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DS = $130 / PSP = $250 (less??) - Which will win the Oct-Dec sales??


Link316 said:
I think it'll happen alot sooner, it'll be pretty stupid for Sony to just let the DS go unchecked and pull away after closing the gap to 100K-200K

Tell that to SCEJ (although not a 100-200K gap).
sonycowboy said:
I honestly don't know. There's so many competing factors.

a) As of now PSP is KILLING the DS. Don't give me post launch excuses. It's now 5 months past launch and that excuse can only last for so long. At 5 months past launch, the DS was selling ~28k per week and the PSP sold 50k. And the 6th month, the DS's bottom completely dropped out. And they both had crappy post launch game releases.

b) ~GBA has always had MONSTER holidays which seems to indicate that Nintendo hardware might get a disproportionate percentage of sales during that time period.

c) Price: The DS will essentially be half the cost assuming the PSP doesn't drop it's price. That's a very tough sell when parents are buying kids games.

d) GBA Micro: At $99, it's going to steal some DS sales, but how much?

e) Games: DS clearly has the edge here with Nintendogs, Mario Kart, Sonic Rush, Mario Bros, Advance Wars, Animal Crossing vs the PSP's GTA:LCS, Madden 2006, Socom, Pursuit Force, & multiplatform titles (SSX, Marvel Imperfects, Xmen Legends, etc)

As of right now, I'd give the edge to the DS on the strength of b,c, & e above. But I could honestly see it go either way, with a big swing in either direction. I think PSP pricing will be what hurts it the most this holiday. IMO, Sony really should drop to $199 in October, but they'll still be at a disadvantag, price wise.

No, just no. I demand a boycott. Nintendo can't price it that high and get away with it.


sonycowboy said:
Quite. And now we've got Advance Wars also scoring insanely high. It could be one hell of a rebound month/5 months for the DS.

Advance Wars was never a big seller on GBA. What makes you think it'll be big on DS?


Oblivion said:
I don't know anything about the Wonderswan except that it's some sort of handheld from Japan. What kind of games did Square provide? I'm not implying that just because they put their name on it, it will go gold. That's only half the formula. They would also have to provide the main games that people want, like the main FF or DQ series.

FF1-4 (although 3 didn't make it out before the death of the system, it was announced a while before), Front Mission, Makaitoushi SaGa, Romancing SaGa, and Hanjuku Eiyuu.


Neither of these companies seem to have a handheld that can sell what the GBA did, and at this rate, Nintendo's going to kill itself with bad decisions before Sony sells 70 million PSP's.


Speevy said:
Neither of these companies seem to have a handheld that can sell what the GBA did, and at this rate, Nintendo's going to kill itself with bad decisions before Sony sells 70 million PSP's.

Yeah, well, at the same time it took Nintendo nearly 10 years for the Game Boy line to truly take off. Handheld gaming was almost dead before Pokemon resurrected it. Give Sony some time to build a portable userbase like they did in the console arena.


DS wins. The games are just too good to pass up. Still haven't even thought about buying a PSP due to the lack of games.


PSP is going to continue to sell like crazy regardless of the software released.

DS' prospects are really fuzzy, since it absolutely needs big software to push systems, and it's tough to tell what kind of impact Nintendo's software will have. Mario Kart is probably the only guaranteed system selling software. If the online is good, DS could start flying off the shelves. That assumes no Mario Bros. or Pokemon surprise releases.

Animal Crossing and Nintendogs are not sure things, and they aren't going to be world beaters right off the bat either. Word of mouth is going to be the key driver with those games, so they are going to require a few months of sales before we have a real idea of what's going on. Best case scenario for Nintendo is that Nintendogs heats up like crazy and stirs up a bunch of interest in the DS in the lead up to Animal Crossing's release and the two games combine to push consumers over the edge. Worst case is that nobody gives a fuck, because it's all been done before.

The rest of the software is basically going to be ignored by North America and Europe. I don't think that anyone can realistically expect Advance Wars, Castlevania, Metroid Prime, Tony Hawk, Sonic, etc. to sell systems. They just aren't fresh or flashy enough to distract people from everything flashy about the iPod, PSP, PS2, and 360.

Basically I think that PSP is going to take the holidays by a mile, and I'm going to land up buying 2 DS systems because I expect to lose one to my wife's Animal Crossing addiction and I'll need one for Mario Kart.


I'm getting the feeling that the PSP's strong software sales are a result of PSP owners desperately looking for something good to play -- the fact that most of them didn't buy Lumines or Hot Shots Golf leads me to believe that many are probably feeling a little burnt right now -- this may lead to a diminished enthusiasm around the console this holdiay.


Flynn said:
I'm getting the feeling that the PSP's strong software sales are a result of PSP owners desperately looking for something good to play -- the fact that most of them didn't buy Lumines or Hot Shots Golf leads me to believe that many are probably feeling a little burnt right now -- this may lead to a diminished enthusiasm around the console this holdiay.
Yeah, systems always have strong tie ratios when there's nothing to play.
PSP will win.. just cause of its look.. people in the US only care about there look. "Oh hes playing a 250 dollar sleek black sexy machine.. hes cool"

"Oh hes playing a 130 dollar "NINTENDO" ds, how kiddy"


puck1337 said:
Yeah, systems always have strong tie ratios when there's nothing to play.

I know that individual instances aren't always good indicators, but a boss of mine ran out and bought a imported PSP during the launch week (they were hard to come by in LA).

He bought Metal Gear Acid, because it looked cool, but gave up when he discovered it was turn-based. He bought a couple more random EA games and didn't like those either. I've never seen him with his PSP since. He just forgot about it.

Granted, this is a guy who would never play a DS. But if he weren't for all intents and purposes rich he'd probably have gone through some buyers remorse around his PSP purchase.
I wouldn't say the PSP is killing the DS in the US. Certainly the PSP has fared a lot better than the DS since its launch, but you have to remember that the DS already had a holiday season under its belt. Anybody who wanted to get the DS for $150 had ample opportunity to do that last Christmas. So it's not shocking that it hasn't sold like crazy since that time, particularly given the target market (kids) and its rather piss poor release schedule. The PSP, on the other hand, launched during the year. Not everyone was able to plunk down $300 for a PSP right away. Some people may have wanted to get it at launch but simply couldn't afford it and had to wait a couple months to save up for it, or wait for a birthday, graduation, etc. Launching in the middle of the year certainly stretches out sales past the launch as opposed to launching prior to the holiday season, particularly for a system aimed at adults (more disposable income throughout the year in contrast to kids who are mostly stuck with holidays and birthdays for major purchases). Had the PSP launched last XMas and was still pulling in 250k sales at that price in the middle of the summer, then I'd be extremely impressed.

As for this holiday season, my money would have to be on the DS being more successful. With the price drop, a strong lineup, and because this is the time of year when kids get all their crap, I find it hard to see how Sony could top that. It won't be a walk in the park for Nintendo. We'll have to wait and see the effect of Nintendo's perverse business strategy of competing against itself with the GBMicro. I think the Micro will be seen as more of a novelty than a viable handheld system, so it shouldn't do too much damage. Also, the DS may look good on paper with its price and holiday lineup, but Nintendo still has to get the word out about it and advertising isn't one of their strong suits. Of course, it helps that there are actual DS displays in the stores showcasing the newer games...

The PSP will probably have strong sales despite whatever the DS does, due to the different target markets. I don't see Sony dropping the price or introducing a core package. Sony is already taking a huge hit on the system and won't drop the price (maybe next XMas), and a core package is pretty arbitrary when you then have to go buy mandatory accessories. The holiday lineup isn't particularly impressive. GTA:LCS, PSP's supposed "Pokemon", will be released and will surely sell a lot, but it's hard to say how well of a system seller it will be, especially when you factor in the PSP price and that there isn't any other compelling software of that nature. Plus, unlike a Pokemon RPG (and much to Nintendo's credit), if you want to play GTA game there's three versions out on the home consoles, one that came out last holiday season. While GTA will spur some sales, the main driving force in sales for the PSP is the PSP itself. I mean, let's be honest, most of the PSP's success thus far has not been due to its exciting lineup of must-have games. When your prized launch game is Ridge Racer, and I don't care if it's the best Ridge Racer ever made, that does not speak well of the premium titles available for the system. The PSP is an ultra sleek, movie playing, music playing, pseudo-PS2 portable the likes of which the world has never seen. This is the main reason people have bought the system thus far, and will continue to buy it this holiday season.

So to sum up, here's a list of reasons why the DS will outsell the PSP, listed by importance:

1. Price - $250 is way too much for a portable. Hell, $130 is too much for a portable, but obviously a better price point than $250.

2. The Handheld Market - the number of kids gunning for a handheld greatly outweighs the number of adults gunning for a handheld. Clear advantage to the DS.

3. Better lineup - Again, outside of GTA:LCS, there's not a lot of compelling software coming out for the PSP. And please, no list wars. You can throw out games like Burnout and Virtua Tennis (although I question anyone who thinks people are going go, "Virtua Tennis is out?! Now I gots to get me that PSP!"), but these games are simply quality titles that people may buy if they have the system, but won't buy the system because of it. Games like Nintendogs, Metroid, Mario Kart, the new Mario game (if it makes it out), hell, even Animal Crossing, will sell systems. Say what you will about any of these games, the simple fact is that they are Nintendo games, three of which are very popular franchises, and by that merit alone batshit-crazy Nintendo fans will buy the system for them. Plus, the DS does offer something different in general over both the home consoles and the PSP: 2D gaming and the touch screen.

4. The X-Box 360/Upcoming Next-Gen Systems - Clearly, the new X-Box will take away sales from the PSP, due to the fact that they're both extremely expensive and that the PSP will no longer be the new toy on the block. However, before MS went retarded with their bend-over-the-consumer pricing scheme, I would have said that the 360 would really cut into PSP sales this season. But now it seems it won't have that dramatic of an effect. But it will still cause some damage. Definitely more damage then the GBMicro. Also, while the PS3 and to a much lesser extent, the Revolution, won't arrive until next year, some gamers may be content with what they already have and simply sit on their money until they arrive, knowing full well it's going to cost them an arm and a leg to purchase.


Junior Member
fortified_concept said:
No, just no. I demand a boycott. Nintendo can't price it that high and get away with it.

I'd wager your boycott will be even less successful than the EA boycott. Nintendo will price it that high, they will get away with it and they'll be laughing all the way to the bank.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Frankfurter said:
Good joke... :lol

Out of curiosity, what games are Square providing for the PSP besides a UMD movie(errr..., games) and a FF VII Spinoff that will release in 2006 in Japan?

The only SQ game already released on the DS is Egg Monster Hero. But there are about half a dozen games announced(FF III Port/Remake, DQ Slime Mori Mori, DQ Monster Series, FF: CC, New Mana Title etc.). It's quite clear that SQ primarily supports the DS.

To return to the topic: I would say the DS definitely has a chance of winning from Oct-Dec, although PSP has GTA. The DS gets a really wide range of great titles and I think it deserves to sell well.

Okay, you have some major points, but you don't think that FFVII movie or whatever the fuck it is, is gonna sell PSPs like mad?

Mandoric said:
FF1-4 (although 3 didn't make it out before the death of the system, it was announced a while before), Front Mission, Makaitoushi SaGa, Romancing SaGa, and Hanjuku Eiyuu.

Hmm. I can't really say much I guess. So even with big franchises, it's no guarantee then. Eh, I was just goin by how the Japanese market currently is with the PS2.


Junior Member
Oblivion said:
Okay, you have some major points, but you don't think that FFVII movie or whatever the fuck it is, is gonna sell PSPs like mad?

The movie is also coming out on DVD so I don't see the UMD release doing wonders. Besides FF main franchise >>>>>>>>>>>> FF movies in terms of popularity.
Oblivion said:
Okay, you have some major points, but you don't think that FFVII movie or whatever the fuck it is, is gonna sell PSPs like mad?

With the movie on DVD, not really, but the PSP FFVII game coming out in 2006, yes.
hmmm...there's just one thing: the ds is a piece of shit and, like, the psp has no games. what a conundrum!

Oblivion said:
Okay, you have some major points, but you don't think that FFVII movie or whatever the fuck it is, is gonna sell PSPs like mad?

This movie is also out on DVD and it even it shown in a few cinemas a few days before DVD/UMD release. But I really have to say that I haven't got that much of an idea how much an UMD can sell in Japan. Judging from what we know(we got several news from the USA that UMD's are selling like crazy, but really nothing from Japan) I would say that the movie will perhaps give the PSP a bump to ~80k for a week and then'll affect the sales another 1-2 weeks, but nothing more.
If this spinoff would come out in 2005, I would say that the PSP would have a chance of selling nearly even to the DS until christmas, but it simply isn't and 2006 is definitely too late for the PSP to take off(I even read somewhere that it should come out in LATE 2006). When that game releases the DS will be seen as the clear winner in Japan(Pokemon in early our middle of 2006 will eliminate any doubts!) and probably already have a great advantage in weekly released titles over the PSP.


Oblivion said:
Once GTA arrives and if there's a price drop, the DS is as good as dead in the States. Not to mention when that FFVII thingy comes out for the PSP in the fall, Japan will follow shortly.

Wrong. Sorry.

And you'd have to be a moron to think the FFVII friggin' MOVIE is going to sell PSPs like mad. The game will sell some PSPs.


PezRadar said:
PSP will win.. just cause of its look.. people in the US only care about there look. "Oh hes playing a 250 dollar sleek black sexy machine.. hes cool"

"Oh hes playing a 130 dollar "NINTENDO" ds, how kiddy"
What are you talking about!? PSP vs DS is all about games. No one gives a shit if it's cool or not, people wanna play games on the damn thing. The DS isn't selling well not because it's bulky or kiddy, but because it just doesn't have that many good games on it at the moment.
Doc Holliday said:
next gen consoles are gonna hurt the psp more than the DS. For 50 bucks more you can buy an xbox 360.
I agree, but exactly how much it will hurt the PSP is beyond me.


Anyone know GBA Oct-Dec sales for the last couple of years? The only thing that sticks out was GBA selling 1 million at Thanksgiving week one year. :-/

Totally off the cuff, but I'd say:


Numbers? Uh...

3 million GBA
1.5 million PSP
1.3 million DS

Again, totally pulled out of thin air. :)

Other questions:
* Will Xbox360 affect PSP sales or will the $400 price tag push it out of competition for sales with the PSP crowd?
* Will the DS being able to play GBA games + DS games push any potential GBA sales to the DS?

I am not convinced that a good game lineup for DS will actually impact too many casual gamer purchases of the PSP. The price reduction should, though.

Note: This is all assuming that the PSP stays at $250 in the U.S.

Musashi Wins!

I've heard there are a shitload of pre-orders for the FF movie on UMD. Gamestop is pushing it like mad. I'm not a fan of FF or UMD movies, but I think the sales of that might surprise some people here.
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