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COMICS! |OT| August 2013. The only time of year when everyone envies Bobby Drake.

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Is there any good recent Luke Cage comics?

With an origin story as well

Well, I liked Luke Cage Noir, even though it's not set in the main Marvel universe.

There's also this

I remember enjoying it, but it's been a long time since I read it.


That's more of a GotG thing, Bendis said we'd be getting an explanation at some point. Hasn't happened yet though, and it better be good when it does.

This is going to be One More Day/One Moment in Time all over again, where Marvel pushes the inexplicable reboot button and delays the explanation for so long that by the time we get it, nobody cares.


No Scrubs
This is going to be One More Day/One Moment in Time all over again, where Marvel pushes the inexplicable reboot button and delays the explanation for so long that by the time we get it, nobody cares.

Pretty much, if they even bother.


Sounds like he wants to write his own stuff so DC is naturally the place to be.

DC Comics: Art Is A Kind Of Writing, Right?

He deserves luck on whatever project he ends up with, but honestly, I expect him back at Marvel within a year or so unless he decides to just stick with creator owned work. DC doesn't have the best track record when it comes to holding on to artists they scooped from Marvel in recent years.


No Scrubs
He deserves luck on whatever project he ends up with, but honestly, I expect him back at Marvel within a year or so unless he decides to just stick with creator owned work. DC doesn't have the best track record when it comes to holding on to artists they scooped from Marvel in recent years.

Well considering who he is they'll probably give him free reign (or at least treat him like Snyder/Cappulo or Morrison).


Sounds like he wants to write his own stuff so DC is naturally the place to be.

DC Comics: Art Is A Kind Of Writing, Right?

They've already got Tony Daniel taking over scripting duties on JRJR's issues because they didn't like the direction he was going with.
If anyone missed out on those Super Best Friends SDCC figures, fear not... DC will still be more than happy to take your moneys.

The super-heroines of Super Best Friends Forever --- Batgirl, Supergirl, and Wonder Girl --- are receiving 'new' statues that feature "Super Secret Storage Boxes". The three feature the same sculpts as the SDCC-exclusive versions but seem to include alternate heads as well as a base with a compartment to store them. They're slated to release in December and have a US$25 list price.

Took a gamble on Superior Foes of Spider-Man #1 and #2 over the weekend thanks to the enjoyment I've had with Superior Spider-Man, but SFoS-M didn't really grab me. Just felt a little flat
though I did like Chameleon's entry as Punisher in #2 haha..
. Probably drop it.
(Forever Evil Speculation):
Maybe the character has been in other bat titles I haven't read, (ruling out the possibility) but perhaps it's Lincoln Marsh/Thomas Wayne Jr. from the Night of Owls arc? If the Earth 3 Owlman is trying to take things over, and if Bruce is missing, perhaps he takes up the mantle?

I know it's late to chime in, busy day here.
There's a bunch of people it could be. Could be the Joker dressing up as Batman, could be Thomas Wayne Jr as you mentioned, could be the new villian Wrath, could be Hush, could be Hugo Strange. There's a lot of possibilities. Really looking forward to Forever Evil.
So I'm guessing that the current run of World's Finest is no good? I'm interested in checking out the Huntress, but not if it means reading a mediocre book.


Adventure Time Candy Capers #2
Astro City #3
East Of West #5
Six-Gun Gorilla #3
Wolverine And The X-Men #34

Down to just The Flash in the new 52. Might cancel that as well, especially with that villains month shit coming up, but I did enjoy issue 22 a fair bit...


actually forgot about last issue of Legion in a few weeks.



- Batman #23 (Zero Year is better than Death of the Family so far)
- Justice League of America #7
- East of West #5
- Saga #13
- Avengers Arena #13
- Infinity #1
- Thor: God of Thunder #11
- Uncanny X-Men #10
- Wolverine and the X-Men #34

Pretty solid week for me, though any Saga week is a solid week.
Found all the back issues i needed of Justice League 13-21 at the LCS. Read all of them and the Shazam story was great. I now see why everyone wants his own book.
6-Gun Gorilla #3 of 6 NNNGGGGH
Astro City #3
East of West #5 (thinking I may transition to trade waiting after this issue. The paper is lovely indeed, but this is one series that would be better read collected)
Red Sonja #2
Suicide Squad #23 (last issue)
Watson and Holmes #2
Wild blue Yonder #1 (and #2 for that matter, if available at LCS) of 5
Also, reading vol. 2 of Nightwing I think I found a writing error. He is telling a story of his childhood. He says he was born in Oct. 1901. Then it goes to present day and hes Nightwing and its like year 20xx present day. That would put him at a century old.


Also, reading vol. 2 of Nightwing I think I found a writing error. He is telling a story of his childhood. He says he was born in Oct. 1901. Then it goes to present day and hes Nightwing and its like year 20xx present day. That would put him at a century old.

which issue?


No Scrubs
Yep. Took me a long time to finalize it too.

Well, my friend you have impeccable taste.

Also, reading vol. 2 of Nightwing I think I found a writing error. He is telling a story of his childhood. He says he was born in Oct. 1901. Then it goes to present day and hes Nightwing and its like year 20xx present day. That would put him at a century old.

Yikes, that a hell of an oversight.
Finally got around to seeing the Flashpoint animated movie. Man they did a good job with that.

DC does a pretty consistent job with their animated stuff. Same with the marketing they've got out the wazoo. I don't understand why Marvel has such a hard time getting quality figures and stuff out the way DC does.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
bought the girlfriend the Superior Carnage #1 on a blind purchase while she bought Thanos Rising #1 for me. What's the verdict on either or as a series?


Pizza Dog
List time!

Saga #13
Avengers Arena #13

Astro City #3
Batman #23
Deadpool #14
East of West #5
Fantastic Four #11
Uncanny X-Men #10

Great to see Saga back again.
So I finally sat down and read Trillium #1. While it was a bit more... wordy, than a lot of books, it was very well done. I'm definitely on board for the full series. There don't seem to be too many Vertigo titles anymore. But as long as they can keep putting out stuff like this, The Wake, and Brother Lono; the imprint will survive.

bought the girlfriend the Superior Carnage #1 on a blind purchase while she bought Thanos Rising #1 for me. What's the verdict on either or as a series?

Your girlfriend got the better end of that deal. :D

Thanos Rising is..... entertaining, but sometimes downright silly.
Hey guys, it's sale time as usual over on Comixology, this time featuring Marvel's entire Earth X and Universe X miniseries. I've heard comparisons drawn between these miniseries and Kingdom Come. I only read Kingdom Come a few months ago, but absolutely loved it. Are Earth X and Universe X Marvel's equivalent? Just as good/worth reading?

Thanks for the suggestions.
So I finally sat down and read Trillium #1. While it was a bit more... wordy, than a lot of books, it was very well done. I'm definitely on board for the full series. There don't seem to be too many Vertigo titles anymore. But as long as they can keep putting out stuff like this, The Wake, and Brother Lono; the imprint will survive.

Your girlfriend got the better end of that deal. :D

Thanos Rising is..... entertaining, but sometimes downright silly.
There are like eight new Vertigo series coming out in October and November. And the awesome Collider just came out.
Like other's have said World's Finest has it's ups and downs, but overall I like it and think it's worth a read.


Batgirl #23
Batman #23
Constantine #6
Demon Knights #23 (Final Issue : ( )
Green Lantern Corps #23
Justice League Of America #7
Nightwing #23
Superboy #23
Worlds' Finest #15

Psyched for JLA, Batman, and Batgirl. Trinity War so far has been damn good, damn DAMN good. I've really been enjoying Zero Year as well, Synder knows how to craft a tale, and Batgirl has just been rocking it for a few months.

Demon Knights I'm sad is ending, I thought it was a good book that not enough people gave a chance. Superboy, eeeehhhh I'm still reading because I'm following the character, but the recent storyline has been meh, and the artwork last month was horrible. No idea how that was submitted and released as it was. It felt sloppy and quickly thrown together.

Deleted member 13876

Unconfirmed Member
Hey guys, it's sale time as usual over on Comixology, this time featuring Marvel's entire Earth X and Universe X miniseries. I've heard comparisons drawn between these miniseries and Kingdom Come. I only read Kingdom Come a few months ago, but absolutely loved it. Are Earth X and Universe X Marvel's equivalent? Just as good/worth reading?

Thanks for the suggestions.

It's a future alternate universe and Alex Ross does all the covers. Don't know of any other similarities as I haven't read Kingdom Come, but Earth X is very much worth it. It features some very cool takes on a bunch of Marvel characters and concepts. A lot of the ideas in it were later used in the main Marvel universe. The books are a bit dense, but are highly enjoyable if you're willing to plow through it.


Hey guys, it's sale time as usual over on Comixology, this time featuring Marvel's entire Earth X and Universe X miniseries. I've heard comparisons drawn between these miniseries and Kingdom Come. I only read Kingdom Come a few months ago, but absolutely loved it. Are Earth X and Universe X Marvel's equivalent? Just as good/worth reading?

Thanks for the suggestions.

Much more philosophical than Kingdom Come (especially in later volumes), but it's definitely worth reading. I would just buy Earth X and see how you like it. Don't expect a painted art style that is similar to Kingdom Come though. Alex Ross only provides covers (and character designs) The artist is Jean Paul Leon:

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