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Dyack: "NeoGAF...I would say is probably the worst forum." Response.

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Three billion human lives ended on August 19, 2008. The survivors of the forum explosion called the war Judgment Day. They lived only to face a new nightmare, a war against the machines. The computer which controlled the machines, Dennis Dyack, sent two terminators back through time. Their mission: to destroy the leader of NeoGaf. EvilLore; my son. The first terminator was programmed to strike at me, in the year 1960, before EvilLore was born. It failed. The second was sent to strike at Evilore himself, when he was still a child. As before, NeoGaf was able to send a lone warrior. A protector for Evilore. It was just a question of which one of them would reach him first.
lol, does this mean if Too Human got a point and a half higher average in reviews these forums would of shut down? This does nothing but justify Dennis' comments on the forum, this place is a mess and you should of just let it be. His games failing is more than enough of a lesson for the man (even with the denial in the shot run), banning him achieves nothing but show how GAF is no better than the man himself.


His "for or against" topic should've been locked after the first post and he should've been banned right there. It's too bad we're having all of this insanity over goddamn "Too Human."

Still, banning deserved.


Lightning said:
I really feel for Denis here. Yeah, he has acted immaturely at times but GAF are just doing over-kill on the situation. He just spent years on a game that has not been received very well by the critics and yet in every Too Human thread he just gets taken to the sword and it's been this way for months.

GAF have taken their hate too far. I seriously doubt half of you people act this way in the outside world and if you do I pity you. That's all I have to say.

I will try Too Human before passing judgment on the game.

I didn't know of this feud until today. I didn't know who Dyack was until today. I played the demo and it was garbage. He has only himself to blame. I could careless about who is right or wrong, all I know is that the game was bad and I deleted it after my 1st go at it. I never even finished the 1st attempt at the demo.

Duke Togo

Beezy said:
you guys really find this type of shit exciting, don't you
Holy shit. You kids done fighting yet? The amount that people get wrapped up in this e-drama is actually really sad.

Uh uh uhhhh! You guys are NOT above all this! You waded into this quagmire, therefore you are now a part of this.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Haruspex said:
By all means critcise games and developers, pick apart titles, the ideas they express, the technology, the gameplay and all the stuff we already discuss, but it should never stoop to personal digs and playground name-calling.

I think that while the general consensus of this community is that it's self-destructive, angry and vitriolic, there are plenty of rational, good-natured people here that just like to talk and debate. There's nothing wrong with angrily debating... but when it's over, you shake hands and walk away.

I agree with you, the name calling bullshit is just lowering yourself.
CSampson said:
Holy shit. You kids done fighting yet? The amount that people get wrapped up in this e-drama is actually really sad.
I KNOW - taking time out of their non e-life and actually COMMENTING in here to give their opinion - as if it MEANS something to anyone but them - !? WTF!?
That's just stupid!
Mama Robotnik said:
OMG! Awesome!


Hail to the KING baby
beef3483 said:
Exactly. Who cares about some obscure internet ownage?

This is exactly the sort of statement I disagree with. Ownage has a very specific meaning online--it can mean either someone is defeated by facts, argumentation, or both. If this happens IRL, you don't say "lol you owned me, who cares?"--you acknowledge the loss, and you move on and try to learn from it. In some ways I feel that we don't get as much from the medium as we could because we are so flip about everything, and I think this idea that ownage is some sort of a joke to laugh off is one example I've been seeing a lot recently.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Machado said:
until when? yesterday? ause I saw in his profile some posts from yesterday


I'm of the mind that the post "asking" Dyack to leave Neogaf was justified, but I think banning him wasn't really in the best interest.

I'm also of the mind that he's been crapping up the whole internet with Neogaf hate, and the forums members here have only been crapping up these boards with Dyack hate, for the most part. I guess I just wish it would have ended more amicably.

Regardless, I'll pick up Too Human when I get the chance and give it as fair a shot as I can. I enjoyed the E3 2006 demo (gasp), unlike almost everyone else in the world, technical shortcomings be damned.


Expect him to be a regular guest on 1up and for them to be ''shocked'' everytime he rants on. Anyway this whole thing is just way too much. Game journalists allowing a dev to talk about everything but their game in detail. A dev having a prolonged meltdown originating from goodness knows what. Still everyone expects gaming and it's journalism to be taken seriously. At least his ranting and shameless promoting here will end.


Duke Togo said:
Do you really think what happens here is going to adversely affect Dyack in the real world? There should be no mercy for anybody who talks out their ass and fails to deliver. But in the end, he'll still sell some games. The only consequence from all this is that Dyack can no longer engage in his pointless banter with the forum that he insulted.

Yea this whole thing has been good for laughs, but has no impact. What does though in regards to Too Human is the whole thing with Epic and the unreal engine.
traveler said:
Don't get me wrong, being passionate is fine. Hell, I'd argue that anyone willing to spend several hours a week posting a gaming forum should automatically be considered passionate. I just don't see how that ends up here. I'll vehemently disagree with people all the time, but never to the point that I want blood or to "own them" or whatever. I'm passionate about the hobby, just not the fanwars and the like.

You haven't reached the fanatical stage then yet (hopefully none of us do). There's a line somewhere between passion and fanatical behavior. I don't really know if the line is drawn clearly, but once crossed, true fanboyism and outlandish behavior can be attained.


AstroLad said:
This is exactly the sort of statement I disagree with. Ownage has a very specific meaning online--it can mean either someone is defeated by facts, argumentation, or both. If this happens IRL, you don't say "lol you owned me, who cares?"--you acknowledge the loss, and you move on and try to learn from it. In some ways I feel that we don't get as much from the medium as we could because we are so flip about everything, and I think this idea that ownage is some sort of a joke to laugh off is one example I've been seeing a lot recently.


This happens in real life too. I think the more popular term is, "You got fried."


Rosa Parks hater
Verboten said:
An ice cream man who claiming his ice cream could make them fly. Damn snake oil salesman. I hope he loses more hair over this.

More like an ice cream man telling you his brand new ice cream tastes great, only for it to turn out bland and unsavory. Nothing to get outraged about.

(of course the analogy falls apart when you realize that Dyack would eat all of the ice cream himself)
Duke Togo said:
Do you really think what happens here is going to adversely affect Dyack in the real world? There should be no mercy for anybody who talks out their ass and fails to deliver. But in the end, he'll still sell some games. The only consequence from all this is that Dyack can no longer engage in his pointless banter with the forum that he insulted.
Ostensibly Dyack's retarded "social experiment" has already gilded otherwise pantywaist reviewers into lambasting his otherwise piddlingly unnoteworthy game.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Fenderputty said:
I don't really know if the line is drawn clearly, but once crossed, true fanboyism and outlandish behavior can be attained.

To give an example for today: The new Harry Potter got delayed.

- Fans of it were rightfully frustrated or pissed.

- Fanboys called for pickets outside of Warner Bros. to make them change their mind.

That's the line.
A lot of serious business going on in this thread. There is very little hate and anger as some wuss claimed a few pages ago, just people having fun watching the trainwreck. This is the kind of thread that made me join NeoGAF. Actually the thread that made me join involved Dennis Dyack threatening to beat up Luke Smith.


I'm still confused, I don't know if this is an awesome move or an extremely immature one.

Well, whatever, I guess this shit's done with now. Dyack gets more ammo in his "tirade", and GAF gets a 10+ page thread to declare "victory". Win-win.
You know there's something wrong when the controversial posts get more attention than the logical ones. Hence accountability, and people saying retarded shit just to make it stand out from the sensible posts

Dyack had a point.

This is what makes me laugh, everyone KNOWS that the level of intelligent discourse is low on the Internet, and various forums take numerous measures to counteract it, either with a paid membership feature, heavy moderation, or removal of easily abused forum features.

What is hilarious is that people see Dyack as some form of amazing intellect because he saw and regurgitated a Penny Arcade comic and it's something they can easily bandwagon on to have a bit of a moan.

Everything Dyack said that wasn't said earlier or more eloquently by numerous others was complete BULLSHIT:

He didn't touch on what would happen to the users of forums that were shut down (they'd just move elsewhere and be even more bitter about the game that got their favourite forum closed), or the bad PR and knock-on effect on sales that shutting down forums with negative opinions would have (significantly worse than the current Too Human situation), which would completely destroy his arguments on how to improve things (make them less critical).

People who actually agree with his position seem to have thought through Dyacks arguments less than he did and fail to see how making free speech on the Internet subservient to commercial interests would be bad for gamers and the whole industry, and only good for those with a bad product to sell.

Judging by the current scoring situations, all of Dyacks statements to date on the nature of previews, forums and conferences can be seen as pre-emptive damage control.


"industry expert"
Z3F said:
One guy has already made a bunch of games. The other guy's biggest accomplishment is being the police commissioner of a nerd forum. Who's the bigger loser?


Anyone who thinks that being an admin on a high traffic gaming message board is a piece of cake is a fucking idiot.

That said, I can't help but feel that this thread is really just giving Dyack what he wants. I keep being brought back to when Scott Kurtz got himself banned from his own message board in order to prove some extremely moronic point.
Boys will be boys.
Everything GAF says about Dyack is right.
Everything Dyack says about GAF is right.
Everything Dyack says about Too Human is wrong.
An average review score in the upper-60s isn't so bad.
Too Human will still move a decent number of sales in August.
Life will go on.


malek4980 said:
More like an ice cream man telling you his brand new ice cream tastes great, only for it to turn out bland and unsavory. Nothing to get outraged about.

(of course the analogy falls apart when you realize that Dyack would eat all of the ice cream himself)

More like an ice cream man telling you his new ice cream tastes godly and showing you videos of people eating it and not liking it. And then a mob spitting on his van and saying that the ice cream is shit while the ice cream man shouts at them saying they are vandals and the worst people in the district.

And that and the end is a fat joke? Really?

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Hopefully a line can be drawn under this sad affair as soon as possible, no side has came out with anything other than the sad smell of indignity and stupidity.

While I do not blame Evilore now for this final response, and I certainly think that Dyack should have SHUT THE FUCK UP A LONG TIME AGO, this forum should not have been used as a weapon by both sides in order to prove a point, instead, we have all been dragged into a dirty war of which there are no winners.

Respect is a mutually agreed attitude, by doing this, GAF has lost the respect of not just Dyack and co, and Dyack has no doubt lost the respect of more than gaffers, neither party will ever re-gain that respect in my view.


Duke Togo said:
Uh uh uhhhh! You guys are NOT above all this! You waded into this quagmire, therefore you are now a part of this.
I'm not a part of shit. This whole situation is fucking dumb.


This is taking a "serious business" approach that was mostly on Dyack's side before. Banning him will only allow him to say "ooohh I'd answer them calmly and politely if I could, and discuss about Too Human with them in an elegant and documented manner, but those savages have banned meee!" aaaannndd +76 pages.
malek4980 said:
More like an ice cream man telling you his brand new ice cream tastes great, only for it to turn out bland and unsavory. Nothing to get outraged about.

(of course the analogy falls apart when you realize that Dyack would eat all of the ice cream himself)

Actually you need to add that when you and your friends say the ice cream is bland and unsavory he proceeds to shout that this is the worst neighborhood and if the ice cream critics pronounce his ice cream to be yummy then we should all get pwned stamped on our foreheads...

or something like that.


Sloane said:
Isn't it also a reflection of yourself, IF you edit yourself on the internet?

I think its more like "how" you edit yourself. I don't think people always post what would immediately come out of their mouth in real life, for better or for worse. I suppose anything you post is necessarily a reflection of yourself, but the original post was saying it's the "best" indicator...

though I like where this convo is going, here's the original quote I was responding to:

This thread is just another showing about how great the internet is. No matter how you spin it, the internet is the best reflection of oneself. Basically it tells exactly where people are in maturity and respect. Gives an idea of how their own mind would fare if they had to really control their lives in anarchy.
Makes me think how low and immature most people are and how is it obvious and mandatory to have rules everywhere in order to create the more peace possible.

I just don't think I could judge someone's character completely by how they post on the internet.
Stop It said:
Hopefully a line can be drawn under this sad affair as soon as possible, no side has came out with anything other than the sad smell of indignity and stupidity.

While I do not blame Evilore now for this final response, and I certainly think that Dyack should have SHUT THE FUCK UP A LONG TIME AGO, this forum should not have been used as a weapon by both sides in order to prove a point, instead, we have all been dragged into a dirty war of which there are no winners.

Respect is a mutually agreed attitude, by doing this, GAF has lost the respect of not just Dyack and co, and Dyack has no doubt lost the respect of more than gaffers, neither party will ever re-gain that respect in my view.

My thoughts exactly. No one comes out justified right in all this. Your all in the wrong. Its just a sad state of affairs really.


skip said:
no 1up fight, no bridges burned. I've already explained what happened when he came to visit us on the show. we had about 30 minutes of preparation, thinking we would be talking about the game -- I had printouts of 20+ questions from our boards ready to go, then denis opened up his laptop and began his speech. we really had no idea what was going on.

so yeah, tyler, you were right. we were dumbfounded by it. big whoop.

So, if you knew you hadn't bothered to do your job, which is, as I understand it to ask real questions and challenge an interviewee when they say ridiculous things, why did you run the interview? Essentially, 1up is as deeply involved in this dispute as Dyack or the GAF, because you provided the unfettered platform for Denis to piss down the necks of GAF without challenging him in the slightest.

At every turn, 1up has hyped this argument because we generate page hits. Even after the interview, you might have done something approximating journalism by seeking out an interview from the other side of the dispute, but you couldn't be bothered to do that, either. So I'm not sure how you 1up guys get to stand outside the circle and shake your heads, because you've been one of the prime movers in this debacle.
Stop It said:
Hopefully a line can be drawn under this sad affair as soon as possible, no side has came out with anything other than the sad smell of indignity and stupidity.

While I do not blame Evilore now for this final response, and I certainly think that Dyack should have SHUT THE FUCK UP A LONG TIME AGO, this forum should not have been used as a weapon by both sides in order to prove a point, instead, we have all been dragged into a dirty war of which there are no winners.

Respect is a mutually agreed attitude, by doing this, GAF has lost the respect of not just Dyack and co, and Dyack has no doubt lost the respect of more than gaffers, neither party will ever re-gain that respect in my view.

Um. A line was drawn - Denis crossed it. EvilLore took the proper action. End of story.

All the responses after OP are just entertaining opinion on the subject.

But rest assured - it's over. No lost respect - perhaps some animosity - but only by the parties involved.
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