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Battlefield 6 Could Be Set During World War 3


Why is it always Russia? MW3 already did that.

Current generic evil enemy.

Give it a few years and the left will complain louder that the game industry is demonizing their communist view points then their will be a new generic enemy


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Current generic evil enemy.

Give it a few years and the left will complain louder that the game industry is demonizing their communist view points then their will be a new generic enemy

Current generic evil enemy the west isnt fucking petrified of.

Because the true generic enemy is PRC, you could literally just say a new leader took over and decided fuck this shit we want the rest of Asia......then NATO decides Nah you cant do that WWIII.
And the middle east? Lets just not NOT lest you are making it a really small "World War".


Just started playing bf5, overall decent game, but what’s up with women on the battlefield?

The status quo want to eradicate any negative perceptions of historical oppression against marginalized people by pretending the oppression didn't exist in the first place. They do this by rewriting history so that the ruling class get to gesture towards progress without actually doing anything. The seals clap, and the sound of that thundering applause drowns out those who are still oppressed.

So yeah, women and black people fought in great numbers in the two world wars. They were as equal as white men. Thats history, read a book bro


Neo Member
DICE lost majority of its veteran/best devs in past years. Their peak was in 2011 with Battlefield 3 but instead of building onto that game they decided sequel every 2 years is better idea. BF3 was also marketed as serious take on WW3, while 4 was: jump out of collapsing building in atv while shooting rpg mid air


DICE lost majority of its veteran/best devs in past years. Their peak was in 2011 with Battlefield 3 but instead of building onto that game they decided sequel every 2 years is better idea. BF3 was also marketed as serious take on WW3, while 4 was: jump out of collapsing building in atv while shooting rpg mid air


DICE lost majority of its veteran/best devs in past years. Their peak was in 2011 with Battlefield 3 but instead of building onto that game they decided sequel every 2 years is better idea. BF3 was also marketed as serious take on WW3, while 4 was: jump out of collapsing building in atv while shooting rpg mid air
BF4 was when they decided to chase after COD's tail.
DICE lost majority of its veteran/best devs in past years. Their peak was in 2011 with Battlefield 3 but instead of building onto that game they decided sequel every 2 years is better idea. BF3 was also marketed as serious take on WW3, while 4 was: jump out of collapsing building in atv while shooting rpg mid air

I'll be the first to admit I loved the action-movie feel of BF4.

So many great memories of BF2 came back playing Gulf of Oman and other old maps; plus the insanity of the evolving landscapes / vehicle combat. So good.
The only thing i'm mostly excited about it 64v64 multiplayer.

I feel that it's time to go over the traditional 64 players in conquest and operations. Heck sometimes 64 players feels empty in some Battlefield maps. Plus, many of it's current competitors such as Modern Warfare Warzone is already near 200 players. 64 only in next gen is just a big nope imo.


It'll be a fictional world war with the main antagonists as China North Korea and USA.
EA won't make the same BF4 mistake again.


Only adversary more pathetic than Russia, was that game with North Korea as the Enemy. it was originally China but you cannot offend the CCP.

Well... eerily enough, Homefront's intro did predict the timing of the death of the "supreme leader" (father of the current ruler) and a lot more.
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whats with all this pro-russia OH THIS SETTING HAS BEEN DONE TO DEATH bullshit? yall really are a bunch of trumpy rees huh.
they're one of the only powers to actually flex muscle against the west, they took crimea and when US cried foul they told them to suck their russian hogs.
i used to get sick of all the bond movies for using russia as the enemy but shit there's good reason for it. i also didnt dig homefront. putin's pr machine really won y'all over if you think they're just trying to do their own thing over in the east. maybe the bf4 campaign left such a bad taste in my mouth that i dont wanna see china as the enemy again for awhile.

ANYWAY is this reddit poster legit? nato v russia gets my lil hog excited. they need that battlefield 1 hella violent vibe (the screaming during bayonet raids, the screaming in general) matched with battlefield 3/4 setting. if its ww3/a made up setting, they should do dismemberment.

edit: from the article " This rumor stems from a Reddit post by user William_Fichtner, who does not provide any kind of evidence to back up their claims. " im never fucking reading anything off gamerant again
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I anticipate the same "if you don't like it, don't buy it" frankness from them. It worked so well last time out. I'm sure in WW3 there will be disabled, gender fluid soldiers taking it to the opposition. I'm all about it.


I anticipate the same "if you don't like it, don't buy it" frankness from them. It worked so well last time out. I'm sure in WW3 there will be disabled, gender fluid soldiers taking it to the opposition. I'm all about it.
Thats the problem. They replaced all of their veteran developers with these social justice rejects. Just like BioWare. Similar results.


Well some of us prefer realism over fiction.
But I'm not a self hating white man so idk.

Realism? Like how CoD continues to rewrite history to erase US war crimes?

And besides, it's fiction. The fact that this is based on WW3 should clue you in about that rather quickly. There are multiple countries that could serve as the antagonists in this concept, not just the Middle East.

But hey, the US government probably spoonfeeds you propaganda about how terrifying these unprincipled Muslims are, but never tell you about the multiple drone strikes that wipe out entire families by either careless conduct or direct intention. I wouldn't blame you, pal.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
But hey, the US government probably spoonfeeds you propaganda about how terrifying these unprincipled Muslims are, but never tell you about the multiple drone strikes that wipe out entire families by either careless conduct or direct intention. I wouldn't blame you, pal.

Not really. I love in Europe where we have plenty of problems with them. Rape, murder, other criminality. So I witness it first hand.

Haven't seen any us drones in Scandinavia yet, but that may change I guess?


Not really. I love in Europe where we have plenty of problems with them. Rape, murder, other criminality. So I witness it first hand.

Haven't seen any us drones in Scandinavia yet, but that may change I guess?

This game will undoubtedly feature the US as the protagonists, though. Do you truly believe the US government is free of all flaws? You think in every conflict, they start out benign? Naive, naive child...


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
This game will undoubtedly feature the US as the protagonists, though. Do you truly believe the US government is free of all flaws? You think in every conflict, they start out benign? Naive, naive child...

I never said that though did I?
As a Scandinavian I don't really care. I care about those destroying my country.
Still wish they would do an 80's cold war gone hot. But if this is what we get, I'll take it as long as they don't start adding in a bunch of sci-fi weapons.

Overall though, if I could have anything I'd rather have a new Bad Company with a patch supporting the new consoles for Battlefield 4.
Trump already addressed these leaks and said that it was actually China the whole time. Russia doesn't have anything to do with the game, he promises.


I want to believe but I haven't liked a BF since BF3. I don't think Dice can pull it off, they're way past their prime


I never said that though did I?
As a Scandinavian I don't really care. I care about those destroying my country.

Your original stance was that a white male antagonist was an unrealistic notion, meaning you're implicitly calling colored races the root problem even though that is wildly untrue.
So like BF4 then? America Vs China or is this the impacts just after BF4? Either way they have way too much to aim for with BF4 being the peak of the franchise.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Your original stance was that a white male antagonist was an unrealistic notion, meaning you're implicitly calling colored races the root problem even though that is wildly untrue.

My original stance is that Sweden is a country of SJWs and for them the white male is the reason for everything bad.

White males can't do anything good, are the incarnation of satan himself, and are the most bigot and racist type of people.

If you agree on that, then good for you. You are an SJW
Leaked preview images of the two sides:



After the deathmatch, digital in-game Yuri will come out to give his lecture about subversion. lol


I can see it now... Battlefield 6: Woke Ops. You play as a 300 pound antifa wanker with customizable danger hair. Your mission: Execute Order 69.420: hunt and kill the most dangerous citizens in the Trumpian States of America. Should be a paradigm shift in video game writing. Can't wait dudes.
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Everyone in this thread crying about Russia being the enemy while these same folks are begging for Bad Company 3 and ignoring that at the end of the second game Russia was invading US. I can just smh.

Also expecting Chinese to be bad guys is a bit naive when they have so much investment and reach in videogaming today. Entertainment and mass media is the fastest way to swing opinion of general population and China clearly has a plan and it's working.

I'm more surprised why North Koreans are not being used as bad guys, I guess it's because they don't wanna offend other Asians due to everyone being so sensitive these days.
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They are probably only doing this so they can shoehorn as many implausible aspects into the story as possible, like women leading on the front lines with the cowardly men staying home looking after the kids.
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