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Driver: San Francisco |OT| A whole generation, with a new explanation

Due to positive GAF impressions and media reviews, I picked this up with some credit. Will be digging into this weekend after I knock out the last hour of Deus Ex. Looks like a pretty good time!
Is anyone playing the MP on PC? Is there a good amount of people online? Do you think it'll have some legs or will most be done with it in a week or two?
I'm not normaly a fan of driving games. I picked this up for my other half and he's been raving about it since, so I thought I'd have a little go yesterday, and boy is it awesome! It's such good fun, some of the challenges are really humerous. And I find it a lot easier to control the cars than other driving games I've played. I may actually bother to complete this!


Hah Holy shit, I just cleared Chapter Five. I didn't expect to be so invested in the completely nonsensical story but here we are! It helps that Tanner mutters something about how weird this all is at every available opportunity.

And the sheer amount of random dialogue I've heard through Spirit-jacking is incredible. I've run into some really funny people. Really helps the city feel alive.

I wish it wasn't the same BOSE billboards everywhere though.
Jintor said:
Hah Holy shit, I just cleared Chapter Five. I didn't expect to be so invested in the completely nonsensical story but here we are! It helps that Tanner mutters something about how weird this all is at every available opportunity.

And the sheer amount of random dialogue I've heard through Spirit-jacking is incredible. I've run into some really funny people. Really helps the city feel alive.

I wish it wasn't the same BOSE billboards everywhere though.
Do you need to know anything about the previous Driver games' stories or can you go in blind? Because I know the main character Tanner was in them
Finished this (the story) yesterday, and it ends very, very, very good. Love the direction they went. Second to last mission was fantastic, and the last had a great buildup, a music to make it memorable. Loved it. Loved the whole thing to be honest - and even added a few new songs to my song library because of the awesome soundtrack

I still have about 30 secondary missions to tidy up, and I am only level 5 in multiplayer. I am thinking about trying to great all Achievements, but I don't know if I will (I am not a fan of multiplayer in any game really), but I like to 100% games I really like, and I like this

Side mission talk: The side missiona based on Bullit, Gone In 60 Seconds, Duke of Hazzard are great additions too. Oh, and buying the
and getting it up to
gave me a nice surprise.

One of the best games of the year for me, and a great surprise after what I feel was lackluster buildup from Ubisoft.


That's the extent of my knowledge too, man. Don't sweat it, it plays more or less like a buddy cop movie where one of the cops is a psychic driver-possessing ghost dude.

I wish I knew more car movies, I'd get the movie references then :<

I'm waiting for my Italian Job mission
Heavy said:
Do you need to know anything about the previous Driver games' stories or can you go in blind? Because I know the main character Tanner was in them

Tanner is a good guy, and Jericho is a bad guy. There not much more to know. You can easily jump in. There is a small bit of backstory in the other games as to why there don't like each other, but you really don't need to know why.

The start of this game does not even reference what happened at the end of Driv3r, which is carries on from.


Heavy said:
Is anyone playing the MP on PC? Is there a good amount of people online? Do you think it'll have some legs or will most be done with it in a week or two?

It's not out yet....
Oh mah God this game is so fun. I've been playing so much multi this morning already. I can't even tear myself away from it to START the singleplayer campaign. Definitely the surprise of the year, and the most fun I've had with a driving game since free roam online in Burnout Paradise. The more I play the better the handling feels as well, even with the slippery cars. Even normal races are fun as hell online. The starting grid is insanity.


Come on. This thread needs film director's contribution.

I just made my first clip but the game looks terrible and so boring in the clip :(

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
You know what this game needs?


tip for those having money issues (this is pretty obvious but bear with me):

so i was having issues with money so i started investing in the upgrade for the rate that you earn money. so the last one cost a whopping 500k. i said fuck it and earned 500k and bought the third tier upgrade. now every 20 minutes i get like 200k. well worth the 2 or 3 hours it took to earn the 500k for the initial investment.

btw, i was loving my vette thinking it was the shit until i came across a random lambo (the lower end model) in marin. i snatched it and holy shit. i cannot wait until i can buy the supercars. they handle like they are on rails. over 200 mph down the freeway into oncoming traffic threading the needle over and over. i haven't had an adrenaline rush like that in a while. one head on and all of the cars "life bar" was gone.


I think one of the most overlooked features (in reviews etc) and probably the second best addition to the game besides shift is the inclusion of the movie challenges. These things are so much fun and it really does feel like you are in a 60s or 70s car chase. I especially like how the screen gets a old movie type filter, and all the traffic is of cars of that era. The challenge that is based on the President's Run from Driver 1 is also great fun.

Fox Mulder

What a fun game. I went to bestbuy to get dead island and walked out with this. I haven't even played a Driver game since the ps1, but the impressions here and at giantbomb made it sound like a good game that's under the radar.


I rented this from RedBox too given my reservations as I had a horrible time with the demo, just seemed like I just couldn't get a grasp for the handling of cars but boy am I glad I gave it second chance. Got the hang of everything and having a lot of fun right now.

I'm guessing the passport thing comes with all new copies and which is why I can't play MP since it's a rental?


Trucker Sexologist
Simo said:
I rented this from RedBox too given my reservations as I had a horrible time with the demo, just seemed like I just couldn't get a grasp for the handling of cars but boy am I glad I gave it second chance. Got the hang of everything and having a lot of fun right now.

I'm guessing the passport thing comes with all new copies and which is why I can't play MP since it's a rental?
Ubi screwed up the codes so everyone can play for free now. Just download the pass.


Trucker Sexologist
Ben Pierce said:
Just finished the demo, and I can definitively say that this game is pure shit. This is not for me.
How did the game let you down? What driving games have you enjoyed in the past?


Congrats to Martin Shadow of the Beast Edmondson on a great game and taking the extra year to do it right. This game is a technical marvel and a rarity on consoles. Glad to see it getting the scores it deserves from reviewers that appreciate great driving games.
Ben Pierce said:
Just finished the demo, and I can definitively say that this game is pure shit. This is not for me.

The demo(s) is/are a bad slice of the game, but the game itself is not shit. However, like I said before it is still a driving/racing game at heart which can put off a lot of people - due to oversatuation in the genre or just due to the like of a particular driving style that the game does not match up with. Burnout Paradise had a equally terrible demo, but the game was great.

I had a terrible opinion of both Ubisoft (due to their DRM stuff), and the Driver franchise (due to bad games) before going into this, and the game has gone a long way into repairing my faith in both the company and the franchise.

I just noticed the game even has a New Game +, which is awesome.


Keyser Soze said:
I had a terrible opinion of both Ubisoft (due to their DRM stuff), and the Driver franchise (due to bad games) before going into this, and the game has gone a long way into repairing my faith in both the company and the franchise.
It seems like, other than the shift thing, they stripped it back to the original game which was focused on the driving missions and recreating all those crazy 1970s style film chases and scenarios. 2 and forward seemed to be trying to catch up with GTA or take on more complex missions while Stuntman took the film recreation focus away.

That E3 presentation probably did not help the game, especially since it was the first "real" showing of it that I know of. It was pretty "WTF" in context that I recall since they failed to explain it and the style of the game properly.
1. Freeroam online
2. Pontiac GTO Judge vs. Dodge Charger Police
3. Highway To The Dangerzone on custom soundtrack
4. ???

I could've done that all day. The freeways in this game + shift just make you want to keep going forever.


Have I said how great the song selection in this is? Because it is. This is the best game soundtrack this generation. Not since SSX3 has a game had me looking up artists and tracks. Also, props to Ubi for using good era DJ Shadow tracks. I haven't encountered it yet so I'm assuming it's not in there but they should have included the Six Days remix with Mos Def too...and Six Days album version.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Net_Wrecker said:
1. Freeroam online
2. Pontiac GTO Judge vs. Dodge Charger Police
3. Highway To The Dangerzone on custom soundtrack
4. ???

I could've done that all day. The freeways in this game + shift just make you want to keep going forever.
I just drive in my black Trans Am and pretend I'm the Bandit


I just spent an hour trying and retrying a six minute endurance run against a super car. FUCK YOU, ULTRA CAR. Got him in the end, checked the leaderboards. Four thousandth.

fffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu the first time beat me by over a minute :T


Just wrapped it up, but I have a feeling I'll be going back to this game whenever I have a hankering for some driving.

So good.


Jintor said:
Strangely enough, challenges are where the challenges are at. :p

yep. some of them are quite tough. last night i found the last of the movie tokens so i decided it was time to start doing them (i had played the first one then decided not to play another until i unlocked them all). the white line one is fucking hard and i think it's only the second one. taking down an el camino with no boost, ram, or shift is a pain in the ass. makes me remember how tough the first game was.

anyway, i am loving this thing more and more. sadly i know that now that i have all of the movie tokens found this game will shortly be over. my stats show that i have 13 hours played. it feels like i have only played about 5 hours. that to me is one mark of a good game. you lose track while playing.

and for those in the know: "like a big ol' asshole"

that line cracked me up.
Tidying up all the last missions was good fun... I think I have them all now, except Hyper Car on free way. Six minutes are a bit too much for me to keep concentrating :p

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Tokubetsu said:
The 2 car team race was easy as pie in the demo but now it's a bitch. May or may not be the whiskey.
Don't know. I just took a 16 wheeler and retired both enemy cars :')


zoner said:
Don't know. I just took a 16 wheeler and retired both enemy cars :')

That's the way to do team races :D

Anyone find any takedown missions where you're simultaneously being chased by pursuers? That'd be awesome.


Keyser Soze said:
Tidying up all the last missions was good fun... I think I have them all now, except Hyper Car on free way. Six minutes are a bit too much for me to keep concentrating :p


I tried for like an hour and a half but I DID IT

The end of the Asian Streetracing Bros chain was hilarious.


Neo Member
What an awesome surprise this game was. I rented it from red box and finished the story but I still might buy it because there's so much left to do and I havent even touched online.

And yeah the soundtrack is pretty great. Never thought I'd hear The Dirtbombs in a game.
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