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Carmageddon: Max Damage |OT| End Pedestrian Safe Zones

It's open world but definitely point A to B. There's a clear track but there's a point to having this open world. It's a mix of a racing game and a vehicular combat game. It's really unique. Most of the time, you're going to try to destruction derby the other cars before finishing a race. Or just blow them up to win lol.

Sounds pretty awesome, split screen couch co-op? or am I asking too much? lol
Interested to pick this up if the ps4 version is ok, as in not a under 30fps mess.

Otherwise maybe pc but I think I'd rather get trophies on this one.


Interested to pick this up if the ps4 version is ok, as in not a under 30fps mess.

Otherwise maybe pc but I think I'd rather get trophies on this one.

My copy arrives today. I'll post when I'm streaming in probably a couple of hours. I heard it runs pretty good.
All of the footage out there right now seems to be from the PS4 version

Obviously it's not the same as playing yourself but it certainly doesn't apppear to be the mess most expected

That said, no clue if its closer to 30 or 60. Safe guess is 30 lol


How is the soundtrack on this? Playing the ost of 2 and TDR on YouTube all day to get into the mood! Can't wait till Friday.
UPS finally delivered my copy yessssss

Did anyone's preorder stuff work? My code didn't work when Best Buy sent initially but I figured the store just wasn't updated, tried it now again and it still says the code is invalid

EDIT: Official Twitter says preorder stuff can be redeemed on the 8th, lol


UPS finally delivered my copy yessssss

Did anyone's preorder stuff work? My code didn't work when Best Buy sent initially but I figured the store just wasn't updated, tried it now again and it still says the code is invalid

EDIT: Official Twitter says preorder stuff can be redeemed on the 8th, lol

If you want to race, I have a copy on PS4 and Xbox One. DryvBy on PSN and DryvBy84 on XB1.


not licensed in your state
Played for a bit:

- definitely 30fps
- It's fun - it plays more like Carma 2 in terms of speed, physics, etc
- Love how aggressive the AI is on normal - they'll hunt you down, hit hard, and thankfully don't get lost like they did on C1/C2
- Loading is awful - but I guess it's to be expected. This is a $35~ game after all
- Multiplayer is still installing....? I've been playing for 2 hrs o0
- It's a good Carmageddon game. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

Add me for multiplayer - Dr Montelban (ps4)


My copy has been delayed and I wont be getting it today :(. I went to play Carmeggedon 64 instead. I liked it as a kid. Its supposed to be like the worst version right? I never played the other ones. All the pedestrians are zombies i dont remember that. Id assume they did that because they dont want you committing murder on N64.
Played the tutorial, so far pretty cool. One thing I can't figure out for the life of me...what the hell is the item button? I know r1 and l1 switch items. I'm lost lol


not licensed in your state
Played the tutorial, so far pretty cool. One thing I can't figure out for the life of me...what the hell is the item button? I know r1 and l1 switch items. I'm lost lol
X is the item button, but some items are conditional (based on distances, objects, etc)
Finally got a chance to sit down and play a bit

So much fun

Even just the demolition derby aspect, I underestimated how entertaining that aspect alone would be. Haven't completed a race yet, just wrecking everyone as intended

Val Hella seems to be my driver of choice at the moment


Finally got a chance to sit down and play a bit

So much fun

Even just the demolition derby aspect, I underestimated how entertaining that aspect alone would be. Haven't completed a race yet, just wrecking everyone as intended

Val Hella seems to be my driver of choice at the moment

I played most Carmageddons for countless hours and I have never finished a race, that I can remember.


My copy has been delayed and I wont be getting it today :(. I went to play Carmeggedon 64 instead. I liked it as a kid. Its supposed to be like the worst version right? I never played the other ones. All the pedestrians are zombies i dont remember that. Id assume they did that because they dont want you committing murder on N64.

Oh man, why would you ever play Carmageddon 64? That trash is AWFUL! If you have a Pentium 3, at least, you should be able to buy Carmageddon 2 on Steam and just play that. It's the same game but good.

Review done waiting for embargo.
Odd title for sure

Yup. Mine should be done on my (currently) POS website tonight.
Not much left until we EUR psychos can get a hold of this game!

Really looking forward to it, got the codes from GAME this morning.

I wonder, at what time do games unlock? This is the first time I've preordered digitally.


Finally got my copy from Austria. Looks like it's banned here in germany. Loving it. Really fun just like the good old Carma 2 times. The items are still amazing. Tried multi-player but only one room was open and I could connect to it lol. I really hope there is some online activity at least around release.


Their bootleg Fear Factory music is hilarious
Lol. For real. I'm really looking forward to this nostalgia overload! I wonder what time the release is for digital.
Anybody that is down for some multi can add me. Dryvby with the bear kill!



file size is 13gb

Playing on Xbox....its a bit rough but single player is decent so far....online is a bit unreliable
I know it has a campaign.

So, how does progression work? And is it very difficult?

I'm not incredible at racing games, but I'm pretty good. I want to be able to beat it without wanting to throw my controller at the wall (not that I've ever done that, or would.)


Now you got me curious. Hmmmm

Well the game has loads of them but for some odd reason the devs allow you to zoom out too far resulting in the camers straight up losing its shit bouncing off anything you drive under and random catching on items and trying to correct even though if it was zoomed in, it wouldn't be hitting anything and in fact doesnt cause issues with your view at that time.
They don't seem to use any transparency or fade effect they jump bump the camera down or up, or sideways resulting in some crazy shit.


Well the game has loads of them but for some odd reason the devs allow you to zoom out too far resulting in the camers straight up losing its shit bouncing off anything you drive under and random catching on items and trying to correct even though if it was zoomed in, it wouldn't be hitting anything and in fact doesnt cause issues with your view at that time.
They don't seem to use any transparency or fade effect they jump bump the camera down or up, or sideways resulting in some crazy shit.
Im sensitive to motion sickness so im pretty sure id get crazy sick if those things happened lol. I pulled the camera back some because I get a headache when its too close. Thanks for the heads up.
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