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Dungeons and Dragons: Who still plays?

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Kinitari said:
Watching the first episode now! Tomorrow I have a Marathon play session from 9am to 6:30pm - Spellstorm table top convention HOOOO!!

I am psyched, I didn't realize I was quite this nerdy, I need to start having more sex to balance this shit out.

Our host is emailing me every day with a countdown to next Saturday. :lol Funny how not playing for years makes it so sweet to wait for!

Cannot wait to rock my Razerclaw Shifter Pursuing Avenger of The Raven Queen!


Black Canada Mafia
krypt0nian said:
Our host is emailing me every day with a countdown to next Saturday. :lol Funny how not playing for years makes it so sweet to wait for!

Cannot wait to rock my Razerclaw Shifter Pursuing Avenger of The Raven Queen!

Human Dual-Wield spec Ranger, level 2 bitches. LEVEL 2! Oh god what am I turning into.

I have to go downtown and pick up more supplies for our game though - we are such newbs, we get to a new part in the campaign, look around in the campaign package for the map sheet only to realize - shock and awe - there is not a map sheet for every map in the campaign - that we should make them ourselves! I know our DM is FAR to lazy to make them himself, so I am going to go pick up some dungeon tiles - I don't even really know what I am looking for, I figure the 9 hour marathon I am pulling tomorrow will teach me a LOT - I am hoping, as there will be a lot of veterans there.

Also, I think - from the list of people who signed up for tables - I will be the only ethnic one there, so I will have plenty of opportunity to play the race card when I get a bad roll.

"What the fuck do you mean I can't re-roll this shit? That motherfucking Elf over there just got to roll again on his shitty 2 roll, why cant I? His race?! THIS IS SOME BUUULLLLSHIT".
I run a 4th edition game almost every week. It's very laid back - I run canned adventures and it's mostly straight hack and slash. If people are in the mood to roleplay, I improvise something.
Kinitari said:
Human Dual-Wield spec Ranger, level 2 bitches. LEVEL 2! Oh god what am I turning into.

I have to go downtown and pick up more supplies for our game though - we are such newbs, we get to a new part in the campaign, look around in the campaign package for the map sheet only to realize - shock and awe - there is not a map sheet for every map in the campaign - that we should make them ourselves! I know our DM is FAR to lazy to make them himself, so I am going to go pick up some dungeon tiles - I don't even really know what I am looking for, I figure the 9 hour marathon I am pulling tomorrow will teach me a LOT - I am hoping, as there will be a lot of veterans there.

Also, I think - from the list of people who signed up for tables - I will be the only ethnic one there, so I will have plenty of opportunity to play the race card when I get a bad roll.

"What the fuck do you mean I can't re-roll this shit? That motherfucking Elf over there just got to roll again on his shitty 2 roll, why cant I? His race?! THIS IS SOME BUUULLLLSHIT".

Holy shit I spit Lucky Charms out! :lol
I miss D&D

I got up to a Level 16 mage in a long Forgotten Realms (2nd edition) campaign back when I was in junior high. My party consisted of myself, a Paladin, and a rogue. The game kinda got boring and came to a screeching halt after the DM decided we needed to get wives and children.


krypt0nian said:
Flyover the 4e books specifically encourage roleplaying and player created cooperative storytelling.
The false rumor that it's just number crunching is just that. There is no more roleplaying support in the Basic box than in 4E.

Drives me crazy.
You know what? You're right. As you wrote, 4e really does explicitly encourage more roleplaying and co-op storytelling than before. And the truth is, for all versions, the style of play can be determined more by the people playing it than the rules themselves -- so long as everyone is on board.

Maybe I shouldn't have written that the old Basic rules encourage roleplaying (implying that they provide support materials for it), so much as they've freed us to do more of it.

For me, the thing I've found about playing the Basic rules (via Labyrinth Lord) is that it's psychologically unshackled our group, both DM and players. We don't micromanage characters and combat the way we used to (not just number crunching, but in all respects). Our setup and gameplay go much faster now, and players have embraced their characters' roles more. It's been fun for current players, and it's been easier than ever to integrate new ones.

Like I said in my original post, I've found plenty to like in all editions. Basic/LL is great for us right now. Most of my group started with the later editions, so it's also been fun to treat old school gameplay like a new toy. But our preference is always subject to change. I have a feeling that, should we switch to 4e (or some other edition), we'll be able to blend some of the best aspects of all versions we've played.


Never played. I don't think anyone in Costa Rica does :lol (I'm exaggerating, it's just not what my group of friends would be interested in doing) I'd like to try it out sometime though, it seems fun, although I wonder if I could stand being in-character all serious or dealing with the seemingly difficult rules.
flyover said:
You know what? You're right. As you wrote, 4e really does explicitly encourage more roleplaying and co-op storytelling than before. And the truth is, for all versions, the style of play can be determined more by the people playing it than the rules themselves -- so long as everyone is on board.

Maybe I shouldn't have written that the old Basic rules encourage roleplaying (implying that they provide support materials for it), so much as they've freed us to do more of it.

For me, the thing I've found about playing the Basic rules (via Labyrinth Lord) is that it's psychologically unshackled our group, both DM and players. We don't micromanage characters and combat the way we used to (not just number crunching, but in all respects). Our setup and gameplay go much faster now, and players have embraced their characters' roles more. It's been fun for current players, and it's been easier than ever to integrate new ones.

Like I said in my original post, I've found plenty to like in all editions. Basic/LL is great for us right now. Most of my group started with the later editions, so it's also been fun to treat old school gameplay like a new toy. But our preference is always subject to change. I have a feeling that, should we switch to 4e (or some other edition), we'll be able to blend some of the best aspects of all versions we've played.

I am so picking up Labyrinth Lord. Sounds like a blast really.


krypt0nian said:
I am so picking up Labyrinth Lord. Sounds like a blast really.
It is pretty cool. A little different, but way fun! The PDF version of the rules is free, if you want to take a look:

There's an Advanced Edition add-on that "upgrades" LL to 1e AD&D -- adding some aspects and replacing others. Haven't tried it, yet. But I might make a point of it, since I have some of those old modules (e.g., the original Dragonlance modules) lying around and have never played them. Don't know if I'm ambitious enough to take on Dragonlance, though. Could take years!
The large problem with D&D is WOTC and the whole "Living" bullshit. Lot of gamers don't get much playing done outside of "living" campaigns being run at local shops, cons, etc, and that really is nothing more than number crunching dungeon crawls with very little actual ROLEplay. You also get the people then running the canned prepackaged adventure campaigns which also tend to shit all over roleplaying creativity.

But also D&D is probably one of the most munchy of games when it comes to combat. Even in 4e, combat encounters just take a long time to play out compared to more narrative games where you find more encouragement for roleplaying. A simply dungeon run easily can take a whole session and be nothing more than a couple stringed together encounters. The D20 style of system and D&D of old has always put too much emphasis on the combat portion of the game.


Black Canada Mafia
Oh man, too tired to write too much...

Played d&d for 8 hours today, I learned a LOT about d&d. Also, many nerds play d&d.

Got my ranger to level 3, screw my friends, they'll just have to deal with me being a level higher! I'll give them some gold or something.

I got a large whiteboard thingy to use as a 'dungeon tile' I was inspired by everyone at this event using large pieces of grid paper, I figure this will be less paper, and cheaper in the long run (got it cheap, cost me a bit over 10 bucks) only problem is drawing the grid the right size, but that's not a big problem.

More D&D tomorrow, should be 4-6 hours of d&ding - but with my close friends! To be honest, it was fun playing with strangers, but most of them were really weird - and some so stereotypically nerdy that it made me really sad. One guy was wearing a D&D shirt that said "This is how I roll", with a d10 d12 and d20 all on their max. Thing is, it was dirty - looked like cheetos stains - and it was like 14 sizes too small for him, and that is saying something considering I could have used that shirt as a hammock.
I remember playing this as a kid with my dad and brother. I always got stuck with the Ranger and Wizard and my brother got the Warrior and Axeman.

Cheeto stained nerds!!! Hehe, playing with randoms at a store or con will get you that. Luckily the friends I play with are mostly normal looking people who don't fit into the stereotype, we even have our wives and such sometimes join us. We were playing at a store once and some guy walked in and was like "i've never seen so many women at a D&D table"

Teh Hamburglar said:
I remember playing this as a kid with my dad and brother. I always got stuck with the Ranger and Wizard and my brother got the Warrior and Axeman.


If you enjoy that you should enjoy Descent by Fantasy Flight Games. It is similar in style but much more elaborate and has had about 5 expansions already with a campaign system that runs like playing a roleplaying game.


I'm moving back to Stockholm and my roleplaying buddies soon after a 3 year pause from it all, and it's gonna be sweet starting up some D&D again!


BattleMonkey said:
If you enjoy that you should enjoy Descent by Fantasy Flight Games. It is similar in style but much more elaborate and has had about 5 expansions already with a campaign system that runs like playing a roleplaying game.

Just looked up Descent. I loved playing Warhammer Quest as a kid and this looks a lot like it. I actually just dug it out from my parents basement and was trying to get some friends to play it with me.
We're supposed to have some campaign supplements emailed to us tonight for Saturday's first game. I'm excited and a little scared as I've never played with her as a DM.

The good news so far is she is amiable to us creating things in the world as well. So I went ahead and fully fleshed out the monastery that I come from, as well as my mentor that accompanies me to the arena games that she told us all to have some sort of connection to.


Black Canada Mafia
krypt0nian said:
We're supposed to have some campaign supplements emailed to us tonight for Saturday's first game. I'm excited and a little scared as I've never played with her as a DM.

The good news so far is she is amiable to us creating things in the world as well. So I went ahead and fully fleshed out the monastery that I come from, as well as my mentor that accompanies me to the arena games that she told us all to have some sort of connection to.

I'm sure she'll do fine!

I learned a lot about DMing at the event I went to, like just... making things work. At one point another player pushed an enemy into the water - well there wasn't really anything in the encounter info about it, and the DM was new to DMing 4e, so wasn't sure what the rules were with aquatic terrain - so the DM just made shit up on the spot:

less than DC 10 (w/ dexterity modifier) - the enemy is fully submerged, is immobile and takes 1d6+3 damage each turn. Save ends both.

DC 10-15 - the enemy takes no damage, but is immobile, save ends.

15+ - The enemy avoids being thrown into the water.

Just that made up rule made that encounter so much more interesting, immediately other players were trying to push or pull enemies into water, and even the DM was using it as part of the strategy. Eventually someone from the non-newb table I was playing on walked by and told us that Athletics now sort of encompassed swim (apparently swim was an ability in 3.5e?) - so that was a better modifier to use, but said he liked the house rules.

Anyhoo, the point is, DMing can be a lot of fun - but I kind of just realized that it was more than just a complete understanding of all the rules - in fact sometimes not knowing the rules and making shit up, differentiates the good from the bad.


Neo Member
I've always wanted to play, but none of my friends seem really into it. The couple of times we've played, they always end up wanting to do something else. We've never managed to do more than one encounter at a time. I can' t help but blame myself; as I'm the one who's the most interested, I'm the one they picked to be DM, and I've never done it before.
delleps said:
I've always wanted to play, but none of my friends seem really into it. The couple of times we've played, they always end up wanting to do something else. We've never managed to do more than one encounter at a time. I can' t help but blame myself; as I'm the one who's the most interested, I'm the one they picked to be DM, and I've never done it before.

If there are any local gaming shops or conventions, sit in on a session or two and see how others DM. Maybe you haven't found your style yet.

Or maybe they are more or less combat oriented than you are. Its hard to get new folks into it, but it can be done.
delleps said:
I've always wanted to play, but none of my friends seem really into it. The couple of times we've played, they always end up wanting to do something else. We've never managed to do more than one encounter at a time. I can' t help but blame myself; as I'm the one who's the most interested, I'm the one they picked to be DM, and I've never done it before.

What aspect of role playing intrigues you?

Really if your interested, perhaps it's just the style of game. Maybe a different RPG would be better for you? I personally never found D&D to be a good gateway game for getting people into RPG's, the game is very heavy handed with it's rules, and encounters take forever. Lot of non gamers I've seen try to play often will zone out or find D&D especially boring.

Something more fast paced and role/narrative based would perhaps be more interesting to you. My wife likes to play with us, but she detests D&D since the combat is so boring and takes up much of a game usually.


Drunky McMurder
delleps said:
I've always wanted to play, but none of my friends seem really into it. The couple of times we've played, they always end up wanting to do something else. We've never managed to do more than one encounter at a time. I can' t help but blame myself; as I'm the one who's the most interested, I'm the one they picked to be DM, and I've never done it before.

I've found myself wanting to play recently. The only time I knew anybody who was into D&D was when I was like 10 years old and I wasn't interested. Later in life, by the time I was, I didn't really know anybody else who played.
BattleMonkey said:
What aspect of role playing intrigues you?

Really if your interested, perhaps it's just the style of game. Maybe a different RPG would be better for you? I personally never found D&D to be a good gateway game for getting people into RPG's, the game is very heavy handed with it's rules, and encounters take forever. Lot of non gamers I've seen try to play often will zone out or find D&D especially boring.

Something more fast paced and role/narrative based would perhaps be more interesting to you. My wife likes to play with us, but she detests D&D since the combat is so boring and takes up much of a game usually.

Not in my games. Far from it.


BattleMonkey said:
We were playing at a store once and some guy walked in and was like "i've never seen so many women at a D&D table"

Fun Fact: I've never played in a serious RPG group without at least one woman in the group. The whole "girls don't game" stereotype never rang that true for me.
krypt0nian said:
Not in my games. Far from it.

Compared to other systems, I would sort of agree that it's boring. To most non gamers an encounter will often feel drawn out. Unless you heavily mod the rules to your own system, D&D is a very cumbersome and slow combat system.

Really looking on it, I don't really know any rpg system that really is as slow as D&D that I've played in the past few years. Lot of games have especially stepped away from the idea of "hit points" and go for more streamlined or realistic damage systems. You also have heavy use of miniatures that most games also don't bother with, which can also lease to lots of set up time depending on the DM's method of presentation.

Some people though find the whole D&D complex combat system to be unique and it is what they like about D&D more than any other system. It's a preference thing really, though like I said to most non gamers, in my experience D&D can often bore the crap out of them with how long and drawn out encounters can become.

Maybe you and your gamers like D&D and find your encounters fun, I would hope thats what D&D players are getting out of the game when they play it, but I'm talking about non gamers who are trying out the game.
BattleMonkey said:
Compared to other systems, I would sort of agree that it's boring. To most non gamers an encounter will often feel drawn out. Unless you heavily mod the rules to your own system, D&D is a very cumbersome and slow combat system.

Really looking on it, I don't really know any rpg system that really is as slow as D&D that I've played in the past few years. Lot of games have especially stepped away from the idea of "hit points" and go for more streamlined or realistic damage systems. You also have heavy use of miniatures that most games also don't bother with, which can also lease to lots of set up time depending on the DM's method of presentation.

Some people though find the whole D&D complex combat system to be unique and it is what they like about D&D more than any other system. It's a preference thing really, though like I said to most non gamers, in my experience D&D can often bore the crap out of them with how long and drawn out encounters can become.

Maybe you and your gamers like D&D and find your encounters fun, I would hope thats what D&D players are getting out of the game when they play it, but I'm talking about non gamers who are trying out the game.

If they are in any way tactically minded I'm really not sure how it can be considered boring. Hell having minis make it easier for new gamers to visualize. The hardest part for newbies is getting them to be in the game. With a good DM there is no set up time.

But like you said its all relative. I'm just sick to tears of 4E being called "bad for roleplaying" and "all combat". And now the combat is "boring".

It kinda cracks me up. Its like either we're playing different games or some are just mindset to hate it.
krypt0nian said:
If they are in any way tactically minded I'm really not sure how it can be considered boring.

But like you said its all relative. I'm just sick to tears of 4E being called "bad for roleplaying" and "all combat". And now the combat is "boring".

It kinda cracks me up.

Like I said before, it's all about presentation and the mind set presented from the gamer base. WOTC is largely to blame for how much they push their modules and the awful Living campaign crap which is pretty much 95% combat. Lot of lazy DM's not running their own games or much roleplaying, you get large cons with entire halls filled with tables of people playing nothing more than a glorified board game. Quit talking, lets get this encounter over so we can get the phat lootz, I got another game to get to by 3!

Preferences in combat is going to always be relative, 4e especially has a more board game strategic set up than a loose system like.... I dunno.... Unknown Armies? Though any combat system can be boring if the GM sucks. Course I think 4e is much better and faster than past versions of D&D, it kinda took a different turn with it's focus on the board and minis.

I've been in so many groups with "veteran D&D players" who basically could not perform an ounce of ROLEplay simply because they are used to playing nothing but dungeon hack.
While I agree that the 4E canned adventures kinda suck, and the combat is too long, Wizards is providing an unprecedented level of support for the system which remains unmatched in the industry. The character builder, compendium and adventure tools are incredible tools; as far as I'm concerned if you play 4E but don't use Insider you are really missing half the package. It's what makes it worthwhile to put up with the system's "quirks."

I've run a (sorta) weekly game for almost two years now. We have a hell of a good time (most nights). All custom-made content, roll-heavy but enough "role" and story to keep folks interested.

There are, incidentally, plenty of solutions floating around the internet to speed up combat. Most of them kinda suck; I've tried many of them and have settled on two changes I really like...

1) Reduce all monster defenses by 2 but increase damage die size by 1 (so 2d6 damage becomes 2d8 damage, for instance). For d12s, just add +1 damage to the attack's total.

2) When it's clear the party is going to win - especially when all that remains is defenseless artillery - all monsters become minions (i.e., one hit and they are dead).

#1 is my favorite change because players like to HIT. People have more fun when they hit more often. Pretty straightforward.

In general, however, your group will grow more efficient over time and combat will get shorter...as long as you play with a consistent group and people don't change characters all that often, and especially if the group gets together before the first session to roll up a PARTY rather than individual characters. I'm sure this has been touched on (haven't read the whole thread), but to reiterate: 4E combat is more cooperative than any other game I've played. If you create characters designed to support each other you will have a much better experience.

edit: Oh, and I, too have a woman playing in my group. She is far and away my best gamer, and she had no gaming experience coming into the game.
Today's the big day. T-minus 7 hours until our first play session as a group.

Via email and soon googledocs, we've been sharing back story, campaign lore and maps, and making character connections in advance to avoid the typical Inn meeting. The party so far seems fairly balanced with the defender/striker/controller/leader roles filled nicely with:

Dragonborn Ardent (Leader)
Half Elf Paladin of Pelor (Defender)
Razerclaw Shifter Avenger of the Raven Queen (Striker)
Goliath Barbarian (Striker)
Dwarven Invoker of the Raven Queen (Controller)

All of this came about organically as each of us just picked what sounded good. To be honest I was hoping that I would be the only Raven Queen devotee to be able to shine a bit as well as define what that means in the world but now I've decided to work with the Dwarf player to mold it together.

As I said, our DM is very open to our creating on the fly and per DMG2, adding story elements in game. I've enjoyed not only sharing background, but a tale of the journey from monastery to our current location in the arena town. I've created a few character hooks for myself and some downfalls for the future.

So hyped for a co-op story telling game, and so far the group seems like minded.

@echoshifting, loved your post and will pass on your ideas for sure.


krypt0nian said:
Today's the big day. T-minus 7 hours until our first play session as a group.

Via email and soon googledocs, we've been sharing back story, campaign lore and maps, and making character connections in advance to avoid the typical Inn meeting. The party so far seems fairly balanced with the defender/striker/controller/leader roles filled nicely with:

Dragonborn Ardent (Leader)
Half Elf Paladin of Pelor (Defender)
Razerclaw Shifter Avenger of the Raven Queen (Striker)
Goliath Barbarian (Striker)
Dwarven Invoker of the Raven Queen (Controller)

All of this came about organically as each of us just picked what sounded good. To be honest I was hoping that I would be the only Raven Queen devotee to be able to shine a bit as well as define what that means in the world but now I've decided to work with the Dwarf player to mold it together.

As I said, our DM is very open to our creating on the fly and per DMG2, adding story elements in game. I've enjoyed not only sharing background, but a tale of the journey from monastery to our current location in the arena town. I've created a few character hooks for myself and some downfalls for the future.

So hyped for a co-op story telling game, and so far the group seems like minded.

@echoshifting, loved your post and will pass on your ideas for sure.

dude that sounds like you'll be having some great sessions. Hope it goes well!
Now this version has my heart.


It went over very well tonight. Great imaginative group of people. Fun reactive DM. My avenger had killing blow on all 3 of the blood drakes and made a few good skill challenge checks so I felt like I was doing my job!

I was hoping to find out our xp at the end but no worried as we head underground next time!

Hitting a local game store this week with the gang then DnD returns!


Hey a DND Thread.

Yeah I play most weeks for around two hours. I'm a 20 year vet. I usually just DM and rarely get to play. Been playing 4e for two years now and it is excellent - got a bit burned out on 3e near the end. I've been running Thunderspire labyrinth and it is pretty cool.

The essentials line is coming out a a few months and is made for DND/RPG virgins.
hoverX said:
Essentials? please elaborate.

New Red Box - http://critical-hits.com/2010/01/29/dd-xp-2010-dungeons-dragons-essentials/

The Essential Dungeons & Dragons Starter
Mike Mearls, Bill Slavicsek and James Wyatt

The best way to start playing the 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game.

Designed for 1–5 players, this boxed game contains everything needed to start playing the Dungeons & Dragons Fantasy Roleplaying Game, including rules for creating heroes, advice for playing the Dungeon Master, a solo play adventure, and group-play adventure content. Learning the game has never been so easy!

Several different character races (dwarf, elf, halfling, and human) and classes (cleric, fighter, rogue, and wizard) are presented, along with powers for each race and class.

Game components:

* 32-page book for players, with rules for character creation and a solo adventure
* 64-page book for Dungeon Masters, with the rules of the game, advice on how to run the game, and adventure content
* 2 sheets of die-cut tokens for characters and monsters
* Cardstock character sheets and power cards
* Double-sided dungeon map
* 6 polyhedral dice

In September, we’ll also see the Rules Compendium which will be just the rules portions of the game available for quick reference. Like most of the books in the D&D Essentials set, the book will be $20 and a 6″x9″ softcover format. They made it a point to say that these weren’t “dumbed down” rules, but the actual 4e rules, just laid out and presented differently, so I could see this book being useful for a “4e Core” player… especially since the book incorporates the errata.

Following that are products that are clearly separated. There is the Heroes of Fallen Lands which contains rules for the players, as well as a sampling of some of the more classic classes and races. It too is designed as more of a “Walkthrough” approach to character generation instead of just picking from lists of powers and feats. They did state that the builds for the classes would be all new, and most of the feats except for some of the very essentials would be new as well, so they are still introducing new elements to the game through these products. Released at the same time, there is the Dungeon Master’s Kit, which is a big box that contains the Rules Compendium, tokens, maps, advice on how to DM, and adventures.

Then there is Heroes of Forgotten Kingdoms, which is another player book, but introduces some of the more 4e-specific stuff like Dragonborn and Warlocks as additional character options. Also included in the Essentials line are several Dungeon Tile master sets, which are sets designed to remain in-print, and will be the primary source for including maps in published adventures when they want to use dungeon tiles, so you don’t have to hunt down two of an out-of-print set to build a map they show you.

All told, the line will be 10 products this year (including the dungeon tiles), and then will be done (though I would suppose there’s always room for more depending on sales and demand.) In the Q&A afterward, it was clarified that they were not abandoning the 4e core product line/trade dress/etc. but just did not have the manpower to work on both for the end of this year. Additionally, the DDI tools (like character builder) will “work to support the analogue game line” which can easily be taken to mean there will be, at least, an “Essentials Mode.”


kryp - someone draw that picture for you, or edited to represent your char? Either way, awesome!

Just started a 3.5e campaign with my gf and others, am going to ask the DM if he would like to start a 4th edition because I agree with a lot of people that A) it's easy to set up and B) it's gots a LOT of tools and awesomeness chock-full.
Maxrpg said:
kryp - someone draw that picture for you, or edited to represent your char? Either way, awesome!

Just started a 3.5e campaign with my gf and others, am going to ask the DM if he would like to start a 4th edition because I agree with a lot of people that A) it's easy to set up and B) it's gots a LOT of tools and awesomeness chock-full.

Gaffers edited it from a WoTC piece I found.

When you start 4E, check out Masterplan, a free 4E campaign creator and better than most of the pay ones. - http://masterplan.habitualindolence.net/

And www.iplay4e.com!!!!


Recent session recap: (as told from the point of view of our Rogue)
The party of my Rogue, John's Fighter, Jon's Samurai and April's Cleric were all contacted by various means and gathered together at a beach, where we were teleported to an island containing an ancient, incredibly magical building. While there we found our summoner to be an incredibly powerful necromancer named Draven (but not really) that just reeks of evil. His "stolen item" turned out to be a sentient construct that he needs to leave his island prison, which he wants to do to "right the wrongs left by the Mage Wars."

Our job of course is to retrieve it for him, and to that end he gave us each a powerful artifact: a quiver full of never-miss arrows for the fighter (the Wind), a helm that allows the wearer to sense everything the construct does for the samurai (Lycian[?]), a book of heretical divine magic that allows the user to cast spells beyond his or her normal level for the cleric (Sophia[?]), and a magical rapier that weighs nothing but bursts into flame and hungers for life by night for me, the Silver Fox (or am I?).

With these in hand we headed to town to resupply, and then north along a river to find a town where we could get more information. As we walked, we came upon a critically wounded Other* lying next to three dead human slavers. We decided to camp out and heal the Other, who revealed his name to be something unintelligible, but goes by Click/Clik/Klick/Klik(my personal favorite) for short. We followed the slavers for a while until we came upon the scene of a massacre, where apparently a giant had wreaked havoc upon the caravan.

By searching bodies, I found what appears to be a magic sigil, or calling card of a certain mage. It was here we also learned that the stolen construct was capable of flight, but was in the possession of the slavers, and decided to switch targets from the town to the wounded caravan. We finally caught up with them on a scrubby plains before the base of a mountain range, where the slavers were holding the construct by holding four chains and seemed to be waiting for something. A giant flock of millions of birds was there with them, and attacked a contingent of hundreds of orcs/night gaunts/bad guys who arose from their underground hideouts in the mountains. The birds were slaughtered and quickly dispersed, and when the orcs started charging the slavers they retreated back to our position.

The Wind kicked ass and took names with his longbow/sword, Klik was there to cut off heads and chew bubblegum but ran out of gum, Lycian cut people in half with his katana Sunrise, and Sophia (know I'm getting that wrong) outran and jacked a horse. After killing the slavers and grabbing the chains holding the construct, the five of us booked it out of there and the orcs returned to whatever holes they crawled out of. We earned the construct's trust, learned a little more about it, and then decided to go to a large city where we could find out more about it/Draven, since we all agreed Draven should not get his hands on her (construct's a she).

*Other is the term for elf/dwarf/etc. in the game world. In Klik's case, he's a four foot humanoid with fur and a tail.


Drunky McMurder
I downloaded the character creator demo, bought my players handbooks. Now the only problem is that finding a game thing :lol

There's a group on meetup.com but it looks like I missed out on a bunch of people adding players by a month or so. Meh.


If I knew of any groups in my area, I'd totally get back into it.

Anyone in downtown Vancouver who's into D&D?


Drunky McMurder
Seeing your enthusiasm is not making it easier that I can't actually find a group. Especially since the avenger class was looking like what I wanted to play.

I'm actually going to be playing for my first time (like...ever. I'm one of those uber-nerds who has literally never played a roleplaying game that wasn't coming out of an electronic box) this Wednesday, in theory. A local store is holding a D&D Encounters session, and I figure at least I can play the game and find some other people who do too. Might meet somebody cool, or maybe I'll find that I actually hate it and wasted money buying the first two PHB.

The "in theory" part comes because Wednesday is also Saint Patrick's Day, and is also the night before SXSW Music kicks off. And I plan on being well trashed by 6:30PM, and probably enough so that I'd rather continue the plentiful, cheap, and sometimes free beer than go play D&D. I didn't really consider that part when I RSVP'd for the meet :lol
Got in with another group for the weekly WoTC sponsored D&D Encounters sessions.

Not bad at all. Short sessions but cool combat so far. Just getting to know the players so roleplaying/combat ratio is closer to 30/70 for this one which is fine for a change from my regular role heavy Sat group.

Which is funny....I go from zero D&D to a regular every other Sat group, a weekly Wed group until and playing in the one off WoTC sponsored D&D Game Day for the release of PH3. :lol


Drunky McMurder
I played D&D Encounters last night too. It was my first experience with D&D, it could have gone better :lol

I had made a character using the character builder, but the only printer I have quick access to is locked in my roommate's bedroom. So I went and took one of the pregens, which was a ranger that seemed to be made by a drunken random generator. I am pretty sure everybody at the table asked at one point or another to see my card because I had to have an ability or power that I was missing because I was new. They then took a look over the sheet, decided I wasn't missing anything, and moved on.

Next week I plan on going back with my own character, one whose creation did not involve blindfolds, monkeys, or dartboards with PHB pages taped to them.


Archaix said:
I played D&D Encounters last night too. It was my first experience with D&D, it could have gone better :lol

I had made a character using the character builder, but the only printer I have quick access to is locked in my roommate's bedroom. So I went and took one of the pregens, which was a ranger that seemed to be made by a drunken random generator. I am pretty sure everybody at the table asked at one point or another to see my card because I had to have an ability or power that I was missing because I was new. They then took a look over the sheet, decided I wasn't missing anything, and moved on.

Next week I plan on going back with my own character, one whose creation did not involve blindfolds, monkeys, or dartboards with PHB pages taped to them.

If it wasn't st. paddy's day i was going to try out D&D encounters as well. maybe next week? how long did the entire thing last?
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