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DOOM Gameplay Demo (E3 2015)


How many enemies were on screen at once? Like 4-5?
Really hoped it would be more than 10 tbh. SHADOW WARRIOR/SS3 style.
Also missing co-op...


Bland, washed-out, diluted, middle-of-the-road, appeal-to-the-largest-number-of-testosterony-dudes. And consolly

Could you type some more buzz words, you've missed a few.

How about trying again with a thought out post explaining how its dude bro.


Bland, washed-out, diluted, middle-of-the-road, appeal-to-the-largest-number-of-testosterony-dudes. And consolly
That is something that you could have expected from the beginning. This is Doom for consoles, and for a console shooter, this is fast. Considering that a controller is so inferior to a mouse when it comes to aiming, they are doing a good job when it comes to the speed.
Is this the longest ever wait for a AAA beta? Announced in late 2013 or early 2014?
It definitely is a smaller eternity.
How many enemies were on screen at once? Like 4-5?
Really hoped it would be more than 10 tbh. SHADOW WARRIOR/SS3 style.
Also missing co-op...

Co-op is a must.

Regarding enemy count, I think it will get a bit higher... .but not by too much. Aiming for 60fps on consoles has its limitations. Then again, that demo was graphically more impressive than a number of 30fps games... so who knows really what is going on regarding performance, final resolution, or enemy count.


I really don't understand what you guys were looking for. Its a FPS. What else can they really do with a run and gun game like Doom? If there's someone that can mention at least one feature that really makes the run and gun game apart from the others, instead of saying that its generic, then maybe I'll believe what you guys are trying to even say.

Maybe you guys are looking at the wrong genre?


That is something that you could have expected from the beginning. This is Doom for consoles, and for a console shooter, this is fast. Considering that a controller is so inferior to a mouse when it comes to aiming, they are doing a good job when it comes to the speed.

made for PC or not, it still looks great! remember this could have ended alot worse and could have really been a Cod copy game


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Really hoped it would be more than 10 tbh. SHADOW WARRIOR/SS3 style.
No thank you.

A few more enemies, sure, but I DO NOT want Serious Sam/Shadow Warrior style encounters here. That's even very rare for classic Doom.


melee executions boring just from watching the demo.

game slowdown/pause when choosing weapon annoyed me

game looks technically good, but I don't like the look. "hell" looked boring..
Can we start getting some screenshot dumps in here?

There are high res screens out there somewhere....


They should just call it Boom and lose all connotations and expectations that the best game in history brings


made for PC or not, it still looks great! remember this could have ended alot worse and could have really been a Cod copy game
You are correct, i dont think this looks bad at all! Its still Doom for consoles, but for that, it does look great! If the graphics look like this on consoles and run at 60 FPS...fuck that would one hell of an achievment.

Also, this game has a good amount of blood decals! Fuck yeah! A "feature" that is severely lacking nowadays.


I honestly loved the look of it. The gun design was pretty cool and the the level of detail of them was insane. The enemy design were lazy though.
What I really liked about was how fast paced it all was. Harkens back to the old-school fpses where just plain fun was priority instead of being all edgy and serious. The lightning effect was so ID and the atmosphere was great (although I prefer the darker look of Doom)

All in all, very excited to see more of this!


i like the look of this, seems fun to play, but it looks dated and i'm not keen on the doom3 aesthetic. plus it has that tech4/5 softness to it that only an over reliance on normal maps can achieve. not to mentioned everything looks like doom 3 assets... i'm not sure exactly what it was i was expecting from this, but this isn't quite it. still. day 1.


As someone who grew up playing Doom I would like to ask, WTH are you guys smoking ? That's Doom, what the hell more do you guys want ? Honestly I'm trying to be as objective and calm about this as I can but I'm starting to think that gamers are the whiniest bunch of little shits ever.
This has gone waaaaaay beyond nostalgia glasses and into blackout and delusion territory, doom was a game about going around levels and shooting demons in the face, if you think it was more than that you should probably replay the thing and get your expectations straight.


Worst mistake they made? First gameplay footage features someone playing with a controller.

Aka how to make your fps game look slow and clunky as fuck.

Bad decision, dudes.


I'm not a Doom fan but this seems to be a better 3D polygon adaptation than Doom 3 was.
It's probably still too slow with too few ennemies.


Maybe it's because I've been playing too much Killing Floor 2, the whole gore aspect in this game wasn't all that exciting to watch and the shooting felt weak too, movement seems on par more with Doom 3 than the first two Doom games which I don't like.


butthurt Heat fan
On the one hand, I'm so hyped up for this game and I'll be there day one.

On the other hand... after reading some of the twitter reaction, I feel it'll be like April 21, 1999 all over again, when non-gamers were blaming Doom for the Columbine High shootings.

Am I the only one dreading how non-gamers will react to this? I mean, we all know how the gaming media will react, but how about the New York Times, or Fox News? We've been there before, and I don't want to go back.

Funky Papa

Blim with the quickness.

It really looks like a mixed bag when it comes to art.


The ravenant looks sick as shit and the new cacodemon sure is an interesting take on the classic, but that Baron of Hell/Cyberdemon is kind of... uh. The original design was timeless, there was no need to change it that much. Same with the Mancubus.


I really don't understand what you guys were looking for. Its a FPS. What else can they really do with a run and gun game like Doom? If there's someone that can mention at least one feature that really makes the run and gun game apart from the others, instead of saying that its generic, then maybe I'll believe what you guys are trying to even say.

Maybe you guys are looking at the wrong genre?

It's the usual hyperbole that's expected on here, the game looks decent from the videos and is an actual modern re-imagining of a classic.

Doom is a run and gun shooter, always has been, so I'm not understanding some of the flack it is receiving.

Well thought out as well for the certain people stating it has been dumbed down for consoles, seriously??


I'll probably be part of the minority here, but fuck that looked bad. That looked fucking awful. That was my most hyped game of the conference, Fallout or not.

I played Doom on a computer without a sound card. I purchased games as a teen while worrying if it was going to run on my PC or not because of that. Doom was beeps and bloops for me until the PSX version.

No cheesy metal for me. Just atmosphere. Fuck I love Doom.

This was fucking garbage IMO. I am crushed. But then again, I understand why people are going to be excited and it's OK. This is a new version of Doom, for a new audience. It's all right.

Are you me? I had a 386SX, 'PC Speaker' was the only sound I knew from my computer for a looong time.

While I wouldn't go so far as to call what I see in the video garbage, it didn't excite me at all. Visually/artistically I'm game with what's there, but that's the only part that really felt right. Rest could have been any generic FPS from the last decade. Still, I'll hold out some hope it'll be good, could just be the marketing guys f'd up.


I'm assuming this was running on a PC -- has there been any word what the specs were? Curious to how this will hold up graphically on PS4.


butthurt Heat fan
I think I've gotten pretty good at just ignoring them...

Me, too, but still... remember the big outcry about Doom, and video games in general, in the aftermath of that spring day in 1999? I honestly do worry that the non-gamers' reaction to the new Doom will be to loud to ignore, like it was back in the aftermath of Columbine.

It's going to be an interesting next few days, as the mainstream news outlets report on E3.


On the one hand, I'm so hyped up for this game and I'll be there day one.

On the other hand... after reading some of the twitter reaction, I feel it'll be like April 21, 1999 all over again, when non-gamers were blaming Doom for the Columbine High shootings.

Am I the only one dreading how non-gamers will react to this? I mean, we all know how the gaming media will react, but how about the New York Times, or Fox News? We've been there before, and I don't want to go back.
Pretty sure Doom lost its shock value a long time ago.


Rest could have been any generic FPS from the last decade. Still, I'll hold out some hope it'll be good, could just be the marketing guys f'd up.
The last decade was dominated by CoD and CoD-wannabes, so this is not generic. It looks more like a throwback to the times before everything was Halo and CoD.
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