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Dyack: "NeoGAF...I would say is probably the worst forum." Response.

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Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
B-Rad Lascelle said:
Boys will be boys.
Everything GAF says about Dyack is right.
Everything Dyack says about GAF is right.
Everything Dyack says about Too Human is wrong.
An average review score in the upper-60s isn't so bad.
Too Human will still move a decent number of sales in August.
Life will go on.

Someone needs to shop this onto a pedestal like that Ninja Gaiden post.


Any normal poster would have been banned for the beyond moronic 'For or Against PUT UP OR SHUT UP' thread. This is long overdue.

I mean good god, Dyack has been slagging NeoGaf for weeks now on venues where NeoGAF has no opportunity to respond. That is an extremely low move from him and nobody should be surprised that the man was perma-banned.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
B-Rad Lascelle said:
Boys will be boys.
Everything GAF says about Dyack is right.
Everything Dyack says about GAF is right.
Everything Dyack says about Too Human is wrong.
An average review score in the upper-60s isn't so bad.
Too Human will still move a decent number of sales in August.
Life will go on.

:lol :lol :lol


GenericPseudonym said:
A lot of serious business going on in this thread. There is very little hate and anger as some wuss claimed a few pages ago, just people having fun watching the trainwreck. This is the kind of thread that made me join NeoGAF. Actually the thread that made me join involved Dennis Dyack threatening to beat up Luke Smith.

must see, where is this thread you speak of?


Finally caught up, what a read.

skip said:
no 1up fight, no bridges burned. I've already explained what happened when he came to visit us on the show. we had about 30 minutes of preparation, thinking we would be talking about the game -- I had printouts of 20+ questions from our boards ready to go, then denis opened up his laptop and began his speech. we really had no idea what was going on.

so yeah, tyler, you were right. we were dumbfounded by it. big whoop.

Wow that must have been awkward! That makes this whole thing seem even crazier.

And come on guys, I thought 1up handled it well personally. They (1up) can't just slam game devs left and right if they want more of them to be on their shows. They don't operate under the same set of freedoms you get on a forum. 1up walks a very fine line with how far they take things, lets not try and make this a GAF vs. 1up thing, because 1up regularly goes for the jugular.

How many other sites would have even posted that podcast for public consumption? Honestly?


This is a pretty depressing but unsurprising turn of events. Denis is a guy who cares deeply about the potential of the medium in which he works but overestimates his audience. Coupled with the fact that Silicon Knights has failed time and again to deliver on his promises, the onus is entirely on him.

I can't agree that this forum is the worst as it really is a fantastic source of breaking news, overseas information, etc. However, in terms of game criticism, the negativity and hivemind is often impossible to wade through.

I was really hoping that Too Human would defy expectations and turn out great (win-win) but as it appears, it's a thoroughly average game and once again he's got egg on his face. Too Human's infamy continues.


Haruspex said:
I tried to steer clear of all this nonsense for as long as possible. Personally I think Dyack's remarks were daft but he and the folks at SK have spent many an hour toiling away, putting in extra hours and not seeing much of their families whilst some slack-asses on the internet feel free to tear it apart. I don't care if its a low-rate movie tie-in, a flash game or a fully-fledged multi-million project, the least people could do is have a bit of respect for the devs and the work they put in.

By all means critcise games and developers, pick apart titles, the ideas they express, the technology, the gameplay and all the stuff we already discuss, but it should never stoop to personal digs and playground name-calling.

would be nice, but criticism, no matter how harsh, has been an effective catalyst for progress in science and the arts throughout history. I don't see neogaf breaking the trend.
Chittagong said:
This resolution fits Too Human.

Way too late and doesn't live up to the hype.

And, like the Too Human demo - eventually, many people try it out, get bored of the repetition, and go to other topics...


Mamesj said:
actions, louder than words, etc. etc.

and as I said, you can edit yourself heavily on the internet to whatever end you hope to achieve.

That's not to say it can't be a reflection of yourself.

One can edit and manicure their personality in any setting. The internet is just a relatively easy setting in which to do so. It's easier to avoid slipping up, but it's hardly the only place that people adopt a calculated demeanor.

Also, no matter how carefully one edits one's self, the choice to present a persona of a given nature is in and of itself reflective of one's self. No persona one presents is likely to be a very complete representation of the self, but they all unavoidably are a representation of one's self, no matter how shallow or carefully controlled. And they always, always reveal more than one intends or is aware of.


I guess this was an inevitability. Admitting to "conducting social experiments" on a mob of anonymous forumites was a surefire way to draw ire, and from his game's target audience, no less.

Though I liked his posts in the official TH thread, as you can clearly see genuine enthusiasm for his product. I guess there's no forum wizardry that would allow him to only post in that one thread. Though even then I think he'd find some way to rile up the forum again. "Life... finds a way...", as Jeff Goldblum so eloquently put it while visiting a certain park.


Reading through this thread and the Too Human review thread, you really get the impression that people actually HATE Dyack. The amount of venom spewing is really wierd.




Well I'd like to have a quick say if nobody minds (I'm sure nobody else will care). This thread was precisely the right way to respond to Denis Dyack's stupidity. Even though it would be easy to I'm not even going to call out Dyack's flawed psychology and pseudo-intellect. For everyone saying this is childish and "Dyack is right about the forum" I have just one question to ask: If Dyack is right then why are you still here? There shouldn't be anything worthwhile about posting here at this forum if you're agreeing with Dyack.

To address Dyack directly (because in all honesty we know he's reading this): You are a huge hypocrite. You complain about GAF being "unfair" to your game and that people don't understand it. You have nobody to blame but yourself for this. You made this game with the hopes that people in this demographic would buy it and we don't like it. It's disappointing but it happens. The right thing to do is to try to figure out what people like and what people don't like about it and move on from there. Maybe patch your game to better suit the audience that you're making it for. The wrong thing to do is to blame everyone except yourself for your game being taken badly. You had a bad showing at E3 2006 not Epic. Your game is poorly animated. Your game has hilariously bad dialogue. Your game isn't any fun to play. You see where this is going? The reviews of your game are by and large reflecting this opinion.

Whether or not you like this forum or you think it's the worst ever this forum only responded to what you put out there for it. It responded to your bad E3 showing. It responded to your bad demo. It's responding to your poor review scores. It's responding to your bad game. But you know as well as I do that none of this really mattered because it wasn't profound. All you did was realize that your game wasn't going to turn out well and you started running out of things to scapegoat so you preemptively attacked the audience you were hoping to sell your game to. Anything to avoid the cold hard fact that your game just isn't that good and that you're really not that good of a developer and to try to create controversy to sell this game. Maybe that will work and maybe it won't but this topic and your ban at NeoGAF is more than warranted. We're not your little pawns in your shallow and self-indulgent social experiments.

Thank you EviLore.


I wonder what Dyack's coworkers think of this?
I'm sure this makes for some crazy water cooler gossip at SK. That's got to be so weird.


besada said:
because you provided the unfettered platform for Denis to piss down the necks of GAF without challenging him in the slightest.

Does GAF itself not provide the platform to challenge Dyack? Unfettered, without challenge... sounds about right to me.


Dirtbag 504 said:
And come on guys, I thought 1up handled it well personally. They (1up) can't just slam game devs left and right if they want more of them to be on their shows. They don't operate under the same set of freedoms you get on a forum. 1up walks a very fine line with how far they take things, lets not try and make this a GAF vs. 1up thing, because 1up regularly goes for the jugular.

How many other sites would have even posted that podcast for public consumption? Honestly?

1UP was not at all wrong in letting Dyack speak at length - he was the guest and they're the hosts. That's how it should be. However, I do think they could have interjected themselves a bit more in the convo, not necessarily in an antagonistic fashion, but just to add more to the discussion. Only Garnett seemed to really be doing that, if I recall correctly.

It's not at all a huge deal and says nothing about the 1UP Yours guys, who are great to listen to, but it's one of those "should've beens".
junker said:
This is a pretty depressing but unsurprising turn of events. Denis is a guy who cares deeply about the potential of the medium in which he works but overestimates his audience. Coupled with the fact that Silicon Knights has failed time and again to deliver on his promises, the onus is entirely on him.

I can't agree that this forum is the worst as it really is a fantastic source of breaking news, overseas information, etc. However, in terms of game criticism, the negativity and hivemind is often impossible to wade through.

I was really hoping that Too Human would defy expectations and turn out great (win-win) but as it appears, it's a thoroughly average game and once again he's got egg on his face. Too Human's infamy continues.
No - but thanks for insinuating that the GAF members are morons - at any rate, he has not shown respect for his audience. He has not shown humility.

What he has done is boast and make audacious claims and insist on his view as the truth. Not a well-tempered manner for someone with an 'audience'...


Dyack's ego got the better of him. It was up for debate when he first started that infamous thread, but now it's clear that any sort of realistic grounding he had for this debate as a whole is gone and been replaced by the all singing, all dancing Denis Dyack Show.

For him, this stand against NeoGAF will be something he will be forever championing. I have no doubt that that Dyack will milk every conceivable PR stunt he can from this little 'exchange'. Every possible chance he has to talk about the media will be lead from 'his time' at NeoGAF and how he was banned.

Dyack will forever be synonymous with this NeoGAF and Too Human 'exchange' and the resulting media interest in this discussion, and not his body of work. And that, if anyone, is a major own goal for someone like Dyack. Right? No. Dyack clearly wanted Dyack first and foremost in the line of discussion rather than his game.

For Dyack this was something he feels was just and right. A cause. A calling to all those in the video game industry who feel similarly victimised in forums and blogs.

For NeoGAF this will be a bullet point on it's Wiki page or something that a mod links to a new member who has just joined the forum and isn't aware of it's 'history' or should that be infamy of the Dyack incident.

In short the conclusion of this series of events is a huge moment for Dyack.

For NeoGAF however, it was a Wednesday.

I have grown weary of you Mr Dyack and the sound of your voice.

Good day.

Shard said:
At last it ends.


Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
Crisis said:

Well thought out post Crisis. I agree with you on nearly all accounts. Dyack had a list of blame, but after he kept crossing them off, it was only a matter of time until his name was the last one on the list.

If he thinks NeoGaf is awful and mean, wait until the bean counters and executives at Microsoft politely decline to publish parts 2 and 3 of this game.


I'm just happy it's over. Can't bear any more Too Human threads. I hope Dyack ditches the franchise and makes something else, without being too overambitious.


You think this is over? :lol

Every SK title in the near future will be held in lesser regard by GAF because of what happened this year, and every one will have a dozen threads full of animated gifs of Dyack begging you for forgiveness to buy Too Human 2...
El_TigroX said:
If he thinks NeoGaf is awful and mean, wait until the bean counters and executives at Microsoft politely decline to publish parts 2 and 3 of this game.
What happens if it sells really well? Like an Adam Sandler movie?. What then? :lol


Guys, I have news for you: this is EviLore's place, like it, hate it, whatever, but it's a private space with a owner who keeps it afloat because he is willing to.

His places, his rules. While I don't dislike Dyack at all I don't find hard to understand this situation, he has been trashing this place at every chance and the owner has got tired of it. End of story, cut the drama.


This is semantics, and nothing more
Azih said:
Any normal poster would have been banned for the beyond moronic 'For or Against PUT UP OR SHUT UP' thread. This is long overdue.

I mean good god, Dyack has been slagging NeoGaf for weeks now on venues where NeoGAF has no opportunity to respond. That is an extremely low move from him and nobody should be surprised that the man was perma-banned.

It's interesting that you would say that, and even more so that he would do that, given how much weight he gives to the lack of reciprocity in online relationships.


commariodore64 said:
Beyond 3D is NOT a social forum - it's a dev forum... and GAF will not be taken down a few notches for EviLore exposing his gargantuan Nads to Denis - quite the opposite, imho...

It certainly is a social forum, people discuss things, be it gaming, programming, or otherwise. The difference being that, again, it is heavily modded. You can't act like a 5 year old over there and just post dumb responses for twelve pages.

As far as Gaf going down notches, I meant as a whole. How do you think other people in the industry will look on Gaf after this entire debacle? Probably not so great. All the screaming children posting has put a lot of egg on Gafs face. The bandwagon got entirely out of control, and it's still going with new thread after new thread being posted over Dyack. It's all justifying that what Dyack said was actually true, and that's pretty sad.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
B-Rad Lascelle said:
What happens if it sells really well? Like an Adam Sandler movie?. What then? :lol

Then I get to shut the F up and eat my words! :)


The quality of an SK title appears to be inversely proportional to how often Dyack opens his mouth to talk about it.

Eternal Darkness was great and I had never even heard of Dyack at that point.
fennec fox said:
No, he's pretty much right.


Team Klimt said:
THIS is why certain people (Dyack included) think GAF is a fucking joke. Can't we allow anything to just pass into obscurity? Do we really need to dwell on this shit any longer? You are all enablers. Stirring up shit just for the hell of it. Do not encourage these types of responses!! Do we really need threads that are purely calling individuals out for being "jerks" or "assholes?" Do you know how many jerks and assholes contribute here on a daily basis? We could make a lot of threads like this, and I personally don't wanna read that garbage. I'm done now. Whew...

I must agree. Mr. Dyack is right in my opinion. And the immature and unintelligent reaction of GAF only proves his point.


TwinIonEngines said:
One can edit and manicure their personality in any setting. The internet is just a relatively easy setting in which to do so. It's easier to avoid slipping up, but it's hardly the only place that people adopt a calculated demeanor.

Also, no matter how carefully one edits one's self, the choice to present a persona of a given nature is in and of itself reflective of one's self. No persona one presents is likely to be a very complete representation of the self, but they all unavoidably are a representation of one's self, no matter how shallow or carefully controlled. And they always, always reveal more than one intends or is aware of.

Yeah, I agree with that, though I think there are too many factors missing to consider online personas to be of any value in determining a person's true personality. That doesn't stop me from deducing things, of course, but that's just part of the game :lol

but the original issue was whether it's the "best" representation of one's "true" self. I hope for the world's sake that no one reads this situation as something truly huge and major...it's just good drama like a reality show. This seems like the equivalent of yelling at the screen while watching sports or something :lol
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