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Australian Flood Crisis - cities under water, sharks in the streets

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it's 4th of July in my asshole
user_nat said:
Brisbane's newest swimming complex

Is that suncorp?



Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
EatChildren said:
There was a map of the country on the news showing rainfall levels, and it was amazing how much of it was record breaking. Pretty much all the rest was far above average.



Stay awesome Queensland :lol


So I heard that some places aren't projected to flood as much as first thought? That's good news, though the Brisbane River is still expected to peak at 5.5 isn't it?

I just hope the death toll remains as low as it is. IIRC, the bushfire death tolls in Victoria a coupe of years ago started relatively low but than skyrocketed once the worst affected areas could be reach...

user_nat said:
Brisbane's newest swimming complex
Shiiiit. How are they going to drain that out :lol

x3n05 said:
Water was halfway up our driveway this morning, much higher now. We have evacuated, will post a pic later on.
Hope you find some shelter :(


using rapture hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

almost bing lee level failure, almost!

but good on them for the funds :)

Suncorp is up to shoulder height on the field. Stadium is closed indefinitely, Roar versus Wellington to be relocated

Cricket Australia confirm Gabba ODI to go ahead Jan 31 at this stage. Entire match will be a fundraiser.


Props to any business that is contributing, but I think they should be careful how they do it or it's just going to come across as cashing in on a tragedy.

For example, what does 10% mean? 10% of gross takings, or 10% of profit? If it's the latter, it's pissweak.


Sew said:
Props to any business that is contributing, but I think they should be careful how they do it or it's just going to come across as cashing in on a tragedy.

For example, what does 10% mean? 10% of gross takings, or 10% of profit? If it's the latter, it's pissweak.

its takings i think, someone posted it on WP


Company I work for (with several sites at risk/flooded, including Helidon and Rocklea) have donated $250,000. Fucking good on 'em.


Ydahs said:
I just hope the death toll remains as low as it is. IIRC, the bushfire death tolls in Victoria a coupe of years ago started relatively low but than skyrocketed once the worst affected areas could be reach...
Yeah, with the missing persons number still at 60, that death toll will likely be rising very soon. The current number is only counting bodies that they have recovered...


it's only about 20 they are seriously worried about isnt it, i mean thats still a lot :(

but i think they are only seriously worried if they knew you were definitely in the area when the floods hit


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
Sew said:
Props to any business that is contributing, but I think they should be careful how they do it or it's just going to come across as cashing in on a tragedy.

For example, what does 10% mean? 10% of gross takings, or 10% of profit? If it's the latter, it's pissweak.

Their facebook page says its 10% of takings.

Dead Man

Tntnnbltn said:
I just get ticked off by the phrase "inland tsunami" because it's so scientifically wrong.
Not because it's it's trite, overused pap, but because it is scientifically wrong. And that's why I like the panda so much!


Kind of weird on this end. I mean we took the day off basically because nobody came into work, and since then we've had a super sunny day giving us a false sense of security.

Having just moved to Brisbane I haven't dealt with Floods before. I should be fine at my position, just wish I could actually deal with the situation now if there is a problem.


Hey Briswegians, does anyone know the flood status of these two locations:

- Anna Drive, Raceview (Ipswich-ish I think)

- McGregor Ave, Lutwyche (Between Lutwyche Rd and bike track / canal thing)


Has problems recognising girls
Sir Fred Schonell Drive looks like a swamp :|

Perrin Park in Taringa is just as bad. Used to go running around there.
Sew said:
Hey Briswegians, does anyone know the flood status of these two locations:

- Anna Drive, Raceview (Ipswich-ish I think)

- McGregor Ave, Lutwyche (Between Lutwyche Rd and bike track / canal thing)

Can't see them on the list of flooded streets here but that could change. The Raceview address is ok going by this list here.


Government response so far has been pretty damn good. We've basically had this exact scenario in our contingency plans for 36 years.

Really wish there was more video of what it's like in the CBD or surrounding inner city locations so we can have a direct comparison between this and '74...

I live in an area that is well away from the floods, but that hasn't stopped the locals freaking the hell out. Bogans getting hysterical would be hilarious if this whole thing wasn't such a tragedy.
UltimaPooh said:
So how is this going in comparison to Katrina? Is the government getting people in and out quickly?

Uh, yeah. In Brisbane, it's not nearly as sudden or catastophic as New Orleans. For one, Brisbane is very hilly whereas New Orleans is really flat, so there's a lot of high ground. You can still use a lot of roads, for instance. It's also happening much more slowly - no catastrophic breaking of levies etc.

So, apart from people caught in flash flooding, like in Toowoomba, there won't be a lot of deaths. The waters will subside in a few days and most of the damage will be to property.

Basically, within the capital, you won't get situations where large sections of the city become uninhabitable afterwards.


Outside our house at 9:30AM




This is at Woolloongabba (just off Deshon St), low tide was at 9AM so no idea how high it got to by 3PM. Our house is high-set (2.8M off the ground so inside 'should' be fine unless looters get to it). We drove home through South Brisbane, car nearly stalled going through the lake that is now there.


Thanks $1148 Jack :)

UltimaPooh said:
So how is this going in comparison to Katrina? Is the government getting people in and out quickly?
Evacuation and rescue efforts seem to be top notch. It might be just me, but government action/inaction never seems to be a prominent issue in the immediate aftermath of natural disasters in Australia; what we tend to see are emergency services getting straight to work without red tape in the way. And doing a fantastic job.

In the weeks that follow, the political shit slinging will probably begin as people seek to blame someone for the actions of the planet. But I have to say that Anna Bligh (who has never been on my radar as I'm from NSW) seems to be someone who isn't scared of rolling her sleeves up and staying on the front lines.


x3n05 said:
Outside our house at 9:30AM


Holy shit man, I hope those water levels start receding quick for ya.

TwiztidElf said:
Riverwalk is gone. Absolutely gutted. I have run so many kilometers along it, and my very first chest heaving, vomit inducing runs were along there. :(

Damn, that must have been a tough decision to pull the pin on that.

Sounds like the same reasoning behind Drift Cafe, I heard they told the owner to open all his doors and windows and let the place sink rather than risk it heading down river and doing more damage.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Uh, yeah. In Brisbane, it's not nearly as sudden or catastophic as New Orleans. For one, Brisbane is very hilly whereas New Orleans is really flat, so there's a lot of high ground. You can still use a lot of roads, for instance. It's also happening much more slowly - no catastrophic breaking of levies etc.

So, apart from people caught in flash flooding, like in Toowoomba, there won't be a lot of deaths. The waters will subside in a few days and most of the damage will be to property.

Basically, within the capital, you won't get situations where large sections of the city become uninhabitable afterwards.


Dead Man

Fusebox said:
Holy shit man, I hope those water levels start receding quick for ya.

Damn, that must have been a tough decision to pull the pin on that.

Sounds like the same reasoning behind Drift Cafe, I heard they told the owner to open all his doors and windows and let the place sink rather than risk it heading down river and doing more damage.
That must have sucked for him.


UltimaPooh said:
So how is this going in comparison to Katrina? Is the government getting people in and out quickly?

yeah. australia has a very advanced emergency response system with the states and federal govts with dedicated departments. also there is nothing to stop the military being used in whatever capacity at whatever time.

australian also, as a rule, understand that these things will happen and tend to be pretty orderly, relaxed and organised about following directions from govt agencies. we aren't armed to the teeth either. so when people are told to go, they generally heed the advice and go.

people also know the govt will come to the party with money. there is $1k available to every person that has been displaced. businesses can get $25k.
I have to say, Anna Bligh has really impressed me through this. She has been focused and non melodramatic, unlike some of the news. She has also been exceptional in providing up to date information and looks like she is in charge. Even with all the ill feelings regarding government asset sell offs and the like, I think she will do ok after this. She has proven to be a good leader through the situation.

However, Julia Gillard on the other hand looks like she is there in the way. Just getting on camera to show she cares etc. Stay out of it Julia and let Anna do her job.


For anyone in the Gap, Enoggera, or Mt. Coot-tha who isn't already informed, you've been advised to boil all drinking water to avoid contamination.

More here.
seanoff said:
yeah. australia has a very advanced emergency response system with the states and federal govts with dedicated departments. also there is nothing to stop the military being used in whatever capacity at whatever time.

australian also, as a rule, understand that these things will happen and tend to be pretty orderly, relaxed and organised about following directions from govt agencies. we aren't armed to the teeth either. so when people are told to go, they generally heed the advice and go.

people also know the govt will come to the party with money. there is $1k available to every person that has been displaced. businesses can get $25k.

People having weapons wasn't the problem with New Orleans.

This incident in Australia seems to be more gradual than the flooding and hurricane that occurred in New Orleans, so it seems (from what GAFers are saying) that it is easier to respond to.

The Australian government sounds like it's doing a good job, from what GAFers are reporting. It seems as if New Orleans was a major fuck up in regards to the United States, but mostly I lay the blame on the administration at the time.

FEMA also helped out in regards to placing families and individuals into residences displaced by the storm.


dudeworld said:
Looks like a third world country

I didn't want to say it, I didn't know how would Australian gaffers react.

I've looked to a lot of pics from this thread. The water didn't shock me as much as the level of "urbanism".
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