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Some of you may have received a challenge from me, in either of the two versions or both. This is just a little experiment I thought I'd run to see if there's any advantage (fidelity vs framerate) between them. Personally I seem to find it easier in VR now, but I'm not massively quicker. I do seem to be placing way higher up the leader boards than I used to in DC however so I'd be interested to see how peeps go on. If you want to have a go and haven't got a challenge then drop me a psn message and I'll forward you the challenge (it's a mclaren 650s on wester Ross btw)

Yep tried on VR was about 1 second behind you, will try a bit harder tonight, the other challenge that's going at the moment is a good one too, bit nip and tuck, I was top last night when I headed to bed, I expect I will need to have another attack once home from work tonight.

Edit: They need to update the Driveclub mobile app to also scrape VR data too
It seems like Sony intend to sit on the Driveclub update for the time being. While i'm really anxious to play the new tracks, there is another reason to hope for a quick release, namely so that people will stop asking Rushy about it on twitter. XD

Is there anyone at Sony we could be addressing about this on twitter, maybe Shu?


Some of you may have received a challenge from me, in either of the two versions or both. This is just a little experiment I thought I'd run to see if there's any advantage (fidelity vs framerate) between them. Personally I seem to find it easier in VR now, but I'm not massively quicker. I do seem to be placing way higher up the leader boards than I used to in DC however so I'd be interested to see how peeps go on. If you want to have a go and haven't got a challenge then drop me a psn message and I'll forward you the challenge (it's a mclaren 650s on wester Ross btw)
I was trying to do your VR challenge, but the servers are offline again. Will retry maybe later today.

Edit: Gave it another try and was able to keep up with you up until the last corners after a handful of tries. But going back to 'normal' DriveClub was so weird, I had no idea what I was doing and losing control everywhere! I'm going to pre-order PS4 Pro and put VR on hold for the time being. Hopefully the Pro will improve DC's IQ noticeably.

Edit 2: Normal DriveClub was not doing weird after coming from DC VR, it was still in Hard Mode. Silly me. :D
It seems like Sony intend to sit on the Driveclub update for the time being. While i'm really anxious to play the new tracks, there is another reason to hope for a quick release, namely so that people will stop asking Rushy about it on twitter. XD

Is there anyone at Sony we could be addressing about this on twitter, maybe Shu?

LOL Soony


It seems like Sony intend to sit on the Driveclub update for the time being. While i'm really anxious to play the new tracks, there is another reason to hope for a quick release, namely so that people will stop asking Rushy about it on twitter. XD

Is there anyone at Sony we could be addressing about this on twitter, maybe Shu?

Yep tried on VR was about 1 second behind you, will try a bit harder tonight, the other challenge that's going at the moment is a good one too, bit nip and tuck, I was top last night when I headed to bed, I expect I will need to have another attack once home from work tonight.

Edit: They need to update the Driveclub mobile app to also scrape VR data too

Dunno if I'm gonna be able to claw back that half second lead you've got at the mo! And yeah having the mobile app work with DCVR would be bloody handy whilst doing this challenges as you can't even start it up to see how things are going without plugging the headset in. I wouldn't hold my breath tho, I'm sure they've moved onto other things now.

I was trying to do your VR challenge, but the servers are offline again. Will retry maybe later today.

Edit: Gave it another try and was able to keep up with you up until the last corners after a handful of tries. But going back to 'normal' DriveClub was so weird, I had no idea what I was doing and losing control everywhere! I'm going to pre-order PS4 Pro and put VR on hold for the time being. Hopefully the Pro will improve DC's IQ noticeably.

Edit 2: Normal DriveClub was not doing weird after coming from DC VR, it was still in Hard Mode. Silly me. :D

LOL I bet you were wondering what the hell was going on :) I did my DC time using cinema mode and it did seem strange after DCVR, kind of like driving a painting instead of having the world surround you.
Dunno if I'm gonna be able to claw back that half second lead you've got at the mo! And yeah having the mobile app work with DCVR would be bloody handy whilst doing this challenges as you can't even start it up to see how things are going without plugging the headset in. I wouldn't hold my breath tho, I'm sure they've moved onto other things now.

I think there is still time to be had in my run, might give it another go at the weekend. Would be cool if some of the ex-Evo gave the challenges a bash, but they've probably better things to be doing/testing at the moment.

Not sure who is responsible for the app, I assume Sony so maybe they might update it, but yeah won't be holding my breath on it.
Sorry to gush but god damn I'm loving DCVR :)



First time I've ever set a world record on a tour event! I have quite a few 2nd and 3rd places too. The track day cars like the mono and X-Bow seem better in VR too, probably just the added visibility. I think the advantages these cars have is kinda masked in DC as everyone has a great field of view but when you're on these twisty new tracks they're bloody brilliant :)
Just spent 5 minutes looking at the steering wheel of the caterham up close in DCVR. The details are insane and the clarity when up close is brilliant. I'm having a hard time going back to the regular DC. Nothing beats the feeling of 'being there' in VR.
Are the VR people playing with a wheel? Anyone finding it disorienting or whatever playing with a controller?

Yep I'm just using a controller too, as is Abandoned Trolley I think. I guess there's probably a bit of loss of immersion but most of the time you're staring down the road and not at your hand positions. I did get freaked out once tho when I noticed a disconnected hand let go of the wheel and change gear :) You don't see arms or legs in the game, just a pair of gloves on the wheel.

What about brightness?

Can anyone shed some light on that?

pun intended

I've not noticed any brightness issues, some of the lighting can look a bit harsh occasionally but no dark display like you experienced. There is a brightness setting for the psvr, maybe that had been turned down on your demo unit. Another thing is the night races are bloody dark, the OLED screen means you can get really deep blacks, plus your in the headset so most other light is cut out too which makes night races in deserted areas (like putre) really impressive - the lights of a following car lighting up your interior feels real.
What exactly can you do with DC phone app? Never heard of it

You can track challenges, the original plan was that you could also watch team mates racing but that never happened.

Yep I'm just using a controller too, as is Abandoned Trolley I think. I guess there's probably a bit of loss of immersion but most of the time you're staring down the road and not at your hand positions. I did get freaked out once tho when I noticed a disconnected hand let go of the wheel and change gear :) You don't see arms or legs in the game, just a pair of gloves on the wheel.

I've not noticed any brightness issues, some of the lighting can look a bit harsh occasionally but no dark display like you experienced. There is a brightness setting for the psvr, maybe that had been turned down on your demo unit. Another thing is the night races are bloody dark, the OLED screen means you can get really deep blacks, plus your in the headset so most other light is cut out too which makes night races in deserted areas (like putre) really impressive - the lights of a following car lighting up your interior feels real.

Yeah I'm currently using controller, not hooked up the G29 wheel I have yet, never really liked it on DC tbh, Project Cars it was a must for though and no doubt it will get a lot of use when Gran Turismo launches, but it just didn't feel right with Driveclub.

Yeah the lights of following cars is just something else, the fact your entire surroundings and view gets lit up, the inside of the car just like you would in real life. It's just something that has to be experienced rather than just seeing on a 2D screen.


Neo Member
I never got on with a wheel in DC either, it feels far more suited to the pad and it's still totally awesome in VR so I have no reason to set it up to be honest.
I never got on with a wheel in DC either, it feels far more suited to the pad and it's still totally awesome in VR so I have no reason to set it up to be honest.

I think it's the drift mechanic it's needed often and just doesn't seem to suit the wheel. PC and GT are less about the drift, well certainly the way I play them.


Are the VR people playing with a wheel? Anyone finding it disorienting or whatever playing with a controller?
I'm using a wheel (T300), no disorientation what so ever.

I think it's the drift mechanic it's needed often and just doesn't seem to suit the wheel. PC and GT are less about the drift, well certainly the way I play them.

With the Hard mode introduction, drifting became much easier for wheel users: the force feedback is more natural. But with DC VR I find drifting easier, even in normal mode.


Neo Member
I find everything a bit easier in the VR version but yeah the handling is too slippery to make a wheel practical in DC for me.

Good to see guys taking part in some of the challenges I've sent, I'll participate in any others so feel free to send me them - PDogg.

Anyone up for drift challenges? :)
You can try to use motion steering with the controller in VR, as that's mostly in paralel with what the arms do in the game. It's very good in this game and I started using that in regular DC day one and never looked back.
Argh driveclub reviews do my nut in!

So many bitch about it being a standalone game that doesn't carry anything over from the original. I completed the original tour 18 to 24 months ago, why the fuck would I buy the new game if it carried over all the stuff I'd already completed?!?!?

A lot of the psvr coverage has made me think that a lot of the journos are completely out of touch with what people want - their reaction to psvr has been pretty mixed or even hostile yet the peeps who are getting hold of the headsets for the first time are loving it.
For those trophies I followed these instructions:



I think i've seen gnomes on screenshots of Nakasendo, never seen them myself though, so i can't tell you the exact location.

Brilliant, thanks guys :)

I've got about 4 stars left on the dcvr tour and then it's just gonna be completing the trophy list I guess. It'd actually be nice if they made the original DC launch tour available in DCVR as additional content, I'd certainly play through it again and there's no weather in there... which sounds like a contridiction to my previous post, but I mean I want to play them fresh, not retain any progress from DC...
Yesterday I had my phone on a table behind me and whilst playing DCVR it went of, turned around to look for it in the back seat then remembered I was playing a game. Also went to adjust the rear-view mirror with my hand another time, felt like an utter moron for doing it.

Love the new Norway track, the little chicane section in hypers is fantastic.
Yesterday I had my phone on a table behind me and whilst playing DCVR it went of, turned around to look for it in the back seat then remembered I was playing a game. Also went to adjust the rear-view mirror with my hand another time, felt like an utter moron for doing it.

Love the new Norway track, the little chicane section in hypers is fantastic.

I found myself looking over my shoulder to check it was safe to pull out onto the main road on that track :) I hope they produce more tour dlc for the game.
Brilliant, thanks guys :)

I've got about 4 stars left on the dcvr tour and then it's just gonna be completing the trophy list I guess. It'd actually be nice if they made the original DC launch tour available in DCVR as additional content, I'd certainly play through it again and there's no weather in there... which sounds like a contridiction to my previous post, but I mean I want to play them fresh, not retain any progress from DC...

Think I've the same amount of stars to get as well.

Also have the 2 challenges trophy to get and lawnmower man (10 minutes off track), level 60 and drift over the line 10 times.

Guess the last one will be the level 60!
Do the event names in Driveclub VR have any VR specific puns? I know it has been said that the new tour is VR exclusive, but i'm just wondering aloud about the possibility of the tour coming to Driveclub sometime, as a premium update.

Well here's how the current cross platform challenge is looking - old skool DC certainly has the edge at the moment, whether that's down to the game or just the people that've taken part it's hard to say.

So anyway seeing as I'mentioned in the mood again I wondered if peeps were interested in taking on the weekly challenges? They will all have to be in dry conditions and on the older tracks, but we could move onto the new once they've been released on DC. Anyone up for this?

Defender : I'll have a look later at the tour names but I can't think of any off the top of my head.


So anyway seeing as I'mentioned in the mood again I wondered if peeps were interested in taking on the weekly challenges? They will all have to be in dry conditions and on the older tracks, but we could move onto the new once they've been released on DC. Anyone up for this?

I would certainly jump at the chance to end up at the bottom of the board each week!


So anyway seeing as I'mentioned in the mood again I wondered if peeps were interested in taking on the weekly challenges? They will all have to be in dry conditions and on the older tracks, but we could move onto the new once they've been released on DC. Anyone up for this

Eh? Well why the fuck not, I say. :)

But only when you've the time. Don't stress yourself out every week. Even if it's every fortnight, that'd be alright.

Also, fucking Ainsz. He's gotten quite good at this game. Bloody hell.

Well here's how the current cross platform challenge is looking - old skool DC certainly has the edge at the moment, whether that's down to the game or just the people that've taken part it's hard to say.

So anyway seeing as I'mentioned in the mood again I wondered if peeps were interested in taking on the weekly challenges? They will all have to be in dry conditions and on the older tracks, but we could move onto the new once they've been released on DC. Anyone up for this?

Defender : I'll have a look later at the tour names but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

I'm up for that although would have pushed a bit harder had I of known :p

Out tonight so no time to get any more runs at it, but yeah would be good to get challenges going again. I know it's a bit OT but I really cannot wait for GT:S to come with VR, honestly having that run through the Pro should be something special. I really hope they allow VR for multiplayer though.
hey, I want to try a run as well. I have the original DC... playing in the DS4. How should I submit my times?

Yep as Trolley says, just send me a friend request on PSN - you should then be able to find the challenge under Friends Challenges.

I'm up for that although would have pushed a bit harder had I of known :p

Out tonight so no time to get any more runs at it, but yeah would be good to get challenges going again. I know it's a bit OT but I really cannot wait for GT:S to come with VR, honestly having that run through the Pro should be something special. I really hope they allow VR for multiplayer though.

Well when I looked late on last night there were 45 peeps on there and you were still in the top ten so not too shabby :)

Yep GT:S should be awesome and I think they've got to have VR on the mutliplayer, be interesting to see how it looks on a base PS4 in comparison to DCVR.

Eh? Well why the fuck not, I say. :)

But only when you've the time. Don't stress yourself out every week. Even if it's every fortnight, that'd be alright.

Also, fucking Ainsz. He's gotten quite good at this game. Bloody hell.

Well I should be good for a while, probably start next monday night with the first and we'll see how it goes. Anyone get any preference over event type or do we keep switching it between timed and score?

And yes Ainsz is annoyingly good, he's off getting frustrated with Dirt Rally at the mo tho ho ho ho :)

Couple of vids I recorded last night at about 1am of online multiplayer replay mode - you only realise how little rear visibility these cars have when your actually having to turn your head to try to see the git following you!




Yep as Trolley says, just send me a friend request on PSN - you should then be able to find the challenge under Friends Challenges.

Well when I looked late on last night there were 45 peeps on there and you were still in the top ten so not too shabby :)

Yep GT:S should be awesome and I think they've got to have VR on the mutliplayer, be interesting to see how it looks on a base PS4 in comparison to DCVR.

Well I should be good for a while, probably start next monday night with the first and we'll see how it goes. Anyone get any preference over event type or do we keep switching it between timed and score?

And yes Ainsz is annoyingly good, he's off getting frustrated with Dirt Rally at the mo tho ho ho ho :)

Add DHC-Shannow to PSN (let him know you're from GAF) then ask to be included in the challenges :)

Gonna do it later, thanks
Was hardcore mode an unlockable in the original? I went to switch that on first time when I got the VR version as well as turn off the assists but was disappointed it wasn't there, just went back to see what other settings I could play with and there it was.


Was hardcore mode an unlockable in the original? I went to switch that on first time when I got the VR version as well as turn off the assists but was disappointed it wasn't there, just went back to see what other settings I could play with and there it was.

Nah mate, it was patched in. Looks like they haven't included a hardcore mode in DCVR.

You can get rid of the assists though, right?
Nah mate, it was patched in. Looks like they haven't included a hardcore mode in DCVR.

You can get rid of the assists though, right?

It is now in DCVR. Was playing it last night for a hour or two, but it wasn't there when I first booted up the game and wanted to put it on. Difference is that I had completed everything in the game except for getting to level 60.

Yeah you can turn of the breaking assist immediately.
I'm really hoping that the Pro brings this quality graphics to the VR headset, if it manages that I'll be happy, I do wonder why if it can look so clean on the TV via the breakout box, why is the apparently same image so blurry within the headset?

I think that DC is rendering below 1080p and with very little anti aliasing which is why the jaggies and pixel crawl is so bad. If you look at the roof line of your car when your in the menu mode you can see big stair steps like there's no anti aliasing at all yet I bet it looks loads better on the social screen where it's been upscaled and stretched to full 1080p. I think this really makes a difference on the horizontal plane where each eye only gets half a screen, whilst on the telly the upscaling will boost the number of pixels and smooth stuff out.

If I'm right then the ps4 pro should improve things a lot running at higher resolutions and with more anti aliasing to reduce / eliminate a lot of the jaggies.

The playroom stuff looks a lot smoother and clearer so I don't think it's the psvr screen res that's the issue. It's not the reprojection either as we see the issue on static screens. You can see the reprojection shadowing at the end when cars drive past your static position (a noticeable ghost car behind each one). I don't notice this at all when driving.
I think that DC is rendering below 1080p and with very little anti aliasing which is why the jaggies and pixel crawl is so bad. If you look at the roof line of your car when your in the menu mode you can see big stair steps like there's no anti aliasing at all yet I bet it looks loads better on the social screen where it's been upscaled and stretched to full 1080p. I think this really makes a difference on the horizontal plane where each eye only gets half a screen, whilst on the telly the upscaling will boost the number of pixels and smooth stuff out.

If I'm right then the ps4 pro should improve things a lot running at higher resolutions and with more anti aliasing to reduce / eliminate a lot of the jaggies.

The playroom stuff looks a lot smoother and clearer so I don't think it's the psvr screen res that's the issue. It's not the reprojection either as we see the issue on static screens. You can see the reprojection shadowing at the end when cars drive past your static position (a noticeable ghost car behind each one). I don't notice this at all when driving.

I was having this discussion in the main VR thread, the fact that other games Playroom/Tethered can look so sharp makes me believe that so could Driveclub if it gets given that extra power to work with.
That in itself would be reason enough for me to buy the PS4-Pro. I hope you're right.

It's whats making me seriously consider getting a pro.

I've been racing online a bit more and have a few more vids to share. I was just using in game chat however so there's only my voice which is fine when no one is taking much but I do sound kinda deranged when peeps are having a laugh with me...

Fantastically close battle around Kinloch


Taking a Rimac up the Nakasendo.... Oh and you realise in VR that the Rimac has wingmirrors the size of peanuts that are completely useless!


Brilliant Megane battle around Gujo - The new urban tracks are great in the Hatchbacks, this vid kind of gets across how much fun it is and also how useful VR is on these little 90 corners with cars at the side of you.

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