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Age of Mythology: Extended Edition - Community/OT?



So obviously I wasn't expecting an official OT for the re-release of a game that's over a decade old, but judging from the announcement thread (found here http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=795365) there's definitely going to be a decent amount of people on Gaf picking this game up. So I figured we needed a thread to talk about the game and since I didn't see another one I went ahead and made one.

With online lobbies, custom maps/scenarios, etc. we could use a thread to discuss the game, share mods, and setup custom games and matches. And if we keep this thread I can always update the first post with more info about the game. We could even have a Gaf tournament if enough people are interested.

So Gaf. Who's picking this game up tomorow?


Can't wait, AoM is one of my top 10 games ever. Hades and Loki are my favorite gods. I never really got into the online multiplayer though, so I know nothing about build orders and all that stuff. I always liked just creating custom games and going against the AI.


Can't wait, AoM is one of my top 10 games ever. Hades and Loki are my favorite gods. I never really got into the online multiplayer though, so I know nothing about build orders and all that stuff. I always liked just creating custom games and going against the AI.

That's one of the best parts about this game. Even if you don't care to play online there's still tons of content between the campaign and custom matches. And of course you can download custom campaign scenarios made by other players.

And hell I have never even played the expansion so the extra content there will be great as well.


Yup, already pre-ordered here.

I used to play as Set, simply because you could just rush with animals early on in the game. But we'll see how it goes.

I believe the preload goes live tonight


I never really got into the online multiplayer though, so I know nothing about build orders and all that stuff. I always liked just creating custom games and going against the AI.

That's basically how me and a friend always played AoM back in the day. Actually that's how I always play RTS, maybe that's the reason why I used to like World In Conflict a lot.

It's been a long time since I played AoM, so I might buy it at some point.
This is one my favorite games ever and I definitely want to replay it but I am not paying 20+ Euros for a port of game I already own (and its expansion). So I will wait to grab it on a Steam sale.


Woah! Didn't know there's a 20% voucher on GMG to make the game $19. Got the game right now and I can't wait for it. Also, I still prefer Age of Empires II tbh, but I still loved Age of Mythology back when I was a kid.


Picking it up, can't wait.

Never really got into the Multiplayer when I played it before but might give it a whirl with a few Gaffers.


Picking it up, can't wait.

Never really got into the Multiplayer when I played it before but might give it a whirl with a few Gaffers.

Do it!

I havent played the game in years as the first 2 times I bought the game both got lost in different moves. Since I'm sure I'll be terrible at first I will play a bunch of games vs bots the first few days the game is out especially since I have 0 experience with the Atlanteans. If you or anyone else wants to play co-op games vs bots that'd be cool.

I already have thrown $100 on 5 copies of the game for me and my friends, I'm too hyped for this. AoM is definitely one of my favorite games of all time. We've all been playing a lot of AOE2 lately to get hyped for AoM.


I liked this game a lot, but it seemed unusually hard to me. Even playing skirmish matches against the AI, they would attack early and often and by the time I got a big army, their base would be huge with towers and fortresses everywhere. I don't think the AI behaviors you could set really made much difference. I hated to play on Easy, but it's the only way I could win, lol. I love RTS games, but I'm not good at them. Never play competitive, but I'd be all for a comp stomp. Probably get this during the steam summer sale.


Really excited for this! Never really got into the multiplayer when it first came out. I've put almost 200 hundred hours into AOEII HD multiplayer and I'm still pretty bad....maybe I'll be better at this!


I know a lot of people had problems with AOE2HD, do you guys think this one will have similar problems?

I'm optimistic. I think they probably learned a lot from the AOE2 HD edition. I've seen a pretty good amount of gameplay as well from dev livestreams and people that played the beta and it looked polished to me. Were the main problems in AOE2 at launch multiplayer/lag related?


I'm optimistic. I think they probably learned a lot from the AOE2 HD edition. I've seen a pretty good amount of gameplay as well from dev livestreams and people that played the beta and it looked polished to me. Were the main problems in AOE2 at launch multiplayer/lag related?

I don't think it's the same team making this game. SkyBox Labs is in charge of this project.


I don't think it's the same team making this game. SkyBox Labs is in charge of this project.

Oh. I just assumed it would be the same team that developed the game since I remember hearing the devs talk about their work with AOE2 in a recent livestream. One google search and I found this...


Guess they just worked on some updates for AOE2 HD so nyes you are indeed correct.


Do it!

I havent played the game in years as the first 2 times I bought the game both got lost in different moves. Since I'm sure I'll be terrible at first I will play a bunch of games vs bots the first few days the game is out especially since I have 0 experience with the Atlanteans. If you or anyone else wants to play co-op games vs bots that'd be cool.

Would be right down for that

Pre Loading it now, exciting stuff! :)


Going to get this as soon as I get home from work.

Hopefully it's better than aoe2 HD because I seriously didn't enjoy it.


Looks like they removed the CGI intros :(

Hopefully it's better than aoe2 HD because I seriously didn't enjoy it.

The port or the actual game? I really can't think of anything wrong with the port except for the lag when it launched.


Looks like they removed the CGI intros :(

The port or the actual game? I really can't think of anything wrong with the port except for the lag when it launched.

I had issues with one of the missions which kept sending me back to my desktop. I don't know if it's a common issues or on my end but I gave up on the game after a few crashes.


Unpacking now!

PM if you wanna play some games or summat. Haven't touched the MP before some might be a bit rubs


Alt tabbing between this and the original, couple of observations:

-Shadows are MUCH better in EE.
-EE is more saturated and darker. Some things look better, but it brings out the flaws in a lot of the dated building textures.
-The UI, even stretched, looks much better in the original. I appreciate that the smaller size in EE allows you to see more of the map, but it just looks ugly...maybe I'll get used to it.
-Overall, the original just looks cleaner even if you disable all of the post processing effects in EE.

Edit: Getting drops to 40fps on my 7970. Looks like they've got a bit of work to do.


Alt tabbing between this and the original, couple of observations:

-Shadows are MUCH better in EE.
-EE is more saturated and darker. Some things look better, but it brings out the flaws in a lot of the dated building textures.
-The UI, even stretched, looks much better in the original. I appreciate that the smaller size in EE allows you to see more of the map, but it just looks ugly...maybe I'll get used to it.
-Overall, the original just looks cleaner even if you disable all of the post processing effects in EE.

Edit: Getting drops to 40fps on my 7970. Looks like they've got a bit of work to do.

Yikes. I noticed on the steam community page you could download the original ui and menus? Maybe thats the way to go.


Alt tabbing between this and the original, couple of observations:

-Shadows are MUCH better in EE.
-EE is more saturated and darker. Some things look better, but it brings out the flaws in a lot of the dated building textures.
-The UI, even stretched, looks much better in the original. I appreciate that the smaller size in EE allows you to see more of the map, but it just looks ugly...maybe I'll get used to it.
-Overall, the original just looks cleaner even if you disable all of the post processing effects in EE.

Edit: Getting drops to 40fps on my 7970. Looks like they've got a bit of work to do.
Only played one quick game with a friend of mine but my impressions were all this. These issues can be patched, but it's a little upsetting :(.

We also experienced lag in our game but that could be due to my friend having a bit of an unstable connection.

I also discovered a bug. When I closed down the game via task manager, it renamed my Steam nickname to add (1) after. As in, Spode(1) instead of Spode. Also, you can spam voicetaunts so they 'go into eachother'. Gets a bit chaotic.

Edit: Seems like the (1) isn't due to closing the game improperly. Happened to my friend now.


Haven't seen any fps drops after the first campaign scenario. Hopefully it's an isolated problem.

I'm really liking the new shadows.


Alt tabbing between this and the original, couple of observations:

-Shadows are MUCH better in EE.
-EE is more saturated and darker. Some things look better, but it brings out the flaws in a lot of the dated building textures.
-The UI, even stretched, looks much better in the original. I appreciate that the smaller size in EE allows you to see more of the map, but it just looks ugly...maybe I'll get used to it.
-Overall, the original just looks cleaner even if you disable all of the post processing effects in EE.

Edit: Getting drops to 40fps on my 7970. Looks like they've got a bit of work to do.

That's a bit disappointing to hear. This is a different team than what worked on AoEII right? I know they went to great lengths to reverse engineer textures.

Edit: Seems like the (1) isn't due to closing the game improperly. Happened to my friend now.

the (1) is a feature in the steam user-naming system to differentiate when two people use the same handle. It will be added temporarily for the duration you are in a server with someone of the same name. Or if someone in your friends list share the same name. Something in how steamworks is probably not integrated properly.


Very, VERY minor complaint here, but I don't like how the Steam cards, or at least the ones I've gotten so far, are based on the new art.
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