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Captain America: Civil War | Production Thread

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Dayum. Panther looking fierce
The actual costume



Rewatching Avengers. Cap's suit is so awful. It's so crazy how well the Russo's understand and respect the Captain America character and how little Whedon did. Whedon used him as the "nerdy, straight-laced" foil to Tony more than I would have liked. He's acknowledged as the leader but Whedon writes it as if Tony "let's him" be the leader. Can't stand it.

It's confirmed that whedon hates Cap.


Online Ho Champ
Has he ever actually said anything to indicate that in an interview? He definitely has a less than perfect take on Cap.

Its his approach in general it worked well enough because in Avengers 1 he was doing a mish mash of the original avengers 1 story and the Ultimates 1 story. His style works on that basic outline because there's a lot of personality clash.

But ultimately Cap fights people that are beyond criminally insane, they are decidely evil but their choices are the logical outworking of their worldview. See even with Ultron he couldn't do a computer because I bet Whedon himself is very much a relativist , hence why his Ultron was pretty good if you consider the earlier incarnations which are basically a malfunctioning AI. However cold , calculating and I can make existence perfect Ultron is the most beloved version he can't do worth a damn. The Thor killing, shield breaking, town obliterating Ultron, Whedon can't do that kind of villain to him everything is a shade of grey.

I would hate to see his Red Skull or even worse a Dormammu. He even describes Thanos as a god in some of the interviews and its just like...wow the one character who is self made is Thanos. But that has insight into what he thinks godhood is, something to be attained, where as its clearly an aspect of ones nature. He's very post modern in his work, Whedon would be good with the Xmen, he could do an amazing Xmen since lots of their enemies are purpose driven or insane, he just wouldn't be able to do Sabertooth who is an outright embodiment of a murderer. Apoc is right up his alley though, a fake godlike entity that's full of shit and doesn't know it.


Was this new image posted?


And description of a new scene:

An elevator opens in the op-center, and Steve Rogers and his friend Sam Wilson, a.k.a. Anthony Mackie’s Falcon, walk out – with a silent T’Challa (the public identity of Chadwick Boseman’s Black Panther) walking in front of them alongside the government attaché played by Martin Freeman. Scarlet Johansson’s Black Widow is with them, and she’s not saying anything either. Something bad has gone down. Cap and Falcon were involved. It did not go well. They have handed over their vibranium shield and flying apparatus before being allowed access to this place. The pair look like they’re being sent to the principal’s office.

“You guys want to take a seat?” Widow says. “And try not to break anything while we fix this.” Stark, who hasn’t yet had his beat-down, is on his cell phone with U.S. Secretary of State Thaddeus Ross (William Hurt) as Cap and Falcon step into the nerve center of the intelligence office. “No, Romania was not sanctioned by the accords …. Col. Rhodes is supervising clean-up… Yes, there will be consequences…” Stark looks irritated, tired. “Obviously, you can quote me on that. I just said it.” He hangs up, and beholds his Avengers. “Consequences?” Cap says. “Secretary Ross wanted you both prosecuted,” Iron Man answers. “I had to give him something.” “I’m not getting that shield back, am I?” Cap says. Black Widow walks ahead, joining Stark. “Technically it belongs to the government. Wings, too,” she says. “That’s cold,” Falcon says. Stark spins on his heel as the two walk away with T’Challa. He flashes a tight, unpleasant smile. “Warmer than jail!” he says.

Source: EW
Is Spider-Man actually in Civil War? As in, more than just a cameo, and an actual supporting character?

Entertainment Weekly says yes.



While visiting the set for EW, there was a particularly large battle going on involving many different characters from the film. Most of them, you know about already. But one, standing off to the side, was a stuntman wearing a very familiar red and blue suit that covered him from head to toe.

“Listen, if there was a cosplayer running around that set when you were there, I don’t know what to tell you,” Feige said.

Fair enough. But then, during the very same battle sequence, just hanging around off-camera, Robert Downey Jr. comes strolling by. He’s laughing and talking with his arm slung over the shoulder of a young man who, if Feige is right, is doing some pinpoint Tom Holland cosplay – and wearing a full Spider-Man suit, except for the mask.

Later, in an interview, Downey just spills it: “[Don] Cheadle and I are just going, ‘Wow, dude, look at this.’ We’re now like the old guard, and our storyline carries real weight just because of our history in the [canon]. But we’re also looking around like, ‘Who thought that Falcon and Black Panther and Ant-Man and now Spider-Man…?’ I mean it’s like wow, this thing is just crazy.” (Leave it to Captain America, however, to try and save the day by keeping the secret hidden: “You never know with Marvel,” Chris Evans says. “Sometimes they shoot things and then don’t use them.”)

So, yes: Spider-Man is in Civil War.
Its his approach in general it worked well enough because in Avengers 1 he was doing a mish mash of the original avengers 1 story and the Ultimates 1 story. His style works on that basic outline because there's a lot of personality clash.

But ultimately Cap fights people that are beyond criminally insane, they are decidely evil but their choices are the logical outworking of their worldview. See even with Ultron he couldn't do a computer because I bet Whedon himself is very much a relativist , hence why his Ultron was pretty good if you consider the earlier incarnations which are basically a malfunctioning AI. However cold , calculating and I can make existence perfect Ultron is the most beloved version he can't do worth a damn. The Thor killing, shield breaking, town obliterating Ultron, Whedon can't do that kind of villain to him everything is a shade of grey.

I would hate to see his Red Skull or even worse a Dormammu. He even describes Thanos as a god in some of the interviews and its just like...wow the one character who is self made is Thanos. But that has insight into what he thinks godhood is, something to be attained, where as its clearly an aspect of ones nature. He's very post modern in his work, Whedon would be good with the Xmen, he could do an amazing Xmen since lots of their enemies are purpose driven or insane, he just wouldn't be able to do Sabertooth who is an outright embodiment of a murderer. Apoc is right up his alley though, a fake godlike entity that's full of shit and doesn't know it.

LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL what? Thanos is an eternal, and the most powerful one to boot. They come with enough ridiculous powers by default to make Mutants look scrub tier. He basically won the genetic lottery at birth, even if he is a bit funky looking.


Baron Zemo will be known by many names in Civil War. And I really don't think we are getting Baron Zemo or anything close to the classic comic book incarnation.

"I will say that his character is very much a product of the Cinematic Universe and all that has occurred within that universe up to this point."

Martin Freeman also have a key role and will appear elsewhere in the MCU as well.

"He’s under the cloak of secrecy," Feige teases. "There are a lot of amazing actors in this movie. Some of them play larger roles than others. And in some cases there are some you will meet ever so briefly in this film and then will be expanded upon in future films. He falls into that latter category."

Steve Rogers would also love to be part of an Iron Man 4:

"I’d be happy to be in an Iron Man movie. We've been in so many movies together, the titles are almost, at this point, inconsequential. We all win!"

Source: Entertainment Weekly

New screens from Civil War:






Online Ho Champ
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL what? Thanos is an eternal, and the most powerful one to boot. They come with enough ridiculous powers by default to make Mutants look scrub tier. He basically won the genetic lottery at birth, even if he is a bit funky looking.

Thanos has undergone extensive modification, his greatest asset was his mind...we all know eternals are made to be a whole next (final) level of a finite mortal being , but its pretty clear they are one mortal, and two able to increase in power meaning they are still deficient in things if they can increase.

Two things Thanos has done is

increase his powers, shields , basic physiology and engergy projection, apparently robbed Metron, among a host of other powers . He is literally indestructible and yet Kronos made Drax who punched a hole out of his chest with his bare hands.

Thanos has more application of knowledge feats because thats his greatest offensive asset he's a fucking uber genius, he's admitted the in betweener, the Hulk, and The Champion with the power gem could beat him save for his ability to asses the situation and over come. Being everything you are and ever will be by virture of your nature probably repulses Thanos to his core.

the other is die. So either way he's not a god , the beings that created the eternals are clearly not gods so nor is their creation Thanos. If any Eternal has the honor of most powerful its Kronos who spends most of his time in a higher dimension not giving a fuck about Thanos unless he has an infinity object.

That's the whole point, Thanos has accomplished more than any other character in the cosmic U by virtue of his intellect and nature combined. Yet he is still just a mortal.
Thanos has undergone extensive modification, his greatest asset was his mind...we all know eternals are made to be a whole next (final) level of a finite mortal being , but its pretty clear they are one mortal, and two able to increase in power meaning they are still deficient in things if they can increase.

Two things Thanos has done is

increase his powers, shields , basic physiology and engergy projection, apparently robbed Metron, among a host of other powers . He is literally indestructible and yet Kronos made Drax who punched a hole out of his chest with his bare hands.

Thanos has more application of knowledge feats because thats his greatest offensive asset he's a fucking uber genius, he's admitted the in betweener, the Hulk, and The Champion with the power gem could beat him save for his ability to asses the situation and over come. Being everything you are and ever will be by virture of your nature probably repulses Thanos to his core.

the other is die. So either way he's not a god , the beings that created the eternals are clearly not gods so nor is their creation Thanos. If any Eternal has the honor of most powerful its Kronos who spends most of his time in a higher dimension not giving a fuck about Thanos unless he has an infinity object.

That's the whole point, Thanos has accomplished more than any other character in the cosmic U by virtue of his intellect and nature combined. Yet he is still just a mortal.

616 Thanos is immortal now though. He literally can't die after Thanos Imperative.


“The film definitely has a more serious tone I think than any other Marvel [Studios] movie yet,”

“At the same time, not all the characters in the movie have the same investment in the conflict,” he explained. “There are certain characters that come into the story a little later who don't have the same baggage that the Avengers have in terms of what's going on in the film. So they don't have as much darkness to deal with in the film, so they can be a little lighter and more fun. I think the movie has a healthy balance between very serious, interesting and very surprising storytelling, and sort of light, fun wits and humor.” As declared in the headline, Russo confirms “characters like Spider-Man and Ant-Man enter the story a little later” and bring the laughs.

And as for Scarlet Witch and Vision:
"They both have strong stories that will cross at some point in Civil War.”

The source is comicbookmovie once again. I couldn't get to the original source.


Online Ho Champ
616 Thanos is immortal now though. He literally can't die after Thanos Imperative.

That doesn't change his character , that changes his relationship with death. Eternals don't die either unless killed and he was already nigh indestructible. That doesn't change anything, again using the Thanos imperative , he gained something beyond his already nearly indestructible and immortal life. So the argument still stands, what Thanos in his basic nature was already a lot but over the decades he has gained and accomplished much.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs

In an interview with ET, Emily VanCamp teases a relationship between Sharon Carter and Cap and say she fights Scarlet Witch in the film (the print article says Scarlett Johansson, but it's an error).

I don't see how Sharon could stand any chance against Scarlet Witch. She could take Black Widow though.

EDIT: I guess this means that Scarlet Witch will switch sides to Team Iron Man.


EDIT: I guess this means that Scarlet Witch will switch sides to Team Iron Man.
No chance Wanda sides with Tony. Maybe Wanda and Sharon fought initially because Sharon is in the CIA and doesn't side with Cap until later.

Wanda's parents got killed by a Stark product. Her brother got killed by a Stark product. She'll mostly go incognito or dies before even thinking of siding with Stark.
Lower left -
who the heck is that? Looks like Robin shooting eye lasers. I'm guessing it's vision but the color is off and he has hair?

Oh, from the show? then nvm
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