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Bryan Singer confirmed for X-MEN: APOCALYPSE; first plot/character details emerge

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All I want is for the ending to be the same as the comic.

Spoilers. Obviously.
Magneto better rip Apocalypse apart.






Holy shit, he just got rekt
Oh yeah more Pietro plz. Best part of DOFP.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
All I want is for the ending to be the same as the comic.

Spoilers. Obviously.
Magneto better rip Apocalypse apart.

its not Age of Apocalypse


Neo Member
Well, shit.

Are they done with the crossover stuff, then? Is Jackman the only one coming along the reboot ride?

Also Jesus, that cast. ...And then Nicholas Hoult. :p

It's not a reboot... did you not follow Days of Future Past.. that entire movie practically re-wrote the first 3... let alone erased the horrible Last Stand movie that Singer jumped ship for other projects. Those other movies don't hold up well at all.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
This is my most anticipated film.

Blink, Quicksilver, and First Class bros are back.

I love that they are holding continuity 16 years after the original film came out. The events in the timeline have changed but they are still acknowledged and remembered by Wolverine (and it seems time travel caused some stuff to go wrong going by the synopsis)


They should go one step further, have Nate Grey show up halfway through the film like Future Trunks' first appearance:

He'll defeat Apocalypse instantly, then warn the Xmen of the true threat that they face in the future - Onslaught!

The Xmen series is like MGS/RE, the movies take place in "real time", meaning that Xmen 1 took place in about 2000. This was established by the official timeline they had for DOFP, which included all of the known government acknowledged mutant incidents. Cyclops, Jean, and Storm were portrayed in their 30s in those films, Iceman and Rogue as teenagers. Having the same actors in 1983 would be...difficult.
So we aren't starting off in from where we see Storm, Scott and Jean at the school by the end? Or are we continuing from where Wolverine where found in the ocean?


Wolverine is a complete mess timeline-wise after DOFP. So younger Logan essentially went to sleep through all of DOFP while his older self was in control. His younger self had come back at the end (though we only see him unconscious), but that Logan will essentially "die" sometime post-"new timeline version of X3" when original timeline Logan jumps back into his body. Sucks for original Logan, who will be the one in this movie, making him sort of a throwaway character.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
So we aren't starting off in from where we see Storm, Scott and Jean at the school by the end? Or are we continuing from where Wolverine where found in the ocean?

Neither. We're starting off 10 years after Wolverine was found in the issue, but presumably it's the same timeline as when you saw them all at the school at the end, just earlier. Wolverine doesn't remember the events of this upcoming Apocalypse saga because he didn't mentally experience them. Everyone else does.

Wolverine is a complete mess timeline-wise after DOFP. So younger Logan essentially went to sleep through all of DOFP while his older self was in control. His younger self had come back at the end (though we only see him unconscious), but that Logan will essentially "die" sometime post-"new timeline version of X3" when original timeline Logan jumps back into his body. Sucks for original Logan, who will be the one in this movie, making him sort of a throwaway character.

Multiple characters were already doing that in the future, not just Logan. Especially Bishop who was the main time travel guy in the group. The Xmen have all died many number of times.

Dead Man

Wolverine is a complete mess timeline-wise after DOFP. So younger Logan essentially went to sleep through all of DOFP while his older self was in control. His younger self had come back at the end (though we only see him unconscious), but that Logan will essentially "die" sometime post-"new timeline version of X3" when original timeline Logan jumps back into his body. Sucks for original Logan, who will be the one in this movie, making him sort of a throwaway character.

Yeah, didn't like the way original Logan just had his consciousness destroyed at the end of the film.


So we aren't starting off in from where we see Storm, Scott and Jean at the school by the end? Or are we continuing from where Wolverine where found in the ocean?

This one's starting from after Wolverine was picked up by Stryker / Mystique. Story takes place in 1983. The NEXT movie after that is rumored to pick up with the classic cast in the "future present" at the end of DOFP.
For real? lol, that's awesome! It's been ages since I read a comic book. I use to collect them in the 90's.

Yeah, Cable really fucks Deadpool up in the first few issues of their duo book. Everytime Deadpool catches up to Cable, Cable immobilizes DP in humoroys fashion.



Wolverine is a complete mess timeline-wise after DOFP. So younger Logan essentially went to sleep through all of DOFP while his older self was in control. His younger self had come back at the end (though we only see him unconscious), but that Logan will essentially "die" sometime post-"new timeline version of X3" when original timeline Logan jumps back into his body. Sucks for original Logan, who will be the one in this movie, making him sort of a throwaway character.
Sounds like X1 Wolverine and Wolverine at the end of Origins.
Charles can always help him remember his past anyway, just like in the other movies.


Bryan Singer was confirmed to do Apocalypse when Days of Future Past was announced.. even FOX announced it.

He was confirmed to help write the script and probably production notes.... it was uncertain if he would direct because of the scandal.
Awesome! Days of Future Past was fucking legendary so I'm definitely super excited to see the next one. Glad Bryan Singer is back. I did a re-watch of X1, X2 and X3 recently and there's quite a steep drop in quality with X3 which was the only one is that trilogy that he wasn't part of (to work on Superman Returns instead I believe). X3 has some strong and entertaining third act scenes like the final battle and "Last Stand" but it's just nowhere near as good as X2. I still can't believe what they did to Cyclops in X3. That just didn't make sense to me at all. Cyclops is fucking iconic to X-men and (spoilering just in case)
they fucking kill him off in like two minutes of the film starting?
That bothered me in the theatre all those years ago and still bothers me now.

On a positive note the concept and team behind Apocalypse sounds really, really promising. I'm almost certain it'll turn out fantastic.
Nice that they will keep the old cast, but JL needs to go after this one. Fassbender though, holy crap that man is awesome. As another poster said, please put Deborah Ann Woll as Jean and mohawk Storm.
DOFP might be the best comic movie i saw this year, and that's saying something given how highly i think of cap 2 and GOTG. Really looking forward to this.


I forgot that the Wolverine in the 80's has no idea who anybody is . He is a blank canvas.

Even though its the same Wolverine, Its really a different Wolverine. In Fact he's kinda a new character isn't he?

Exactly, could be interesting as hugh jackman could definitely pull off a completely new character.


I'm confused by the whole storyline now. Then you have the Wolverine films. Hugh Jackman is making bank for sure lol


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Why does everyone hate JLaw as mystique? She's my fav Xmen and is much better than the orginal actress, especially her character, though there was some drop in quality between her character in first class and DOFP, buts that probably because of the ten year gap.


Exactly, could be interesting as hugh jackman could definitely pull off a completely new character.

Yeah a Wolverine that didnt go through the Weapon X program and has probably been with Mystique this whole time is interesting to me. I wonder how it will turn out.
It's likely this will be the last xmen movie we'll ever see with hugh jackman wolverine

End of an era

Tears will be shed in theaters


Awesome! Days of Future Past was fucking legendary so I'm definitely super excited to see the next one. Glad Bryan Singer is back. I did a re-watch of X1, X2 and X3 recently and there's quite a steep drop in quality with X3 which was the only one is that trilogy that he wasn't part of (to work on Superman Returns instead I believe). X3 has some strong and entertaining third act scenes like the final battle and "Last Stand" but it's just nowhere near as good as X2. I still can't believe what they did to Cyclops in X3. That just didn't make sense to me at all. Cyclops is fucking iconic to X-men and (spoilering just in case)
they fucking kill him off in like two minutes of the film starting?
That bothered me in the theatre all those years ago and still bothers me now.

On a positive note the concept and team behind Apocalypse sounds really, really promising. I'm almost certain it'll turn out fantastic.

If you're curious, part of the reason why they did what they did to Cyclops in X3 is because James Marsden left midway through to go be in Superman Returns.


This one's starting from after Wolverine was picked up by Stryker / Mystique. Story takes place in 1983. The NEXT movie after that is rumored to pick up with the classic cast in the "future present" at the end of DOFP.
This would be great if it happens. I would've ideally liked the Apocalypse story to happen with the classic cast. We'll see though, it'll probably be good anyway. Singer has now made 2 great X-Men movies and 1 mediocre one. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.


It's likely this will be the last xmen movie we'll ever see with hugh jackman wolverine

End of an era

Tears will be shed in theaters

He's planning on doing one more Wolverine film. Though, that wouldn't necessarily be considered a new "X-Men" film. Really curious if they'll recast him immediately or simple try to do a movie without the character in it, perhaps maybe focusing on the younger versions of the original characters after Apocalypse. But if this is as big as they say it's going to be, how do you do a smaller scale film afterwards?
If you're curious, part of the reason why they did what they did to Cyclops in X3 is because James Marsden left midway through to go be in Superman Returns.

Ah right yeah. Now I remember. I did remember reading something along the lines of that during X3's release but I thought it was just an unconfirmed rumour. That would explain a hell of a lot. He's written in in the beginning to be a core and central character and then it just randomly cuts to the beach with his sun guards floating in the air and he's just then not around. It's a shame and a poor decision in hindsight given that his absence negatively affected X3 quite dramatically and Superman Returns didn't turn out to be any good.

Thanks for reminding me though. Good to know.
It's likely this will be the last xmen movie we'll ever see with hugh jackman wolverine

End of an era

Tears will be shed in theaters
Doubt it, supposedly he is doing one more solo Wolverine movie after Apocalypse.

Edit: Unless you mean an X-Men film with the entire X-Men cast then, yeah you're right my bad.
She'll get offed in the first five minutes so Logan has massively inappropriate feelings for young Jeanie.

The movie takes place decades before Wolverine gets his original memories back, as seen at the end of DoFP. He shouldn't have any feelings for child Jean.
He's planning on doing one more Wolverine film. Though, that wouldn't necessarily be considered a new "X-Men" film. Really curious if they'll recast him immediately or simple try to do a movie without the character in it, perhaps maybe focusing on the younger versions of the original characters after Apocalypse. But if this is as big as they say it's going to be, how do you do a smaller scale film afterwards?

Hopefully the last Jackman Wolverine movie features X-23. Someone to pass the torch too. They can't kill him because he's in the future though
My question is, after apocalypse what's next?

Do they set a film in the 90's and fight Onslaught?!? Do they jump ahead to the current timeline and continue on with some of the younger members of the original cast?

Obviously as far as villains go, we definitely need to see Mr.Sinister but who else do you think Fox will use for villains?
Batman v Superman, X-men Apocalypse, Cap 3, Independence Day 2, and Avatar 2 all in the same year? Holy shit.

i mean holy shit! O_O
So people aren't really bothered that Singer's being hired again after what unfolded this year :/

No. I don't judge people who didn't get officially judged by the justice system. We have no idea what's true or not. Imagine you were in this position and you knew you were innocent, and yet people are condemning you even though the case was dismissed.


No. I don't judge people who didn't get officially judged by the justice system. We have no idea what's true or not. Imagine you were in this position and you knew you were innocent, and yet people are condemning you even though the case was dismissed.

Bear in mind, I'm not judging people since everyone has different degrees of how willing they are to separate the art from the artist. But, I think it's safe to say there's something a pattern with Singer and these lawsuits(even back to the late 90's). Considering how hard media has come down on athletes most recently, I'm just surprised this news has unfolded without much of a backlash(maybe I'm just not seeing it?).


Loving the angle they're going with the continuity here.

So people aren't really bothered that Singer's being hired again after what unfolded this year :/

The lawsuit this year got thrown out of court for a few good reasons, the primary being that the guy accusing Singer was a repeated liar and was contradicting previous sexual assault lawsuits he'd made against other people in Hollywood. If there's a pattern that emerged, it was the person who kept trying to sue different people for the same thing.

I never bought it.


Kinda offtopic, but anyone have a working link to DoFP gag reel ?

I saw a few days ago but I can't find a working link now =/
given the ending of DoFP, doesn't part of the tension go out the window?
nobody is going to die, everything will obviously work out

was kinda hoping Apocalypse movie would take place in the present time

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
given the ending of DoFP, doesn't part of the tension go out the window?
nobody is going to die, everything will obviously work out

was kinda hoping Apocalypse movie would take place in the present time

Never rule out
multiple timelines I supposed? Who's to say no one will die and get resurrected? Or that the ending in DoFP really did happen?:p
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