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Bryan Singer confirmed for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE; first plot/character details emerge

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I barely remember Apocalypse from the X-Men cartoon (almost never watched it; Spider-Man: TAS 4 lyfe) but he sounds like the guy who voices the Arbiter. They should just get him.
Guys, guys, I know that Dazzler is an obvious choice for an 80's movie, but I can't believe no one mentioned:


He already has the black leather!
Guys, guys, I know that Dazzler is an obvious choice for an 80's movie, but I can't believe no one mentioned:


He already has the black leather!

I actually liked Longshot. I had this Excalibur comic growing up that featured the X-Babies. Anyway this badass looking dude was hunting them down, and baby Longshot was the only to not get got (I think baby Storm kind of made it too, but was injured and knocked out).
Xavier, Magneto, Beast, Wolverine and Mystique is such a horrible, horrible team.

The future mutants were the best part of DoFP. Young Cyclops, Storm and Jean Grey better be awesome....along with Gambit and whoever else shows up.

Dead Man

Yeah, I heard they might be doing more time-travel stuff in this movie. Which I'm not opposed to at all -- it worked really well in DOFP.

I hope not, time travel almost always weakens movies to me, especially in sequels and series. Personal opinion and all, but it makes any ending inherently non meaningful to me.


She was good in DoFP. Happy that DoFP hits iTunes tomorrow.

She was terrible, sounded so bored and disinterested in every scene. Worst part of the movie.

While I still prefer Matthew Vaughn and I think First Class was the best in the series; I'm perfectly fine with Singer coming back.


You can't have Apocalypse without Cable. I'm hating already of course. This is justified hate.

Let me guess the justification for Apocalypse:

That horrible future was the only thing that stopped Apocalypse. Now that future was averted, Apocalypse is free to return.


at last, for christ's sake

after Colossus, I can't take another fave character of mine beind reduced to meh
Apocalypse is my fav character in all of X-Men, I can't wait to see.... how they make Hugh Jackman beat him.

"I am as far beyond mutants as they are beyond you." /bow

"You promised to destroy Lilandra!"

"I lied."

She was terrible, sounded so bored and disinterested in every scene. Worst part of the movie.

While I still prefer Matthew Vaughn and I think First Class was the best in the series; I'm perfectly fine with Singer coming back.
First Class looked super cheap and Emma Frost was awful..


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
just saw DOFP. holy shit what a overhyped mess...well, not mess per se, it was ok but after Marvel has taken the reigns for their movies, and as a huge X-Men fan, I just cant take these Fox movies seriously Im sorry.

-Costumes still awful, Magneto was fine.

-Why the fuck does kitty have the power to send people's consciouness back in time? She can phase through objects, not "mind time travel"

-Quicksilver as a jokester didnt work for me. Neither did the little nod to him being Magneto's son, "haha my mom had a one night stand with you" if youre not going to do proper backstory, then dont do it at all. Also he's Flash-level of fast in the movie which is ridiculous.

-Sentinels...too little of the past ones, future ones looked too...weird, I guess they were going for a Nimrod vibe, I dunno. They looked creepy ill give them that. But those werent Sentinels.

-Blink was perfect, she was also completely out of place, does she even exist outside the age of apocalypse timeline?

-Characters still criminally underused and underpowered (Colossus and Iceman) and guys like Warpath and Sunspot just thrown in there for...reasons? Sunspot wasnt even named I think.

As a action movie, it was fine, but still nothing special. As an X-Men movie, especially after the proper Marvel stuff, like I said I just cant easily accept them as I did 1 and 2 because...well, we didnt have any better. As a "Fox X-Men" movie, I liked First Class better, and X2 is still the best.

At least it retconned X3. And yes im fully aware all my criticism is "comic book guy" level of nitpicky, but thats how I feel so what can I do.

edit: I liked the scene after the credits with
young Apocalypse, surprised he had the blue tinge and blue lips, still dont think they will do him justice, at least not to his comic look. We'll see.


"I am the rocks of the eternal shore. Crash against me and be broken!"

The actor they eventually cast for Apocalypse better be able to deliver some amazing one-lienrs.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
-Blink was perfect, she was also completely out of place, does she even exist outside the age of apocalypse timeline?

blink wasnt a character by the time of days in the comics, but she did exist before AoA. noone really gave a shit about her until then though


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
blink wasnt a character by the time of days in the comics, but she did exist before AoA. noone really gave a shit about her until then though

yeah just saw she was introduced in the phalanx covenant arc.

edit: oops thats the wrong thread for the Gambit talk lol


at last, for christ's sake
"I am the rocks of the eternal shore. Crash against me and be broken!"

The actor they eventually cast for Apocalypse better be able to deliver some amazing one-lienrs.

in my mind, a younger James Earl Jones would have been perfect


Deadpool: Blow my mind! If it isn't Nathan Dayspring Askani'son Summers Cable Soldier X!

*Cable telekinetically explodes the back of Deadpools skull

For real? lol, that's awesome! It's been ages since I read a comic book. I use to collect them in the 90's.


Wait, I thought the point of DofP was to not only retcon X-Men 3 but also to go back to the old actors. So we aren't having the old X-Men as the main heroes in Apocalypse?


Ending plot twist: Young Cyclops, Young Jean Grey, and Young Storm had so much fun in the 1980's, they decide to alter the timeline again and put themselves, any character younger than 40, and Hugh Jackman into a slightly alternate present.
You can't have Apocalypse without Cable. I'm hating already of course. This is justified hate.

Let me guess the justification for Apocalypse:

That horrible future was the only thing that stopped Apocalypse. Now that future was averted, Apocalypse is free to return.

They should go one step further, have Nate Grey show up halfway through the film like Future Trunks' first appearance:

He'll defeat Apocalypse instantly, then warn the Xmen of the true threat that they face in the future - Onslaught!

Wait, I thought the point of DofP was to not only retcon X-Men 3 but also to go back to the old actors. So we aren't having the old X-Men as the main heroes in Apocalypse?

The Xmen series is like MGS/RE, the movies take place in "real time", meaning that Xmen 1 took place in about 2000. This was established by the official timeline they had for DOFP, which included all of the known government acknowledged mutant incidents. Cyclops, Jean, and Storm were portrayed in their 30s in those films, Iceman and Rogue as teenagers. Having the same actors in 1983 would be...difficult.


that is my conflict I like Fassbender but him playing a villain that's suppose to show up 1-2 movies.
Its like Loki showing up in every Iron Man Captain America Thor and Avengers.

It's not the same thing at all. Xavier and Magneto's relationship is the linchpin of the whole (movie) series.
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