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Australian Flood Crisis - cities under water, sharks in the streets

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It's meant to flood in Melbourne today? It only drizzled a bit in the northern suburbs of Melbourne overnight.

The Shift

Salazar said:
Damn, Speedpop. Good luck.

:lol @ Gillard nodding away behind Bligh. She's like a backbencher.

Reminds me of a ventriloquist at times - Gillard is such a schlub though. Bligh has been pretty good through all of this though.

I'm at home in Yeerongpilly. We have no water in my street 'yet' but that could change. Flood map shows possible flooding on two streets either side so we will have to wait and see. Have had about 4 hours sleep before getting up at 8 this morning. Walked down two streets over to Fairfield Rd near the tennis centre and water is clearly visible there. If water comes across at that point then we might be in a bit of trouble.

Anyone have any updates on power supply cuts? There seem to be conflicting reports on that front.


wetwired said:
couldn't see that this had been posted before so sorry if old

3D Visual Simulation .of a 3.5 and 7m flood in Brisbane
Neat stuff, although it only gives a brief view of each area - I'd like to see what parts of West End, Toowong and the CBD are actually hit

Half tempted to go into the city while it's a ghost town and grab some snaps. I've seen the CBD change and grow over the last ten years (I still can't get over Festival Hall not being there any more), but the town has always felt the same since I was a kid, and I walk through it everyday. It would be weird seeing something so familiar in such a state. 'Train wreck' syndrome I guess...


speedpop said:
Should be interesting to see what the voters think of Bligh at the next state election. She's been pretty upfront and 24/7 about this which is what people want when they need a leader. Gillard has been hopeless and something akin to a dragon lady. No emotion.
I agree.

Bligh has had some average moments since being premier, but she's always come across as incredibly normal and seems to have her head on straight. Gillard, however, may as well be from another planet. She seems like someone who's spent her entire life in the cushy comforts of Melbourne and has little idea about how the rest of the country operates. At least Rudd had an element of worldliness to him.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Ydahs said:
It's meant to flood in Melbourne today? It only drizzled a bit in the northern suburbs of Melbourne overnight.

There were minor flash floods in the CBD this morning. It's flooding because the ground is still soaked from all te rain at the beginning of summer so most of it runs off rather than soaking in.


My cousin lives on Vulture street and is out exploring at the moment. Here's the convention centre:



Grug said:
Sounds like an isolated incident so far. Hopefully doesn't become more than that.

Yeah, just one incident, and the cops got him.

zenbot said:
My cousin lives on Vulture street and is out exploring at the moment. Here's the convention centre:


Here's the same intersection I snapped [URL="http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=25351113&postcount=468"]some pics from yesterday[/URL]. The road is still shut and the clean-up crew have moved in, although I expect they'll only be clearing out debris as a safety measure as it's almost guaranteed to flood again by tomorrow.





trinest said:
So what areas are still flooded and are we expecting more floods to come?

We've barely scratched the surface.

Brisbane River is currently at 3.2 metres. It's going to hit 5.5 in the next 18 hours.

Things are going to get much, much worse.


Rang my Gran in Ipswich and she's doing fine. The power is off at her place but not her neighbours, so her neighbour has run an extension cable across the fence so she can keep the fridges on and make herself a cuppa.

Just as I was on the phone, her neighbour knocked on the door with some sandwiches for her! That totally made my day.


Grug said:
Have no idea what I just read.

dam comes dangerously close to collapse the first time, dam is weakened by tree roots growing into the base?
second torrent of water causes the dam to burst from the base or is saved at the last minute (because it was noticed in time and reinforced somehow)

may or may not be the brisbane dam, though the terms appearing in the immediacy data should play out in the next 3 days to 3 weeks somewhere on the planet

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Wii said:

dam comes dangerously close to collapse the first time, dam is weakened by tree roots growing into the base?
second torrent of water causes the dam to burst from the base or is saved at the last minute (because it was noticed in time and reinforced somehow)

may or may not be the brisbane dam, though the terms appearing in the immediacy data should play out in the next 3 days to 3 weeks somewhere on the planet


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Wii said:

dam comes dangerously close to collapse the first time, dam is weakened by tree roots growing into the base?
second torrent of water causes the dam to burst from the base or is saved at the last minute (because it was noticed in time and reinforced somehow)

may or may not be the brisbane dam, though the terms appearing in the immediacy data should play out in the next 3 days to 3 weeks somewhere on the planet

Ummmmm WHAT THE?


Wii, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Also, please stop sending me requests over Steamchat to open stupid conspiracy theory threads for you on GAF. You got juniored for a reason.



Cometh the flood, cometh (belatedly) a prophet.

Bernbaum said:
Also, please stop sending me requests over Steamchat to open stupid conspiracy theory threads for you on GAF. You got juniored for a reason.

:lol So much zing and snap.
Bernbaum said:
Wii, you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Also, please stop sending me requests over Steamchat to open stupid conspiracy theory threads for you on GAF. You got juniored for a reason.



Gold Coast weather still chilled.

It's just greying and misting the fuck up - like, "I could rain if I wanted to, humans".

Dead Man

holmes182 said:
The looting has begun apparently. They've already arrested some people.
Damn, just when I was starting to feel smug about the lack of looting reported compared to how some other countries operated.

Bernbaum said:
Rang my Gran in Ipswich and she's doing fine. The power is off at her place but not her neighbours, so her neighbour has run an extension cable across the fence so she can keep the fridges on and make herself a cuppa.

Just as I was on the phone, her neighbour knocked on the door with some sandwiches for her! That totally made my day.
Faith redeemed. Great to hear she's doing okay, and great to hear people are lending a hand so readily.

Wii said:

dam comes dangerously close to collapse the first time, dam is weakened by tree roots growing into the base?
second torrent of water causes the dam to burst from the base or is saved at the last minute (because it was noticed in time and reinforced somehow)

may or may not be the brisbane dam, though the terms appearing in the immediacy data should play out in the next 3 days to 3 weeks somewhere on the planet
I'd be a lot more convinced if they had posted all this information they gathered over the last year, in say, October.


Dead Man said:
I have found myself thinking almost all the women on ABC 24 have been attractive. I think I have become creepy.

If you recorded and replayed them in slow motion, I'd think you were creepy.

Dead Man

Salazar said:
If you recorded and replayed them in slow motion, I'd think you were creepy.
I'd never do a thing like that! Who told you that? They couldn't have seen it, anyway!

Edit: Image on News.com.au is pretty depressing.



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
There was a map of the country on the news showing rainfall levels, and it was amazing how much of it was record breaking. Pretty much all the rest was far above average.




Salazar said:
HOLY SHIT at Fred Schonell.

That's just fucking unbelievable.
Just wow.

Countless bus trips to uni past those shops where the Nandos is. Never seen it like that and I have trouble comprehending it.

Chin up xenos.
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