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Direct feed Resident Evil 5 pics


I'm betting this is running on PS3 hardware. It's more inline with PS3's E3 tech demos and game than the games we've seen for Xbox360..


It's probably not running on real time on any hardware, they just made a trailer using the in game engine / effects and animated it.. I don't get why people are arguing about it?


thorns said:
It's probably not running on real time on any hardware, they just made a trailer using the in game engine / effects and animated it.. I don't get why people are arguing about it?

And you wouldn't like it to be on X360 hardware? :p


can some one explain to me something?

we both know that both graphics chips are going to be in the same range of power to a point of negligability....

.... so what makes people think that the graphics in this demo are only possible on PS3???????

Seems crazy to me. Or am i missing something obvious?


you are all turd kings, the response from both turd camps is predictable.

I'm just telling you what I've heard in these parts. if you asshats want to stay in denial, go ahead.

ultimately who gives a shit which devkit this was developed on? RE5 will probably end up looking great on either box. do you believe that any of the next gen boxes will have problems delivering graphics of this quality? so what if it was developed on 360, if the PS3 is as powerful as it's supposed to be, then the PS3 version might end up looking even better.

alright, I'm done stirring the turd pile.


All this just over guessing which console this demo is running on. Imagine the madness when game sites start doing pic by pic comparisons between the PS3 and the 360 versions. Fun times ahead. :lol
The game looks great but I still think people are underestimating what next gen systems are going to be capable of doing. This really doesn't seem like something that'll push either too hard.


Midas said:
And you wouldn't like it to be on X360 hardware? :p

It probably was, obviously X360 development is at a more advanced state than PS3.. and I think it will look very similar in both except PS3 owners will have to do without AA (since the game seems to be using HDR):p


SolidSnakex said:
The game looks great but I still think people are underestimating what next gen systems are going to be capable of doing. This really doesn't seem like something that'll push either too hard.

My thoughts exactly.


GAF's Bob Woodward
It looks GREAT, and I'm sure it's quite doable on either system. I wonder though, for the purposes of the current footage, if the framerate was smoothed out post-capture - either that or Capcom has a hell of a knack for optimising as they go along.

DCharlie said:
can some one explain to me something?

we both know that both graphics chips are going to be in the same range of power to a point of negligability....

.... so what makes people think that the graphics in this demo are only possible on PS3???????

There is a general perception that PS3 is more powerful, and I guess some would like to see that difference manifest itself from the start. And from what's been shown thusfar, they haven't been particularly disappointed, and so people start thinking these things. Though I expect that should change pre-X360's launch, when MS start showing finished goods on final hardware. I would be surprised if MS didn't start closing the gap visually from Monday, but with that said, in the longer term differences may start to manifest themselves. If a developer was heavily focussed on visuals, throwing PS3 as a system into graphics (almost entirely) vs throwing X360 as a system into graphics (almost entirely) could yield large differences (assuming both accomodate decent cpu-gpu communication). I don't expect devs to start doing that with early games though, so looking for differences now may not pay dividends (or at least once MS shows the expected pre-launch).

Differences in other areas may show up a lot quicker..
Loki said:
The middle pic only looks "doable" because of the slightly polygonal ears. However, there is some SERIOUS texture work going on in that pic, and it makes me skeptical that it's real time, or even an in-game cut scene. Check out the shoulder strap in particular-- that's just nuts. Also, anyone else notice that the finish on the gun barrel is the exact same texture that they used for the PS3 DMC demo? :D Awesome shots all around, despite the fact that the last shot is a bit too colorful for me-- sorta like Resident Shenmue. ;) I'd prefer something a bit grittier, if not altogether dark.




It would suprise me of these two games didn't share a lot of dev. tools/engines and such, but uh, I don't really see what you mean by saying they have the same "finish"--


Look, this is getting extremely tiresome. There is no BIG gap in what you'll see on PS3 and what you'll see on 360. What I see on these screenshots are scenes both consoles can pull off with ease, I bet revolution could do it even though I don't know what to expect from the hardware (or anything else for that matter). I don't see all that much multipass rendering going on, it doesn't look like it puts the GPU to the test that much. You can render these scenes with shadermodel 2.0 hardware if you ask me.
Note that I'm not implying that this game doesn't look impressive. In contrary, I'm stunned and I want to play this game as soon as it comes out. It looks absolutely beautiful, but that doesn't have much to do with the performance of the console it's running on in this case. I'm glad that this development team doesn't follow the "must bumpmap everything with maximum shininess" trend, but there's clearly some normalmapping going on in the guy's face and on the gun, it's very subtle. Again it's the art direction which makes this game look so damn pretty.
Angled finger & thumb tips… and they call this next generation? Screw you Capcom, anticipation downgraded for Resident Evil 5 10-fold, TSK TSK capcomorons.
As much as I'd love to believe these shots are real along with you guys, I just can't. It's not that the geometry is too high ("They forgot to polygonize!!"), or the lighting is too good, but it looks way too polished for an alpha status engine and game assets shipping 2 years+ away.


For example look at the self shadowing, especially on the hairline. You've all seen self shadowing done on both next gen platfroms in realtime by now, and none of it even approaches that. It's too perfect. It's way beyond any of the self shadowing X360 and PS3 engines have shown in realtime thus far.

I think it's another case of pre-rendered target. It's just too polished and finished looking to be a work in progress engine and assets. It's sort of how games look when it's about to ship next month, not 2~3 years away.


Shogmaster said:
As much as I'd love to believe these shots are real along with you guys, I just can't. It's not that the geometry is too high ("They forgot to polygonize!!"), or the lighting is too good, but it looks way too polished for an alpha status engine and game assets shipping 2 years+ away.


For example look at the self shadowing, especially on the hairline. You've all seen self shadowing done on both next gen platfroms in realtime by now, and none of it even approaches that. It's too perfect. It's way beyond any of the self shadowing X360 and PS3 engines have shown in realtime thus far.

I think it's another case of pre-rendered target. It's just too polished and finished looking to be a work in progress engine and assets. It's sort of how games look when it's about to ship next month, not 2~3 years away.

I think there's no question about that.
It's like the difference between Gundam PS3 at E3 and Gundam PS3 real time.
The trailer is a prerendered movie using entirely in-game assets that shows how the game will run on final hardware.Of course the actual game is in an alpha status currently.
Elios83 said:
I think there's no question about that.
It's like the difference between Gundam PS3 at E3 and Gundam PS3 real time.
The trailer is a prerendered movie using entirely in-game assets that shows how the game will run on final hardware.Of course the actual game is in an alpha status currently.

Is this how most of you thinks about these shots? You wouldn't know it by reading this thread.... :lol


If that hair is geometry, then self-shadowing is legit. But I already said this could be prerendered, but the final target is perfectly feasible on both systems. I expect the finished product to look better. I really don't think this was the most impressive thing show there. Maybe if there were hordes of zombies, but it was just one guy. Not much different than the quality of the DMC4 Dante model. No soft-shadowing, etc. And it's apparent in the alleyway shot. Shadows aren't being cast accurately in that. PEACE.


You know, I want this game to have all sorts of awesome physics and effects. The wind in TWW really made it stand out and come alive. I'd love to see more games do something like that.

I'd love for wind to kick up dirt, blow cloth overhangs and clothes, and rustle chimes hanging from a window. That alone would put the immersion far above anything RE4 could muster.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I'm with shog on this one. Just because you can see polys doesnt mean they aren't renders. How do you think most devs get promotional shots done? I would love to be proven wrong :)
TTP said:
who gives a shit. the game will end up looking like this or better anyway.

You can say that about alot of games coming out around that period. I'm just saying, let's temper the excitement sorely based on these pics.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Shogmaster said:
You can say that about alot of games coming out around that period. I'm just saying, let's temper the excitement sorely based on these pics.

Well, I dont see what's wrong about getting excited by these pics given we know it's gonna end up looking like that. We are not talking Killzone here.


The past two pages in this thread have been great. Not a single person has said a damn thing interesting besides a few select posters.... the rest has been either bitching about what system it was made on or whether it is prerendered.

This and the annoucement thread which was everyone bitching about Mikami and Revolution.

This console transistion is some kinda of unknown level of Hell in Dante's Inferno. All the positivity about things has been sucked out and replaced with the damned beating each other over the head with their dismembered limbs.

I am excited for Bio 5. I am excited for the Gundam game, provided it is good. Both games can even look like a current gen Xbox game, and I will still be excited. I know there isnt much about Bio 5 out there to talk about, but instead of talking about the potential, it just gravitates back to flogging the same dead horses over and over again.

Suggested Topics - so my post isnt some kinda ironic commentary on negativity.

1) Running Zombies - if it wasnt cool in the dawn of the dead remake, why is it cool here? If they are running zombies, does this mean new kind of Tvirus. Return of Umbrella?

2) Who is the main character? Speculation requested.

3) The setting looks to have both Mediterranian and Middle Eastern influences. Could it be starting in Spain? Have the events of Bio 4 somehow carried on into the population at large. What about the comment that heat plays a large role in the gameplay?
I hope this is Redfield in the screens. I also hope the gameplay is split between multiple characters (ala RE2 and Code Veronica).

Considering the end of RE4
I wouldn't doubt that Wesker and Co. might be spreading new viruses all over the place, so hopefully we see him return (in story form) in RE5

Hopefully the lack of Mikami on RE5 means a more concentrated overall story and less tit-jokes. If this is being helmed by the guy that did RE2, that's very good news I think- since, IMO, RE2 has probably the best overall story and writing in the series.


tetsuoxb said:
The past two pages in this thread have been great. Not a single person has said a damn thing interesting besides a few select posters.... the rest has been either bitching about what system it was made on or whether it is prerendered.

This and the annoucement thread which was everyone bitching about Mikami and Revolution.

This console transistion is some kinda of unknown level of Hell in Dante's Inferno. All the positivity about things has been sucked out and replaced with the damned beating each other over the head with their dismembered limbs.

I am excited for Bio 5. I am excited for the Gundam game, provided it is good. Both games can even look like a current gen Xbox game, and I will still be excited. I know there isnt much about Bio 5 out there to talk about, but instead of talking about the potential, it just gravitates back to flogging the same dead horses over and over again.

Suggested Topics - so my post isnt some kinda ironic commentary on negativity.

1) Running Zombies - if it wasnt cool in the dawn of the dead remake, why is it cool here? If they are running zombies, does this mean new kind of Tvirus. Return of Umbrella?

2) Who is the main character? Speculation requested.

3) The setting looks to have both Mediterranian and Middle Eastern influences. Could it be starting in Spain? Have the events of Bio 4 somehow carried on into the population at large. What about the comment that heat plays a large role in the gameplay?
Welcome to the internet. Threads always deteriorate into bs once it passes a certain number of posts which is also around the time that the first troll reply that has nothing to do with the topic at hand emerges.

1- There's nothing revealed, so how can you speculate about that? But I'll just throw something out there and say that since Ada gave Wesker a sample of the virus in 4 then it's some modified version suited to his/Umbrella's needs.

2- Chris is the most often tossed around name.

3- This was hinted at somewhere in this thread. I think it was Somalia but I may be mistaken. As for the rest, nothing known... speculation... blah blah.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It probably was, obviously X360 development is at a more advanced state than PS3.. and I think it will look very similar in both except PS3 owners will have to do without AA (since the game seems to be using HDR):p
Software probably, but hardware devkits so far have been behind on Xbox front compared to PS3, until maybe few weeks ago, when they started delivering beta devkits. As for AA, if the game is using HDR through FP framebuffer (which doesn't necessarily needs to be true), they still can use SSAA on PS3. It has performance hit, but FSAA on FP framebuffer has a hit on Xbox 360 as well (due to having to split buffer into more chunks than normally)


DCharlie said:
can some one explain to me something?

we both know that both graphics chips are going to be in the same range of power to a point of negligability....

.... so what makes people think that the graphics in this demo are only possible on PS3???????

Seems crazy to me. Or am i missing something obvious?

This game must have been created withing the timeframe of the X360 alpha kits..

Other games shown on X360 alpha kits are not even the same timezone as these RE5 graphics but some realtime PS3 Alpha kit demos are, such as Final Fantasy 7....

It is well known PS3 Alpha> X360 Alpha because X360 Alpha kits are much further away from finalized X360 than PS3 Alpha is from PS3...

This has nothing to do with the comparison of final PS3/X360 hardware and everything to do with the power of X360 kits vs PS3 kits when this RE5 demo must have been produced..

Get in now?


DCharlie said:
can some one explain to me something?

we both know that both graphics chips are going to be in the same range of power to a point of negligability....

Heh, hey, if you really believe that, then more power to you.
Kleegamefan said:
This game must have been created withing the timeframe of the X360 alpha kits..

Other games shown on X360 alpha kits are not even the same timezone as these RE5 graphics but some realtime PS3 Alpha kit demos are, such as Final Fantasy 7....

It is well known PS3 Alpha> X360 Alpha because X360 Alpha kits are much further away from finalized X360 than PS3 Alpha is from PS3...

This has nothing to do with the comparison of final PS3/X360 hardware and everything to do with the power of X360 kits vs PS3 kits when this RE5 demo must have been produced..

Get in now?

Only problem is that the RE5 "demo" was nothing but a video clip. It could be pure pre-rendered video that never ran on any dev kits for all we know.


tetsuoxb: I can't speak for Shog and others, but this time of the generational transition is the most exciting for me. Consoles only enjoy a 12-18 month period of superiority. By the middle of 2007, we're gonna be second-class citizens again. Discussing this stuff now is very exciting, and it's not so much bitching as banter IMO. Shog and I have been through this before, and we bitched badly at each other last gen. :lol Now it's more playful, and the back and forth is more an intellectual exercise for me than anything else. I honestly don't have much going on the game front until Zelda later this year anyway, so it's all about tech talk. There's probably plenty to discuss regarding this game/series, but this thread is pretty much about the visuals (as evidenced by the topic) so I think it's ok. In a year or so, most of the hardware debate will die down again, and the software discussions will dominate. But for now, the lines are drawn in the sand, and it's every man for himself. :lol PEACE.


i think what makes these shots look so good is the lighting, and the excellent texture work. im being amazed by the lighting on these good looking next gen games (not the bad looking xboxb360 ones a la PD0, rather games like PGR3, GOW, Gundam etc). the lighting is totally a step above what i have seen in this gen, its very diffused and well staurated. it's blowing my mind.
and the reason i dont doubt these could be xbox360 shots is due to a few things, graphically i think the machine will be capable of producing better stuff than PD0, i mean if you wanna believe that's the capability of the machine, then so be it, but then it'd be pointless to have all that fancy stuff in the box, and pointless all that money spent on R&D, cause PD0 could have been done as well on the xbox.
but say, if xenon can't produce say these RE5 shots...then whats the use of three cores and the ATI GPU? surely they could have a scrapped shitloads of hardware and made a weaker console to save costs. the hardware is there, its just a matter of tapping it, and i think some devs just havent been doing that.
by and large PS3 may be doing things on the physics and AI front that would make it leagues apart, even initially. but visually i dont think the consoles will be drastically different. and from what i understand, xenon could produce HDR on hardware so the lighting isnt completely unbelievable. it IS the next gen afterall. i'm just thinking more along a logical technological progression rather than ZOMG xbox1.5 LOL LOL!!11 front.
at the end of the day though, those who can afford will buy both consoles, so at times it seems pointless to me the arguements.
Maybe these screen look so good due to the polygon count being uped quite a bit during cutscenes. Like they did in RE: CV, for example and many other games after that. I doubt in game detail would be that high, but would look considerably nicer than this gen.
many humorous photoshopped PS2 RE4 pics and so far not one X-Box 1.5 RE5 photoshopped pic...

I'm disappointed in the bottomless comedy well here at GAF :(


well, i expect raw results from the GPU to actually be pretty much identical (to that point) cell /architecture may make a difference that isn't negligable.

Regardless - it's beside the point - this is in the range of both GPU.
I was wrong about this game. I think it's now the benchmark. Want 28 days (but rotting) zombies and fully interactive environments and then it'll be the ultimate shit.


None of that is real time. Too early, too clean. Either way, I look forward to the game and I will assume it will look and play great.
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