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Borderlands 2 |OT2| You missed the Conference Call, next time don't Bee late.


PlayStation 3 SHiFT Code for 3 Golden Keys in Borderlands 2: WTW3J-39F95-ZZKKJ-9TKT3-Z3HBT [Active through Aug. 5]
Xbox 360 SHiFT Code for 3 Golden Keys in Borderlands 2: CBK33-WWXCT-S69BX-CR33T-XR9CR [Active through Aug. 5]
PC / Mac SHiFT Code for 3 Golden Keys in Borderlands 2: KBC3J-95WXF-WBSBT-TTJJB-KTC6K [Active through Aug. 5]

The town music in the 'Assault on Dragon's Keep' dlc is incredible.

Definitely the best dlc out of all of them so far. It basically takes the best side quest in Fable 3 and makes a whole game out of it.
Yup, the music is great. The composer, Raison Varner, has some of it on his sound cloud page.
Just beat Dragonkeep.

If you had told me a year ago that a DLC - let alone a DLC for Borderlands - would be the best written game of the year, let alone almost make me cry, I would have laughed in your face.

The ending, however, is way too rushed.

But I can't wait for Season 2 now.


There are gonna be quest-based ones AFTER these two announced ones??
might be a stupid question, but what are the gold keys for and where do i enter the shift keys?

also, is it worth tipping the stripper or bartender?
might be a stupid question, but what are the gold keys for and where do i enter the shift keys?

also, is it worth tipping the stripper or bartender?

Enter shift codes at the main menu under "extras". Use the gold keys on the golden skull loot chest in Sanctuary. It contains various purple-tier items. Occasionally blue, but mostly purple.

Yes you should tip Moxxi, but you might wanna wait until you're high level. She gives you two different SMGs. Good Touch and Bad Touch. One is fire elemental, and the other is corrosive. The higher your level, the higher the level of the gun.


Beat AODK the other day. That was a hell of a piece of DLC and it definitely ranks up there with Lair of the Shadow Broker and other notable DLC's.

Some highlights:
1. The ending line
uttered by Claptrap had me laughing. I love how he ruins a perfect moment.
2. The ending events and the reveal of the princess
being Butt Stallion and the whole deal with Roland/Bloodwing
was pretty neat.
3. The overall plot of AODK and what it does for one character is wayyyy more than I ever expected from a game like Borderlands. Except for some voice acting that doesn't quire measure up the overall deal is surprisingly deep. Good stuff.

The music and the way a lot of old art assets were changed to fit the fantasy theme was great. I just had a really good time. A great way to get me even more pumped for another fantasy trip with Dargons Crown this week.
Yup, the music is great. The composer, Raison Varner, has some of it on his sound cloud page.
Cool, thanks for the link.
So I got the bloodsplosion trick against Pyro Pete working... wow! lol

Takes about a minute to take him out if that using melee to trigger the explosion
Some highlights:
1. The ending line
uttered by Claptrap had me laughing. I love how he ruins a perfect moment.
2. The ending events and the reveal of the princess
being Butt Stallion and the whole deal with Roland/Bloodwing
was pretty neat.
3. The overall plot of AODK and what it does for one character is wayyyy more than I ever expected from a game like Borderlands. Except for some voice acting that doesn't quire measure up the overall deal is surprisingly deep. Good stuff.

I saw
all the Roland stuff coming so I wasn't super moved by that but when Bloodwing showed up I straight up wept.
That's not a reveal nor a twist. You know pretty much from the start what the deal is with Dragon Keep.

Speaking of, Ice and I are about to make it raid.

Anyone up?

Cat Party

Apparently if you suck hard enough on Dam Fine Rescue,
Roland can be transported to the Friendship Gulag.
Played that mission like a thousand times, and never had that happen. But my brother in law is trying to play UVHM with Zero (baaaaaaaaad idea), and it happened to him.

nel e nel

Apparently if you suck hard enough on Dam Fine Rescue,
Roland can be transported to the Friendship Gulag.
Played that mission like a thousand times, and never had that happen. But my brother in law is trying to play UVHM with Zero (baaaaaaaaad idea), and it happened to him.

Yep. Played through that mission many times and have only seen this happen once.


Raid bosses are ridiculously hard to solo or even duo. I know that's the point, but come on.
Thats the way they should be. They have very high chance of dropping great loot and crystals. That type of loot should take more work and effort. With the drops it makes all encounters easier and Im sure some will duo and solo them as they gear up. Gearbox did a good job providing a variety of solo, duo and raid encounters in BL2. My only complaint at the high end game is the bullet sponge hp pools and forcing players to use Slag.
Thats the way they should be. They have very high chance of dropping great loot and crystals. That type of loot should take more work and effort. With the drops it makes all encounters easier and Im sure some will duo and solo them as they gear up. Gearbox did a good job providing a variety of solo, duo and raid encounters in BL2. My only complaint at the high end game is the bullet sponge hp pools and forcing players to use Slag.

The loot midgets/loaders during the Doctor's Orders quest drop some pretty good shit. I was levelling my Maya in TVHM and they dropped a Legendary Siren Class mod and a Badaboom one after the other. I was excited about the class mod until I realised it only consisted of tier 1 skills. Nonetheless, pretty cool. Pain in the ass to get back there though. Wish you could save and quit and end up back at the last New-U instead of the Fast Travel Station.


The loot midgets/loaders during the Doctor's Orders quest drop some pretty good shit. I was levelling my Maya in TVHM and they dropped a Legendary Siren Class mod and a Badaboom one after the other. I was excited about the class mod until I realised it only consisted of tier 1 skills. Nonetheless, pretty cool. Pain in the ass to get back there though. Wish you could save and quit and end up back at the last New-U instead of the Fast Travel Station.
There is a lot of cool farming places solo and some tough rare spawn mobs are fun solo/duo in TVHM as well. Even raid mobs are soloable with the right spec, class and gear. I enjoyed farming many areas and bosses in TVHM. I enjoy playing TVHM a lot and play it more than UVHM, even though I dont get any gear upgrades for my main character Maya. I have spent well over a couple hundred hours farming TVHM, but UVHM bullet sponges and Slag requirement made farming feel more like work than fun. I still farm UVHM every once and awhile, but that patch killed my friends list fast. I cant deny that is a big reason I dislike UVHM. Most my friends dont want to play it.

UVHM even trash mobs have insane health pools and the nerf to player dmg, aka the need to Slag everything. I know this horse has been beaten to death by me and others, but really hope someone listens eventually. The need to Slag everything killed a lot of strategies, builds and made all the grinding for nice gear in TVHM almost worthless. Some classes are fortunate and have a skill/spec that allows them to apply mass Slag via a skill. Slag grenades are nice applying AE slag, but you lose the element of surprise and devasting openings that worked in the rest of the game. I could play the FtoM class with the same popular build, but all classes should be viable and not forced into the same cookie cutter builds. It is nice being able to use a great sniper weapon to even out the odds, but since they arent slagged first even trash mobs can take a ton of headshots.

Really hope they are listening to feedback and find new ways to make the game more difficult, instead of upping their hp pool a lot and forcing us to use Slag or one elemental type of weapon for that matter. I apologize for complaining about this constantly, but they really screwed up one of my favorite games from the past two years. i wish they would take a look at it and retune the game back into great game. Rant over, this is the last time I whine about the horrible design of UVHM. Im looking forward to new content, but I will hold off buying until UVHM is addressed.


There is a lot of cool farming places solo and some tough rare spawn mobs are fun solo/duo in TVHM as well. Even raid mobs are soloable with the right spec, class and gear. I enjoyed farming many areas and bosses in TVHM. I enjoy playing TVHM a lot and play it more than UVHM, even though I dont get any gear upgrades for my main character Maya. I have spent well over a couple hundred hours farming TVHM, but UVHM bullet sponges and Slag requirement made farming feel more like work than fun. I still farm UVHM every once and awhile, but that patch killed my friends list fast. I cant deny that is a big reason I dislike UVHM. Most my friends dont want to play it.

UVHM even trash mobs have insane health pools and the nerf to player dmg, aka the need to Slag everything. I know this horse has been beaten to death by me and others, but really hope someone listens eventually. The need to Slag everything killed a lot of strategies, builds and made all the grinding for nice gear in TVHM almost worthless. Some classes are fortunate and have a skill/spec that allows them to apply mass Slag via a skill. Slag grenades are nice applying AE slag, but you lose the element of surprise and devasting openings that worked in the rest of the game. I could play the FtoM class with the same popular build, but all classes should be viable and not forced into the same cookie cutter builds. It is nice being able to use a great sniper weapon to even out the odds, but since they arent slagged first even trash mobs can take a ton of headshots.

Really hope they are listening to feedback and find new ways to make the game more difficult, instead of upping their hp pool a lot and forcing us to use Slag or one elemental type of weapon for that matter. I apologize for complaining about this constantly, but they really screwed up one of my favorite games from the past two years. i wish they would take a look at it and retune the game back into great game. Rant over, this is the last time I whine about the horrible design of UVHM. Im looking forward to new content, but I will hold off buying until UVHM is addressed.

Completely agree about UVHM. It's not fun. At all. It's a pain in the ass and just feels like a chore to play.
I Shamfleeted my way through UVHM with my Siren, but even that was a pain in the ass. I got stuck at Saturn and had to have a friend come and help. Think that was the only thing I couldn't solo. Died a lot throughout. Slag is your BFF in UVHM if you don't have overkill weps like the Norfleet.


it's a little better with multiple people but its still no fun.

Gotta agree. I went that route for the increased level cap, but damn: it's a grind solo in the new tiny Tina DLC.

And boss fights: nearly mandatory coop. Even with decent slag weapons. Now I just kinda want it to end. Kinda sad cuz I got a ton of mileage out of the game.


UVHM really isn't that bad once you get the right gear. When you hit 61 and can get level 61 weapons, it's much better. Getting there is a pain in the ass though.
The problem with this game is that the numbers are way too high. Compare a level 20 weapon with a level 30 weapon, it gets even crazier the higher up you go. Level 50 SMGs do about 4k damage at most, at 61 they're doing 10k more than that. Gear becomes useless so fast and until you get an upgrade you'll be banging your head against a wall. This is especially true in UVHM where everything is between your level - +2. Go back and try out Borderlands 1. If you felt like it you could easily use a level 25 legendary at level 50 if it was good, in BL2 you'll be lucky to get a few hours of genuine use out of anything.

It's not that big of an issue at level cap (even playing field by that point) but it makes progressing a huge pain in the ass. I made my way through UVHM for the first time with Krieg and it was pure lol (1 shot most mobs, can interrupt badasses attack animations with thrown axe, amazing damage reduction skills unlike anyone else, as long as anything is alive around you full health is a click away) but then I decided that I should be shooting things in a shooting game and took a peek at it with my Zer0. Just... wow! Guns shoot spitballs and I'm made of rice paper. Hopefully I have a bit more success with Maya


I've already finished UVHM solo with 5 out of 6 characters, so I honestly don't understand where the hate comes from. I was already using slag back in TVHM, it's pretty much a requirement if you want to be ammo efficient. It's really not that difficult to hang on to a slag pistol of any level and just whip it out whenever you need it. In addition, Maya, Salvador, Axton and Zer0 all can be spec-ed such that the action skill causes slag, and if you aren't using the action skill at every available opportunity on UVHM then I'd think you're playing it wrong.


So I finally had some free money and decided to come back and buy the season pass, lots of fun so far, UVHM is pretty good on 4 coop but on solo it's not fun at all.

I just unlocked the mission for hyperius but man everyone who I went with gets obliterated by the first nova, I guess al of them are only using Bees, I'm lucky enought if I'm left with like 5% of HP haha.
So are there modders on the Xbox 360 version of this game?

I was just fucking around and joined a random lobby. It took me a while to join the game but I was not doing anything so I waited. I get in the game and there is a ton of unique and legendary items on the ground. I was like someone is being nice. I decided to pick some of them only to realize that all the weapons I had equipped were no longer equipped and were no longer in my inventory. What really freaked me out was I could now hold 40 items out of 33.

I freaked out and promptly bailed for fear of getting banned.
So are there modders on the Xbox 360 version of this game?

I was just fucking around and joined a random lobby. It took me a while to join the game but I was not doing anything so I waited. I get in the game and there is a ton of unique and legendary items on the ground. I was like someone is being nice. I decided to pick some of them only to realize that all the weapons I had equipped were no longer equipped and were no longer in my inventory. What really freaked me out was I could now hold 40 items out of 33.

I freaked out and promptly bailed for fear of getting banned.

Yeah, there are modders on console versions. They used to be able to kill your character permanently.
Yeah, there are modders on console versions. They used to be able to kill your character permanently.

Holy shit that was my biggest fear as soon as I realized what was going on I started to panic in fear of losing my character and the few legendaries I actually had. I would've legit stopped playing the game if my level 61 harold was gone. lol

Just realized I'm now a member. Sweet.
Pretty sure they can't do that anymore. It was related to a scrapped feature of the game, "badass mode", which would enable permadeath for your character. Modders were able to turn it on through the save editor and it would work virally with unsuspecting players, or something along those lines. Lotta mad people on the GBX forums when that was going around.
After many hours....


The first retail game where I actually WANTED to get all the achievements. It was a fun ride. Personal goal achieved!

Because I was going for all the achievements, I played the DLC's on normal but since I love loot, me and my friends will be going through UVHM...starting with Tiny Tina's DLC most likely. Need those level 61 goodies!

Would love to start over with a fresh character but I can't see that happening right now.
Hit 61 with my Siren and finished the story on UVHM. If I could manage to stay on my feet the rate that I was dispatching enemies was still surprisingly quick with a level 49 Bee and a level 50 Electric Flying Sand Hawk which lasted me all the way till Warrior.

I've been saving up the Tiny Tina DLC since its supposed to be really good. Not sure which of my characters I should tackle it and whether I should do it with a 61 character. Now I barely take a second look at anything that isn't Orange


I played this for a little while on the 360. Never even finished my first playthrough cuz I had to sell the 360.

But now I've got a PC. A good one. And I bought this plus the Season Pass for $20.

And oh my god. Its just so gorgeous. And at 60fps? Heaven.

Still getting used to kb+m controls and it feels like a fresh experience. Going with the same class and style as before as I was enjoying it.

Whats the recommendation for when to do the DLC's? I'm still only level 7 and not even at Sanctuary yet, but I'd like to have some plan for when I get further down the line.
I played this for a little while on the 360. Never even finished my first playthrough cuz I had to sell the 360.

But now I've got a PC. A good one. And I bought this plus the Season Pass for $20.

And oh my god. Its just so gorgeous. And at 60fps? Heaven.

Still getting used to kb+m controls and it feels like a fresh experience. Going with the same class and style as before as I was enjoying it.

Whats the recommendation for when to do the DLC's? I'm still only level 7 and not even at Sanctuary yet, but I'd like to have some plan for when I get further down the line.

What man??? Does that mean no more Forza?

And welcome man, this game is ridiculously awesome. My girl and I have like 400ish hours in CoOp in this game and we still play almost every night.

As for the DLCs, here are my thoughts:
Captain Scarlett - I actually really liked this one and the loot is quite good. Plus it has the awesome, and glitchable, treasure room.
Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage - Meh. It is funny and I like some of it, but my girl and I both find it a bit boring.
Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt = Again, not bad. Has some cool loot but it wasn't great.
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep - The BEST Borderlands DLC. Absolutely fantastic and brilliant. Some good loot with awesome quests. But be sure to save it until you beat the game because it has a LOT of spoilers in it.


What man??? Does that mean no more Forza?
For the time being. I may pick up an Xbox One in a couple years, hopefully around the time Forza 6 comes out or something.

Its a bit painful going without Forza for any amount of time, but I couldn't bring my Xbox360 over here(well I could, but couldn't play any UK games). Needed a computer anyways, so I'm just gonna be a PC gamer for a while.

And welcome man, this game is ridiculously awesome. My girl and I have like 400ish hours in CoOp in this game and we still play almost every night.

As for the DLCs, here are my thoughts:
Captain Scarlett - I actually really liked this one and the loot is quite good. Plus it has the awesome, and glitchable, treasure room.
Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage - Meh. It is funny and I like some of it, but my girl and I both find it a bit boring.
Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt = Again, not bad. Has some cool loot but it wasn't great.
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep - The BEST Borderlands DLC. Absolutely fantastic and brilliant. Some good loot with awesome quests. But be sure to save it until you beat the game because it has a LOT of spoilers in it.
Cool. I was thinking of doing one of the DLC's on my first playthrough and then save the others for the 2nd one. I'll see about a 3rd when I get there. I remember you telling me you still had a great time with TVHM.

Hey SeanSpeed, add me on Steam: GrilledFishJones.

You too Shortt, if you're playing on the computer and not one of those terrible consoles. ;)


Pizza Dog
Hey! I bought this game just before the steam sale when it was on offer somewhere else, didn't end up with the season pass though. Having a good time playing through solo (I know it's better with others but my schedule doesn't really allow for playing along with friends) and enjoying working my way through the game. Will probably try and finish this off and, unless the season pass gets a big discount, pick up the Tiny Tina DLC next time there's a sale. If I only get that DLC do I get a smaller level cap increase? Not that it matters to me currently, as I'm only at level 23.
Hey SeanSpeed, add me on Steam: GrilledFishJones.

You too Shortt, if you're playing on the computer and not one of those terrible consoles. ;)

I am on there occasionally, but a lot more now that Liz finally got a new computer. So we will be on there doing CoOp more. Plus she loves her Sims.

Her name is Syffitf and I am ShorttSirket

Cool. I was thinking of doing one of the DLC's on my first playthrough and then save the others for the 2nd one. I'll see about a 3rd when I get there. I remember you telling me you still had a great time with TVHM.


Yeah, TVHM is really good. Liz and I are both getting new characters to lvl61 now. She is doing the Mechro and I am running the Psycho.


I propably will start with Borderlands 2 today. Played the first one, but I was not exited about doing the same shit for hundrets of hours.

So GAF, is there an interesting story-part in this sequel, which I can play through in ten hours or so?
]blacky[;76202395 said:
So GAF, is there an interesting story-part in this sequel, which I can play through in ten hours or so?

Main story will take you a bit longer than that but it's a much better game than the first one.


Neo Member
Gotta agree. I went that route for the increased level cap, but damn: it's a grind solo in the new tiny Tina DLC.

And boss fights: nearly mandatory coop. Even with decent slag weapons. Now I just kinda want it to end. Kinda sad cuz I got a ton of mileage out of the game.

Glad to know it's not just me having trouble soloing Tiny Tina. I'm lvl 39 and ran into a lvl 42 boss that just reams me.
I liked the barely-there story of BL1 (I still play that game more than BL2 these days, but that's another story) but it's probably not for everyone. Or most people, in fact. That said, I do really like BL2's story, Jack is an awesome villain. His character development is great IMO, I like
the way he descends from "Hey can you just kill yourself to save me the trouble lol" to "I'm going to kill you and everyone you've ever known if it's the last thing I do".
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