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Bungie's Next Project - 'New Halo 3 Campaign Experience'

Kibbles said:
Better be sooner. Hyping us up a month in advance after that disaster at E3... :S I say next week.
The way it has temporarily 'hijacked' Bungie.net and says 'services will resume' suggests to me that some sort of announcement is very, very close.


Images in the OP restored, last two updates added. I'll toss in a few things into the gap from E3 to now, but otherwise the chronicle of teasing is largely complete.

Any guesses on genre?

Deleted member 21120

Unconfirmed Member
Third-person ODST squad based shooter, a la Ghost Recon. Believe.

I was just kidding about that 2-D platformer stuff.


Well, we know the following:

1) Bungie is seriously not into doing another FPS Halo game at least for now. Rumors of spent creativity have been everywhere since the exodus from Microsoft Game Studios, and was clearly part of the reason for the split, as MS would have had them making Halo sequels forever

2) They are now back to independance, and would probably want to work on a surefire hit to bankroll future new IP and more creative projects, so spinning off something within an established universe would be a good idea as a first project now that they are again independant.

3) They went out and hired former Red Storm Creative Director Christian Allen, who was the creative force behind the amazing GRAW single and multiplayer experience.

4) Third person action games are the taste-du-jour with titles like RE5, Gears of War, and GRAW selling huge copies and pioneering mass market, "over the shoulder" shooters. Bungie can move into this space with a whole other Halo based game series and fund all the new ip teams and XBLA stuff they want and still have spare change for Ferrari's and beach houses in Maui.


Comics, serious business!
Dever said:
So is this game going to be about cleaning toilets or something?

I guess that could be pretty rad

You've never seen my toilet boil after a massive dump. It's definitely not rad. Does Master Chief even take dumps?


The Superintendent is now known to be an Urban Infrastructure AI, which is pretty big news and something we didn't know before. Many people thought he was an AI, and Superintendent usually means someone who looks after the maintenance of buildings, but we weren't sure.

So, let's analyze what this means.

It sounds very much like he's a human AI which controls, maintains or manages some part of an urban building structure or structures, or even an entire metropolitan city, and has gone rampant.

I'm assuming he's a human made AI because he's referring to human terms like "your tax dollars at work" and "pardon our dust". Also, a communications duty officer is communicating with him like a regular AI. He's gone rampant or is malfunctioning because of the obviously strange way he's acting as well as the fact he's growling like a dog. :0( Core data corruption was mentioned.

Since the Naval Intelligence are involved, and the communications are classified, the situation must have something to do with military activities.

Those are the clear assumptions that can be made so far. Anything beyond that is pure speculation.

Why is the AI malfunctioning?
Who is the team being sent to fix the problem?
Where is this located?
When is it happening in relation to the Halo universe timeline?

I could guess at some of these but I'm not going to.
Falagard said:
The Superintendent is now known to be an Urban Infrastructure AI, which is pretty big news and something we didn't know before. Many people thought he was an AI, and Superintendent usually means someone who looks after the maintenance of buildings, but we weren't sure.

So, let's analyze what this means.

It sounds very much like he's a human AI which controls, maintains or manages some part of an urban building structure or structures, or even an entire metropolitan city, and has gone rampant.

I'm assuming he's a human made AI because he's referring to human terms like "your tax dollars at work" and "pardon our dust". Also, a communications duty officer is communicating with him like a regular AI. He's gone rampant or is malfunctioning because of the obviously strange way he's acting as well as the fact he's growling like a dog. :0( Core data corruption was mentioned.

Since the Naval Intelligence are involved, and the communications are classified, the situation must have something to do with military activities.

Those are the clear assumptions that can be made so far. Anything beyond that is pure speculation.

Why is the AI malfunctioning?
Who is the team being sent to fix the problem?
Where is this located?
When is it happening in relation to the Halo universe timeline?

I could guess at some of these but I'm not going to.

Also something to note: The transmission was sent to a vessel or some kind of [structure?] called "Tokyo Rules". Maybe it's codename or something. And it's possible this [city] that the Urban Infrastruture A.I is embedded in is under attack.

The understanding of Tokyo Rules...
From the Superintendent conversation on Bungie.net, I'm kinda hoping for a Portal'ish game with a lot of black humor and strange jokes presented by the Superintendent in the upcoming game.


Sorry to sound like a critic of Bungie's (I think they're amazing), but a lot of times these mysterious little story hints or ARG-like things tell a better story than the actual games do. It's like those Halo memorial ads that were going on before Halo 3 released, with the sculpture war zone. All of those things painted a better picture of the human struggle and emotion of the Halo universe better than Halo 3 conveyed itself.

I guess I'm just saying that all of these awesome "Superintendant" hints they've dropped make this setting/story sound interesting, and I'm sure the ads they'll make will be just as good, but I'm very concerned with how it's portrayed in the actual game.


Vinterbird said:
From the Superintendent conversation on Bungie.net, I'm kinda hoping for a Portal'ish game with a lot of black humor and strange jokes presented by the Superintendent in the upcoming game.
Portal? Oh god no. I dont want a really repetitive game with forced jokes/meme wannabes. fuck that shit bungie can make a game thats actually good because of the GAMEPLAY.
Cocopjojo said:
Third-person ODST squad based shooter, a la Ghost Recon.
Not sure they would need paratroopers for any type of incursion within a local or colonial environment. It sounds like it's a domestic issue based on all that we know. If that's the case, I'd be surprised, from a fictional perspective, if they used anyone outside of local authorities to resolve whatever matter is taking place.

But then again, watch the next "update" completely prove me wrong.

On October 1st, 2002, I started work at Red Storm. It’s been an awesome ride, starting as an Assistant Designer and working my way up to Creative Director, and shipping I can’t remember how many Ghost Recon games (I think it is 7 now, depending on how you count SKU’s). However, all things must come to an end, and I’ve decided to move away from the heat and humidity of North Carolina to the rain and snow of Washington. To that end, I’ve accepted a Design Lead position at Bungie, where I’ll be working on something a bit different than Ghost Recon.
From Mr. Allen himself when he made the transition. I also don't think that Red Storm dealt with the campaign in GRAW, just the multiplayer. There were two separate studios working on it if I'm not mistaken. Could be wrong though.


Team based game (4 players online co-op of course) -think GRAW in the Halo Universe-, urban environnement, robots as ennemies -think Wall-E ?-, Super Intendent as the boss.

Where do I sign ?
Im thinking 2 games:

1 - Superintendent mario/wall-e platformer game set in the halo universe for XBLA

2- 3rd person game set in the halo unverise. GRAW style. Possibly a prequel

or it could be a Halo/Marathon crossover or Master Chief in Halo 4:Marathon evolved.


Anticitizen One said:
Im thinking 2 games:

1 - Superintendent mario/wall-e platformer game set in the halo universe for XBLA

2- 3rd person game set in the halo unverise. GRAW style. Possibly a prequel

or it could be a Halo/Marathon crossover or Master Chief in Halo 4:Marathon evolved.
Bungie has said they have three projects in development right now (in addition to a set of new Halo 3 maps). I'm assuming the game announcements will be spaced out, though.
Me and the guy I do our podcast with were talking about the Bungie stuff months ago when the first pictures of the Superintendent appeared. We thought that a pretty cool game might be one that takes the piss out of some pretty common/universal flaws in video games. Like dissapearing bodies and non continuous environments.

The SI would go around cleaning stuff, removing dead bodies, replacing lamp posts that get knocked down by people driving cars etc. Not something I think would ever be made but it could be fun if done the right way.


rampant AI in an unknown city activates everything mechanical in the city to defend itself. junk robot brawler is my prediction. :D


I would love to see Bungie's next game look amongst the best looking and presented games in the market, i'll tell you that.

You would expect that with the amount of money they burn.
September 19th | Source | A new cyptic tease featuring the Superintendent appears on Bungie.net as the top story. Crucially, this is the first time the Superintendent has been referenced alonside something specifict to the Halo universe - UNSC, and ONI.
Unbelievable that they're teasing the same shit once again. Just fucking announce something or stop jerking around with this stupid cryptic shit.

I love Bungie but this shit is just ridiculous.


Reznor said:
Sorry to sound like a critic of Bungie's (I think they're amazing), but a lot of times these mysterious little story hints or ARG-like things tell a better story than the actual games do. It's like those Halo memorial ads that were going on before Halo 3 released, with the sculpture war zone. All of those things painted a better picture of the human struggle and emotion of the Halo universe better than Halo 3 conveyed itself.

I guess I'm just saying that all of these awesome "Superintendant" hints they've dropped make this setting/story sound interesting, and I'm sure the ads they'll make will be just as good, but I'm very concerned with how it's portrayed in the actual game.
I think alot of this has to do with your imagination filling in the gaps.
I actually agree with you myself, as I had the most fun in the halo verse speculating during the buildup to release, reading the halo 3 terminals, and just taking in the settings in game and letting my mind interpret the history of the architecture you battle around (in all 3 games). This is the true success of the halo story that bungie has created. You can't separate the two, as this whole universe is their brand of storytelling.

I think you should give it a chance to at least be revealed before you jump to any conclusions though. And never apologize for being an honest critic of anything.

I'm not even sure video games have reached the level of matching on-screen emotion portrayed by real actors in the flesh like you mention about the TV ads. Though I think video games can surpass the film media one day with the gains of audience interaction that a game affords, I think we are a little ways off before we escape uncanny valley.


The Lamonster said:
Unbelievable that they're teasing the same shit once again. Just fucking announce something or stop jerking around with this stupid cryptic shit.

I love Bungie but this shit is just ridiculous.

Yeah i think there's a point where the teasing stops being fun and gets people hyped, and starts being annoying and gets people pissed off.
Have to agree, the constant teasing without any real substance has become annoying.

All it does it create hyperbole that will ultimately let a lot of people down. The cryptic messages serve no purpose other than to create confusion, rampant speculation and encourage utterly unbelievable theories.

Bungie if you have something to announce, stand up and fucking say so.
WrikaWrek said:
Yeah i think there's a point where the teasing stops being fun and gets people hyped, and starts being annoying and gets people pissed off.
Yeah...I follow more than just Halo games so this kinda stuff starts to seem really childish after a while. Since Bungie has been teasing silly codes and images and giving us no concrete info, other devs have given us screenshots, videos, game info, release dates etc etc etc. Basically, Bungie needs to shit or get off the pot.


formerly cjelly
The Lamonster said:
Unbelievable that they're teasing the same shit once again. Just fucking announce something or stop jerking around with this stupid cryptic shit.

I love Bungie but this shit is just ridiculous.
Blame Microsoft.


The Lamonster said:
Yeah...I follow more than just Halo games so this kinda stuff starts to seem really childish after a while. Since Bungie has been teasing silly codes and images and giving us no concrete info, other devs have given us screenshots, videos, game info, release dates etc etc etc. Basically, Bungie needs to shit or get off the pot.
Microsoft Owns the Halo IP, they have to wait till they get the OK to announce shit, it wasn't Bungie's fault MS pulled the plug @ E3.
Ariexv said:
Microsoft Owns the Halo IP, they have to wait till they get the OK to announce shit, it wasn't Bungie's fault MS pulled the plug @ E3.
Never said that was Bungie's fault...but no matter who's responsible, after that embarrassing episode, the next thing out of Bunige's mouth should have been concrete info. It would be fine if they started teasing all new stuff, but it's crazy that Bungie has started blabbing again about the superintendent. WE KNOW IT'S COMING. WE'RE READY. ANNOUNCE IT (or stfu).


Opus Angelorum said:
Have to agree, the constant teasing without any real substance has become annoying.

All it does it create hyperbole that will ultimately let a lot of people down. The cryptic messages serve no purpose other than to create confusion, rampant speculation and encourage utterly unbelievable theories.

Bungie if you have something to announce, stand up and fucking say so.

That's what i really don't like. All these hype and tease material create this mood for the game which you start to like. For instance the believe campaign, with those interviews with 'veterans' and the little replica of a battle. It was so dark and gritty and deep. Kinda dissapointed with the end result.


The Lamonster said:
Unbelievable that they're teasing the same shit once again. Just fucking announce something or stop jerking around with this stupid cryptic shit.

I love Bungie but this shit is just ridiculous.
I like having the heads up, and I really like the cryptic stuff, thank you very much.

Besides, it's not like Bungie was teasing this and then said "j/k," they WANTED to announce it, but MS stopped them.
TDG said:
I like having the heads up, and I really like the cryptic stuff, thank you very much.

Besides, it's not like Bungie was teasing this and then said "j/k," they WANTED to announce it, but MS stopped them.
Don't get me wrong, I like it too. My point is that this latest tease is nothing new. It's just like they're saying, "hey remember this? We're serious this time! But seriously, remember the superintendent stuff? Remember that?"


TDG said:
I like having the heads up, and I really like the cryptic stuff, thank you very much.

Besides, it's not like Bungie was teasing this and then said "j/k," they WANTED to announce it, but MS stopped them.
And they haven't made a peep - other than to repeatedly apologize or let us know when the announcement was NOT coming (PAX) - since E3.

This bit gives us a ton of context (it's in the Halo universe, the nature of the Superintendent AI, hints at locations and more), which lots of us are chewing on with great relish. For everyone else, it's a note that says "hey guys - announcement is coming soooooon".
The Lamonster said:
Don't get me wrong, I like it too. My point is that this latest tease is nothing new. It's just like they're saying, "hey remember this? We're serious this time! But seriously, remember the superintendent stuff? Remember that?"
Read above. There's actually a lot of information in there.


The Lamonster said:
Don't get me wrong, I like it too. My point is that this latest tease is nothing new. It's just like they're saying, "hey remember this? We're serious this time! But seriously, remember the superintendent stuff? Remember that?"

It has context to the next game, what would you have them do instead, just release a press release that says game annoucement 9/25 - and then describe the game to be shown in detail.
This is viral advertising at its best. We are gobbling this shit up in the past day (and months prior). This is why the halo thread is the biggest GAF thread, I dont know why people dont understand this.. the game may be just a shooter to some, but its the mystery around the universe that is arguably its biggest draw.

Domino Theory

Crystal Dynamics
Mr Vociferous said:
From Mr. Allen himself when he made the transition. I also don't think that Red Storm dealt with the campaign in GRAW, just the multiplayer. There were two separate studios working on it if I'm not mistaken. Could be wrong though.

No, you're right which kind of scares me because GRAW's multiplayer looked considerably worse than GRAW's campaign. But if we think in terms of gameplay, GRAW's multiplayer and single-player were very well done. It heavily relied on teamwork, precision, and cover.

Opus Angelorum said:
If this is foreplay, consider me flacid.

Bungie will have ample viagra for you next week. ;)


butthurt Heat fan
Oni 2. Please be Oni 2. I know Rockstar Games has the IP rights, but Bungie is independent again, so it shouldn't really matter. Oh, wait, does MS have the first rights to whatever Bungie does next? Crap... they can buy the Oni IP from R*, I hope... please be Oni 2...


One of the things I love about the Halo universe is at once expansive, and detailed. We could see a huge shift in narrative to the Forerunner's doomed struggle with the Flood right on down to a squad of ODST's fighting a guerrilla war on Earth during the Covenant invasion.

My only hopes are that Bungie tries something different here - a new narrative in the Halo universe, and different genre (non-FPS).

Also, you guys got me hyped for an ODST squad shooter, so I went back and watched this from the Halo 2 map pack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aeficbw67NU

I'm okay with that.


GhaleonEB said:
One of the things I love about the Halo universe is at once expansive, and detailed. We could see a huge shift in narrative to the Forerunner's doomed struggle with the Flood right on down to a squad of ODST's fighting a guerrilla war on Earth during the Covenant invasion.

My only hopes are that Bungie tries something different here - a new narrative in the Halo universe, and different genre (non-FPS).

Also, you guys got me hyped for an ODST squad shooter, so I went back and watched this from the Halo 2 map pack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aeficbw67NU

I'm okay with that.

I prefer this one.



GhaleonEB said:
My only hopes are that Bungie tries something different here - a new narrative in the Halo universe, and different genre (non-FPS).

you could do so much with the halo universe: shooters, (action) rpg,stealth, adventure, space opera (wing commander, colony wars), gta like game (on earth in new mombase before the attack), even survival horror is possible.

thats the great thing: bungie could stick with the halo ip and do something different every time.
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