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Edge previews 40 hours of Final Fantasy XV



Yesterday everything was fine. Then this morning I get on GAF and suddenly the house is on fire and there's panic everywhere I look.

Not gonna read the spoilers, though I get the general idea just from what people are saying. Just gonna judge the game with my own eyes. I still believe, dammit! I'm in too deep at this point. If I go down with this ship, so be it.
The part in question seems as if it were hinted at in the Omen trailer. If it actually gets psychological, you're not gonna find me complaining and people are still seemingly not getting that this is not the entire second half.
Man, I hate to say it, but I do totally get a kick of the emotional roller coaster rides every time something comes out, lol. It doesn't take long for anything to end up looking like the end of the world if you go by a few people's impressions XD.

Next few weeks are gonna be CHAOS! lol
You monster!

Nah just kidding. I missed those panic attacks! Now here we are.

Guys this game will be world-changing. For many reasons!
I am about 500 times more concerned that the in-game economy never gives you enough money than I am about what is written there about the second half of the game.
FFXII (from my experience) was almost just as frustrating. I never had enough money in that game and I had to google what monsters dropped rare loot so that I could at least sell that to buy a weapon for more than the main person I'm using.


Purple Drazi
FFXVEN's tweet has me confused.

Perhaps they meant "We didn't, don't worry" in the sense that they played an older build, but it was still the full game. It wouldn't make sense for Edge to fabricate something like this

I strongly doubt older builds would be playable enough from start to finish to allow for such a thing. These sorts of games typically go from "glitches: the IMAX experience" to "an actual video game" in the last couple of months of development, heh.


I am baffled by how many people are jumping the gun here.

The author of the article states: "The creative pressures and arguments that have coloured Final Fantasy XV's development are most evident IN the second half..."
Later on he continues: "Late in the game, ..."

This still could mean anything between only a small portion of the game or the enitre second half.


Guys, the entire second part won't be a stealth section. Lol

The credits begin to roll as the second half of the game starts. "Directed by: Hajime Tabata". What is this? Is the game over? But I thought there was supposed to be a linear part to it!

Then a phone conversation after the credits. 10 years have passed. "Noctis, we need you to infiltrate Niflheim. Are you up to the task?". The Logo shows up, but now, something's different:

Directed by: Hideo Kojima



Junior Member
I strongly doubt older builds would be playable enough from start to finish to allow for such a thing. These sorts of games typically go from "glitches: the IMAX experience" to "an actual video game" in the last couple of months of development, heh.

So you're under the impression that Edge wrote some BS skeleton review and it was accidentally published, or something? (Not trying to sound rude just wanting clarification, like has that ever happened before?)


Doesn't make a whole lot of sense


Purple Drazi
I am baffled how many people are jumping the gun here.

The author of the article states: "The creative pressures and arguments that have coloured Final Fantasy XV's development are most evident IN the second half..."
Later on he continues: "Late in the game, ..."

This still could mean anything between only a small portion of the game or the enitre second half.

I mentioned this in my post earlier and I'm pleased to see multiple folks pointing it out now. It's definitely just an example of the game, not a representation of a sizable portion.
The credits begin to roll as the second half of the game starts. "Directed by: Hajime Tabata". What is this? Is the game over? But I thought there was supposed to be a linear part to it!

Then a phone conversation after the credits. 10 years have passed. "Noctis, we need you to infiltrate Niflheim. Are you up to the task?". The Logo shows up, but now, something's different:

Directed by: Hideo Kojima

So basically every game is connected and Noctis is the key to all of this? I'm in


Man, I hate to say it, but I do totally get a kick of the emotional roller coaster rides every time something comes out, lol. It doesn't take long for anything to end up looking like the end of the world if you go by a few people's impressions XD.

Next few weeks are gonna be CHAOS! lol

Chaos Noctis confirmed


Purple Drazi
So you're under the impression that Edge wrote some BS skeleton review and it was accidentally published, or something?


Doesn't make a whole lot of sense

Nah, right now I'm thinking the likeliest explanation is that the PR fellow behind the twitter account responded too quickly, without fact-checking that Edge did, in fact, receive the full game. It would also explain why the twitter account's handler has not replied to the two requests for further clarification following their statement (one of which being my own).

I think this is the Noctis alone/stealth/horror vibe/key-card puzzles segment mentioned in the preview.

Yesterday everything was fine. Then this morning I get on GAF and suddenly the house is on fire and there's panic everywhere I look.

Not gonna read the spoilers, though I get the general idea just from what people are saying. Just gonna judge the game with my own eyes. I still believe, dammit! I'm in too deep at this point. If I go down with this ship, so be it.

No matter what. Always remember that we still got Persona 5, man.



Purple Drazi
Yes please...

This is my biggest concern.

I've had a bad feeling about this for a while.

I've been thinking there will be three or four zones total. I've thought about that for some time, given the lack of representation in the marketing. We know of a third thanks to ATR, but a fourth would surprise me somewhat, even, and I would not be shocked if the third is less in-depth than Leide (sp?) and Duscae.

Map analyses of Eos are a great thing and all but plenty of further locations could be confined to more narrow-band play experiences.


Junior Member
Nah, right now I'm thinking the likeliest explanation is that the PR fellow behind the twitter account responded too quickly, without fact-checking that Edge did, in fact, receive the full game. It would also explain why the twitter account's handler has not replied to the two requests for further clarification following their statement (one of which being my own).

Why would Edge be the only publication to get the full game though? And it's basically a review, no?

Whole thing's a mess


I just thought of something.

If you get the flying Regalia at the end of the game, which is the linear part, does the upgraded Regalia travel back in time with you?

Yesterday everything was fine. Then this morning I get on GAF and suddenly the house is on fire and there's panic everywhere I look.

Not gonna read the spoilers, though I get the general idea just from what people are saying. Just gonna judge the game with my own eyes. I still believe, dammit! I'm in too deep at this point. If I go down with this ship, so be it.


I won't scatter your sorrows to the heartless sea.. i will always be with you


Purple Drazi
Why would Edge be the only publication to get the full game though? And it's basically a review, no?

Whole thing's a mess

I'm not going to say this part with authority, because I don't personally recall it being the case, but it was mentioned earlier in this thread that they were the only folks who got full access to MGSV ahead of time. It's possible that this is just sort of a trend with them. They're exceptionally well-regarded, after all.

That's my current belief. It's possible I'm wrong, of course, and the twitter account handler has the right of it. But when I think this through critically, it makes less sense to me that Edge would take such a bruise to its credibility by blatantly lying in its claims of having seen the game's conclusion.
I don't know, XII has a bad case of single player MMO. I enjoy it, but there is a ton of garbage in that game.

I disagree completely. I spent over 90 hours playing the vanilla FFXII and thought it was the absolute best game in the series. Between the hunts and standard side quests, there was never a shortage of fun things to do. Experimenting with Gambits helped keep encounters interesting throughout the entire game (brushing this off as "the game playing itself for you" completely misses the point; programming your Gambits to the point where player input is literally only moving the control stick forward requires a lot of regular play and a thorough understanding of the system as a whole).

I especially loved the world presentation, and how the player only explores a portion of it. If any Final Fantasy was ripe for spin-offs, it was this one. While the story is nowhere near perfect, I dug the more lowkey political plot points, which really only lose focus once the Occuria are introduced. And the music, location design, localization, and voice work are all second to none.

The worst thing about XII was the Zodiac Spear treasure chest bullshit (and no real airship, but that's just a nitpick).


Purple Drazi
I just thought of something.

If you get the flying Regalia at the end of the game, which is the linear part, does the upgraded Regalia travel back in time with you?


...but more seriously, I feel like something doesn't quite track here. I've actually considered the flying Regalia before all this; if the latter stretches of the game are decidedly nonlinear, it does not click that the Regalia would be given such open rein in the final chapters. I think it's possible we receive the upgrade sooner than Tabata suggested.


Considering a short few months ago I had fully intended to skip this game entirely I will take "beautiful mess with wonderful but disjointed elements that don't quite fit together" any day of the week.


always chasing the next thrill
well this spoiler made me walk the fuck away from final fantasy 15

fucking final fantasy 13 all over again

such a shame


Purple Drazi
I disagree completely. I spent over 90 hours playing the vanilla FFXII and thought it was the absolute best game in the series. Between the hunts and standard side quests, there was never a shortage of fun things to do. Experimenting with Gambits helped keep encounters interesting throughout the entire game (brushing this off as "the game playing itself for you" completely misses the point; programming your Gambits to the point where player input is literally only moving the control stick forward requires a lot of regular play and a thorough understanding of the system as a whole).

I especially loved the world presentation, and how the player only explores a portion of it. If any Final Fantasy was ripe for spin-offs, it was this one. While the story is nowhere near perfect, I dug the more lowkey political plot points, which really only lose focus once the Occuria are introduced. And the music, location design, localization, and voice work are all second to none.

The worst thing about XII was the Zodiac Spear treasure chest bullshit (and no real airship, but that's just a nitpick).

If Final Fantasy XII were either a.) completed as Matsuno initially intended or b.) allotted the necessary time to flesh itself out with far more cutscenes as Daisuke Watanabe desired, I think it would rival VII as my all-time favorite video game. Alas, as it stands, its plot feels too barebones for me for many stretches, and its characters don't gel with one-another nearly to the point of some of the other titles in the series because they aren't given enough time to grow together.

It's a shame. Everything else about that game is magical. I still quite like FFXII and I agree with you on almost all your points.


In Witcher 3 when you are in the second part of the game you have to go back to Master amorers and weaponsmiths to have a meaningful upgrade to your weapons, and they are one per region. One in Velen, one in Skellige. It's annoying, especially with the long loading times, but i didn't care so much so weapon upgrade being accessible only in one part of the map, so it won't be an issue in FF XV.

About outfits being few and mostly underpowered compared to default armor: Witcher 3 suffered from the same mistake, the really important weapons and armors were just Witcher gear and every other weapon and armor were completely useless. I didn't care in that game, i won't care in FF XV.

And finally talking about forced linearity: how much of the game will be linear and how linear it will be? Similar to FF XIII or similar to FF VII Midgar linearity? If it's similar to FF XIII linearity, it's bad, if it's similar to FF VII Midgar, it's good.

I loved Midgar more than the rest of FF VII,the pace of narration was tight, the atmosphere was awesome, even if path you had to follow to progress was fairly linear.

Considering this there is nothing that suggests me the game is a clusterfuck like some already are calling it. Right now the real issue i have with the game is camera,based on what i read and watched, it looks bad and really confusing sometimes and will definitely be frustrating if not improved a lot with the day one patch.



...but more seriously, I feel like something doesn't quite track here. I've actually considered the flying Regalia before all this; if the latter stretches of the game are decidedly nonlinear, it does not click that the Regalia would be given such open rein in the final chapters. I think it's possible we receive the upgrade sooner than Tabata suggested.

Yeah, not to mention Tabata senpai said that there will be post game dungeons with the Regalia flying model, so it makes little to no sense.

I'm guessing it's either we get the flying model before the "end" of the first half. Either that, or something happens in the story to make you return to the open world setting before initiating the final sequence(s) of the game. This sounds bogus, though.

Ploid 3.0

Just what I was thinking. A lot of the complaints about XII initially were things like: the story feeling disjointed/under-served in the latter half of the game, the design of the game feeling bolted together in the back half.

The quality of the world and exploration helped carry the game though.

There may be a strong parallel between XII and XV when all is said and done.

I really like XII, but not for the story. I like the characters, setting up my party to handle menial tasks during fights while I slow it down and take care of the screw drivers that's thrown into my trash clear setup, the hunts, the difficulty, chaining enemies together like FFXI for more rewards, the open zones like FFXI, the fact that I can level them up how I want to. Though some focus with the job system in the remaster will be nice, but I can still level them up how I want.

I can only hope FFXV will be like that, and I do hope it will. I had a glimmer of hope as I researched the combat, possible side boss battles, and difficulty last night. This information just reduce the chance of it for me, and I could be wrong. I'll continue researching and discussing as this game has my attention. There's no new Dragon Age or any other big party rpg coming for a while it seems. I like Divinity OS, but it feels too slow, and OS lose my attention at the second map every single time. 400 hours in DS OS between Standard and Enhanced Edition, the start is fun, building parties is fun, it just gets dull. Maybe Divinity OS 2 will be more interesting.

No matter what. Always remember that we still got Persona 5, man.

http://i .com/isPEjtO.gif[ G][/QUOTE]

Feburary, sounds good, I thought it would be a lot later. Heck it was supposed to be out before PSX last year. I have a feeling I'll like this one for sure, as I loved P3 and 4 (P3 more).


I'm not a huge fan of Tabata's but , still, chill out guys.

Sounds like the FF8 structure..... but better - you actually get to do things besides the last dungeon.
Alas, as it stands, its plot feels too barebones for me for many stretches, and its characters don't gel with one-another nearly to the point of some of the other titles in the series because they aren't given enough time to grow together.

Yeah, can't argue with this. There were more than a few times I worked my way to the next location or cutscene and couldn't remember what I was supposed to be doing there.


Honestly, sounds like what I expected and Im still excited.

I got the idea it would be a mix of ideas (lots of the promotional material has been showing random shit you can do) and a game with clear flaws that's still enjoyable and unique.

Shame that the story is said to not be that great. But come on, it's a square game. The surprise would have been if it had a good story.

The bit about the second half does sound terrible. No problem with linearity but I hope it's not all stealth / horror focused.
Just jumping in real quick about specific statements that keep bugging me.

"The reverse of XIII."

This statement is a complete logical fallacy. XIII was linear all the way through. And to be quite frank it wasn't the reason people disliked the game. Though, admittedly, it didn't help its cause. XIII had an open space 24 hours into the game that bottle-necked back into a linear second half.

FFXV has a large open world from go and doesn't become "linear" until much later in the game. Even then, as stated in the article, you can return to the open world at any point after you enter the more linear part of the game.
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