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BREAKING: Sony is acquiring Bungie for 3.6b


Close your fucking mouth when you eat you disgusting bitch.


Gold Member
A right load of fuss over nothing. Bungie will remain independent and continue to release games for the Xbox. With the backing of Sony, it’s a win for all gamers this one. Pity I can’t say the same about MS’s recent acquisitions.


Capcom woulda been the right move but guess they had some trouble. This is such a weird buy IMO
Buying an Asian studio does nothing to counter Microsoft's moves. Microsoft has been gobbling up western studios. The average western player plays western games. Asian output is not under threat. Microsoft performs badly there and hasn't been gobbling up studios in the region. It would gain you absolutely nothing to purchase one.

Look at the benefit - the 5 people who bought an Xbox Series X are gonna swap to PlayStation. Yeah that sounds like it is worth billions to me.

People can have their own opinion on the price paid but Bungie will fill a massive void in Sony's studio line up and enable them to tackle modern multiplayer which is an area that Sony just hasn't been able to do.
Bungie doesn't give you the baggage you get from buying Activision.

Huge difference between 70 billion and 3.6 billion and Bungie absolutely has the ability to create a game that breaks into CoD's market share. CoD has no competitors, but with Bungie Sony can probably give them 400-500 million dollars to make their CoD competitor. And then it makes sense to keep it multiplatform to get as much return as possible.
I’m dizzy from that spin! No way that even comes close to COD.


Question for the legal and financial experts, if Bungie apparently still has contractualized autonomy and publishing rights, what exactly did Sony buy here? 4 Billion dollars to tell them they're self publishing Destiny 3 and putting it on Gamepass?
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Explain me in a big long, detailed post, so I can understand it.

If you give me the "I don't want to waste my time on it", then yeah..
Shouldn't have posted at all then.
Sony bought Bungie to make fps for them, live of not, since they always failed to make good games in that genre. This has nothing to do with A/B acquisition since this has been in talks for the past 6 months as reported earlier ITT. A/B talks started two months ago.
See, that's why you're not a CEO.


May be this will work out in future? I think it would be better to hire talent and make studious instead. There are probably very talented smaller studious that just need more employees and higher budget to make great games. But instead they decide to spend 3.6B $ lol.

Also they will be releasing their games on multiple platform make sense. It is going to take many years for them to break even. Just googled Bungine has 900 employees ? WTF.


Surprised Tencent wasn't the buyer.
I thought it was weird when Destiny was pulled from Game Pass.

Btw.. lets be honest here. Comparing Activision to Bungie is silly. Warzone Mobile will be worth more than Bungie in its entirety.
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Gold Member
Interview with Jim Ryan and Bungie CEO Pete Parsons

- Future Bungie releases to remain multiplatform as well -

PlayStation interested in Bungie's live-service expertise

- Ryan wants to go "beyond" consoles

- 'Aggressive roadmap with live services'

So you're saying Bungie with only Destiny is a better acquisition than Activision Blizzard, with Wow, Diablo, starcraft, call of duty, crash, spyro and so on and so on.


I know there's a hell of a price in difference, but we all know which of these are the price cows that's actually will get their moneys worth lol.
Clearly Activision Blizzard is the bigger deal (with the bigger price) but I'm sure Sony will get their money's worth.

Calm Mind

The only positive I see from today's news is that Sony recovered all its losses to their stock price after the ATVI acquisition by Microsoft.

I highly doubt we see anything of note from Bungie for at least two years. Trailers and in-game engine until then.


Gold Member
Okay. I got you. But this still reeks of unnecessary dick measuring. I'll go back to my counterpoint then. MS has always had more money. Always. It hasn't yielded them the results they want up until this point. Maybe it will someday? Nobody knows of course. Remember how successful Nintendo is without spending all this money? MS can try and buy up everything. It might not matter in the long run. That's also my other counterpoint. Anyway, I think we get each other by this point lol.
For the 3rd time, my point was not about who is more successful or who is gonna be more successful, buying more companies doesn't always traduce in success, never said otherwise.


If you told me in 2007 when Halo 3 came out Sony would buy Bungie one day I would have laughed at you and said no way


Gold Member
Now tell me that 7,5b for Bethesda was an overpay...
I'm assuming Sony wants what Bungie has secretly in production. Maybe Destiny 3 or some other game.

Because if Bethesda at $7B and Activision at $70B are rip offs, how can Bungie be worth $3.6B for a studio whose last game is Destiny 2 in 2017 and since then they've made DLC. Thats it.
Interview with Jim Ryan and Bungie CEO Pete Parsons

- Future Bungie releases to remain multiplatform as well -

PlayStation interested in Bungie's live-service expertise

- Ryan wants to go "beyond" consoles

- 'Aggressive roadmap with live services'

Yeah, not surprised. The future is exclusivity but not with a piece of hardware. Rather a lovely walled garden...
So...all the games Bungie makes will be third party. Sony owns Bungie and all the money made goes directly in Sony's wallet.
Not a bad deal if you ask me...


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Good that Tencent does not get it, but is this game really that big? Also no Marty O'Donnell.

Destiny sucks, not sure if like it's worth 3.6bn

Then again Activision, Minecraft, etc.

I could be wrong.



Leverage.. All future Destiny expansions "free" on "Spartacus". All future Bungie games "free" on Spartacus. All future CoD's "free" on GamePass.

All multiplatform.
I'm assuming Sony wants what Bungie has secretly in production. Maybe Destiny 3 or some other game.

Because if Bethesda at $7B and Activision at $70B are rip offs, how can Bungie be worth $3.6B for a studio whose last game is Destiny 2 in 2017 and since then they've made DLC. Thats it.
You're thinking like a gamer. What's the latest and greatest is most important to you. However, Bungie has been making a ton of cash from Destiny2 (it was one of Steam's most profitable games last year). That revenue will have massively helped define Bungie's value.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Its not a flex. If you don't buy devs that want to be acquired, your opponent will. Do you want an industry where Microsoft owns every dev but those currently under Sony studios? In the last year Microsoft has proven they want to own as many studios as they can. At this point if Sony doesn't aquire those studios that are up for sale, Microsoft will. It seems pretty simple to me.
I understand that Sony indeed are panicking.

But I also see the difference between Bethesda, Activision and Bungie.

Bethesda has elder scrolls, fallout and Starfield going on for them.

Acti Blizzard has Warcraft starcraft, Diablo, call of duty, crash, spyro, and some other games probably I can't remember.

Whereas Bungie has Destiny. One IP, that's not even that popular anymore.

It probably gets big now alone because its a Sony exclusive and will be labeled as a Halo killer now, but what I mean is there's just so many other developers they could have bought.

They probably had, without luck though.

Microsoft has the big wallet out and they didn't even want to buy Bungie. They really didn't care.

That is, of course, according to the other thread about it.
May be this will work out in future? I think it would be better to hire talent and make studious instead. There are probably very talented smaller studious that just need more employees and higher budget to make great games. But instead they decide to spend 3.6B $ lol.
That carries far more risk, the smart business decision is to go with the studio(s) with a proven track record. But there's nothing wrong with partnering and supporting those other smaller studios at the same time.


advanced basic bitch
For the 3rd time, my point was not about who is more successful or who is gonna be more successful, buying more companies doesn't always traduce in success, never said otherwise.
I fully understand what you're saying. My counterpoint was that it might not matter. Your point might as well have been water is wet. MS has more money. No kidding?



This couldn't make it any clearer for anyone still saying it's the same "vagueness". It's not. Clear as day.

Sony bought Bungie to make fps for them, live of not, since they always failed to make good games in that genre. This has nothing to do with A/B acquisition since this has been in talks for the past 6 months as reported earlier ITT. A/B talks started two months ago.
See, that's why you're not a CEO.
I wouldn't say Sony failed to make good games in the genre. The games they made were good, they just didn't make a big impact. But they were solid games.


A right load of fuss over nothing. Bungie will remain independent and continue to release games for the Xbox. With the backing of Sony, it’s a win for all gamers this one. Pity I can’t say the same about MS’s recent acquisitions.
lol... Sony won't be doing that either, so scrap the bs.


I'm assuming Sony wants what Bungie has secretly in production. Maybe Destiny 3 or some other game.

Because if Bethesda at $7B and Activision at $70B are rip offs, how can Bungie be worth $3.6B for a studio whose last game is Destiny 2 in 2017 and since then they've made DLC. Thats it.
They have new IP that will be out in 2024/2025 but it will be multiplat

Mr Moose

Did Phil actually say he would like Gamepass on PlayStation?

A quote would ve appreciated.
He said:
“We want to bring Game Pass to any device that somebody wants to play on,” Spencer said. “Not just because it’s our business, but really because the business model allows for people to consume and find games that they wouldn’t have played in any other space.”


aka IMurRIVAL69
Forget Destiny being a service game for a second. Bungie makes IMO the best playing FPS on console. On PC as well. They are masters at it. The best of the best. Destiny divorced from all it's retarded currency systems and daily quests just feels so good to play. They are getting top tier talent. That being said I hate what Destiny 2 is now. Going back to it is nearly impossible for me, I have no idea what the fucks going on or what I should be doing.
Good that Tencent does not get it, but is this game really that big? Also no Marty O'Donnell.

Destiny sucks, not sure if like it's worth 3.6bn

Then again Activision, Minecraft, etc.

I could be wrong.
This is about more than just Destiny.

Bungie is one of the best in the world at creating successful MP games and Sony wants access to that talent and knowledge. This information will then be applied to exclusive games in the future.

MP games is Sony's biggest weakest and I guess they think this will help that.
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Gold Member
If thats the case the must be other benifits to ps gamers, probably free perks with Spartacus. Otherwise people say the same claims that were targeted towards Microsoft, that why stop being a multiplat publisher with one game, why not make Uncharted, Spiderman multiplatform etc!

This doesn't have to be all or nothing. They can be selective.
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