like this.

We only hear about successful companies with their big first launch, but not those companies who dispand after 2-4 years due to situations like these.
Yep. Its very common.
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TBH the issue with RedFall seems like it was on the way to being one sort of game, but then when MS stepped in forced the game to become something else and only with a two-year timeline to change it to whatever taste they were looking for to satiate "Xbox, PC and Game Pass".

There's probably an earlier build of RedFall with very different gameplay compared to what we got, that will leak some day in the future.

Even for you, this is ludicrous. Lmao

MS is being raked over the coals for being hands-off, and you’re here pushing a silly theory that they pivoted the game 3 years after development started and one year to planned release.

Lol @ ‘two year timeline’. The game was targeted at a 2022 release date as near as E3 2021. At least try to make these things pass basic plausibility tests.


Founder already left too. Wouldn’t be surprised if they fold before shipping a game.
It really doesn't seem like setting up a new studio making AAA games is a viable thing anymore. Not to say it never works out, but I can't count the number of "ex-[insert prolific studio] devs" studios that have started over the last 5 years with absolutely 0 output and nothing close to being delivered in the near future.


TBH the issue with RedFall seems like it was on the way to being one sort of game, but then when MS stepped in forced the game to become something else and only with a two-year timeline to change it to whatever taste they were looking for to satiate "Xbox, PC and Game Pass".

There's probably an earlier build of RedFall with very different gameplay compared to what we got, that will leak some day in the future.

So much horse shit in this post.

You're becoming TheLastWord, just without the continuous dots.

Fucking embarrassing.


Snake Oil Salesman
Firesprite's action shooter was canned about a year ago.

I tried Googling this but couldn't find anything. I see they're only hiring for the two games you listed (multiplayer action, dark narrative) right now. As of April 2022 and June 2022 they were hiring for a "multiplayer shooter".

Seems like it could be cancelled or it's near completion? What's your source for it being cancelled?


Gold Member
90 layoffs already? Studio hasnt even made one game yet.

By the way check out their website. What a load of pretentious junk. They also seem to care more about hanging out and partying than making games.

They do sell product. Deviation Games soccer jerseys.

Literally this.
I got the info from a Fandom Wiki because the main page was too slow.
They have a great front desk tho.
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Snake Oil Salesman
It really doesn't seem like setting up a new studio making AAA games is a viable thing anymore. Not to say it never works out, but I can't count the number of "ex-[insert prolific studio] devs" studios that have started over the last 5 years with absolutely 0 output and nothing close to being delivered in the near future.

Starting a studio and building a AAA game from scratch takes longer than 5 years.
I had mentioned that Blundell leaving was a really bad sign and people kind of shrugged that off at the time.

They've also largely had a hiring freeze. I noticed a week or two ago they had removed all job listings from their site. This at a time where they should be ramping up. They'd also been hiring a bunch of people who had little to no experience, meaning they were having difficulty recruiting.

This could be a reset, but most likely the game was canceled by Sony and they had no choice but to basically cut 70 percent of the staff.

People are blaming Sony, but the reality is, no one has seen the game, but they have. Sony has to be REALLY smart about the resources they are putting into games right now, especially if they want to acquire more studios. Sony Bend and Media Molecule are likely on the chopping block as well. You've got to keep operating costs down and if you want to prioritize games that are going to be 80s and 90s, you have to look at games that are going to be 60s and 70s as early as possible and cut ties.

This is what Microsoft SHOULD have done with Redfall, but they got to a point where they'd put too much money into it not to recoup something from it.
I honestly think they're rethinking the GaaS/live service strategy. Remember originally it was going to be 10 (12?) games. Just way too many right off the bat. Scaling it back to a few choice cuts showing the best promise is for the best, that way you can put resources to them to grow even more if they take off.

Also, it seems some of the games they were funding in that regard were maybe too similar. Do you really need a scifi-military shooter from Deviation if Bungie are probably going to make something in that style with their next game, and Destiny 2 already covers that fix from a different angle? And that's on top of Firesprite's game, which is yet another FPS probably also scifi-military themed.

In a way I think this is a good thing. Yeah Sony need a few more MP games and they are in the works, but maybe they just had too much with 10-12 of them in development and decided they only need some of them instead. If it means more single-player marquee games and/or some unique AA games with legacy IP, then I welcome the decision. And like I said, the MP live-service/GaaS titles are still coming. It's just a question of quality > quantity.

Oh I'm sorry did they release a 55 MC game last week after a quarter with hardware sales down by 30%?

C'mon man, don't say ridiculous stuff unless you're ready for the truth to slap you like Rick James.

We don't know what deviation was working on really, but the plan was put into place pre-bungie. It's very likely that Sony saw what they had and it wasn't nearly as good as what Bungie or others are doing and so rather than cannibalize sales over duplication, they said cancel the game or reset it with a different theme.

Really you don't want to put out more than 2 or 3 fps max. 4 would be a huge stretch and that gets a little more dicey if you have a 3rd person shooter like SOCOM as well.

When Sony announced they were buying Firewalk but not Deviation Games (who probably would have been easier to buy) the writing was on the walls for Deviation Games.
Seems like Sony made a global revaluation of the games in development earlier this year, some people were given the ok or even got acquired in the process like Firewalk, others were not delivering as expected and got the hammer.
We'll see if the game is still alive.

They probably called on all teams to submit content for the PlayStation showcase and teams that couldn't or the content was lackluster were given the boot. Hence why this is all happening at the same time and so close to the rumored week of May 25th.

Building a CoD competitor would likely cost 400 million to a billion dollars... if this game had nothing to show for it after 3 years... that's a bridge too far.
Sean Decker was hired as VP of live services a week ago too. A position they posted 7 months ago.

Sony's definitely not happy with how things are going with GaaS at the moment, but are getting serious about them.


They Saw Sony money and stopped giving a shit likely. Well there is the 🪓.
It was really convenient for Blundell to jump ship not long after they got their kushty deal with Sony.

Even Haven Studios had enough to get Sony to purchase them. Imagine losing to Jade Raymond in timely deliverables.

Starting a studio and building a AAA game from scratch takes longer than 5 years.
True. But that 5 years was a conservative number, and while it's one thing to take longer than 5 years to get up running and release a game, there really doesn't seem to be an end in sight for almost any of the projects some of these studios pitched.
It was really convenient for Blundell to jump ship not long after they got their kushty deal with Sony.

Even Haven Studios had enough to get Sony to purchase them. Imagine losing to Jade Raymond in timely deliverables.

True. But that 5 years was a conservative number, and while it's one thing to take longer than 5 years to get up running and release a game, there really doesn't seem to be an end in sight for almost any of the projects some of these studios pitched.

There are other considerations you have to make there.

Jade Raymond and Haven gave them the ability to incorporate in Canada and start recruiting Canadian talent. They need to have offices in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. It's been a big miss for Sony not to have offices there.

With Deviation Games, it was one of many California-based studios.


I honestly think they're rethinking the GaaS/live service strategy. Remember originally it was going to be 10 (12?) games. Just way too many right off the bat. Scaling it back to a few choice cuts showing the best promise is for the best, that way you can put resources to them to grow even more if they take off.
At the very least, it indicates that they're not so craven for live service stuff as to force a project through when it's not working - and yes, I do think it's cancelled. Between this, Blundell's leaving, and Deviation being the only one of the 3 studios Sony partnered with for this live service initiative not to get purchased, they must've really shit the bed.

Isn't FireSprite's MP shooter also cancelled? By rumor, at least?

And like I said, the MP live-service/GaaS titles are still coming. It's just a question of quality > quantity.
Honestly, that should be Sony's philosophy irrespective of MP, SP or whatever. It is a good sign that they don't throw that to the wind just because they have 0.001% chance of "being the next such and such" in the live service space.


There are other considerations you have to make there.

Jade Raymond and Haven gave them the ability to incorporate in Canada and start recruiting Canadian talent. They need to have offices in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. It's been a big miss for Sony not to have offices there.

With Deviation Games, it was one of many California-based studios.
There's that, and I also think Haven is setting up virtual workspace infrastructure that'll be useful to Sony live service wise.

But if their game itself was in similarly poor shape, there would be nothing stopping Sony from downsizing the studio to a technical support team. Might have to wait a week or two but so far, we've not heard about layoffs at Haven.
There are other considerations you have to make there.

Jade Raymond and Haven gave them the ability to incorporate in Canada and start recruiting Canadian talent. They need to have offices in Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal. It's been a big miss for Sony not to have offices there.

With Deviation Games, it was one of many California-based studios.
Deviation had a Canada studio as well.

Maybe they expanded too quickly and the quality didn’t keep up.


This is what Microsoft SHOULD have done with Redfall, but they got to a point where they'd put too much money into it not to recoup something from it.

Yeah I think people forget this is a business where investors are trying to make billion dollar returns. The internal quality control is ramping up - the standard of games has to be high to hit these numbers. I think it's going to result in better games in 5 years but it's going to be tough for people that don't have the best of the best in leadership positions.
TBH the issue with RedFall seems like it was on the way to being one sort of game, but then when MS stepped in forced the game to become something else and only with a two-year timeline to change it to whatever taste they were looking for to satiate "Xbox, PC and Game Pass".

There's probably an earlier build of RedFall with very different gameplay compared to what we got, that will leak some day in the future.

Worst take on GAF I've seen all year so far.
You deserve an award for this beauty.


Yah def looks like Sony pulled out, can’t have had faith in how it was shaping up, so without funding deviation let everyone go.

Sony do do cycles of spring cleaning periodically. Followed by or whilst expanding. Between this and pixel opus it looks like we’re in a cleaning house cycle.


I wonder how many of the 400 live service games they have in development are going to end up coming out.

No, the games were probably just looking bad and they dont want to invest in it anymore, standard practice for vidya.
I think at least 2/3 were already canned.

Safe bets that should ship:

Naughty Dog

Those are the safe bets so at least 3 should ship (not including Bungie).

Unsure or likely will get canned:

London Studio
Media Molecule

Those 2 Studios might be dead by 2028.
It was a satellite office and they already had Haven.
I believe the general plan was to have that be a co-development studio like Insomniac have (they are across two sites).

This game did seem like it was going to be Sony’s big attempt at making a big budget shooter again from the ground up with lots of modes etc. To the surprise of no-one, making a COD competitor is hard.
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Media Molecule are likely on the chopping block as well. You've got to keep operating costs down and if you want to prioritize games that are going to be 80s and 90s.
I don't know. If games needing to score 80s and 90s is the concern then they might think twice about just shutting down MM.

LittleBigPlanet: 95
LittleBigPlanet 2: 91
Tearaway: 87
Dreams: 89

Not to mention LBP is probably the closest they've ever gotten to a GAAS success.
I don't know. If games needing to score 80s and 90s is the concern then they might think twice about just shutting down MM.

LittleBigPlanet: 95
LittleBigPlanet 2: 91
Tearaway: 87
Dreams: 89

Not to mention LBP is probably the closest they've ever gotten to a GAAS success.

I think while Media Molecule gets rave reviews, they haven't put out a financially successful game in a long time.

Dreams and LBP have GaaS written all over it, but it seems like the studio is struggling to creation a monetization model. I firmly believe that is why the founder of the company is out. We'll see what their future holds as a result.


Gold Member
I think while Media Molecule gets rave reviews, they haven't put out a financially successful game in a long time.

Dreams and LBP have GaaS written all over it, but it seems like the studio is struggling to creation a monetization model. I firmly believe that is why the founder of the company is out. We'll see what their future holds as a result.

The thing with them is that they have quite a legacy already. Not only in creating games with high critical praise with every project they've done, but they have also been awarded a number of times. Including a BAFTA fellowship with their current studio director. Which Sacred Symbols pointed out is a big deal. They speculated that may be one of the reasons why Media Molecule wasn't just shut down after Dreams was an obvious commercial failure after an entire generation in development.

But a number of the leads on that project, including three of the four studio founders themselves, are all gone now. Coincidentally, or not, AFTER Dreams released. So that may have been the price to pay for that disaster.

Their next game is said to be a live service multiplayer game. Which fits into Sony's strategy. Unless Media Molecule fails to hit milestones in development, Sony is probably giving them more rope. Their history of creating great games probably gives Sony confidence that whatever they create will be very good. Not to mention they are probably under a lot of pressure to deliver this time after being indulged for basically a decade with no money to show for it.

To be honest, this may be the best thing to happen to them. Personally, I got the impression that the guys running that place were being a bit pretentious. A little too wrapped up in the idea of being artists and not enough on creating something that a lot of people would actually enjoy. But that's just me.
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