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Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Gameplay Overview Trailer | Official 30 Minute Gameplay Walkthrough


Looks like nobody gives a F lol. We deserved better Ubi, why not a Black Flag sequel or something crazy for Next Gen start/ current gen last hoorah? Boooring.


soundtrack trailer. just listen to that music...and do it loud..just amazing
new character in trailer too. looks better for me then before ones



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wish we got a ac unity sequal
I wish that about a lot of AC games. I would have loved to spend more time with Edward in London, to see how Connors story ended, or to spend another game with Bayek. The one and done games they've been doing lately are kind of annoying. Give us a protagonist to follow like Ezio again. As long as it's not Alexio/Kassandra, Jacob, or Evie, I'd be on board.


Yup, seen enough. It looks good. Diverse environments, good enough graphics, some new interesting systems & a compelling setting.
If they get the story right it should be a winner.
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NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

Also i think this is worthy for a new thread Ibiza, as its a deep dive video, and by far the best footage yet. You should do it.
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Don't get excited. I predict a ton of bugs and frequent patching. Would be surprised if this launched without major bugs.
We can say the same thing about arguably the biggest game of the year in Cyberpunk 2077, won't stop people from getting hyped.


Go Go Neo Rangers!
THis coming out so close to CyberPunk is my issue. Not that one will be better than the other, I just dont have time in my life for two open world RPGs a week apart. the 60 FPS is nice though on Series X and PS5. They still havent outlined the patch for next gen on CyberPunk though so who knows, maybe itll get there at launch as well.


lol what the fuck is this soft voice for the viking man

I think the voice is fine, sounds natural. I prefer it to the Witcher 3, where it seemed the voice actor is doing the "deep batman voice" artificially.

The game looks visually stunning. I'll wait for full reviews before purchasing though - I loved the world of Origins but found Odyssey a bit lacklustre.


Gold Member
I think the voice is fine, sounds natural. I prefer it to the Witcher 3, where it seemed the voice actor is doing the "deep batman voice" artificially.

The game looks visually stunning. I'll wait for full reviews before purchasing though - I loved the world of Origins but found Odyssey a bit lacklustre.
Geralt voice is mighty fine imo.
Nah, Witcher guys don't pump out games annually. They take as long as they need.
Literally every single Witcher game launched with game-breaking AWFUL bugs. I've been a fan of the Witcher series since 2007 and even I don't have rose-tinted glasses. There's a reason they've always launched an "enhanced" version with major updates/changes for every game within a year of launch.
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For me it will.

Tbf I was never hyped. It’s a 60$ reskin
Don't blame ya for thinking that, though I think it's a bit unfair. It's obvious that the country and environment itself took a lot of effort and time, and I wasn't a fan of Odyssey even though I was a fan of Origins. I'm honestly just not a huge fan of the direction that the series is going. I really liked what they did with Unity, which I know get's frowned on, but it's the last pure AssCreed game we got that was really fun to play and still to this day looks fantastic on PC.

Odyssey was a shittier version of Origins. I'm hoping that Valhalla is closer to Origins than Odyssey. I just wish we could get a nice middle ground of AssCreed between Unity and Origins. Unity has great High/Low-Profile moves for attacking/assassinations/parkour. Origins completely removed the high-profile assassinations and parkour and I was really bummed about it.
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Don't blame ya for thinking that, though I think it's a bit unfair. It's obvious that the country and environment itself took a lot of effort and time, and I wasn't a fan of Odyssey even though I was a fan of Origins. I'm honestly just not a huge fan of the direction that the series is going. I really liked what they did with Unity, which I know get's frowned on, but it's the last pure AssCreed game we got that was really fun to play and still to this day looks fantastic on PC.

Odyssey was a shittier version of Origins. I'm hoping that Valhalla is closer to Origins than Odyssey. I just wish we could get a nice middle ground of AssCreed between Unity and Origins. Unity has great High/Low-Profile moves for attacking/assassinations/parkour. Origins completely removed the high-profile assassinations and parkour and I was really bummed about it.
It’s also unfair to con people out of $60 for a rehashed game. I tend to vote with my wallet. I’ll buy the next AC if it’s a sizable improvement and an actual next generation leap.


Literally every single Witcher game launched with game-breaking AWFUL bugs. I've been a fan of the Witcher series since 2007 and even I don't have rose-tinted glasses. There's a reason they've always launched an "enhanced" version with major updates/changes for every game within a year of launch.

What about Witcher 3? I don't recall anything major. 1 & 2 - the studio was small and in its beginnings.
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It’s also unfair to con people out of $60 for a rehashed game. I tend to vote with my wallet. I’ll buy the next AC if it’s a sizable improvement and an actual next generation leap.

I have no issues calling a spade a spade, but it's very apparent that Valhalla isn't a simple rehash like Fifa/Madden/Sports Game is. Just look at the work. The map alone is proof enough.



I have no issues calling a spade a spade, but it's very apparent that Valhalla isn't a simple rehash like Fifa/Madden/Sports Game is. Just look at the work. The map alone is proof enough.
Touchy for not supporting a lazily made game? You can call it that I guess


Ubisoft puts more effort into their games than you do your posts. WHY do you think it's a rehash? You've used that term like 3 times and not explained once. It's like talking with a toddler.
To spare the excessive amount of characters and my fingers grueling pain, why don’t you ask me why it isn’t a rehash? Sorry I used your trigger word again


Literally every single Witcher game launched with game-breaking AWFUL bugs. I've been a fan of the Witcher series since 2007 and even I don't have rose-tinted glasses. There's a reason they've always launched an "enhanced" version with major updates/changes for every game within a year of launch.

That is an exaggeration, I played all three at launch. Witcher 1 had terrible, terrible loading times which were fixed about 2 weeks after launch, but other than that I finished it without issues. Witcher 2 was mostly smooth and polished. Witcher 3 had low framerate in the bog on consoles and couple sidequests were broken (I remember the one they added later with the wolf armor) but on the whole, considering its scope, it was well polished, I finished it without problem also. Those enhanced editions were more about adding new stuff, like redesigned inventory, a tutorial, arena, better graphics..
That is an exaggeration, I played all three at launch. Witcher 1 had terrible, terrible loading times which were fixed about 2 weeks after launch, but other than that I finished it without issues. Witcher 2 was mostly smooth and polished. Witcher 3 had low framerate in the bog on consoles and couple sidequests were broken (I remember the one they added later with the wolf armor) but on the whole, considering its scope, it was well polished, I finished it without problem also. Those enhanced editions were more about adding new stuff, like redesigned inventory, a tutorial, arena, better graphics..
Witcher 1 had way more than just loading issues. It had that, textures missing, sound missing or error out, crash, crash, crash. Even the devs have talked about the bugs in witcher 1 where it had clock errors and would crash almost on the hour every time.

Witcher 2 had a bunch of similar issues too. It's why at launch and a few weeks after people hadn't even got out of the tutorial/prologue because of that awful fire scene of the barns burning on the bridge that'd melt you instantly. It was enough of a problem that they specifically addressed it in the special edition. And again a ton of crashes when youd have major scene switches.

Witcher 3 I didn't really have many issues with as I played on PC but I still got my fair share of crashes. Nothing as severe as W1/2 but they were there.

If one thinks CP2077 is gonna be a sprint right out the gate with no bugs/glitches is in for a rude awakening. Especially if they are basing it off of one game in Witcher 3 and not their entire history of games.

I say all this as a person with a well known affinity for CDPR and Witcher as a whole. I fucking love the books, games, music. But I won't pretend CDPR are untouchable because they make my favorite game.
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This first trailer looks really great in 4K, I hope the XSX version is close


If one thinks CP2077 is gonna be a sprint right out the gate with no bugs/glitches is in for a rude awakening. Especially if they are basing it off of one game in Witcher 3 and not their entire history of games.

I say all this as a person with a well known affinity for CDPR and Witcher as a whole. I fucking love the books, games, music. But I won't pretend CDPR are untouchable because they make my favorite game.
It's not about CDP being untouchable, every game has problems on some configurations, but they were not universal. I was talking about my experience playing them at launch and that of quite a lot of people I talked about those games back then. Of course some people had issues, and some people will have issues even launching, let alone playing, Cyberpunk, but that again will very unlikely be indicative of the experience of majority.
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Writes a lot, says very little
I got to tell you....I can't wait to buy this game for $20 later next year. I'm hype for it, but the issues I saw with it tell me its not a day 1. I'm now more hype for what they do when they make a next gen only AC vs this.

Literally every single Witcher game launched with game-breaking AWFUL bugs. I've been a fan of the Witcher series since 2007 and even I don't have rose-tinted glasses. There's a reason they've always launched an "enhanced" version with major updates/changes for every game within a year of launch.



Many hate hearing that, but as someone that buys many of their games, they indeed have massive issues. Like GAMEBREAKING shit like corrupt saves etc. Most issues I usually don't really bitch about, like someone disappears or their face is gone or the audio cuts or something and I've never made a big deal about that on their games, but a corrupt game save? Ok....now you fucking with my time. Someone needs to say this shit as this myth regarding this teams "quality" has gone a bit too far.

I have no issues calling a spade a spade, but it's very apparent that Valhalla isn't a simple rehash like Fifa/Madden/Sports Game is. Just look at the work. The map alone is proof enough.

Agreed. Too much is going on to really call it a rehash. Its not a day 1 for me right now, but by no means is it a "rehash" as this isn't even being made by the same team that even did the last one.


first new game after long time will be bought, its this one, skipped tsushima but this i gotta play . and later new watchdogs.


Can someone explain to me why IGN is not able to provide a decent video quality in 2020. They upload videos in "1080p", but the quality is equivalent to about 480p in 99% of their videos.

I think theyre in Cali, so it’s probably related to them having to work from home
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