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Direct feed Resident Evil 5 pics

I really can't see how you all are that impressed with the Gundam PS3 demo from the conference. Aside from the high poly Gundams meandering about, it was filled with the same repetetive texture indestructable buildings and what looked like low res textures. On top of that, everything kicked up the worst looking dust I've ever seen; each was like 6 mini-puffs arranged in a circle. I was watching the high-res Insider version, btw. Where are all the "OMG, no 60FPS" and "PS0.5" comments?
CaptainSimian said:
I really can't see how you all are that impressed with the Gundam PS3 demo from the conference. Aside from the high poly Gundams meandering about, it was filled with the same repetetive texture indestructable buildings and what looked like low res textures. On top of that, everything kicked up the worst looking dust I've ever seen; each was like 6 mini-puffs arranged in a circle. I was watching the high-res Insider version, btw. Where are all the "OMG, no 60FPS" and "PS0.5" comments?

Its a Sony console, they're IMUNE to that type of comments.... :lol


YellowAce said:
OK here's a tip for the tards in this thread (too many of them to count). the RE5 video shown at the PS show was created on 360 kit.

Carry on.
and you know what? i was gonna post this as an assumption, but you confirmed it.
i'd assume it was the xbox360 version they'd show off as obviously thats the kit that'd be further along, and im sure MS delt this with capcom way back when...so it's probably been in development for a while now.
ps3 on the other hand is just about to come along, so the ps3 version should be at an infant stage, certainly not this, despite the power.
and my god, the lighting in this game is to die for. fuck the rest of the xbox360 devs (aside from epic and bizzare), they better get with the program or shut the fuck up.


CaptainSimian said:
I really can't see how you all are that impressed with the Gundam PS3 demo from the conference. Aside from the high poly Gundams meandering about, it was filled with the same repetetive texture indestructable buildings and what looked like low res textures. On top of that, everything kicked up the worst looking dust I've ever seen; each was like 6 mini-puffs arranged in a circle. I was watching the high-res Insider version, btw. Where are all the "OMG, no 60FPS" and "PS0.5" comments?
I agree that most of the explosions / smoke effects were quite unimpressive, and the fact that most of the environment did not look destructible was disappointing as well :( ..(although, the game is probably very early in development, and the PS3 dev. kits were only recently released .... but still.. :( )

same here, the main thing that impressed me about that clip was the high poly. count looking Gundams ..

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
OK here's a tip for the tards in this thread (too many of them to count). the RE5 video shown at the PS show was created on 360 kit.
This kind of graphics on those alpha kits? Well, I guess it could be possible. Or did they developed this whole trailer in two weeks on beta kits? ;)
Wunderchu said:
I agree that most of the explosions / smoke effects were quite unimpressive, and the fact that most of the environment did not look destructible was disappointing as well :( ..(although, the game is probably very early in development, and the PS3 dev. kits were only recently released .... but still.. :( )

There isn't much life in the game world at this point, and with good reason. The demo doesn't use any physical calculations. Such calculations, which will add effects such as wind and smoke, will make use of the Cell's seven SPU processing units. The game in its current form uses just the main Cell processor (minus the SPUs) and the system's graphics chip.



Kleegamefan said:
I would think X360 is actually in the ballpark of PS3 graphically but the stuff sofar doesn't show it at all...

the new article on xbox360.ign addresses this apparant problem. Hopefully as the devs sink there teeth into the beta kits and final hardware we will see what a full powered xbox360 game is suppose to look like.


knowing how good RE4 looks on the little ole Cube, I do believe these RE5 screens *could* be realtime on any of the Xbox360 and PS3 Alpha or Beta hardware.


CaptainSimian said:
I really can't see how you all are that impressed with the Gundam PS3 demo from the conference. Aside from the high poly Gundams meandering about, it was filled with the same repetetive texture indestructable buildings and what looked like low res textures. On top of that, everything kicked up the worst looking dust I've ever seen; each was like 6 mini-puffs arranged in a circle. I was watching the high-res Insider version, btw. Where are all the "OMG, no 60FPS" and "PS0.5" comments?
First of all, no one said Gundam was OMG blah blah blah. The fact is that people thought the E3 trailer was prerendered and unattainable. It's very much attainable as shown in that crude demo. If you didn't think much of the E3 trailer, then that's fine. If you thought the E3 trailer was the shit, I fail to see how you're not wowed by the demo. The demo is the trailer with an expanded and very early background. This based on the vids so far. I also have no clue what low-res textures you're referring to. Certainly not on the mechs themselves. They weren't bad in the E3 trailer, and every indication is that they're the same damn thing now.

The framerate and lack of interaction is pretty obvious and was mentioned from the original comments on the press conference. It's a crude demo. That it can pull off the detail of the trailer is impressive. That's all. This game is a boring piece of crap that no one will remember come launch anyway. It's just a technical showpiece right now, and from a middling dev to boot. Come TGS, I expect it to immediately take a backseat to much better-looking games. If people want to trash the PS3 on that and harp on the framerate, they are free to. It'll only generate comparisons to 360 games, which will not be favorable for them, and will only lead to more flamewars. IMO, even in its early form, it's showing a next-gen look. Unlike Project Force and Endless Saga, which were pretty meh. All IMO. PEACE.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
Hmm, the complete lack of aliasing makes me believe that these pics are pre-rendered, although given RE4 on GameCube, anything is possible.


capslock said:
Hmm, the complete lack of aliasing makes me believe that these pics are pre-rendered, although given RE4 on GameCube, anything is possible.
Check the resolution. These aren't full-res grabs. If downsized, that explains some of the lack of aliasing. Not that it's not prerendered, but full attainable none the less IMO.


1280 x 720 goodness:





Doube D

nitewulf said:
and you know what? i was gonna post this as an assumption, but you confirmed it.
i'd assume it was the xbox360 version they'd show off as obviously thats the kit that'd be further along, and im sure MS delt this with capcom way back when...so it's probably been in development for a while now.
ps3 on the other hand is just about to come along, so the ps3 version should be at an infant stage, certainly not this, despite the power.
and my god, the lighting in this game is to die for. fuck the rest of the xbox360 devs (aside from epic and bizzare), they better get with the program or shut the fuck up.

If those are running off of any hardware, itd be ps3. Common guys your knight in shinning armor (shoggie) is practically begging you to understand/hope that MS toolsets have thus far been inferior to sony's (which is pathetic for a system that is launching 6 months – yr ahead, but that is another story all together). So it only makes sense that it was running off of ps3 (nvidia based) tech. Either dual 6800s or G70s. I highly doubt capcom would say, ok, we have a pile of shit pc here (the alpha 360 kits) versus the ps3 based tech that is running the most advanced looking games (even on the 360 side), but hey, lets go with the pile of shit instead. Get real xdudes. ;p

I’m just waiting to see this game on the two systems side by side. It’ll be crow feeding time for one side or the other. :D

BTW, based on the even larger size, it is damn clear that it (at least the closeup) is not CGI. Sure, photoshoped post render perhaps, but those models are NOT capcom quality CGI. You can see edges all over the place.


Thanks KLee. Definitely extraordinary amounts of AA going on in those pics. Post-process? In any case, I still think it's fully attainable. PEACE.


Doube D said:
I’m just waiting to see this game on the two systems side by side. It’ll be crow feeding time for one side or the other. :D
I agree :D

Doube D said:
those models are NOT capcom quality CGI. You can see edges all over the place.
I agree as well... Capcom is one of the best in the business when it come to pre-rendered CGI ....... as has been stated by another person on the Team Xbox Forums (can't remember exactly who), Capcom probably made some pre-rendered CGI to "spec" of the PS3 / Xbox 360 ...


No way are these shots CGI....Capcom (the KINGS of CGI) would be embarressed to show this as CGI....

Realtime all the way...

I also agree these are PS3 shots (besides the fact it debued at the PS festival) because this looks waaay better than any X360 game shown at E3 you could name...

Even that other Capcom game with Zombies :)


Most likely from 360. And just think of how early this is..

Imagine how fucking beautiful the game will be when it launches like 3-4 years from now.

And hey, maybe it will look better on PS3.
jesus christ, it's been over two months since E3 and the goddamn X360 damage control is still working overtime from some people here.
I hope Monday's summit puts an end to all of this- if I hear "but....but....X3siddy is not working ON FULL POWA yet!" one more time I'm gonna pee on a homeless chinese man.

I agree with those saying 'who cares what this is for/what development hardware it's been made on'... this game looks fantastic. I hope Silent Hill 5 shows up at MS' meeting.


TheJollyCorner said:
X360 damage control
as I mentioned above responding to Doube D 's post, I agree that we will see which system ends up being the more powerful one, after they are both in gamers' hands .. and multiplatform games such as RE5 should prove a noteworthy comparison, as Doube D alluded to, IMO :D


Xbots are very sensitive to the mear whisper of the notion PS3 might be more powerful...

I am a fan of the X360 but even I notice this....


I think it's helpful to establish a standard for comparison before comparing two different game versions, systems, etc. The speculation in this thread is crazy. The fact that such a technically competent developer is even making such a game for the 360 just shows how far above and beyond naysayers' expectations the 360 must be.


Kleegamefan said:
Xbots are very sensitive to the mear whisper of the notion PS3 might be more powerful...

I am a fan of the X360 but even I notice this....

Truth is, I think both Sonybots and Xbots are especially sensitive to each other recently. I think they all sense that this war is very, very much up for grabs. It reminds me in a way of Genesis vs. SNES. I think the kind of bitter battlecries we'll hear as next-gen continues will be similar, and much more bloody than this gen. Nintendo's philosophy was always sort of different than Sony's so the fanbase could split and rally around unique prospects, but now Microsoft is here and they share a similar console strategy except for far more emphasis on online play. People choose sides, and they get uncomfortable. A game lost is a game they could have otherwise had without competition. More powerful, more exclusives, etc..etc...

But man, back on topic, my jaw is fuckin' dropped. This is truly the first real-time game to do that to me for next-gen. That is what I feel is worth my almighty dollar.
Wunderchu said:
as I mentioned above responding to Doube D 's post, I agree that we will see which system ends up being the more powerful one, after they are both in gamers' hands .. and multiplatform games such as RE5 should prove a noteworthy comparison, as Doube D alluded to, IMO :D

That's not really a good comparison. The best will come from when 2 high quality developers make a game exclusively for 1 platform. I'd say MGS4 is a pretty good choice for an exclusive game that'll show off the PS3's capabilities.


Kleegamefan said:
Xbots are very sensitive to the mear whisper of the notion PS3 might be more powerful...

I am a fan of the X360 but even I notice this....
It isn't much better on the other side of the coin either. "Xbox 1.5 AMIRITE?!", "wait for the real next gen" etc.

But eh, they get to do it all over again next next gen. :lol
MGS4 is big, but I wonder if Final Fantasy will still retain the pull it has had the last two gens.

Will the system that gets FFXIII win? I'm not too sure... a lot seems to be riding on FFXII, not to mention how 'quality' these FFVII Compilation projects seem to be. FFVII helped the company AND the franchise absolutely ignite all around the world. Is FFVII the very game (*cough*remake*cough*) that could invigorate a company that is finally starting to show signs of losing it's power grasp?

Someone said it in another thread (I believe one of the RE5 threads), but I agreed with the idea of 'exclusive' importance- it also makes the console wars more fun and exciting. Seems kind of boring to have all the big 3rd party monsters multi-platform, leaving the real competition up to 1st parties. I'm sure a Nintendo fan would love this, but I really hope Sony and MS do not adopt this philosophy.
My memories of the Genesis vs. SNES days take me back to a time when developers were really pushing limits to compete. Sega would bring out something impressive, Nintendo would try to answer it... and the other way around, etc. Sega would show Phantasy Star IV, Nintendo would pull Squaresoft out and say "well, here's Final Fantasy VI".

I'd love to see this generation be the first time since the Genesis/SNES days where the competition is so tight that the main companies would be pushing the envelope to get the advantage. Some of the current greats of the industry these days really started shining during the 16-bit era because the stakes seemed so much higher, so they worked harder, tried to find that edge constantly. I only hope development costs for X360 and PS3 don't prevent this from happening- and I'd actually love to see Nintendo back in the game with a strong presence, making this a balls-to-the-walls 3-way fight.

Anyway, I'd hope many of you'd agree that the more heated the competition this gen, the better we, as gamers, will make out in the end. What games/series/developers will be this gen's future heroes? It'll be interesting.


I'm so conflicted. The first pic has certain things about it that make it look real-time and a few aspects that make it look pre-rendered...

EDIT: For example the tire and oil can in the right foreground don't look like separate objects. They look like they are on the same layer as the wall. The same goes for those overlapping roofs and window a little "further ahead."

But the archway on the left and clotheslines/cables look like real 3D objects.

The playable character's pose also doesn't look like it would be in-game. It looks a little unnatural. Or rather it looks a little natural, which makes it look unnatural in a game :p but maybe they've just got really good character animations.
TheJollyCorner said:
MGS4 is big, but I wonder if Final Fantasy will still retain the pull it has had the last two gens.

Will the system that gets FFXIII win? I'm not too sure... a lot seems to be riding on FFXII, not to mention how 'quality' these FFVII Compilation projects seem to be. FFVII helped the company AND the franchise absolutely ignite all around the world. Is FFVII the very game (*cough*remake*cough*) that could invigorate a company that is finally starting to show signs of losing it's power grasp?

I think so. Its not that you're getting FF, it also means you're going to get DQ. FF will bring the RPG fanbase and Horii has said that he doesn't want to make DQ fans buy another system to play DQ so whoever gets FF is going to get DQ also. There's been a long delay but FF is still the biggest RPG series around overall. There aren't many games that can get bashed like FFX-2 did by certain people and still sell the way it did. That goes to show just how much selling power that series has.
I'll never forget seeing these first Silent Hill 2 shots in 2000:





.... and thinking "no fucking way these are 'real time'. Gotta be pre-rendered. Guess we'll see actual in-game shots some time next year?" Hell, I don't think anyone on the forum I posted on back then thought they were actual in-game shots. :D

I fully believe in these RE5 graphics. I, like others have mentioned, actually believe they'll turn out better upon release.


Amazing stuff...truely amazing. We hate on which sytem is this going to be on, be glad we are going to be able to play games this good in our lifetimes, think about your granfathers who passed on playing pong and maybe Mario Bros.

That 2nd pic is probably the most famous SH2 pic. No one really believed it was real time when Konami first released it and then people finally got the game and were amazed that it was real time.

A question, there are alot of people that feel the next gen will show a seperation of developers that are really talented compared to the others. Who will be on the list of developers that people once praised for graphics but now aren't able to keep up like they once did?


SolidSnakex said:
That's not really a good comparison. The best will come from when 2 high quality developers make a game exclusively for 1 platform. I'd say MGS4 is a pretty good choice for an exclusive game that'll show off the PS3's capabilities.
forza 2 vs gt5 :D


Have a fun! Enjoy!
SolidSnakex said:
Who will be on the list of developers that people once praised for graphics but now aren't able to keep up like they once did?

Kojima Productions.

Just kiddin' :lol


dabbled in the jelly
I'm glad they gave a realistic realease date this time instead of the horse-jerking we got with RE4 PS2 back in 2000.

Looks absolutely jaw-dropping graphically but given the release date we may as well all but forget about this game for now it will just make the wait that much more hurtful. I hope by next year they at least tell us who the director is and wether or not Mikami is having any input in this project.
TheJollyCorner said:
Someone said it in another thread (I believe one of the RE5 threads), but I agreed with the idea of 'exclusive' importance- it also makes the console wars more fun and exciting. Seems kind of boring to have all the big 3rd party monsters multi-platform, leaving the real competition up to 1st parties.

That was me, and Im glad somebody agrees. Seems like a large contingent is celebrating RE5 going multiplatform and hoping its a sign of things to come for other titles. Bah. I think the death of the third party exclusive or time release exclusive would be a pretty bad thing from a quality standpoint. Games that get co-developed from the ground up with more than one platform in mind are invariably watered down in the development process. Its going to be the games dedicated to the specific hardware that end up standing out from the rest when its all said and done.

As for RE5, it looks amazing but when you guys say "real-time" do you think the trailer is running off the actual engine at 60fps? I kinda doubt that at this stage. Im thinking in-game "sped up" Heavenly Sword style.
well, trying not to put total bias on the table SolidSnakeX, but I think one guy (and team) that will definitely take advantage of next gen power will be Yoshinori Kitase and his Division 1 team @ Square-Enix. That FFVII Tech Demo was just a tiny appetizer. Can't fucking wait to see the first FFXIII media.

I was initially concerned with Team Silent after the (IMO) graphical downgrade from SH3 to SH4, but then again, I don't doubt they'll be able to take advantage of all of this new hardware from either MS or Sony. I expect SH5 to blow me away like SH2 did back in the first trailer in 2000.

I'm wondering how well Itagaki's Team Ninja will ultimately do. DOA4 looks very good, but not great. Ninja Gaiden for the X360 might be the game that really shows off if his team can take things deep into next gen. I'm anxious to see what he does.

I'm also concerned with Rockstar and the GTA series. A lot of eyes will be on them... and if GTA4 ends up being a glossier version of GTA3/VC/SA, many will be very disappointed. Bungie and Rockstar might have some of the highest expectations on them going into this new gen. Old giants like Square, Namco, Konami, Capcom... well, they always find a way to stay on top of the gen.
TTP said:
Kojima Productions.

Just kiddin' :lol

Even though i'm biased toward them, that's the only team I really don't worry about when it comes to graphics. They've proven themself so many times that they know what they're doing.



TheJollyCorner, SH4 was developed by a different team than SH3 (it was in development while SH3 was). So that might calm your fears down about them. The SH3 team has been planning something for awhile.

Tema Ninja could have some problems if they don't change up their artstyle. People aren't really being impressed with it as much as they were this gen. It doesn't seem like they'd have enough time to redo everything before launch so I guess they'll have ot wait for the next DoA to do any big changes to the overall artstyle.
From what I remember, the core of SH3's team was SH2's, but missing key members- Masashi Tsuboyama and Akihiro Imamura (both of which worked on Room 302, later to become SH4). One guy from Team Silent I miss is Takayoshi Sato. Even though SH3 (and to a lesser extext, SH4) have great character designs and excellent in-game models, his character designs and CG work from SH1 and SH2 really added to the overall weird feeling.

I agree about Kojima Productions. Top of the line.
Yah Sato is awesome. I don't think i've read any confirmation that he left Konami or anything. But he hasn't been talked about alot lately.

I do think SH4 probably gets bashed more than it deserves for its graphics. It wasn't an upgrade or anything over SH3 like some wanted but it still looked good I thought.



[Shog]OMG they forgot to polygonize te curves on his face![/Shog] :lol

But seriously, this looks fantastic! The detail in the first pic is overwhelming. BTW why does he look like he hasn't slept in days :lol
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