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Looking for Pants
Shouta said:
Aeris/Aerith was dumb. People are just nutting all over her 'cause she died at the end of the 1st disc despite the fact she had no real character development or a noticable personality out of quiet and demure girlfriend-ish anime character stereotype.

You just answered your own question basically.


Tellaerin said:
'Defile her memory' is a pretty melodramatic way of putting it, Meier. It's not like we're talking about a real human being who's passed away here--this is a game character. One beloved to many fans, sure, but a character in a work of fiction nonetheless. Also, the upper slope of a woman's breast is not 'cleavage', and Aeris is still modestly endowed, at least from what I can make out in that sliver of a pic. The more realistic CG in Advent Children accounts for the difference, I think--rendering her as flat-chested as you describe in the new style would make her look like either a prepubescent girl or a very pretty boy, and we know she was neither. (The change in style also accounts for Tifa's massive boob deflation between the FF VII CG's and Advent Children. Either that, or she got a reduction sometime over the last couple of years. :p ) If I can live with a flatter Tifa, then you can deal with an Aeris who has visible breasts. :p

That was the beauty of the game, and her death. That even though she IS a video game character her death actually was pretty shocking and disturbing. Easily one of the most emotional events in ANY movie or game I've ever witnessed. To this day whenever I hear Aeris's theme I get really sad.


Shouta said:
Aeris/Aerith was dumb. People are just nutting all over her 'cause she died at the end of the 1st disc despite the fact she had no real character development or a noticable personality out of quiet and demure girlfriend-ish anime character stereotype.

I never formed an attachment to Aeris in FF VII because I knew she was being set up for a tragic death from the first time I laid eyes on her. (The shot of her selling flowers in Midgar during the opening montage set alarm bells off in my head--'she's too pure for this world'.) Because of that, her death had no real emotional weight for me--it was more like, 'I knew this was coming. Now everyone's going to pull together and start saying things like, 'We've gotta do it... for Aeris!') Between that and my general lack of affection for Cloud (a 'meh' hero at best, compared to the FF characters that had come before him), a lot of the game's appeal was lost on me.

That said, after reading countless threads dedicated to Aeris, I think one of the reasons people became so attached to her was because she didn't have a deep, well-developed personality. She was presented as an archetype, a 'quiet and demure' girl sketched out in broad strokes, leaving the player free to project whatever traits they found appealing onto her. So Aeris became 'every man's ideal girlfriend', a mirror held up to the player's expectations and desires. I think that's why her appeal persists so strongly even today.


Prince of Space said:
OMG Square is, like, totally dead to me now.

...This BETTER be a flashback. I'm not even an FFVII fan, and I find this almost insulting.

Or what? You'll stop buying their games, bankrupting them in the process and forcing the company heads to come crawling to you to help them out of their financial slump?


Ferrio said:
That was the beauty of the game, and her death. That even though she IS a video game character her death actually was pretty shocking and disturbing. Easily one of the most emotional events in ANY movie or game I've ever witnessed. To this day whenever I hear Aeris's theme I get really sad.

Then again, people have died in RPGs before; so why is only Aerith's poignant? Because she happens to be a semi-submissive anime gal that gets some deranged peoples' libidos running?


I thought it was sad when she died too. I mean the game was sooooo edgy by having cuss words like "damn" in there, and then we don't get to see any blood or guts on Sephiroth's sword after he impaled her.


belgurdo said:
Then again, people have died in RPGs before; so why is only Aerith's poignant? Because she happens to be a semi-submissive anime gal that gets some deranged peoples' libidos running?

1. She was the epitomy of "pure" and "innocence". She was energetic, carefree and caring. If a battle harden warrior dies in battle, well it's expected since that was his/her way of life, much different compared to someone who never wanted to see harm come to anyone. When she died it was like killing one of the last shining lights that remained in the world (and the last ancient too).

2. The scene in which she was killed, it was very dramatic. First of all she was killed while praying (again innocence and purity). Second it was very sudden, you see her praying then boom Sep comes down with a sword and impales her... to me that was very unexpected. Then commence the slow motion of her dying and falling on the ground. Combine that with the music, and it became a very memorable scene.

3. Mainly people probably had her as the main healer, and it sucks to lose your main healer.

As for this submissive, I never thought of her as submissive. Hell she runs off on her own which eventually gets her killed.
neptunes said:
Ferrio give up, these people do not seem to understand.

why waste your time?

Ooooooh YES! SURE! "We don't understand", right? You're just too smart for us....
Boy, I love that damn game more than you will ever do! So pleaseeeeee, just stop it! Ok?

If it is a flashback! Nice. A Aeris-comback = A dream is coming true for millions of FF7-fans! Oh yes, I SAD --MILLIONS--


huh? that was weird

I meant that the people aguing with him don't understand the message he's trying to convey.

I never said his opinion was any more "right" than anyone elses.
belgurdo said:
Or what? You'll stop buying their games, bankrupting them in the process and forcing the company heads to come crawling to you to help them out of their financial slump?
Erm, no... I'm not even all that interested in AC - I'm just saying that, from a plot standpoint, this looks to be more of a bitchslap to the previous work than reviving Tidus in X-2.


Prince of Space said:
Erm, no... I'm not even all that interested in AC - I'm just saying that, from a plot standpoint, this looks to be more of a bitchslap to the previous work than reviving Tidus in X-2.

Didn't the creators say that the plan to revive her was made in VII, but scrapped due to deadline contraint? Kinda like reviving of Tidus, which was shown in the end of FFX. So I don't see how their revivals are bastardizing their predecessors when they were planned all along.


jiggle said:
Didn't the creators say that the plan to revive her was made in VII, but scrapped due to deadline contraint? Kinda like reviving of Tidus, which was shown in the end of FFX. So I don't see how their revivals are bastardizing their predecessors when they were planned all along.

There was NEVER any indication in the game that should could be or will ever be revived. This merely was made up by fans.
Ferrio said:
There was NEVER any indication in the game that should could be or will ever be revived. This merely was made up by fans.
Exactly. And as for Tidus, all that's said is that he'll "be given a new a ocean to swim in", or something to that effect. It's never said that he'll be completely revived - that's something the fan-fiction-hungry crowd threw in.


I posted that as a question because I'm not sure if it's real or not. But the story has been circulating around for quite a while. Could be completely made up though. shrug.

Prince of Space said:
Exactly. And as for Tidus, all that's said is that he'll "be given a new a ocean to swim in", or something to that effect. It's never said that he'll be completely revived - that's something the fan-fiction-hungry crowd threw in.

That is all just semantics. But believe what you want. I took the ending literally.

edit: btw, when did they say he'll "be given a new ocean to swim in" or something? All I saw in the ending was the 3 pyreflies floating in the dark, and out comes Tidus swimming to the ocean surface?


I probably won't see the movie. At least not until someone ensures me that Square didn't screw the story.
jiggle said:
edit: btw, when did they say he'll "be given a new ocean to swim in" or something? All I saw in the ending was the 3 pyreflies floating in the dark, and out comes Tidus swimming to the ocean surface?
Talk to the Fayth for Shiva.
Ferrio said:
1. She was the epitomy of "pure" and "innocence". She was energetic, carefree and caring. If a battle harden warrior dies in battle, well it's expected since that was his/her way of life, much different compared to someone who never wanted to see harm come to anyone. When she died it was like killing one of the last shining lights that remained in the world (and the last ancient too).

2. The scene in which she was killed, it was very dramatic. First of all she was killed while praying (again innocence and purity). Second it was very sudden, you see her praying then boom Sep comes down with a sword and impales her... to me that was very unexpected. Then commence the slow motion of her dying and falling on the ground. Combine that with the music, and it became a very memorable scene.

3. Mainly people probably had her as the main healer, and it sucks to lose your main healer.

As for this submissive, I never thought of her as submissive. Hell she runs off on her own which eventually gets her killed.

Same goes for Palom and Porom, Well one of them wasn't caring but they were kids who scaraficed themselves. They had a dramatic death (at a time before FMVs), and they were the only powerful magic users , but this time you couldn't rea aggrane some accessories to make anyone esle a clone of them.

Another similarity, you saw all 3 deaths coming. Aerith had already had her 4th limit break while the others would have to wait till towards the end of the game. In ff4 you had 2 too many characters...2 of them had to die.

I don't think it was who she was or how she died, FF7 was MANY peoples first RPG. Some of the things that were played out where new to a whole new fan base. This was the first time people had a hero die in a game, which to many people was very memorable.

You know what I'm sayin?...no? Good neither do I!

HAHAHAHAHA....I'm in a wierd mood tonight.


Lathentar said:
When did she get breasts?

Yes. Give me the lithe Aeris of FF VII, not some Itagaki-ish silcone hyper-breasted thing, some Japanese Pamela Anderson. Natural is good.


Shouta said:
Aeris/Aerith was dumb. People are just nutting all over her 'cause she died at the end of the 1st disc despite the fact she had no real character development or a noticable personality outside of the quiet and demure girlfriend-ish anime character stereotype.

Aeris represented innocence and purity of heart/intention, and sacrifice. If that is dumb or lacking character in your book, well that is your loss.

Saria in Oot was similar to Aeris.

OoT and FF VII two of the best games ever, if not the two best. This gen has not seen a game nearly as good as those two.


P90 said:
Yes. Give me the lithe Aeris of FF VII, not some Itagaki-ish silcone hyper-breasted thing, some Japanese Pamela Anderson. Natural is good.

There's a difference between 'lithe' and 'asexual'. And boy, you must've hated Tifa when you played. :p


Ferrio said:
1. She was the epitomy of "pure" and "innocence". She was energetic, carefree and caring. If a battle harden warrior dies in battle, well it's expected since that was his/her way of life, much different compared to someone who never wanted to see harm come to anyone. When she died it was like killing one of the last shining lights that remained in the world (and the last ancient too).

2. The scene in which she was killed, it was very dramatic. First of all she was killed while praying (again innocence and purity). Second it was very sudden, you see her praying then boom Sep comes down with a sword and impales her... to me that was very unexpected. Then commence the slow motion of her dying and falling on the ground. Combine that with the music, and it became a very memorable scene.

3. Mainly people probably had her as the main healer, and it sucks to lose your main healer.

As for this submissive, I never thought of her as submissive. Hell she runs off on her own which eventually gets her killed.

Well done. I can only add that her limit breaks were fantastic. Perfect complement to Cloud and Barret.


P90 said:
Meaning what? That Kasumi >>>>Aeris? Or silicone enhanced size >>>> natural?

1. The fact that her breasts really ain't that big in that pic, but you are implying that they're like bigger than her head or something (and can you really tell if her breasts are that small in the original game anyway? Normua's art doesn't emphasize them and it's impossible to discern any body features off of the in-game "lego men")

2. And that you seem to be talking about the original Aerith as if she's some kind of actual, living, breathing woman


Tellaerin said:
There's a difference between 'lithe' and 'asexual'. And boy, you must've hated Tifa when you played. :p

I didn't see Aeris as "asexual" at all, but lithe. She probably had a six pack. Tifa was a crappy character: story-wise and playing-wise, not due to boobage at all. Lulu in FF X had a rack, but rocked. Gratuitious bowing an all.


belgurdo said:
1. The fact that her breasts really ain't that big in that pic, but you are implying that they're like bigger than her head or something (and can you really tell if her breasts are that small in the original game anyway? Normua's art doesn't emphasize them and it's impossible to discern any body features off of the in-game "lego men")

2. And that you seem to be talking about the original Aerith as if she's some kind of actual, living, breathing woman

You have quite an imagination.


belgurdo said:
1. The fact that her breasts really ain't that big in that pic, but you are implying that they're like bigger than her head or something (and can you really tell if her breasts are that small in the original game anyway? Normua's art doesn't emphasize them and it's impossible to discern any body features off of the in-game "lego men")

Yeah, I don't think people remember or even notice that she had boobs in the game. Anything would look flat next to Tifa.

They don't look particularly big in that picture. Doesn't really look out of place on the more realistic modeling of her.


I remember IGN put up the FMV where Aeris dies (at least the part where she takes the sword through the gut) before FFVII was released. Idiots.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Takuan said:
I remember IGN put up the FMV where Aeris dies (at least the part where she takes the sword through the gut) before FFVII was released. Idiots.

Really? lol, brilliant IGN...


Takuan said:
I remember IGN put up the FMV where Aeris dies (at least the part where she takes the sword through the gut) before FFVII was released. Idiots.

Yeah, I saw that too. Although, if I remember correctly, the link was marked spoiler? I was expecting the spoiler in the words though. I clicked on it and can see shots of that scene prominently to the right side of the page. At least I think it was ign...
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