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BREAKING: Sony is acquiring Bungie for 3.6b

I’m dizzy from that spin! No way that even comes close to COD.

Have to compare dollars.

Imagine you have two baseball players.

One hits 70 home runs a year and you pay them 100 million dollars a year.
The other hits 50 home runs a year and you pay them 20 million dollars a year.

Which player would you rather have?

Buying Bungie is an appropriate and measured response to the Activision purchase. This weird element of them self publishing their own games is interesting, but that aside, this is really big for Sony. I think they overpaid a little bit, but honestly this was the move they had to make to shore up FPS on PlayStation.


Your post literally says they wont spend more than 1.0-1.5 billion. Stop being a clown for once.

Edit: Also, bookmarking this.
they have 13 to 18b to invest in 3 years..and they have other pillar divisions ...sony music - Sony pictures - Funimation and then Sony interactive entertainment..in this we are keeping out the R&D expenses of the sensors department, tv, etc. etc.
lets say we count just 3 divisions....from 4 to 6b per division in 3 years ....
or 1.something to 2b
The total M&A cash is 24b.....Sony just can't buy EA Sony can't buy T2...Embracer or Bandai Namco ....they could risk everything for square ..Sega or stuff like that but i doubt other divisions let SIE do it

wake me up the day that Sony will invest more more than 5b in one m&a

probably entire history of Sony acquisition it does not reach the cost that Sony would pay for EA or T2
You get it ?


Rage Bait Youtuber

Forbes "journalist" lol
Luke Skywalker Milk GIF by Star Wars


Bungie is such a ironic company. They fought for their freedom from Xbox to make something other than Halo, to then nearly repeat the process with Activision. Now they have sold out to Sony.

Eh, it's a little different than that, though.

Bungie had become just the "Halo Studio" at Microsoft, producing games in the series that they saw as finite (albeit in a world that might expand, as in how Halo Reach was originally just Reach.) Meanwhile, MS saw Halo as infinitely marketable, and they were exploring options that Bungie did not want approve us. (Halo Wars was the beginning of bad blood, and likely there were plenty more conversations from there as MS sought to expand the franchise; Halo DS and Halo Gizmondo are two other small public instances of cracks appearing in what would become a rift.) Bungie felt this was "whoring out" their baby.

So, they left Microsoft, and went "independent". Their independence still requires backing to support, however, and they were not able to take the Halo franchise with them (this was back still in the boxed-copy days of games and before "independence" was possible for most studios; it's a little surprising that Bungie couldn't stay single forever in today's market, but maybe they have a new project beyond the Destiny cash-cow that needs a new level of backing again?), so they needed a partner. Enter Activision, who had some experience in being (reluctantly) hands-off with the Blizzard acquisition. And that seemed to go according to plan for a time. (The Activision split apparently seems to be purely financial on Acti's part, since originally there was going to be a slew of Destiny sequels and instead it became a GaaS... I wonder if Bungie also wasn't liking being on Kotick's roster as brands started to be winnowed there in favor of everything going to CoD, but that's conjecture on my part, albeit some of the stories are out there about the split.) Then, they went indie, and that was fine, but for some reason (including 3 and a half little reasons...), they've now sold the business to Sony.

Still "independent", as with Activision, still calling all their own shots and making games for whatever platforms Bungie planned its projects for, but now the money goes through the Sony towers. We'll see what being a PlayStation Studio might mean for games Bungie makes and what platforms (or more realistically, what streaming services) it releases on, but so far, it's "independent" business as usual...
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
Maybe I am missing something but his name is Aaron and he looks like Aaron Greenberg, at least from that picture. Suspicious.

This is about more than just Destiny.

Bungie is one of the best in the world at creating successful MP games and Sony wants access to that talent and knowledge.

This information will then be applied to exclusive games in the future

I don't disagree. It's just feels like recent acquisition is only being made, because industry wants to keep good gaming companies off CCP (hooray, tho)

Which I support. It's kind of weird for Sony to keep the game multi platform.
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Question for the legal and financial experts, if Bungie apparently still has contractualized autonomy and publishing rights, what exactly did Sony buy here?
Intellectual property, at the very least. All of the studio's work-product is now owned by Playstation.

Autonomy and publishing activities aren't going to be guaranteed if they're not enshrined or maintained via corporate governance. But it sounds to me Sony wants to allow Bungie to operate independently while developing properties that enhance the image of the Playstation brand (plus Sony has chops when it comes to enhancing cinematic aspects of the games they touch).
"Destiny was never good or a big deal" is now the new coping mechanism I see. How predictable.

I can confidently say I've never played Destiny. It lost me when it wasn't a new universe and game style setup like Halo campaigns. But, I'm a lot more open to these styles of games now than I was back then, and I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Almost tried it when it came to Game Pass, but have still yet to. This is what gaming is suppose to be, though, exciting. Companies competing and spending themselves rotten to win us over and better position themselves.
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Bungie is such a ironic company. They fought for their freedom from Xbox to make something other than Halo, to then nearly repeat the process with Activision. Now they have sold out to Sony.

Eh, it's a little different than that, though.

Bungie had become just the "Halo Studio" at Microsoft, producing games in the series that they saw as finite (albeit in a world that might expand, as in how Halo Reach was originally just Reach.) Meanwhile, MS saw Halo as infinitely marketable, and they were exploring options that Bungie did not want approve us. (Halo Wars was the beginning of bad blood, and likely there were plenty more conversations from there as MS sought to expand the franchise; Halo DS and Halo Gizmondo are two other small public instances of cracks appearing in what would become a rift.) Bungie felt this was "whoring out" their baby.

So, they left Microsoft, and went "independent". Their independence still requires backing to support, however, and they were not able to take the Halo franchise with them (this was back still in the boxed-copy days of games and before "independence" was possible for most studios; it's a little surprising that Bungie couldn't stay single forever in today's market, but maybe they have a new project beyond the Destiny cash-cow that needs a new level of backing again?), so they needed a partner. Enter Activision, who had some experience in being (reluctantly) hands-off with the Blizzard acquisition. And that seemed to go according to plan for a time. (The Activision split apparently seems to be purely financial on Acti's part, since originally there was going to be a slew of Destiny sequels and instead it became a GaaS... I wonder if Bungie also wasn't liking being on Kotick's roster as brands started to be winnowed there in favor of everything going to CoD, but that's conjecture on my part, although some of the stories are out there.) Then, they went indie, and that was fine, but for some reason (including 3 and a half billion little reasons,) they've now sold the business to Sony.


Still "independent", as with Activision, still calling all their own shots and making games for whatever platforms Bungie planned its projects for, but now the money goes through the Sony towers. We'll see what being a PlayStation Studio might mean for games Bungie makes and what platforms (or more realistically, what streaming services) it releases on, but it could be that...
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Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
More of this will happen. Not because Sony and MS are in a race, but because we're entering an era of severe inflation.

These big companies have to spend their fiat money on things that have intrinsic value.


Smart move - one of the more talented developers in the business. Sony has some crazy development talent under their umbrella. Very good cultural fit.


Report me if I continue to console war

Thats a bit different then saying he wants on PlayStation, its open up for interpretation, also im sure there would be plenty of requirements if gamepass was to go on PlayStation.

For example a cloud version of gamepass on PlayStation is significantly different then native play, currently anyway.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
Sony bought Bungie to make fps for them, live of not, since they always failed to make good games in that genre. This has nothing to do with A/B acquisition since this has been in talks for the past 6 months as reported earlier ITT. A/B talks started two months ago.
See, that's why you're not a CEO.
So a good CEO just buy whatever that's on sale because the price is low?

I think you got me wrong.

What I meant is, that Bungie hasn't been anything big for a while. Destiny was overhyped, destiny 2 eventually f2p, and its not really a popular franchise anymore.

Destiny is all Bungie has.

And you're talking about Sony is bad to make fps games in house, then why waste your money on a sub par fps developer? The money would have been better wasted on socom or mag like anyoje screams up about, not the old alcoholic destiny.

Does it make me a shitty CEO to want to buy something that's actually popular, instead of just buying anything because its cheap?

I dunno, maybe you're right. If I were you, I would hit Sony a call and ask if you could get Jimbos position instead.
Clearly Activision Blizzard is the bigger deal (with the bigger price) but I'm sure Sony will get their money's worth.
Of course they will eventually.

The question is how long it will take. I doubt destiny is a system seller.

The only reason anyone talks about destiny and Bungie is because of this sale. Otherwise they would've been forgotten.


Gold Member


Did Phil actually say he would like Gamepass on PlayStation?

A quote would ve appreciated.
It's from one of the insiders here, pretty sure you can take it to the bank as he HeisenbergFX4 HeisenbergFX4 does enjoy a drink with MS execs from time to time I believe.

No way on earth MS spent all that money to give games away to 25 million subscribers, most of which paid $1 a month, or some other ridiculous, unsustainable amount.

But you don't need to look very hard for comments from Phil that highlight the intent. "No intent to remove games", "GamePass exclusive" actually becoming a thing xbox exclusive works for PC too. Microsoft making xbox a tiny part of Microsoft Gaming.

But live in denial if you wish.

Oh and believe me, this will work both ways, eventually Sony's GaaS should they go this route, will be on xbox to if MS allow it.

Money is money.
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advanced basic bitch
I can confidently say I've never played Destiny. It lost me when it wasn't a new universe and game style setup like Halo campaigns. But, I'm a lot more open to these styles of games now than I was back then, and I'm excited to see what the future holds.

Almost tried it when it came to Game Pass, but have still yet to.
I tried 2 when it came out. Gave into the hype. It was fine. I didn't stick with it long. I'm simply responding to those trying to say it's a nothing ip. That's a willful underestimation based on nothing.


Destiny has been the biggest surprise for me. Started underwhelming in 2014, but now is one of the best/funnest games I've ever played.

For those who don't know, the franchise prints money and is constantly getting new content. The worst part of the game unfortunately is how unfriendly it can be for some new players.

This is fucking huge for Sony.


You do know microsoft own the halo ip right? Just look at how much ms paid for bethesda and their ip. Now look at this deal. What a shambles.

Also infinite and 5 are both better in terms of multiplayer than reach.
Who cares? Halo is played out. New Scifi SP game. Out with the old, in with the new.


According to this xbox is 25% of the D2 playerbase

The reason they payed $3.6 billion is because that is what its worth as a multiplatform game.
Cut off 25% of the player base and it's not worth $3.6 billion anymore.
But it's worse than that because you also generate bad press, piss off the players, potentially reducing the value even more, they would be killing much more than 25% of what it's worth.


I'm assuming Sony wants what Bungie has secretly in production. Maybe Destiny 3 or some other game.

Because if Bethesda at $7B and Activision at $70B are rip offs, how can Bungie be worth $3.6B for a studio whose last game is Destiny 2 in 2017 and since then they've made DLC. Thats it.
You may be missing the forest through the trees here. Yes, Destiny 2 was the last game they "launched." That is true, as is their consistent release of dlc. But we aren't talking map packs here. Destiny 2 is a straight up live service game, with expensive subscriptions being replaced by the DLC charges, and DLC expanding the game (to be fair, they also vault stuff). On top of that there are tons of microtransactions.

It's monetized basically the same as COD, where you pay for a new game every year that doesn't change much.


Gold Member
they over payed

Strongly disagree. I think it was fair considering the monetization potential and the way they do content releases. Sony has once of the best, if not the best shooter on the market with a high retention rate. This was a great pickup and one I don't think many saw coming.
This buy out makes sense to me. They need a studio to make one of those exp looter shooter popular multiplayer games like fortnight or COD. Which is where they were lacking.


Yeah, this has to be considered a shrewd, potentially brand-saving move if it’s a successful ‘we’ll scratch your back if you scratch ours’ one with Microsoft and COD.
MS tried several times in recent years to buy Bungie back and it fell through.

No, Microsoft sounds as if they turned down Bungie's offer. And Bungie asked Microsoft for less than what Sony just paid. If I had a choice between Bethesda and Bungie, I'm choosing Bethesda. If I have a choice between all of Activision Blizzard and Bungie, I'm again taking Activision Blizzard. But Bungie is an excellent studio pick up for Sony, and this is exciting for all gamers. Let. Them. Fight. :)

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Now tell me that 7,5b for Bethesda was an overpay...
Everyone saying how poor Sony is, here they go paying 3.6 billion for one studio.

I really need to look at the math. Bungie must be hella profitable. Only reason they must be paying this much is because Bungie will pay for itself in 5 years.

Watch them buy Sega for 8 billion. Then Epic Games for 50 billion in Sony shares.
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