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Age of Mythology: Extended Edition - Community/OT?


Currently the top seller on Steam. Not too bad for an expensive version of a game that already worked relatively problem free on modern PCs, assuming you could find a copy.


The original was amazing, the EE has a whole bunch of problems that need fixing. That being said, if they fix the lag (both framerate and network wise), I'm really hoping this will reinvigorate the community.


Horrifically rusty but won my first online game with a Wonder on Nile. I lost the water almost immediately and my opponent had 2k more points than me for most of the game so I figured I was finished. After two failed invasions he started building his Wonder and I was reminded I was playing Supremacy, so I started building mine and beat him by about 30 seconds. He panicked and sent over a ton of vills to build a Titan Gate but they had no escort aside from siege biremes and were easily sniped by chariot archers. I guess he used up his pop on ships or had zero economy because he made no attempt to bust through my wall of Migdol Strongholds other than repeatedly trying to land more vills and build on my side. Fun fun.

But yeah, the online is pretty laggy. I hope they fix this soon because it reminded me of how the game ran on 56k back in the day. And I want the old victory music back!

Edit: It looks like the old theme is in there. Maybe it plays a different song if you win a league game?


Can't wait to play it. But first I need to try and get it to run. I keep getting the logo and get kicked back to steam.

This trouble shooting is why I prefer console gaming.


Can't wait to play it. But first I need to try and get it to run. I keep getting the logo and get kicked back to steam.

This trouble shooting is why I prefer console gaming.

There's definitely something weird going on while the game is showing the Microsoft and Skylab logos. It occasionally seizes up like it's going to crash for me but luckily hasn't yet.
These games really needed a better developer. Both this and Age of Empires II HD are technological nightmares. How can ancient games with a few added bells and whistles run so sluggishly on modern hardware?


These games really needed a better developer. Both this and Age of Empires II HD are technological nightmares. How can ancient games with a few added bells and whistles run so sluggishly on modern hardware?

Going forward with software/hardware development often means that older things start breaking up. Plenty of older games without any bells or whistles have trouble running with modern hardware. For example one ouf our favourite LAN games Rally Trophy was released in 2001, it never utilizes more than 5-10% of my modern CPU/GPU but it drops down to 25-30 fps quite often.

That being said, if you re-release an older game, it's kind of expected that you fix issues. Of course they can still keep patching the game now that it is released so we'll see.


I finally got a chance to play my first game and fool around a bit. I didn't have any of the problems mentioned here or on the steam communty page so far, but we'll see going forward. 60+ fps the entire time as well (GPU = gtx760). Of course I do play games like Dota 2 at a constant 120fps so they definitely need to work on the performance as a whole. From reading reddit and the steam community page it seems like players using laptops are reporting the worst framerates even if it's plenty powerful to run the game. No idea what's up with that.

Also they pushed one hotfix already. Very small patch though. http://steamcommunity.com/app/266840/discussions/0/558755529775991279/

At first glance I'm happy with the game. Let's hope it receives good post-launch support.


This was my favourite game growing up, I still have my original copy installed on my pc and play it from time to time.

Never knew there was an expansion.


Anyone playing this at the moment? Thoughts? It's been so long, I don't remember if I preferred AoM or AoE2.

I really want some casual "Age of" multiplayer, but at some point a patch was released for AoE2 HD that gimps my FPS in multiplayer only, making it unplayable.


Anyone playing this at the moment? Thoughts? It's been so long, I don't remember if I preferred AoM or AoE2.

I really want some casual "Age of" multiplayer, but at some point a patch was released for AoE2 HD that gimps my FPS in multiplayer only, making it unplayable.

It's a great game and I'm having a lot of fun with the campaign, but the multiplayer has some weird animation hitching/lag going on, so it's quite an annoyance trying to get a game in. Once they fix the problems, go ahead and pick it up because it's still one of the best RTS games I've ever played all these years later.
AoM was easily one of my favorite RTS's of all time. This version is great (though watching the opening cutscene in modern resolution was a little odd) but its made me realize that I have become absolutely terrible at it... Multiplayer is going to be a nightmare.
Anyone playing this at the moment? Thoughts? It's been so long, I don't remember if I preferred AoM or AoE2.

I really want some casual "Age of" multiplayer, but at some point a patch was released for AoE2 HD that gimps my FPS in multiplayer only, making it unplayable.

Playing through the campaign slowly. Had to turn lots off or it started stuttering pretty badly. This is on a 3 year old laptop but I expected better.

Game itself is still amazing. I may be a tad nostalgic over it but playing Troy missions currently and thoroughly enjoying it.

I don't play these kind of games online, so I can't really comment on multiplayer. Played some LAN, which worked grand though.


I played a bit of it and enjoyed it. My body is not ready for the multiplayer though :(

Multiplayer is TOUGH starting out because there's a decent chance you run into someone that's been playing on voobly/ranger prior to the Extended Edition release. I got owned a couple of times. Finally got my first online win earlier today though so I feel a little better now lol.

But even if you never play online games vs the bots are still fun IMO. Some people hate playing against a CPU in games like this though.


Will it be possible to add all new religions/civilizations through steam workshop? I have always wanted more expansions to the game.


Senator Soufflé;111943978 said:
Playing through the campaign slowly. Had to turn lots off or it started stuttering pretty badly. This is on a 3 year old laptop but I expected better.

Game itself is still amazing. I may be a tad nostalgic over it but playing Troy missions currently and thoroughly enjoying it.

I don't play these kind of games online, so I can't really comment on multiplayer. Played some LAN, which worked grand though.

Yeah this is what seems to happen with Skybox Labs games unfortunately, the initial releases aren't too good but they continue to support the game for a long time.

AOK 2 HD is a much different game than when it was released.


Multiplayer is TOUGH starting out because there's a decent chance you run into someone that's been playing on voobly/ranger prior to the Extended Edition release. I got owned a couple of times. Finally got my first online win earlier today though so I feel a little better now lol.

But even if you never play online games vs the bots are still fun IMO. Some people hate playing against a CPU in games like this though.

Well to be honest RTS games in general I just play for the story since I somewhat suck at basebuilding. I usually just spam the hell out of whatever infantry that can help me win the battle. I always wanted to play the ages games online especially this one but it seems like you got to do a lot of practice and build up skill before you can scratch the surface of mp.


Neo Member
Bought this on Saturday at the $30 price tag. Seems a bit high but I was getting tired of AoE. Glad I got it, though. The workshop support is nice, multiplayer seems somewhat active and the gameplay is as good as I remember it originally.

Worth it, in my opinion.
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