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Bloodborne PC Release Is In The Works – Rumor


It is funny how triggered people for from me comparing Picasso to Bloodborne

like are you guys giant Picasso stans? I’m sorry lol the backlash is very funny to me as someone with an actual BFA

all I meant was, an artist should be able to create in the style they want, and anyone trying to tweak or “fix” it later is usurping it for their own desires. maybe people wish his blue period wasn’t so blue, why not use other colors? then it wouldn’t be his work. I say let Picasso be Picasso and let From be From

also I do think BB is genuinely beautiful. if you have a problem with that comparison then maybe you need to take a breather
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Can’t Git Gud
It is funny how triggered people for from me comparing Picasso to Bloodborne

like are you guys giant Picasso stans? I’m sorry lol

all I meant was, an artist should be able to create in the style they want, and anyone trying to tweak or “fix” it later is only trying to upending the creative’s work. maybe people wish his blue period wasn’t so blue, why not use other colors? I say let Picasso be Picasso and let From be From

also I do think BB is genuinely beautiful. if you have a problem with that comparison then maybe you need to take a breather
All I can say - Picasso never impressed me but Bloodborne did a lot
I highly doubt Sony is going to announce a PC anything while they're trying to hype PS5. Then again Horizon is nearly here and they haven't really said much about it so maybe they will lump all PC related news at the same time.


I highly doubt Sony is going to announce a PC anything while they're trying to hype PS5. Then again Horizon is nearly here and they haven't really said much about it so maybe they will lump all PC related news at the same time.
Why not? What is a better oportunity than an event like this? You can keep people calm with some games and the casing while announcing it separadly would enrage the hardcaore warriors.
Why not? What is a better oportunity than an event like this? You can keep people calm with some games and the casing while announcing it separadly would enrage the hardcaore warriors.
Because it distracts from the PS5? The whole reason they delayed the reveal is so they don't have to share the spotlight with anyone.

EDIT: And there we have it. It's entirely about PS5.
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I still have hope. Why announce a PC game on the PS5 console reveal? PC ports of games are typically revealed via social media or press announcments. We will see at the PC gaming show.


There's a pc event on Saturday right. Maybe then...
Yea if there's going to be any announcement about this, it will be Saturday. There was no realistic way that they would say "Look at all this PS5 stuff but also we're releasing a game on PC that's going to piss off fanboys". The amount of "sources" and rumors are increasing though, so it's seeming more likely by the day that we'll eventually get it. I'm really hopeful here.
Late, but this one is entirely true.

To expand a little :

I've discussed it on Resetera back then and I also gave some proofs I had to some other members I used to play games with (probably all banned by now :messenger_tears_of_joy:).

Here are the posts I made publicly :

The rest I shared through discord privately.

During my time on Resetera, I only knew that FromSoftware wanted Bloodborne to release on PC. Unfortunately, a PC port would need a lot of work because PC gamers won't accept to play Bloodborne on 30fps (rightfully so) and reworking Bloodborne's engine would take a great amount of work. The game logic is tied to framerate (stupid choice, I know), among many other baffling decisions.

The last time From Software tried to change the inner logic of an engine, it resulted in the infamous PC port of the first Dark Souls. They take the matter more seriousely now, especially with Bloodborne (Miyazaki consider it its magnum opus privately).

Making a long story short, Sony said they were interested in a potential Bloodborne remaster for PS5, with a lot more work done, like some QoL added and some cut-content being introduced. Both From Software and Sony agreed to not just up the resolution and the framerate, but to make something great. FromSoftware has been authorized to release the game on PC, but only some months after the remaster hits PS5.

Last time I heard about it, Bloodborne remaster would be part of PS5 lineup, but I don't quite believe it since I think the spotlight will be stolen by another similar title that should be announced in June :messenger_winking:. I think they might save the Bloodborne remaster for some months after PS5 release, but I could be wrong about that particular point.

An interesting note is some important Sony executives love Bloodborne and the Persona serie. That's why Sony is making everything it can to keep Persona mainline titles on Playstation.


- Yes Bloodborne is coming to PC.
- It's a remaster, not a simple port. The engine is being reworked and some assets will be adjusted.
- It will hit PS5 first, but probably not on lineup because of another similar title that will be announced in June.
- QoL and cut-content might be added (70% chances I would say).

Take everything above with a grain of salt, I'm not Jason Shreier and I don't have a twitter account. 🤷‍♀️

Friendly reminder to not believe random people on Twitter.

It was obvious they weren't going to talk about Bloodborne remaster when they want you to get excited for Demon Souls remake.

I still highly doubt Bloodborne PC will be revealed at a PS5 event, I even doubt Sony will announce it themselves. It will probably announced independently by From Software.


Those screenshots look convincing when it comes to UI.
But for 4k screenhot they don't make sense because game looks like 1920x1080


There is no reason for Sony to release Bloodborne on PC. They are busy with PS5 and its games while printing money with PS4.
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People just need to chill out and be surprised if and when they announce it. Some people continue to set themselves up by believing in rumour merchants... its been over 5 years man. Used PS4s are dirt cheap. There is always the alternative.
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Gold Member
If it is indeed coming to the PC, that’s a great sign that they’re making a sequel for the PS5.



If they are to announce this it will be out of the blue, very much like the Horizon announcement was.

There's a lot of smoke so I'm sure it's coming.


The way Sony seems to operate Bloodborne would fit as a PC port.
Both HZD and Bloodborne:
- Are several years old
- Have little ties with other PlayStation franchises
- Are standalone titles
- Have sold all they could reasonably sell on PS4
- Have PS5 exclusive sequels coming (one hopes for BB)

BB sources are a bit flimsier atm, but I can see it happening given their mo.
Personally I don't believe in it. There are more popular titles that you can port to PC.
However Demon's Souls will get a remaster, I was not believing too.

Maybe Sony went to listening to the fans.


However Demon's Souls will get a remaster, I was not believing too.

It's a remake, and not even a simple remake, they call it "re-envisioning" and far more than Shadow of the Colossus remake. That's why it's being made, so new players can enjoy it as a modern, brand new game. Remaster wouldn't make sense.
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Isnt that because Demon Souls is a whole new game?

Whereas a remaster of Bloodborne with no additions would surely be possible
Demon Souls is a remake, the first in the souls series and not a new game.


Nevermind, I think I misunderstood your comment.
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Demons Souls is a remake, the first in the souls series and not a new game.
I know, as in it's a remake, a whole new game in the sense that everything is being redone from scratch and being made to modern day visual standards

Whereas Blooodborne wouldn't really need that, just a resolution and framrate bump and use the SSD to eliminate its infamous load times
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It's a remake, and not even a simple remake, they call it "re-envisioning" and far more than Shadow of the Colossus remake. That's why it's being made, so new players can enjoy it as a modern, brand new game. Remaster wouldn't make sense.
It's a remake? Awesome if true! It's not-so-old and not-so-broken for a remake, I was expecting a good remaster at best.


I mean, if you really want to play it on PC, you can through PSnow. Obviously not ideal, but you don't even have to pay for it with a trial.
you're missing the whole point.

people want it on PC so they can play it at 4k 60+fps with proper frame pacing. not streaming at 720p 20-30fps with input lag and compression artifacts.

it's not just PC exclusive gamers asking for it. i have it installed on my PS4 right now and can play it any time i want but this game deserves so much more that being stuck on the PS4 with its shitty performance and visuals.
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Is legit but framerate seems suspicious
It's not just the frame rate. The Afterburner overlay moves a few pixels from image to image, button prompts are a mix of PC and console, and the graphics menu includes options like "Vsync" and "Fullscreen", which are almost never spelled that way in games (all the previous From Software PC releases used "Vertical Sync" and "Full-Screen", I think).


Same guy who revealed this Bloodborne Remastered stuff in June now claims the port is nearly done.



He evidently gave info about HZD. I believe him. The details he's writing don't seem fabricated. This also coincides with what I've been hearing about PS to PC ports.

If this happens, this generation will see some amazing exclusives on the PC side (both Xbox and PS).
"As he previously revealed, the port won't have unlocked framerate since anything above 60 FPS is causing a lot of issues so a 60 FPS cap is probably expected. "

What's next? It's stuck to 1080p as well?

Never mind. Read 30fps lol.
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If they've put the same guys on this that did HZD then cancel the thing and get From Software to do it themselves.

"As he previously revealed, the port won't have unlocked framerate since anything above 60 FPS is causing a lot of issues so a 60 FPS cap is probably expected. "

What's next? It's stuck to 1080p as well?

Dsfix incoming...
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