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Dyack: "NeoGAF...I would say is probably the worst forum." Response.

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You know there's something wrong when the controversial posts get more attention than the logical ones. Hence accountability, and people saying retarded shit just to make it stand out from the sensible posts.

Dyack had a point.

I don't expect to get anywhere with this, so I probably wont entertain any responses.

Originally Posted by Mamesj:
how in the hell could words on a screen be a reflection of one's true self?

How could it not?

Well said. Grow up people.


traveler said:
This whole thing just makes me sit back and think how the hell do a bunch of people who share a mutual interest, who gather around to discuss what entertains them and what they have fun with, end up here? It sounds kinda cheesy, but, really, how do we get so much anger, vitriol, and hate from simply discussing our pastime?

FF_VIII said:

:lol :lol :lol

source source source source!!!!!!!!


drohne said:
how bendable are you? i'm not averse to using the gay. if you know what i mean

ps no fat dudes

For a fate dude I can get into pretty unusal positions, if you catchma drift?
traveler said:
This whole thing just makes me sit back and think how the hell do a bunch of people who share a mutual interest, who gather around to discuss what entertains them and what they have fun with, end up here? It sounds kinda cheesy, but, really, how do we get so much anger, vitriol, and hate from simply discussing our pastime?

Theres nothing wrong with being passionate, not that everything posting on neogaf can be written off as "passionate" but you find the same conviction in a lot of topics on forums, not just gaming.


BocoDragon said:
NeoGAF the worst forum? Maybe that's cause you antagonized it you stupid POS.


If I was a developer who put 11 years on a game, trying to hype it, post like this will get me really mad, and more when they get mod-immunity. After all, he is too human to pass personal insults like this.
I agree, poor Dyack, such a victim :(

I'm not meaning that at all. This thing has being cause thanks to gaf trolls and DD. They both are culprits


Fork 'em, Sparky!
This is why I moved to the OT forum years ago. This stuff is straight out of a Babbage's fight circa 1996. I think we should all learn to turn the other cheek, not clap our hands and slap our backs over someone else's follies and pitfalls.


Does anyone actually feel pissed off when they leave the computer after they've essentially had an internet brawl with someone? As soon as my arse leaves my chair, it doesn't matter whether it was abortion, freedom of speech or whatever I was arguing with someone about, I stop thinking about it, like it wasn't really a part of my day. Denis needs to learn his internetting more.


Haruspex said:
I think people need to step back a second and realise outside a miniscule section of the gaming community this shit is completely insignificant, petty and childish- that goes for GAF and Dyack, although I'd be pretty hacked-off if a forum rallied against me and a project I had expended significant time and effort on.

I can't understand why people are resorting to venomous personal slurs, if you have an issue with a video-game you should intelligently raise your points and discuss like any other. This whole debacle shows how pathetic the gaming community still is, we are unable to debate the happenings of our industry in a sensible manner.

as far as Evilore is concerned, he has every right to respond. If someone throws trash on your lawn, you don't say "oh well, in the big scheme of things it's not a big deal." You yell at the fucker who did it!

otherwise, it seems like you just heard about this controversy. we are well past the "discuss game intelligently" stage. Dyack forced the hand by asking people if they were "for or against" the game weeks ago (pretty smart move BEFORE the fucking game comes out :lol )
traveler said:
This whole thing just makes me sit back and think how the hell do a bunch of people who share a mutual interest, who gather around to discuss what entertains them and what they have fun with, end up here? It sounds kinda cheesy, but, really, how do we get so much anger, vitriol, and hate from simply discussing our pastime?

I'm seeing a lot more humor, mirth and 'good riddance' than anger, vitriol, and hate.


itxaka said:

If I was a developer who put 11 years on a game, trying to hype it, post like this will get me really mad, and more when they get mod-immunity. After all, he is too human to pass personal insults like this.

I agree, poor Dyack, such a victim :(


Mamesj said:
actions, louder than words, etc. etc.

and as I said, you can edit yourself heavily on the internet to whatever end you hope to achieve.
Isn't it also a reflection of yourself, IF you edit yourself on the internet?

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
It's hard to feel bad for Dyack, even though I still think his heart is in the right place. That's really all I can think of to say.

Duke Togo

Lightning said:
I really feel for Denis here. Yeah, he has acted immaturely at times but GAF are just doing over-kill on the situation. He just spent years on a game that has not been received very well by the critics and yet in every Too Human thread he just gets taken to the sword and it's been this way for months.

GAF have taken their hate too far. I seriously doubt half of you people act this way in the outside world and if you do I pity you. That's all I have to say.

I will try Too Human before passing judgment on the game.
Do you really think what happens here is going to adversely affect Dyack in the real world? There should be no mercy for anybody who talks out their ass and fails to deliver. But in the end, he'll still sell some games. The only consequence from all this is that Dyack can no longer engage in his pointless banter with the forum that he insulted.


AlteredBeast said:
This is why I moved to the OT forum years ago. This stuff is straight out of a Babbage's fight circa 1996. I think we should all learn to turn the other cheek, not clap our hands and slap our backs over someone else's follies and pitfalls.

Exactly. Who cares about some obscure internet ownage?
traveler said:
This whole thing just makes me sit back and think how the hell do a bunch of people who share a mutual interest, who gather around to discuss what entertains them and what they have fun with, end up here? It sounds kinda cheesy, but, really, how do we get so much anger, vitriol, and hate from simply discussing our pastime?

Gaming has transcended all other form of entertainment and can now be put in the same class as religion and politics. :lol

On a serious note, people tend to be more passionate about things they like. I would say that some of us here are borderline fanatical and as such, react like gaming terrorists.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Also, has there been a "get the hell off my plane!"-Harrison Ford reference yet? Cos the thread needs one if it hasn't been brought up already.

It was all I could think of reading the last line of the OP.
Lightning said:
I really feel for Denis here. Yeah, he has acted immaturely at times but GAF are just doing over-kill on the situation. He just spent years on a game that has not been received very well by the critics and yet in every Too Human thread he just gets taken to the sword and it's been this way for months.

GAF have taken their hate too far. I seriously doubt half of you people act this way in the outside world and if you do I pity you. That's all I have to say.

I will try Too Human before passing judgment on the game.
He brought it on himself. He brought upon his own ruination and we are just the striking Hammer of God.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
He's banned, but still on here...

Machado said:
I'm sorry about this but is Dyack a GAF member?=

Was... Denis Dyack

I don't feel badly for the guy. He hasn't done himself any favors by throwing water on the fire ant hill that is GAF. Let someone else deal with him now.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Marconelly said:
It's hard to feel bad for Dyack, even though I still think his heart is in the right place. That's really all I can think of to say.
I feel bad for anyone who's had a project stuck in development hell, I'm sure it's not a very fun experience and the end result is never good.


Not Wario
Don't get me wrong, being passionate is fine. Hell, I'd argue that anyone willing to spend several hours a week posting a gaming forum should automatically be considered passionate. I just don't see how that ends up here. I'll vehemently disagree with people all the time, but never to the point that I want blood or to "own them" or whatever. I'm passionate about the hobby, just not the fanwars and the like.


Mamesj said:
as far as Evilore is concerned, he has every right to respond. If someone throws trash on your lawn, you don't say "oh well, in the big scheme of things it's not a big deal." You yell at the fucker who did it!

otherwise, it seems like you just heard about this controversy. we are well past the "discuss game intelligently" stage. Dyack forced the hand by asking people if they were "for or against" the game weeks ago (pretty smart move BEFORE the fucking game comes out :lol )

I tried to steer clear of all this nonsense for as long as possible. Personally I think Dyack's remarks were daft but he and the folks at SK have spent many an hour toiling away, putting in extra hours and not seeing much of their families whilst some slack-asses on the internet feel free to tear it apart. I don't care if its a low-rate movie tie-in, a flash game or a fully-fledged multi-million project, the least people could do is have a bit of respect for the devs and the work they put in.

By all means critcise games and developers, pick apart titles, the ideas they express, the technology, the gameplay and all the stuff we already discuss, but it should never stoop to personal digs and playground name-calling.
Mash said:
Does anyone actually feel pissed off when they leave the computer after they've essentially had an internet brawl with someone? As soon as my arse leaves my chair, it doesn't matter whether it was abortion, freedom of speech or whatever I was arguing with someone about, I stop thinking about it, like it wasn't really a part of my day. Denis needs to learn his internetting more.

I'm a weak man. I dislike arguing and fighting and things tend to weigh heavy on my mind, especially when I have trouble expressing myslef. To me, an arguement is an arguement. I dislike treating the net so casually that I act out more than I would in real life.

I do wish I could forget easier. I'd probably argue a bit more. :D

Haruspex said:
I tried to steer clear of all this nonsense for as long as possible. Personally I think Dyack's remarks were daft but he and the folks at SK have spent many an hour toiling away, putting in extra hours and not seeing much of their families whilst some slack-asses on the internet feel free to tear it apart. I don't care if its a low-rate movie tie-in, a flash game or a fully-fledged multi-million project, the least people could do is have a bit of respect for the devs and the work they put in.

By all means critcise games and developers, pick apart titles, the ideas they express, the technology, the gameplay and all the stuff we already discuss, but it should never stoop to personal digs and playground name-calling.

Well said. I like that Gaf is brutally honest about a games bad points. I like the defense forces that spring up to counter that. I like the crazy antics. But, when you start attacking the person, you've gone to far.

GSG Flash

Nobody ruins my family vacation but me...and maybe the boy!
Verboten said:
He brought it on himself. He brought upon his own ruination, we were just the striking Hammer of God.

Exactly, if he can't take criticism he shouldn't be in the entertainment business. It's not like GAF decided to pick on him because we think he's ugly or something, he brought this whole thing on to himself and his game. I'm pretty sure there was a lot less negativity about Too Human prior to him opening his big mouth.


Duke Togo said:
Do you really think what happens here is going to adversely affect Dyack in the real world? There should be no mercy for anybody who talks out their ass and fails to deliver. But in the end, he'll still sell some games. The only consequence from all this is that Dyack can no longer engage in his pointless banter with the forum that he insulted.
I'm not talking about the banning. I am talking about all the childish images and pointless insults being thrown around in here towards Denis. Does he deserve it given what he has done? Probably, but that doesn't mean that certain GAF members should have the IQ of infants without actually contributing to the discussion on the matter.
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