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Axiom Verge |OT| Life's A Glitch

Chitown B

Whelp, the fourth boss is kicking my ass. It seems nearly impossible to hit him, from the front anyways. I think I'm gonna go back and explore previous areas and see what I can find. Loving the game so far.

Crouch shoot the gun that is blue and splits vertically. It'll pop up behind him and hit his back.


Only just started playing the game and about 90 minutes in. Is it worth fully exploring a single map before more on to the next? I know there are limitations depending on what weapons you have but I totally feel like I'm supposed to have a double jump by now and I'm terrified I've missed the pick up.


Only just started playing the game and about 90 minutes in. Is it worth fully exploring a single map before more on to the next? I know there are limitations depending on what weapons you have but I totally feel like I'm supposed to have a double jump by now and I'm terrified I've missed the pick up.
I wouldn't scour it too much, it actually takes quite a while before you start to get movement enhancing items.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
It is needed, though, to get 100%. And collecting all the items is half the fun of this kind of game. Only they seem to have found a way to make it not fun in this game.

Obtuse bullshit secrets that don't have any impact on your completion percentage? Yeah, sure, go for it. But don't make it nearly impossible to get 100% without help.

I've been following TapTap's map, and every single room I've visited that's on his map and not mine is blocked off in some way, and I can't figure out why. It doesn't matter where I drill or what I try to glitch. It's infuriating.

I meant to beat the game, you don't need them. I'm okay with the more obtuse secrets, it they were too obvious what fun would that be. To each their own though. I don't feel a need to get 100%, could care less about trophies.. and loved the game.

Only just started playing the game and about 90 minutes in. Is it worth fully exploring a single map before more on to the next? I know there are limitations depending on what weapons you have but I totally feel like I'm supposed to have a double jump by now and I'm terrified I've missed the pick up.

There's no double jump ever. Many things are left to get later in the game, so just continue on.
I wish Shovel Knight was out on PS4 already. It's the only game that can fill the void left by Axiom Verge. I've already played it on the 3DS but I can't wait to play it on a big ass screen.


Finished it in 8 hours with 80% map and 60% items.
I will definitely replay for full completion.

The game can stand next to any 2D Metroid. The fact that it was made by one person is unbelievable. I hope a big company has alredy hired him. Imagine what he could do with a team and more money...

The only flaw imo was the final boss. It was a chaotic fight that had to be brute forced. The game is so calculated otherwise that this boss feels out of place.


Does anyone have a video for the collectibles in E-Kur-Mah? Because I'm looking at the SirTapTap map and I swear to god I've collected everyone and yet no yellow dot? What am I missing here? I've gone up and down twice now.

EDIT: Oh great, found the health node in the large room before the very bottom that you need to use a drone to get... still no yellow dot. Count me in the "some of these collectibles are straight up stupid obscure" camp.


I wish Shovel Knight was out on PS4 already. It's the only game that can fill the void left by Axiom Verge. I've already played it on the 3DS but I can't wait to play it on a big ass screen.

Kept hearing this so I went and bought it after I beat Axiom. I just can't get into it. It's so boring so far.


I'm trying to go through the game without looking up too much information, but I'm getting curious... Why am I not able to glitch/hack some enemies, like the "zombies" that rush me, the ocotopi or the spiders? Do I need to upgrade the glitch gun? Will that allow me to unglitch some of the walls? Thanks.


I'm trying to go through the game without looking up too much information, but I'm getting curious... Why am I not able to glitch/hack some enemies, like the "zombies" that rush me, the ocotopi or the spiders? Do I need to upgrade the glitch gun? Will that allow me to unglitch some of the walls? Thanks.
There's an upgrade to the glitch gun, yes.


100%. I thought I was missing an upgrade node, but it was actually a weapon.
The Firewall in Kur. I mistook its icon on SirTapTap's map for the Flamethrower's icon, so I never checked that room.
I don't have the
Heat Seeker
, but I don't feel like running through the whole game world yet another time just to find the right secret world.


Kept hearing this so I went and bought it after I beat Axiom. I just can't get into it. It's so boring so far.

I found Shovel Knight really slow after playing Axiom. I have it on my 3DS. I was looking forward to getting it during the PS4 Spring Sale too, might pass on it for now.


I've completed everything I need to do in my first speedrun after about 1:30, and am at the bottom of E-kur-mah after obtaining the last necessary upgrade before heading back for the final boss. I'm wondering what, if anything, I can afford to pick up and finish the game at low %. By my count, I have 40 items, which I interpret to mean I can't pick up anything else, but I would love to be disabused of this notion. I'd love to get the flamethrower, but that would also require me to get the decoder and spend a lot of time running through Kur and Zi on the way back. For the record, here's the list of stuff I currently have (spoilered for the innocent):

Axiom Disruptor
Firewall (mistake to get, I know)
Field Disruptor
Lab/Trench/Red Coat
Drone Teleport
Enhanced Drone Launch
Sudran Key
Laser Drill
Remote Drone
Address Disruptor 2
Address Bomb
7 health nodes / 3 health pieces
6 power nodes / 2 power pieces
2 size nodes
1 range node

If I can't afford to pick anything else up, tips for the last boss on this configuration? Or should I just go for it and get the flamethrower and try for low % next run?


Never mind. That was fucking infuriating. I think that I need to put this game down for awhile.

Repeat this entire post, but for the
Ukhu Variant

That thing can go fuck itself. Why, why, why, Tom did you think that was a good decision? Way too much health. Way too small of a hitbox.

Things like this are bringing the game from a solid 9/10 to somewhere in the mid-70s. Disappointing as I'd been looking forward to this for so many years. I think I'm going to remember the rage more than I remember the enjoyment.


Hard or normal on my first play through?

Found the start to be pretty easy on normal but its just the beginning.
Just finished it in 14 hours and 30 minutes. Normal difficulty, 64% items, 88% map, 46 deaths. About half of those deaths occurred at the
hornet boss in Edin
and at the final boss. The chaotic nature of the final boss fight reminded me a little bit of the Dark Fact fight in Ys I.

I think it's a very good game and it captures the spirit of a Metroid game better than any other indie Metroid-like game I've played. Some secrets that I found (and I know I missed a lot) are very well hidden without being too obtuse. Great weapon variety. Glitching is a cool mechanic. There were a couple of times where it took me a brief while to figure out where to go after Trace got a new ability, but I never truly felt stuck. Axiom Verge is possibly on par with NES Metroid (better in some ways, worse in others)...that said, I don't think the Metroid series reached greatness until Super Metroid came out. Anyway, it's very impressive that one guy developed Axiom Verge.

As an overall game, though...I don't think Axiom Verge is as good as Ori, Guacamelee or Valdis Story.

- Level design is solid, but not great. Other indie games such as Shadow Complex were a bit better with interconnected-ness.
- Characters and story are utterly uninteresting.
- First two boss fights were underwhelming. Very simple patterns. An average-skilled player should be able to defeat both bosses without getting hit a single time, once he recognizes their pattern. 3rd boss and onward were better.
- Final boss was disappointing
- Few "wow" moments - nothing really wowed me until I stumbled upon my first (and only)
secret world
in Kur. However the game did a good job of keeping me hooked in general.
- Audio mixing is too loud...it reminded me of Mega Man 9's overly loud audio.


Hard or normal on my first play through?

Found the start to be pretty easy on normal but its just the beginning.
I haven't played hard yet, but normal is pretty straightforward other than a couple of bosses and some of the VERY late game enemies. There's quite a bit of backtracking though, and I don't know if putting more, harder enemies will make it more interesting or more of a chore.

Saving hard for when it launches on Vita.
Is there a power up I need to backtrack between Zi and Absu? I've reached a point where the only room back to Absu has a gap I can't jump. I already got
one jump upgrade
. Am I going to run into another one if I just continue ahead with the game?
I've platinumed BloodBorne recently so now i've got time to play this game for real. Jesus fucking Christ. It's beyond amazing. This game is perfect. Just like that. You can't have any better metroidvania than this. It's beyond amazing and mindblowing that this was made by one guy. Tom Happ deserves the best. Hope that he will earn millions of $ out of this game. He deserves to become millionaire!


Repeat this entire post, but for the
Ukhu Variant

That thing can go fuck itself. Why, why, why, Tom did you think that was a good decision? Way too much health. Way too small of a hitbox.

Things like this are bringing the game from a solid 9/10 to somewhere in the mid-70s. Disappointing as I'd been looking forward to this for so many years. I think I'm going to remember the rage more than I remember the enjoyment.

It was pretty frustrating, but you shouldn't let that one hard boss ruin the game.

It took me about 20 tries.
I used
the laser gun while standing on the middle platform (to be at a better height to reach the mouth). The laser gun also makes it easy to kill the little bugs since it auto targets them.


Here's my list of enemies that I hacked:

Red floor/ceiling crawlers
Fly nest
Blue hovering flies (2 sizes)
Purple wall shooters
Green octopus laser shooter
Green seashell
Blue floor/ceiling crawlers
Red wall shooters
Green spaceship insects

Pink fluffy balls
Purple fluffy balls
Purple ceiling spider
White crazy person
Blue mushroom bubbles
Green shooting plant
Pink eye three-shot shooters

Green furby
Brown furby
Purple scorpion shooter
Green wall with light in middle
Blue jumping spider
Pink dragon with long tail
Brown plant shoots squiggly worms
Green sucking balls of grass

Blue floor/ceiling crawlers that shoots lasers
Red hovering flies
Red jumping lobster
Brown hanging claw
Steam spewing armadillos
Brown wheeled monsters
Rock xx
Floating fossil things
White big roaches
Small white roaches
Blue scorpion shooter

Green shooter plant
Green worm
Green worm flies

Ukkin Na
White elevating robot
White centipede
Flying robot With tail
Big metal balls


Floating eyes
Floating spinning with tail
Long green worms
Purple birds
Hanging cocoons
Balls of light
Hornet boss flies


Golden space ships
Jumping grass

After that, I kinda stopped writing them down, but it's only in the last bit towards the boss, which doesn't have too much variety:

Horizontal droid
Diagonal shooting laser droid

I did notice later that the zombie (crazy white persons) have different colored beard. I saw red and blue, IIRC.

I wish there was a bestiary. I'd rather have real names for the enemies.
I've just got back from a week's holiday and started playing this again. Is it just me or is it pretty damn hard? I've only beaten two bosses, but almost all the enemies can kill me in about 4 or 5 hits, and they don't give up health very often. I think I need to come back to this after Bloodborne is done, as that's consuming all my free time at the moment.
Where do you go after the cutscene in Ukkin?
I got warped to the west side of the area, but following that path just brings me back to the save fight before the "boss." I can't exit from the south but there seems to be nothing anywhere else either.


Finished this the week it came out but couldnt post as i qwas banned.

Will go back for platinum once im done with bloodborne,

Such a fantastic game finished my first playthrough with zero deaths 12.50 mins 100% map and 100% items.

on PSN profiles i am the third person to do a no death run. Easy to do that anyway. i just quit out and went back in when i died althoguh that was only 4 or 5 times anyway.

Need to do speedrun mode, under 40% items, finish in under 4 hours and do hard mode.

Might do hard mode seperate to speedrun though. seeing as you have to do that in one sitting?


Finished this the week it came out but couldnt post as i qwas banned.

Will go back for platinum once im done with bloodborne,

Such a fantastic game finished my first playthrough with zero deaths 12.50 mins 100% map and 100% items.

on PSN profiles i am the third person to do a no death run. Easy to do that anyway. i just quit out and went back in when i died althoguh that was only 4 or 5 times anyway.

Need to do speedrun mode, under 40% items, finish in under 4 hours and do hard mode.

Might do hard mode seperate to speedrun though. seeing as you have to do that in one sitting?
No need to do speedrun in one sitting.

You can quit, select speedrun, and there's an option to continue.

I did the no-death, less than 40%, under four hours, and speedrun trophies in that mode.


Was gone too long so I gave up on trying to respond to everything, post again or PM me if anyone asked me anything or posted about the guide.

Where do you go after the cutscene in Ukkin?
I got warped to the west side of the area, but following that path just brings me back to the save fight before the "boss." I can't exit from the south but there seems to be nothing anywhere else either.

I'll spam this again since it saves me some typing: My spoiler free guide. I think you missed something after the cutscene, you are trapped in that area until you get a certain item. Look in rooms you couldn't explore during that event. After you get the item, head to

BTW, I was a bit surprised your username doesn't do anything in the passcode tool in this game.

No need to do speedrun in one sitting.

You can quit, select speedrun, and there's an option to continue.

I did the no-death, less than 40%, under four hours, and speedrun trophies in that mode.

You don't have to do it in one sitting, but make sure you don't leave the game paused/at the home screen, you need to save and quit as the game timer will keep going up otherwise. Rest mode is probably safe but I wouldn't risk it. Saving & quit is actually a huge timesaver in this game so it'd be a longer run if you had to do it all in one sitting!

I've just got back from a week's holiday and started playing this again. Is it just me or is it pretty damn hard? I've only beaten two bosses, but almost all the enemies can kill me in about 4 or 5 hits, and they don't give up health very often. I think I need to come back to this after Bloodborne is done, as that's consuming all my free time at the moment.

It's not THAT hard, but much like Metroid normal enemies pose a fair threat until you get some health ups. Then the game is mostly pretty easy until the very end IO, sort of a parabola of difficulty as you start with nothing and no skill, start to figure things out, then the game starts to get serious at the end. Also if you're playing on hard mode you might want to...not do that, since it gets way worse later on. Depends on the sort of challenge you're looking for.

Just got the platinum trophy for this!


What a great game this was!

Congrats! Mind if I link that in my guide? I've been a bit lazy about updating that and platinuming this game so I don't burn out/get other things done, but if there's anything to improve let me know

Oh no :( I saw him post on twitter about that but I thought max was getting better. Must be awful.

Been lost for hours on this.

May have to tap out for now.

See my above guide if you like, start from whichever boss you beat last. There's a few pretty common sticking points and I hopefully cover them all.

Hard or normal on my first play through?

Found the start to be pretty easy on normal but its just the beginning.

Normal. Hard does much more to exacerbate the few flaws in the game (some of the bosses) than to add anything interesting (because exploration is the interesting part and almost totally unrelated to the difficulty)

Chitown B

Is there a power up I need to backtrack between Zi and Absu? I've reached a point where the only room back to Absu has a gap I can't jump. I already got
one jump upgrade
. Am I going to run into another one if I just continue ahead with the game?

I feel like this part needs a huge note on the first post.

If you can't go back and don't know how, then you don't have the item or story progression you need yet. So just don't try. Keep on plugging.

Endo Punk

Folks, how?


On Kur


If you can't go back and don't know how, then you don't have the item or story progression you need yet. So just don't try. Keep on plugging.
The problem with that jump is that it's what seems like a pixel away from possibility - the margin of error is so small that it makes you think it should be possible, and that you're just not nailing it.


All right y'all, I wouldn't be asking if I hadn't been trying for like an hour already. I'm in some secret area I can't find my way out. Unfortunately it won't let me check any other maps so I'm not entirely sure what it's name is. The secret area is at the top of the corridor you come into that has those laser crawler things on platforms and is in a really tall room where you have to use the
lab coat
to reach the very top. I think it's maybe the 4th or 5th area. You enter the secret area by just walking through the wall towards the top.

Anyways I was exploring it and found 2 collectibles inside. The second one I found was at the bottom of this secret area. The only problem is I can't jump high enough to get out and all of the enemies are dead so I can't kill myself either. Is there some way I'm missing to get out of here?
All right y'all, I wouldn't be asking if I hadn't been trying for like an hour already. I'm in some secret area I can't find my way out. Unfortunately it won't let me check any other maps so I'm not entirely sure what it's name is. The secret area is at the top of the corridor you come into that has those laser crawler things on platforms and is in a really tall room where you have to use the
lab coat
to reach the very top. I think it's maybe the 4th or 5th area. You enter the secret area by just walking through the wall towards the top.

Anyways I was exploring it and found 2 collectibles inside. The second one I found was at the bottom of this secret area. The only problem is I can't jump high enough to get out and all of the enemies are dead so I can't kill myself either. Is there some way I'm missing to get out of here?

At worst you can just press start and exit and it'll save the progress of the items and spawn you at the last place you saved.

Chitown B

The problem with that jump is that it's what seems like a pixel away from possibility - the margin of error is so small that it makes you think it should be possible, and that you're just not nailing it.

Agreed . Gamers with Jobs did a great podcast piece on that. Those parts of games that you can BARELY make or not make, that cause you to wonder if you should or should not be able to do them.

Almost always you're not supposed to, because it would be bad game design.


I am Korean.
Agreed . Gamers with Jobs did a great podcast piece on that. Those parts of games that you can BARELY make or not make, that cause you to wonder if you should or should not be able to do them.

Almost always you're not supposed to, because it would be bad game design.

Making the run towards Ophelia feels like that. I just ran down a long tunnel, and ended up in a super long section with no saves that keeps killing me. Ugh. Damn ghosts and sperm.


15hours for full 100% (Weapons,Powerups,Notes etc.) on hard with 51 deaths.

Found the game pretty fun, some of the secrets are really obscure but all in all a great game.
I liked the difficulty on hard not a total cakewalk but definitely not that hard either.

I liked the Bosses throughout the game, took at most 3 tries for each boss except the last one which feels badly designed, I really hope there is something significant I'm missing.


Hype for this game finally got me to play SoTN (and actually progress). Only previous experience to the genre was Guacamelee really, and I obviously loved that. Can't wait for the Vita version. Watched a few impressions of this and it looks awesome.


Am I the only one who realized that
When fighting the Sentinel boss, the door to the right is still open.
You can repeatedly go into the room, take a couple shots with the Voranj gun (and any gun that reaches) then exit the room before the projectiles hit you. Repeat until boss is dead.


Am I the only one who realized that
When fighting the Sentinel boss, the door to the right is still open.
You can repeatedly go into the room, take a couple shots with the Voranj gun (and any gun that reaches) then exit the room before the projectiles hit you. Repeat until boss is dead.

Yeah I noticed this, I think his cycle resets right? Too slow for me to bother with. I think it's deliberate? I mean there's also that other boss in that area.

Hype for this game finally got me to play SoTN (and actually progress). Only previous experience to the genre was Guacamelee really, and I obviously loved that. Can't wait for the Vita version. Watched a few impressions of this and it looks awesome.

Anything is a great excuse to play SoTN, my only complaint about SoTN is the RPG mechanics and certain weapons mean it's pretty broken especially by late game.
Making the run towards Ophelia feels like that. I just ran down a long tunnel, and ended up in a super long section with no saves that keeps killing me. Ugh. Damn ghosts and sperm.

Glitch the robots (they get stuck on walls afterwards), carefully kill the flying thingies that home on you, nothing else in that section should even be a challenge if you remain calm. You can either move past almost everything without firing a shot. Also the "sperm" can be farmed for health with Kilver if you mean what I think.

Anyways I was exploring it and found 2 collectibles inside. The second one I found was at the bottom of this secret area. The only problem is I can't jump high enough to get out and all of the enemies are dead so I can't kill myself either. Is there some way I'm missing to get out of here?

The secret areas are part RNG, maybe you managed to get into one that's meant for later game? Happened to someone else earlier in thread though it never happened to me. If you got a screenshot of where you got stuck you can shot it to @AxiomVerge on twitter and he might be able to do something. But yeah, if you ever get stuck in a secret just save and quit, you respawn at the last egg.

Folks, how?

On Kur

Impossible, from that direction. Go the long way around.
look to the right after the last upwards door out of that section, where there was a little drillable path for the drone
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