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5 animals saved by conservation that are very... interesting (photo gallery!)

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best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
mclaren777 said:
Idolomantis diabolica



that is some awesome mantis. even more so since hes doing the "meet me somewhere" pose.


Junior Member
I have arachnophobia but the big spiders don't scare me very much. It's the small ones that are the scary ones.


mugwhump said:
You know spiders actually grow to massive sizes in zero gravity, right?
Oh shit! Do they decrease in size when they return?

edit: I'm assuming we have sent a spider to the ISS at this point.
Beam said:
Can i use it?

Spiders are such misunderstood creature. The hate on Gaf is ridiculous.

Bro get bitten by a brown recluse, then see how much you misunderstand.

I do realize spiders eat many terrible pests, and for that I am thankful. I only wish they could do this without me ever seeing them or any sign of them again. God the worst is walking in the woods and running into a huge spider web.. I nearly have a fucking panic attack. God damn it.. time to try to sleep, thanks guy.


Proxy said:

Kill it with fire.. fire!
Well, I know what's going to be posted in GAF's quarterly spider thread from now on. I've seen one that large in person, many years ago, and it scared the living hell out of me. Even knowing their bites aren't all that dangerous.
Fuck this shit.
I just looked at all four corners of my room expecting to see a gigantic spider.

If that scorpion glowed in the dark I would die right now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Can't be worse than the damn Black Widows infesting my garage
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