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Edge previews 40 hours of Final Fantasy XV


One more tweet from them:

pureyuri ‏@Reflecti0m
@FFXVEN @Darji @Ozziii @FrelKitsune @SQUARE_ENIX_EU So the version they played didn't have the complete story? Just to clarify.

Final Fantasy XV
@Reflecti0m @Darji @Ozziii @FrelKitsune @SQUARE_ENIX_EU That's correct.

yeah, I dunno, we're gonna need EDGE to step in and say something like "then what the fuck was that?"


I'm certain the official Twitter account isn't going to lie about this.


Purple Drazi
That's exactly what I'm thinking. And it would probably be handled by the western branches of Square-Enix, too, so it makes sense for an oversight as big as "we didn't know you could complete the game in 39 hours" to happen when it wasn't a decision made by people who actually worked on the game.


Idk if this was posted already but...


Apparenty Edge is also in agreement that this was just an in-depth preview rather than an official review.

This whole thing is weird.

That back-and-forth doesn't negate the chance they played to the end of the main story. The wording could be taken a few ways, methinks; this being an in-depth preview ahead of a similarly in-depth review doesn't stop the preview from having the full game as reference.

That said...



This roller-coaster never stops xD

Haha, wtf. This is just crazy.


Just because multiple people worked on it and the final version has tonal shifts doesn't mean it's a Frankenstein game. For all we know, Tabata alone could've planned the shifts in order to add variety.

I'm oddly more excited than ever. A lot of these details seem like deliberate design choices that will be justified in context.

But more info is needed. This preview is a bit hard to understand.


Wait...what? Master smiths are both in Velen.
I forget her name but the Dwarf's "assistant" at Crow's Perch for armor, and Eibhear in Novigrad for weapons.
Both of which can craft everything prior to master craft, if you don't want to travel all over. Though you can say you're still separated by a loading screen since you aren't going to be horsing it from one place to the other.

And after a while I just wore what I wanted. Technically my alchemy build was more gimp for not using all Manticore gear, but it didn't matter to me and I just rather look cool anyway. I also play Fashion Souls, and I'll be playing Fashion Fantasy XV.

Ok, but we still have to go there by fast travel, they are not in every village. It makes sense, just like it makes sense the only guy capable of improving your weapons (Cid) is in his own region. Don't really understand what's the problem here, and why the preview even mentions this.
I don't think I've seen such a plot twist filled ride over a simple preview ever.
Welcome to FFXV!? Hope you enjoy your stay buckle up we still have 3 weeks left to go. Plz toss out all rational either you're mad hyped or mad pessimistic there shall be no middle ground. Enjoy the ride!


Lol, its so funny that everything surrounding this game is pure WEIRD!! My play-through of this game is going to be so interesting xD


Just sounds so bizzare, hoping the game doesn't end up being a nonsensical mess of a story, it's the first JRPG I've been interested in since Lost Odyssey.


I uh, what? what? Can Edge please explain what's going on here? Because if I'm reading this right either they screwed up or Square Enix's twitter account is lying. Both are really bad looks.

I'm so confused.


Tears in the rain

FFXV roller coaster is such a ride isn't it?

Welcome to FFXV!? Hope you enjoy your stay buckle up we still have 3 weeks left to go. Plz toss out all rational either you're mad hyped or mad pessimistic there shall be no middle ground. Enjoy the ride!


Schrodinger's RPG. It's an amazing tour de force, that will bring back Final Fantasy to the forefront and is one of the few truly original AAA releases of the past decade, and it's a crushing hackneyed disappointment that doesn't overcome development hell, filled with half baked features.

And we'll all open the box together on November 29.

Hell even the preview is Schrodinger'ed. Edge finished the game but they didn't finish the game. I need Doctor Strange.


I have to admit the Edge preview was misleading.They talked like they reached the game ending.
In many of it's fragments of ideas and mechanics, FFXV shines. But by its stentorian conclusion, it's difficult to shake a feeling of confusion.

but it seems they didn't play the game until the ending.
Very interesting twitter responses. It's still a bit of work to lock down their copy with a internal timer that counts their playtime. Guess we'll have to wait for this 'preview' to drop in their magazine next month.


Just finished reading this. Really enjoyed his words.

Looks like it's going to be a solid game with some really original elements. Only thing I'm worried about is the structural issues open-world/linear and the depth of the female characters which Simon touched upon.


Purple Drazi
I went ahead and asked for a direct clarification as to whether Edge's writer reached the end of the main storyline.


Schrodinger's RPG. It's an amazing tour de force, that will bring back Final Fantasy to the forefront and is one of the few truly original AAA releases of the past decade, and it's a crushing hackneyed disappointment that doesn't overcome development hell, filled with half baked features.

And we'll all open the box together on November 29.

Hell even the preview is Schrodinger'ed. Edge finished the game but they didn't finish the game. I need Doctor Strange.

What if we entered Tabata's wild ride back in 2014 and never left? We're still trapped in his dream. His vision.


The game sounds like a bit of a mess, but I actually think most people on GAF will be perfectly fine with it. Overall, it still sounds like a game that's going to do well with a lot of people.


this is not going to be the second no man's sky this year, but it will certainly tear some people apart. Looking forward to seeing the wider reception, but it's nice to see a more extended preview.

Seems like people just want to hear something negative about the game.

or being somewhat realistic to the fact that this may not be FF's return to form as many of us hope. again, we'll see. It's not too far now!


What do they possibly have to be in damage control about..my god some of you couldn't try any harder

The first seemingly full review of the game in its entirety is mixed, citing some of the fears people have had for quite some time.

We're just looking for honest and truthful criticism of the game, we don't need you policing commentary just because you've already made up your mind.
I don't believe those square tweets to be honest. Sounds like they are just trying to calm the fans nerves tweeting them constantly.
Schrodinger's RPG. It's an amazing tour de force, that will bring back Final Fantasy to the forefront and is one of the few truly original AAA releases of the past decade, and it's a crushing hackneyed disappointment that doesn't overcome development hell, filled with half baked features.

And we'll all open the box together on November 29.

Hell even the preview is Schrodinger'ed. Edge finished the game but they didn't finish the game. I need Doctor Strange.
The first seemingly full review of the game in its entirety is mixed, citing some of the fears people have had for quite some time.

We're just looking for honest and truthful criticism of the game, we don't need you policing commentary just because you've already made up your mind.
O the irony


Someone's lying and me thinks it's Square.

But that wouldn't make any sense for 2 reasons.
1: this wouldn't be, in any way, a preview given the details. It'd be a "review in progress" at best.
2: The game is out in 3 weeks, if they were lying they'd probably be in some serious deep deep shit, and considering recent news about the mobile mmo and other things they are banking of for investment, that would be a horrible idea.

I'm willing to trust the FF15 twitter account, but I would also like statements from Edge.
Seems like people just want to hear something negative about the game.

I'm really looking forward to picking up the game myself, just seems interesting that the twitter account is rather quick to detract from the article.

Do you guys all have a suicide pact riding on the commercial or critical success of the game? That must explain why you're all so sensitive.
WHY is everyone SO negative right now? And why are people claiming that Square is lying? It makes no sense! I honestly can't agree with anything until I play the game myself.


Junior Member
it's hard to score consistently well these days. I don't envy tabata or square. your game has to tick boxes, fulfil trends, but also subvert them to an extent without affecting 'satisfaction' in order for people to consider it original, new or fresh. any bold choices this game makes, whether motivated by creative or logistical reasons, will likely divide opinion which isn't good for *this* game. they kind of need a home-run.
What a weird thread this has developed into. Even if the preview isn't based on the full version it should still be representative of it. I mean, 40 hours is a lot of playtime.


What possible excuse would they have for outright lying about the state of the game given to a magazine to preview? It's not like no one would notice.

Denying about a negative aspect of a critical portion of a game isn't enough of an excuse? Plus, who would notice? No one in Gaf seems to be aware of this.
Why would they let them play an incomplete game and let them write a preview for it? Wouldn't they have told Edge to hold off on writing about that specific part under NDA or something?
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