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Am I Alone in not buying the Elden Ring hype?


Gold Member



Gold Member
I only got into Demons souls and finished it but it took a long time and perseverance using guides etc.

I am looking forward to this but a mate of mine started it today and is returning it.

His words were, it looks like an early gen PS4 game and there’s no point to it at all. Lol


If you don't mind me asking, what is it you aren't liking?

Is it performance related, or gameplay?

No my performance is fine (at least the 20 second I was actually playing was)
Click Xbox One Start button to skip cutscene.... uhm.. I'm using a mouse and keyboard?
Hit Y button to interact? OK they are going to make this hard on me.. no problem.. I'll look at keybindings
list of moves is insanely convoluted.. but I got down enough to get by.. let's go back to the game.. exit menu..
hit B button to exit menu
Esc - nothing
B on keyboard - nothing
randomly start hitting keys hoping one will shut the menu and let me play the game..
10 minutes later.... I find the combination I need... Alt+F4

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Overhyped? Like fans are really excited for a game and a game from a company that has constantly delivered games that they like is overhype now?

It's one of the rare ocassions where a brand new game comes out from a highly reliable company that delivers.
I would have said the same about cyberpunk but unfortunately that disappointed and therefore was overhyped.


No my performance is fine (at least the 20 second I was actually playing was)
Click Xbox One Start button to skip cutscene.... uhm.. I'm using a mouse and keyboard?
Hit Y button to interact? OK they are going to make this hard on me.. no problem.. I'll look at keybindings
list of moves is insanely convoluted.. but I got down enough to get by.. let's go back to the game.. exit menu..
hit B button to exit menu
Esc - nothing
B on keyboard - nothing
randomly start hitting keys hoping one will shut the menu and let me play the game..
10 minutes later.... I find the combination I need... Alt+F4

I've read that using a wired controller can crash the game too.

All in, sounds pretty disappointing.


I'm a souls virgin, so I can relate.

I went thru gaming dark ages during PS3 and most of PS4 era - so I pretty much missed out the whole birth of Souls series and all... and when I came back to gaming scene - this whole souls craze have already happened. (I remember From software for Armored Core series and Kings Field)

I am interested in playing them, just to find out what the fuss is about... but more I watch the videos of them, they seem to look the roughly same with minor differences in terms of battles.
All I see is players with heavy armor swinging large swords and rolling around to avoid getting hit. For some strange reason, it seems like the hits with such blunt weapon, just slide thru the monster/enemies w/o really pushing back or whatnot. I'm sure there are more to it than that when one plays the game - but this type of battle is another one of the reason that I'm not really into Monster Hunter series either. On top of that, I'm not particularly into medieval settings to boot. Took me a long time really to warm up to watch LOTR series.

But will give this genre honest go someday... all this hype really makes me feel like I'm missing something out, and I probably am. :)
Hope these performance issues would be fixed up soon for the fans of the series. As far as I'm concerned though - it seems like From is not the most competent programmers when it comes to raw performance, so I can't honestly say that I'm not surprised at all from this initial hick up.
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I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but I think the hype for this game is way over blown. I knew next to nothing about this game until a few days ago being that From software games are not my style. I watched reviews from major sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc and many smaller reviewers on youtube. For the Life of me I can't see why the hell this game is hyped so much. I understand this is not a popular opinion and open myself up for some flaming. With that being said, watchng hours of footage I still do not understand the hype. Graphics are nothing special, Gameplay is nothing special, the game lacks the most important aspect, FUN! I want to like this game like people are shouting to the heavens about but I just don't see it.

Nah I'm with you. I don't get it at all... and I definitely don't want to play something with the performance issues I'm hearing this has.

BUT at some point in the future I may give it a whirl on a discount. Hopefully performance issues patched up by then.


Neo Member
I found it funny that yesterday I came to NEOGAF and it was all “OOOMMMGGG GAME OF ALL TIME,” best game ever etc etc. This morning it was all complaints about the frame rates and performance

Although I admit that after buying hyped games that didn’t work on release in the past that I’ve stopped believing the hype until the game has been out for a bit


I'm not trying to burst anyone's bubble but I think the hype for this game is way over blown. I knew next to nothing about this game until a few days ago being that From software games are not my style. I watched reviews from major sites like IGN, Gamespot, etc and many smaller reviewers on youtube. For the Life of me I can't see why the hell this game is hyped so much. I understand this is not a popular opinion and open myself up for some flaming. With that being said, watchng hours of footage I still do not understand the hype. Graphics are nothing special, Gameplay is nothing special, the game lacks the most important aspect, FUN! I want to like this game like people are shouting to the heavens about but I just don't see it.
I know how you feel. I watched a man eat a whole hamburger w/fries yesterday, but I couldn't taste a thing.
The amount of hate this game receive... Why can't they just go play their own game
This is what happens when you label a game 10/10. The same thing happened with Deathloop last year...

The crazy high scores makes people who would not normally play these games decide to try them and since these games are niche the scores cause a major blow back from the casual audience

I think reviewers gave this a 10/10 because in their minds its the best Souls game. But when you stack it up against more causal friendly games like God of War, Horizon and The Witcher it don't compare because its not as approachable as those games.

Also the response of "its not for you" is BS because when reviewers label a game 10/10 its natural for people who might not be fans of the series to want to see what the fuss is all about because you don't usually see games get a 10/10 score.
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This is what happens when you label a game 10/10. The same thing happened with Deathloop last year...

The crazy high scores makes people who would not normally play these games decide to try them and since these games are niche the scores cause a major blow back from the casual audience

I think reviewers gave this a 10/10 because in their minds its the best Souls game. But when you stack it up against more causal friendly games like God of War, Horizon and The Witcher it don't compare because its not as approachable as those games.

Also I this the response of "its not for you" is BS because when reviewers label a game 10/10 its natural for people who might not be fans of the series to see what the fuss is all about and pick up the game because you don't usually see games get a 10/10 score.
This is why Metacritic should never be the only source for buying guide.
I've never jived with Souls games. I played a bit of Bloodborne but the repetition of it just killed any desire I had to play.

This game looks like open world Dark Souls so I'm not really interested at all. Plus I am still playing through Dying Light 2, I've barely touched Horizon FW and GT7 comes out next week.

Nope, I dont think I will be playing Elden Ring.

On another note...what a fucking crazy stretch of game releases we are having right now!


I'm trying but it looks like it's starting to pull me in. Then I remind myself how much of a chore bloodborne was for me. But then I tell myself this is open world and has more freedom.


The nicest person on this forum
This is why Metacritic should never be the only source for buying guide.
People shouldn’t decide if they should buy the game simple based on “score” alone, score won’t tell you much about the game, but people these days see 9 or 10 score and they suddenly lose all reason and logic.


I found it funny that yesterday I came to NEOGAF and it was all “OOOMMMGGG GAME OF ALL TIME,” best game ever etc etc. This morning it was all complaints about the frame rates and performance

Although I admit that after buying hyped games that didn’t work on release in the past that I’ve stopped believing the hype until the game has been out for a bit

I think the crowd of people who are fed up with the industries bullshit is growing. Everything is hyperbole. Everything is supposed to change the game and nothing does.


Nah, I'm not hyped on it either but I still plan on getting it. From Software games are incredibly special and worth seeing even if you suck at them. I mostly just want to see the art style and environments, even though I know I'll never finish it. Playing in co-op with my buddy should be damn fun too.


It's weird to see people hating on Souls games, when the hell did that become a thing? lol. Souls games are effing brilliant and I say that as someone who is abysmal at them. I mean come on, even if you suck at the games you should be able to recognize that they're amazing and worth the praise they receive. The art direction alone is worth the price of admission, even if you never make it past the first area, lol. (I speak from experience with Bloodborne).

The hate honestly comes off as people being upset because they aren't good at the games. Not every game is gonna be widely accessible in terms of gameplay, that's OK. We have enough games that can be plowed through with ease.
I think it got more to do with the fact that nothing new came out of it in a decade of refinement, its still scribbles on the floor, clunky co op, bonfires, souls as currency, same combat system, level up the same stats - they simply rename half that stuff and that's it... Groundbreaking games most of the time had something new to say. Halo, Mario64, Dark Souls (nobody played DeSo back then), Half Life... or HL Alyx...

Souls games to me became sort of a good Assasins Creed series in the sense that its recycling and milking the formula that made it big (AC did it almost yearly but on the flip side changed more than the souls game in the same timeframe).

How great would ER have been if there was a new take, like radically, on a couple of these systems? I mean even racing games have been open world for a decade now, that's nothing new.
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Elden Ring is the biggest astroturfing and opinion manipulation operation, right after Pokemon Arceus more recently (the difference being that Arceus is horrendously mediocre on many aspect, while Elden Ring still is a good game), and I'm going to call it:

with Arceus and Elden Ring, video game reviews and critics just died. It's come to a point where it's critic is so manufactured by astroturf and PR, that opinions, reviews and ratings won't mean a single thing anymore given how ecstatic it's become.

I just tried Arceus and holly shit, it's an objectively mediocre game...but a colleague put it better on a channel where we discussed the out of hand manipulation of opinion in VGs: "right when the hisuian designs were leaked there was no astro plan yet, so reactions ranged from "that's the worse pokemon design so far" to "I don't know what to think", and then for leaked screens reactions ranged from "wow this looks ugly and outdated af" to "it's probably not final". The day the review copies went out we saw an absolutely non-sensical, non-holistic, synchronised parroting from Youtube channel, reddit threads to medias with exactly the same wording and arguments: "this could be the best pokemom ever" a completely hysterical statement given what was presented, repeated everywhere, then the arguments started being replicated: it's amazing because it's somewhat truly open-world, you can finally catch and evade pokes on the overworld, and you just have to fill the dex throught tasks/achievements. Nothing about this suggest that this is a great game, let alone one of the best: it's extremely clunky in realization, technic, animation, interaction, graphics, it has one of the most devaluating, ugly and vapid designs and concepts, and compared to any other game (it's simple: remove the pokemon name and juge it as any other game) it's a redundant, shallow, clunky and empty world and gameplay. Even when questioning real life fans, I think this is the worst case of completely manufactured zeitgeist and critic."


I completely fell for the hype and blind purchased it after all my friends were going crazy for it and then the reviews hit.
Booted it up and it’s definitely very similar to Bloodborne, which I played for like an hour before getting bored/frustrated…
I’m totally overwhelmed but I’m going to try to get my money’s worth/figure out wtf I’m doing.


Next soul game will have a contest between reviewers of who can write it like a poem. It's already looking like it.

Makes you think this industry is going down, with thm so desperatelly trying to sell everything like a revolutionary product, no matter how much it isn't. You can tell what most hyped games are about in less than 1h of gameplay nowadays.


Elden Ring is the biggest astroturfing and opinion manipulation operation, right after Pokemon Arceus more recently (the difference being that Arceus is horrendously mediocre on many aspect, while Elden Ring still is a good game), and I'm going to call it:

with Arceus and Elden Ring, video game reviews and critics just died. It's come to a point where it's critic is so manufactured by astroturf and PR, that opinions, reviews and ratings won't mean a single thing anymore given how ecstatic it's become.

I just tried Arceus and holly shit, it's an objectively mediocre game...but a colleague put it better on a channel where we discussed the out of hand manipulation of opinion in VGs: "right when the hisuian designs were leaked there was no astro plan yet, so reactions ranged from "that's the worse pokemon design so far" to "I don't know what to think", and then for leaked screens reactions ranged from "wow this looks ugly and outdated af" to "it's probably not final". The day the review copies went out we saw an absolutely non-sensical, non-holistic, synchronised parroting from Youtube channel, reddit threads to medias with exactly the same wording and arguments: "this could be the best pokemom ever" a completely hysterical statement given what was presented, repeated everywhere, then the arguments started being replicated: it's amazing because it's somewhat truly open-world, you can finally catch and evade pokes on the overworld, and you just have to fill the dex throught tasks/achievements. Nothing about this suggest that this is a great game, let alone one of the best: it's extremely clunky in realization, technic, animation, interaction, graphics, it has one of the most devaluating, ugly and vapid designs and concepts, and compared to any other game (it's simple: remove the pokemon name and juge it as any other game) it's a redundant, shallow, clunky and empty world and gameplay. Even when questioning real life fans, I think this is the worst case of completely manufactured zeitgeist and critic."

Pokémon has the same problem as the Souls franchise and most other large gaming franchises. New year, same game. And they want more money for it, and they want us to be grateful. I couldn't be less grateful. Neither of these massive developers could add genuine co-op, a basic feature that even indie games with no income and a sole developer include nowadays. They're taking advantage of us.
welp. my friend just texted me that she bought it for her bf. and we gameshare. So i have it now i guess. i am kinda a sucker for any open world game. Im just not a big fan of these types of games. So i wasn't super interested. I will have my open world fan non dark souls fans take on the game sometime this weekend

i've played dark souls. And it was alright. I have bloodborne and didn't like it. My PS5 came with Demons Souls. And i genuinely think its great. But thats about the limit of my From Software knowledge or fandom.
BOTW is my fave game of all time. And im very much into Watch Dogs 2 and red dead and any immersive open world
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Has playing the game to find out what all the fuss is about ever crossed your mind? How can you say the game lacks fun without even playing it? Or are you like that other user who claims he has the power to "judge how good a game is" only by watching footage?

Idk if you are serious or just trolling.
I was probably in the same boat as op. Never really liked the souls games and didn't think anything of elden ring. However after seeing the reviews and positive impressions I bought it. I can safely say it's an open world dark souls games and I will most likely return it. I'll keep plugging away at it and see if it hooks me but I doubt it. I just don't like that sort of gameplay.i don't know if I just can't wrap my head around it or what..


I have no interest in Elden Ring myself. Never was into the Dark Souls/Bloodborne type games to begin with. Not really sure why, but I'm incredibly burned-out on medieval style settings in games. Maybe it's because I've played so many medieval games in the 48 years I've been gaming that I've just had enough of that era, I don't know.....I just can't get into the medieval ones anymore.
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hide your water-based mammals
I've never been a fan of the series despite trying. May have been for me when I was 18 but almost 40 and I have little time or patience for a game of its type.

I admire the art though. The game still looks and feels like the same type of game which isn't necessarily a critique yet it is at the same time.
Is this what it’s like for BOTW fans having to defend a game they think is the goat. Elden ring is dark souls style combat but it’s a beautifully explorable world. Perfect game for me but I know the style isn’t for everyone.


I was probably in the same boat as op. Never really liked the souls games and didn't think anything of elden ring. However after seeing the reviews and positive impressions I bought it. I can safely say it's an open world dark souls games and I will most likely return it. I'll keep plugging away at it and see if it hooks me but I doubt it. I just don't like that sort of gameplay.i don't know if I just can't wrap my head around it or what..
And this is totally fine, the game is not for everyone but you at least tried it unlike OP.
Going to stick with it , have to say I’m not loving it so far, it feels a bit archaic but I can see why people are enjoying particularly that rise to the challenge type gameplay and feeling good at overcoming enemies.
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Since Demon's Soul in 2009, fromsoftware has been gathering momentum.
More fans with every game and every time they deliver something truly unique and a lot better than their previous game.
It's natural people are hyped, and it's natural that you aren't.
If you don't like their games, ofc you won't buy the hype
Maybe someday you'll try their games and you'll understand the story of Elden Ring
I'm 9 hours in and while I am enjoying it, I have to admit I've been a bit disappointed at the fact that it's basically just Dark Souls 4. I was on media blackout so it's my fault for not knowing beforehand (or thinking that Bamco would let From deviate that far from the usual Dark Souls combat), but after Bloodborne and Sekiro I was hoping for more out of the combat. BB and Sekiro both opened my eyes to how visceral and fast-paced the combat in these games can really be, but instead I'm just rolling to abuse i-frames as usual. At least the horse combat offers something new to the formula.

That said, the world is awesome to explore and is the crowning achievement of this game. I can only imagine how they apply lessons from designing this game into Sekiro 2. Can't wait to find out.


I can understand that this type of game is not your ideal of what fun is, nor does it interest you.
That's fine.

For me the challenge is what's FUN.
>Discovering, learning, failing, combat, Bosses, and accomplishment's.
>It's a different kind of rush, then the majority of adventure games out there.

My personal grip with Souls games is PVP invaders.
>It easily sabotages my enjoyment especially if they were cheaters/hackers. I even had a few friends that refused to play online because of bad experiences. I tend to play Offline, which I'm fine with.

When someone ask me what are some games you play to relax.
>The Binding of Isaac, Nioh 2, DS2, DS3, Portal 1/2, Monster Hunter, and Bloodborne.

Elden Ring is the most accessible Souls game I have ever experienced.

Steed Mount you can ride and fight on outdoors, a Map, a Beacon/Marker function, Fast Travel from the Map, on the go crafting, a tutorial beginning (for Melee Focused players), and a Elden Ring help guide. I probably forgot a handful more things, but you get the jest of it.

Not every game is for everyone. =)


This is the kinda game that is a 10/10 or 4/10. Asking a non souls fan to like this is similar to asking a non football fan to like madden. So its kinda all or nothing


Gold Member
Is this what it’s like for BOTW fans having to defend a game they think is the goat. Elden ring is dark souls style combat but it’s a beautifully explorable world. Perfect game for me but I know the style isn’t for everyone.

This is what it is like for fans of any game having to defend their enjoyment. Doesn’t make any sense. My son is a massive Souls fan and he says this game is everything he wanted to be. I’m not a Souls fan but I’ll give this a try. If I don’t like then that’s fine. I’m certainly not going to hound those that do.


Imagine getting half way through the undead berg in DS1 and writing off the whole game.
I could be wrong but he doesn't seem to understand the mechanic of enemy respawning.
it looks like an open world demons souls with awful combat no story and awful graphics. 10/10 best game of all time. please
What games do you think have good sword and board combat?
Not a souls fan at all. Gave the game a try and nope just a boring open world souls game. Being open world does not make it any less generic and boring.
So what is a good open world game?
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