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Borderlands 2 |OT2| You missed the Conference Call, next time don't Bee late.


So I'll jump back into the game when next week's DLC is released, but I'm here to ask on advice on what class / spec to use. Last time I was playing Maya in UVHM, but more or less hit a brick wall. I died way too easily and things generally took forever to kill. I'm not complaining on the difficulty, I know it's supposed to be hard, but can you recommend me something else to play once the DLC is out?

I've been hearing a lot about Salvador and Kreig being the way to go when playing UVHM solo, what are your thoughts? What about the Mechromancer? Thanks!
Woot, finally got an upgrade to my favorite weapon in the game.Mover over Dobby Lyuda, bring on Razres Lyuda, mmmmmmmm.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
So I'll jump back into the game when next week's DLC is released, but I'm here to ask on advice on what class / spec to use. Last time I was playing Maya in UVHM, but more or less hit a brick wall. I died way too easily and things generally took forever to kill. I'm not complaining on the difficulty, I know it's supposed to be hard, but can you recommend me something else to play once the DLC is out?

I've been hearing a lot about Salvador and Kreig being the way to go when playing UVHM solo, what are your thoughts? What about the Mechromancer? Thanks!

Maya starts to steamroll mobs once you get her Ruin skill, which slags all enemies. If you pick it up alongside the skill that pulls all enemies in a radius towards her phaselock then you can literally destroy mobs in seconds by pulling all enemies into a small area, slagging them all, and then unloading on them with your weapons.


Maya starts to steamroll mobs once you get her Ruin skill, which slags all enemies. If you pick it up alongside the skill that pulls all enemies in a radius towards her phaselock then you can literally destroy mobs in seconds by pulling all enemies into a small area, slagging them all, and then unloading on them with your weapons.

Thanks for the reply!

Yeah, I've been using those skills you mentioned (level 57 when I ragequit), I just got the impression that Maya was needlessly difficult for solo players when compared to other classes. Especially some bosses have been a pure nightmare for me, though I suppose I just need to L2P. Been looking more and more at the Mechromancer, and think I'll give her a try once the DLC (and new level cap) is released.
So I'll jump back into the game when next week's DLC is released, but I'm here to ask on advice on what class / spec to use. Last time I was playing Maya in UVHM, but more or less hit a brick wall. I died way too easily and things generally took forever to kill. I'm not complaining on the difficulty, I know it's supposed to be hard, but can you recommend me something else to play once the DLC is out?

I've been hearing a lot about Salvador and Kreig being the way to go when playing UVHM solo, what are your thoughts? What about the Mechromancer? Thanks!

Salvador actually requires some decent gear to be effective. Krieg on the other hand laughs at everything butt-naked with a melee build. All I used with him was a Slagga and the occasional slag bouncing betty

If you wanna keep playing Maya, make sure you've got a Bee with Ruin + Converge. Just remember to keep your distance.


Man, me and my roommate started playing again last night. Went to some animal preserve/etc in the main story line. We were kinda underpowered. heh. With him being lv 15 and me lv 17 in end. Most of the enemies were around lv 20+ with a bunch of badass stags thrown everywhere.

Took a while, but we actually got pretty far, but decided to call it quits for the night before finishing. We should have really went and did some side-quests beforehand. heh


any other way to get Pearlescent weapons other than random Legendary midget spawns? I Just started back w/ Ultimate Vault Hunter, I'm lvl. 52 and I'm getting POUNDED. I barely finished A Train To Catch. I need better equipment, srsly. u_u


So it looks like a huge update is going out, and they've finally patched the Leviathan's hitbox allowing you to go back into the Treasure Room. Sad. :(


So it looks like a huge update is going out, and they've finally patched the Leviathan's hitbox allowing you to go back into the Treasure Room. Sad. :(

At least, according to the changelog, they're going to "slide the Warrior off the map" so that he won't block any loot drops anymore.

Why wasn't that the first thing they did?
Yeay to all of the patch notes except the treasure room exploit. Although the legendary loot midgets drop way better loot than the treasure room ever did.

Especial "fuck yes" to saving paint jobs. Spilled Paint ftw.

I finally have a split screen tool a try, worked great. I used this onehere

I joined two low level characters to my main lvl 61 UVHM maya game. Win, win. I get an even greater challenge by soloing everything but with three players. The loot drops are improved and my other characters get XP so they can get up to speed before the next level cap.
"Increased the Eridium required to enter Terramorphous's den."

Why would they do this?

Pretty odd. If you're at the point where you're fighting raid bosses, I'm sure you wouldn't be lacking for eridium.

I think they wanted to bring Terra in line with the other raid bosses which cost 8


Can anyone help me out with BL2 ?

I have finished the game and started a new game + and I am simply underpowered. I can't understand it. I can't even beat the first boss on the ship, Captain Flynt the second time round. My gear seems appropriate for my level so I just don't get it.

I am on XBOX, my GT is 'mocoworm' if anyone wants to add me and maybe help me out with some gear or just help me progress a little.

I am in the UK and game from 6pm onwards most evenings.


Can anyone help me out with BL2 ?

I have finished the game and started a new game + and I am simply underpowered. I can't understand it. I can't even beat the first boss on the ship, Captain Flynt the second time round. My gear seems appropriate for my level so I just don't get it.

I am on XBOX, my GT is 'mocoworm' if anyone wants to add me and maybe help me out with some gear or just help me progress a little.

I am in the UK and game from 6pm onwards most evenings.

What level are you? I might have some gear laying around that you'd be able to use.


So it looks like a huge update is going out, and they've finally patched the Leviathan's hitbox allowing you to go back into the Treasure Room. Sad. :(

That's terrible. Luckily I have no real intention of ever spending eternity farming all the stuff that I need only to get more levels from DLC.


New DLC Spoilers:
Someone datamined the new patch on Steam. There are 4 new pearls, new heads/skins, and classic enemies coming in the DLC. I heard Skagzilla, the ninjas from Knox, and Bonehead are all returning as well as a new spider tank boss.

Here's a video for all the upcoming new heads/skins.

New DLC Spoilers:
Someone datamined the new patch on Steam. There are 4 new pearls, new heads/skins, and classic enemies coming in the DLC. I heard Skagzilla, the ninjas from Knox, and Bonehead are all returning as well as a new spider tank boss.

Here's a video for all the upcoming new heads/skins.


Christ that Krieg Cowboy head makes me want to buy him and ditch my zero =(


°Temp. member
I finally get a Baby Maker after all that farming (from Mad Dog), but it's only lv 49 :(
They really should make a patch so that all loot dropped in TVHM is lv 50 after you complete the story. It sucks to farm and then get lv 48 or 49 stuff.


Pizza Dog
I finally get a Baby Maker after all that farming (from Mad Dog), but it's only lv 49 :(
They really should make a patch so that all loot dropped in TVHM is lv 50 after you complete the story. It sucks to farm and then get lv 48 or 49 stuff.

I got a Baby Maker (or a variant of it anyway) while playing through the game at whatever level I was when I got to that part (I'm on my first playthrough at the moment). Don't know whether to hold onto it and other such drops from bosses when I find regular weapons which are more powerful. Part of me wants to hold onto them but I can probably just get them again once I hit the top level, right?


Ok. This makes me more mad than it should

The new dlc isn't in the season pass? Fuck off. I never bought a season pass but if I was going to on any game this would be it. But here we go. Season passes no longer getting l dlc
Ok. This makes me more mad than it should

The new dlc isn't in the season pass? Fuck off. I never bought a season pass but if I was going to on any game this would be it. But here we go. Season passes no longer getting l dlc

I will wait for the whole goty edition this time.


Ok. This makes me more mad than it should

The new dlc isn't in the season pass? Fuck off. I never bought a season pass but if I was going to on any game this would be it. But here we go. Season passes no longer getting l dlc

Pretty sure they listed out what was part of the season pass when they offered it, and they delivered on it.

If there ever was a game you shouldn't call put for season pass value this is it.


Ok. This makes me more mad than it should

The new dlc isn't in the season pass? Fuck off. I never bought a season pass but if I was going to on any game this would be it. But here we go. Season passes no longer getting l dlc

It's called a season pass and not a lifetime pass.


Ok. This makes me more mad than it should

The new dlc isn't in the season pass? Fuck off. I never bought a season pass but if I was going to on any game this would be it. But here we go. Season passes no longer getting l dlc

Pretty much overreacting here. To be honest. Especially considering you don't even own it.
Moreover, the season pass explicitly said from day one it would contain 4 DLC releases. It was never sold as an unlimited content subscription for BL2. It was laid out in plain English, it is cheaper to get all four DLC with the pass instead if buying individually. The season pass owners got the UVHM pack for free as well, which wasn't listed originally for season pass. Fuck off with this playing victim crap. Yes, there are some awful DLC practices out there, however, BL2 has been commendable with the post release support through patches and the paid content, if you consider DLC "support." If you could be arsed to read what was included from day one in the season pass you might not feel the need to have a tantrum over a purchase you never made.


°Temp. member
I got a Baby Maker (or a variant of it anyway) while playing through the game at whatever level I was when I got to that part (I'm on my first playthrough at the moment). Don't know whether to hold onto it and other such drops from bosses when I find regular weapons which are more powerful. Part of me wants to hold onto them but I can probably just get them again once I hit the top level, right?

Right, you can just get the more powerful version later.


bitch I'm taking calls.
Gearbox confirmed GOTY edition out in October. Comes with everything released so far; all the dlc, both bonus classes, the collectors edition skins and creature slaughter dome content and UVHM upgrade. Set for $60 msrp.

2K and Gearbox Software today announced that the Borderlands 2 Game of the Year Edition will be available on all platforms in North America on October 8, 2013 and internationally on October 11, 2013, in celebration of the success of Borderlands® 2.

Specifically contains:

Borderlands 2 Main Game;
Captain Scarlett and her Pirate's Booty;
Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage;
Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt;
Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep;
Creature Slaughter Dome;
Premiere Club Content:
Gaige, the Mechromancer Character Class;
Gearbox Gun Pack;
Golden Key;
Vault Hunter's Relic;
Krieg, the Psycho Character Class;
Collector's Edition Heads and Skins;
Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 1.


°Temp. member
I finally solo'd Pyro Pete without using the method where you grenade jump up to the ledge; just a straight up head to head brawl this time. I brought two shields with me immune to pyro & caustic and my turrent + invader took care of the slagging. Thanks to the shields I hardly had to deal with mobs. (I'm a commando playing on TVHM)


was gearbox giving out shift codes to up the lvl cap to 63? I just met someone @ lvl63 and asked them, and that's what they said. WTF did I miss? :(


bitch I'm taking calls.
was gearbox giving out shift codes to up the lvl cap to 63? I just met someone @ lvl63 and asked them, and that's what they said. WTF did I miss? :(
That sounds like bull. Either a hacker or he had some kind of early access to the Digistruct Peak / UVHM 2 pack.


anyone know a surefire way to get any good weapons? I'm lvl61 and I've been farming wildlife exploitation preserve for the past couple of days off and on, doing the 4 boxes for LLM's, but all they drop are relics. :(

That sounds like bull. Either a hacker or he had some kind of early access to the Digistruct Peak / UVHM 2 pack.

ooooh, OK. Thanks!


°Temp. member
I'm surprised they haven't fixed the glitch where you can force the game into 4-player mode even if you're playing solo by touching hyperious's gate. (You can pick up ammo from chests even if your ammo is full / more & tougher enemies spawn / increased rare loot drops)


I'm surprised they haven't fixed the glitch where you can force the game into 4-player mode even if you're playing solo by touching hyperious's gate. (You can pick up ammo from chests even if your ammo is full / more & tougher enemies spawn / increased rare loot drops)
On that topic, I wish they'd fix the ammo pickups in multiplayer. It's annoying when someone can pick up all the ammo in a chest even if they're full. It would be nice if you could only pick up what you could carry like in single player.
anyone know a surefire way to get any good weapons? I'm lvl61 and I've been farming wildlife exploitation preserve for the past couple of days off and on, doing the 4 boxes for LLM's, but all they drop are relics. :(

I've gotten more legendary/pearlescent guns than I know what to do with running that area. Keep at it

Also, don't pick up of the audio logs for the Doctor's Orders quest since that seems to have an effect on the number of LLM that spawn


I've gotten more legendary/pearlescent guns than I know what to do with running that area. Keep at it

Also, don't pick up of the audio logs for the Doctor's Orders quest since that seems to have an effect on the number of LLM that spawn

ugh. I'm so tired, tho. I just want to forget about it, tbh.


It would be nice if they put in a new golden chest that takes 5 keys to open, but has better quality loot. I know some will abuse the system, but they have already been abusing the system already. I would also pay 10 dollars or so to have a shared 100 slot bank space. It would make playing with new alts a lot more fun and allow me to play with friends who waited to buy the game of the year edition. It hurts having to ditch a powerful gun I pulled out of the golden chest, because I am out of bank space. 4 slots of shared bank space is shameful in a loot game at this point in time. I know it can cause some db issues and slow downs, but most other loot games have a decent sized shared bank space now, so GB should be able to find a way to implement it. There is a lot of guns in BL2, but there is also a lot of crap as well. I want to be able to hang onto nice gear for future characters.


On that topic, I wish they'd fix the ammo pickups in multiplayer. It's annoying when someone can pick up all the ammo in a chest even if they're full. It would be nice if you could only pick up what you could carry like in single player.

I thought ammo was shared (when picked up) like money. Or am I wrong?

nel e nel

I thought ammo was shared (when picked up) like money. Or am I wrong?

When you're playing with other people, any ammo you pick up will first go to whoever picks it up, any left over gets distributed to the rest of the group. (i.e. I need 55 rounds of pistol ammo, I pick up 100, 45 rounds go to the group)

I make it a habit to just hold down X when picking ammo up so that I'm constantly replenishing my group's ammo, regardless if I'm full of a certain type or not.

The only thing you can't pick up to distribute are grenades.
ugh. I'm so tired, tho. I just want to forget about it, tbh.

Tbh, while I picked up a lot of stuff, a vast majority of them aren't worth using. Pearlescents in particular are really unimpressive. If you don't have one, get yourself a Double Penetrating Unkempt Harold (go to gun for pretty much everyone) from the Torgue vending machines and a Slag Rubi from the Rakkaholics Anonymous quest. Storm Front is a really good grenade which you can get from the ninja turtle quest guys in the Bloodshot Stronghold..


When you're playing with other people, any ammo you pick up will first go to whoever picks it up, any left over gets distributed to the rest of the group. (i.e. I need 55 rounds of pistol ammo, I pick up 100, 45 rounds go to the group)

I make it a habit to just hold down X when picking ammo up so that I'm constantly replenishing my group's ammo, regardless if I'm full of a certain type or not.

The only thing you can't pick up to distribute are grenades.

and rocket ammo, but I'm nitpicking.

Is the Digistruct peak / level cap increase out today?
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