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Not bitter, just unsweetened
God's Hand said:
Ever heard of "artistic integrity"? Didn't think so.

maybe they clone aeris with the blood off sephiroth's blade...

and then she turns into another JENOVA :$%IOFG


Tag of Excellence

Why is no one getting angry? Oh and I had three Aerithises, Aerisises, whatever in my party, weee!

Ranger X

Ok i went completely to the oposite of the first poster with my own first post. I have to temper what i said a little bit better: Of course this is business and not total artistic creation. Being on any of the 2 edges is bad i guess. I just feel that Squaresoft too much towards the "cash only" side.


Moan moan moan moan moan.
Well, I'm looking forward to it anyway. Square have always made nice visuals and it will be nice to see the FF7 crew as proper graphics rather than that weird gouraud-shaded stuff that aged so badly. They should have made the first FF movie like this, rather than making something which had nothing whatsoever to do with the RPG series.


Jonnyram said:
it will be nice to see the FF7 crew as proper graphics rather than that weird gouraud-shaded stuff that aged so badly.

Didn't get to see them in Ergheiz or Kingdom Hearts?:)


where's tabris?!?!

you guys are getting the wrong assumption..

The idea came about when one of square's subsidiaries - Visual Works (The division that handles their fmv's)
decided to make a standalone product (a movie) there were some other choices but they went with ff7.

They head of squaresoft caught on and told nomura to assist them.

Almost every division of square was/is working on a new game.


It's gonna be 70 minutes.

What the hell can they accomplish on only 70 minutes? This was a really bad idea.


Isn't "Aerith" just a mistranslation/mispelling of "Aeris" whom is a goddess of something (chaos? water? air?)?

I've seen a lot of anime where they mispell words all the time.


luxsol said:
Isn't "Aerith" just a mistranslation/mispelling of "Aeris" whom is a goddess of something (chaos? water? air?)?

I've seen a lot of anime where they mispell words all the time.

Considering "Aerith" is printed all over the Japanese promotional material/game instructions/etc. for the game and is consistent, I'd say it's the other way around. And I don't think there's a goddess connection.


Mystifizor said:
Ever heard of "Real Fans" or "loving a game"??
Didn't think so!!

I think real hardcore Final Fantasy fans are the ones that Square would care the LEAST about. Yes, these fans may whine about every small detail that's "wrong", they will complain about changes, but in the end, they'll most definitely buy the game (or in this case, movie) anyway. Otherwise they're not "hardcore fans", obviously.

It's the mainstream crowd Square should be aiming at, especially when making a movie that's a sequel to one of their biggest mainstream hits ever.

MaddenNFL64 said:
You guys are talking about the Final Fantasy 7 movie right?

Isn't it a prequel?

The cell-phone game is the prequel, IIRC.


The name "Aerith" was supposed to mean "Heiress", if I remember correctly. Aerith is the correct spelling


It's bad enough if they include her.. but what's worse is that she appears to have some cleavage in that shot. Aeris was flat as a fucking board in the game. Dont fanservice her up if you're going to defile her memory already Square.


she's alive! I knew it, killing the weapons without taking any damage and talking to hojo 5 times before you kill him really does give you the secret materia to revive Aeris.


That's not Aerith. That's just a girl Cloud imagines is Aerith because they have similar hairstyles and sell flowers. Otherwise the game would have named her.


belgurdo said:
That's not Aerith. That's just a girl Cloud imagines is Aerith because they have similar hairstyles and sell flowers. Otherwise the game would have named her.

Really? I distinctly recall her being Aeris. I also recall her looking exactly like Aeris, same clothes, same hair-style and selling flowers. I mean, if Cloud can travel through time and space and end up in FFT, I reckon the same would be possible for Aeris. Wasn't it just that she didn't remember him or something? Plus, all the walkthroughs I've seen says "Aeris".


Wait, characters who die in beloved fanboy tragedies being brought back against all reason or decency?




So much love and hate for this movie!! Well there's only one thing I hate about it. It has a great chance of completly ruining FFVII's ending for me.

I'll still defend that "everybody dies" at the end though.


neptunes said:
what part of 2 years after and "star scar syndrome" don't you get?

It's kind of like those Star Wars fans that refuse to believe that the Prequels exist. Except maybe a bit more dillusional?


I'm just saying that the ending we saw in the game is after the movie.

and that this "supposed" star scar syndrome could be deadly and that everybody eventually dies.
FnordChan said:
Wait, characters who die in beloved fanboy tragedies being brought back against all reason or decency?



(Just caught it, nice touch replacing the UPC code.)


Meier said:
It's bad enough if they include her.. but what's worse is that she appears to have some cleavage in that shot. Aeris was flat as a fucking board in the game. Dont fanservice her up if you're going to defile her memory already Square.

'Defile her memory' is a pretty melodramatic way of putting it, Meier. It's not like we're talking about a real human being who's passed away here--this is a game character. One beloved to many fans, sure, but a character in a work of fiction nonetheless. Also, the upper slope of a woman's breast is not 'cleavage', and Aeris is still modestly endowed, at least from what I can make out in that sliver of a pic. The more realistic CG in Advent Children accounts for the difference, I think--rendering her as flat-chested as you describe in the new style would make her look like either a prepubescent girl or a very pretty boy, and we know she was neither. (The change in style also accounts for Tifa's massive boob deflation between the FF VII CG's and Advent Children. Either that, or she got a reduction sometime over the last couple of years. :p ) If I can live with a flatter Tifa, then you can deal with an Aeris who has visible breasts. :p


Looking for Pants
neptunes said:
She probably always had breasts.

the angle the camera is in probably exaggerates it a bit.

In the game and art she's basically flat as a board. In that picture, she's "grown up"...


Aeris/Aerith was dumb. People are just nutting all over her 'cause she died at the end of the 1st disc despite the fact she had no real character development or a noticable personality outside of the quiet and demure girlfriend-ish anime character stereotype.
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