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Bluepoint to remake several METAL GEAR titles exclusively for PS5 due to Sony/Konami partnership | FF7R for PS5 & PC soon


It actually isn't if you look at the history of the entire franchise. The only fully-exclusive Metal Gear game on PlayStation platforms is MGS4.
He said associated. Doesn’t need to be 100% exclusive to have a console association. The first games were both on Nintendo and they had a release on gc. Nobody would associate MG with Nintendo


Please be true.

MGS 1-2-3-4 with complete graphical overhauls on PS5 hardware would be one of the best things I could dream of happening on consoles.
That would take like 15 years to create or more. I would be happy with just MGS1. Unless 4 different teams work at the same time on each MGS and release them all at once at a US$280 premium pack!


Always remember and it is so easy to forget in the sea of the millions of rumors that things which are too good to be true are usually exactly that. Too good to be true.

And while I am the most thirsty I can be for a proper MGS Revival/Reboot/Remake/Remaster/Rerelease of the Legacy Collection on PS5/etc. given that I basically studied that franchise ... it has come the time that people need to remember how few rumors actually end in something that you can hold in your hands or play.

Maybe someone somewhere has seen some random footage of a panchiko slot MGS Snake Eater game on a pixelated video and that person, who may have never played an MGS game actually, told someone else and in true "whisper down the lane" fashion they created something that didn't exist (maybe even unintetionally) and given how the internet and rumors work things got lost in translation and now we the thirsty fanboys end up with hope in a place where only was despair.



Every Metal Gear debuted on Sony machines. Even the originals (Sony MSX was the most popular MSX on Japan if I remember right)

Yeah, but this is moving the goalposts. A Sony MSX computer is not associated with the PlayStation branding.


Yeah, but this is moving the goalposts. A Sony MSX computer is not associated with the PlayStation branding.

There is no goalposts, Sony and Metal gear, let alone Kojima have had a crazy close relationship. MGS 1 2,3,4, and portable ops were all exclusive until they were ported. MGS was never ported, the original anyways. Twin snakes was made by Sillicon Knights and was on gamecube.

Then was brought over to PS3 I think in the HD collection?

Metal Gear and metal gear 2 were on Nintendo, but never repeated on another Nintendo system until gamecube. And it was one title.

MGS 4 is still exclusive to PS3. SAME with MGS 1 original. Only way people were able to play those games on later consoles were through the collection. MGS V, and Metal Gear Rising are the only one was truly announced as multiplatform.
Yup, if DS remake taken as a indicator how BP do remake, I will pass. Sorry don't interested to play the same game over and over again.
Out of all mentioned games, I will only buy FFVIIR PC for max 2k yen just for mod capabilities if the port good.
They aren't the original creators. They won't risk re-imagining something they haven't done. I would rather they bring their evident talent into something of their own. Technically, looking at tbeir engone and art, they are ahead of many AAA studios. They should it waste themselves on remaking others games


Some people seem to have massive issues with a quality studio being dedicated to remakes/remasters....
Why is it hard to believe that they are doing what THEY WANT TO DO?
Nobody is forcing them to make remakes.
Some people seem to have massive issues with a quality studio being dedicated to remakes/remasters....
Why is it hard to believe that they are doing what THEY WANT TO DO?
Nobody is forcing them to make remakes.

I don't disagree with the statement - however I swear I remember an interview with bluepoint from a while ago where they said they had ambitions beyond just doing remakes/remasters.

MGS1 will need a lot of work to modernise the gameplay. I can't imagine a like for like map design with decent third person mechanics. It wouldn't work?
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MGS is in no way Sony exclusive in 2021, regardless of what system some old games launched on a few gens ago. There isn't a single entry other than MGS4 and Portable Ops that can't be played on some other device and the most recent entry was flat out multiplat. It's like trying to argue that RE4 is a Gamecube exclusive after all the ports we've gotten over the years to PS2-4, every Xbox, and other Nintendo machines. The history of the game does not matter. Anything else is akin to timed exclusivity at best.

That said, Bluepoint could make an MGS remake exclusive to Ouya for all I care. I will be there day 1.
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MGS is in no way Sony exclusive in 2021, regardless of what system some old games launched on a few gens ago.

That said, Bluepoint could make an MGS remake exclusive to Ouya for all I care. I will be there day 1

So it can or cant be exclusive? Make up your mind please.


So it can or cant be exclusive? Make up your mind please.
I think you should reread the post. I'm saying it's not currently a Sony exclusive, but that I wouldn't care if it was exclusive to a system or not going forward with these remakes.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Sony is running out of old-school ambitious games to remake. BluePoint wants to continually up their game, so stuff like "remaking Ape Escape" makes Zero sense....

MGS is a logical choice if they can get the Konami IP....however, I feel like they are going to need to radically change the gameplay to modernize it...it's not something like Demon's Souls that is timeless in how it plays (for now).
Pretty much my thoughts on this. MGS needs to be overhauled completely, both in terms of design and gameplay. You cant just take the same level design, slap on a third person view and MGSV's combat and call it a day. It needs to be a reimagining, not just a remaster with fancier graphics.

As much as I like Demon Souls, and I have beaten it over 10 times in the last two months, I want whatever they do next to be next gen. I want destructible environments, fancy A.I, brand new stealth mechanics that change the way we look at stealth action games, and more. Another SOTC and Demon Souls like remaster will be disappointing even for a guy who has a snake avatar and username.


They'll give us more than a raven can hunt for in the night.

The snake prowls fiercely but cannot scratch its back, because as the Sioux people are aware, snakes have no arms in which to scratch their back.


I think we can all agree BP do great job with environments but my confidence in there ability to do great facial capture and voice acted cut scenes is still lacking.


I've only finished mgs5 so happily will play old remakes even if they change only engine/graphics/animations and left core gameplay.
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I dunno man. If Kojima isn't involved, I don't really care. Sure it's great that these games will get a new audience, but nothing will replicate the feeling of playing the originals. It was a gaming zeitgeist moment.
True but when I played the DeS remaster I had those same feelings when I first played on ps3 except these feelings are now in 4k...

Mgs 1, 2 and 3 remasters...omg sign me up


DOnt play with my heart like this. Its not fair and not nice.
If its remakes and not david hayter though.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I've only finished mgs5 so happily will play old remakes even if they change only engine/graphics/animations and left core gameplay.
mgs1 feels very dated. i tried playing the gamecube version on dolphin and after like 10 minutes of struggling with controls and camera, i gave up.

mgs2 is slightly better but without that 3rd person camera in MGS3, it feels really really bad. MGS3 is playable, but barely. these games had some awful controls that required pressure sensitive button just to be able to aim and shoot lol.

Jack Uzi

KatharsisT? an insider (lol) who said Silent Hill will be announced 2 times at the PS event and then said Sony moved it at the last minute, is back with the same bs rumor and we should believe her this time? yeah i guess


This, she effectively tripled down on her bullshit with Dusk Golem. She’s a clown.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
How are they going to handle
Psycho Mantis? Memory card etc
what about the codec that was imprinted on the back of the case? lol im glad i played it in 2000 so i could search for it. i think i might have found forums for the first time searching for it.


what about the codec that was imprinted on the back of the case? lol im glad i played it in 2000 so i could search for it. i think i might have found forums for the first time searching for it.
And the Campbell codec to
turn off console
if they do MGS2
Fission Mailed!


Ff7r will also come to xbox...
Its just the typical era wannabe insiders not liking/ caring about xbox.
I remember the DMC5 "leaks"... yeah we know how that went.


Not a fan of Metal Gear, tbh, but would love to play a FF7R PS5 version in 60fps.

Also, I haven't believed in Katharsis and Dusk in a while.


Down for this but I've heard this a bunch of times now. Just buy the rights from Konami for Castlevania MetalGear and Silent Hill, jesus


As much as I like Demon Souls, and I have beaten it over 10 times in the last two months, I want whatever they do next to be next gen. I want destructible environments, fancy A.I, brand new stealth mechanics that change the way we look at stealth action games, and more.

It is indeed questionable if Bluepoint can pull that off. I have my doubts, but I'd be glad if they would prove me wrong.


If this is true its sad because these games should be multiplat.
Sony money hatting the industry is bad for gamers.
Sony should just let their amazing 1st party do the talking. There's no reason for them to money hat multiplats.
We are not talking about a game independently developed by a Soft House and that Sony paid to have the exclusive about. We are talking about a game which is developed BECAUSE Sony proposed it (like Demon's Souls and SotC Remake). If it doesn't come out in other platofrms, blame the other platforms holders for not being interested in bringing old beloved games into modern shape.
Without Sony, the game would not even exist (if it exist).

Mikey Jr.


Fine, I'll buy FF7 again for fuck sakes.................

I'm such a fucking sheep.

But these better be fucking AMAZING updates. Not some bullshit.


I hope they release a collection instead of testing the waters with one...still pissed Capcom did that with Onimusha which didn’t sell and thus limited the likelihood we’ll get 2 and 3.


King Snowflake
If this is true its sad because these games should be multiplat.
Sony money hatting the industry is bad for gamers.
Sony should just let their amazing 1st party do the talking. There's no reason for them to money hat multiplats.
Huh? Directly funding a remaster of a classic series is not money hatting. It is investing in their platform. It might actually be something they try porting to PC too.


Who the fuck are you arguing with? Literally no-one in this entire thread has said that MGS is a Sony exclusive series.
aSSocIaTeD!!! Try harder fam. It's not even that.

And if it's not multiplat, what could the bottom possibly be talking about? It's either multiplat or exclusive. There is no in-between. Also, calm down lol. No need to be mad about it.

Metal Gear Solid launched exclusively on PlayStation (later ported to PC)
Metal Gear Solid 2 launched exclusively on PlayStation 2 (later ported to PC and Xbox)
Metal Gear Solid 3 launched exclusively on PlayStation 2 (years later ported to 3DS; and X360 as part of the MGS HD Collection)
Metal Gear Solid 4 remained a PlayStation 3 exclusive
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker launched exclusively on PlayStation Portable
(later ported to X360 as part of the MGS HD Collection)

The only multiplatform releases from Day 1 were Ground Zeroes and The Phantom Pain, and even then the majority of the sales were on Sony consoles. PlayStation was not around when Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2 were released.

This is not what a multiplatform franchise looks like.
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The Fuzz damn you!

Gold Member
aSSocIaTeD!!! Try harder fam. It's not even that.

And if it's not multiplat, what could the bottom possibly be talking about? It's either multiplat or exclusive. There is no in-between. Also, calm down lol. No need to be mad about it.
Really? You don’t think that Metal Gear Solid is associated with PlayStation? I mean, if the rumour was that a studio was remaking the series but there was no indication of which studio it was, do you really think people would be throwing their arms up in the air saying “could be anyone!” or do you think the conversation would more tend to be comments like “obviously it’s Sony, Snake is practically a mascot” and “Nah, MS is throwing their weight around buying up IP and taking this away from Sony”? Of course people associate MGS with Sony. That’s not even slightly controversial.

...but okay, I’ll give you “this is not what a multi-platform franchise looks like” is a stupid comment because, yeah, of course it’s a Multiplatform franchise. So is Crash Bandicoot, doesn’t means that’s not heavily associated with the PlayStation brand in people’s minds. Same with Final Fantasy. Same with Grand Theft Auto, once upon a time.

And nah, not angry, just Australian.


My only issue with this is that MGS games are boring...
Sony buying a license from Square for Bluepoint to remake Soul Reaver would be a much better use of resources.
Would be awesome but if true, Konami and Sony should give BluePoint the permission to do more than a better looking remaster like SOTC and Demons Souls.

Let BluePoint do a full on Remake of MG1+2. For these two they can't do much wrong anyway. And if those two work out well let them move to a full remake of MGS where they revamp the level design and all.
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