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Edge previews 40 hours of Final Fantasy XV



I think this is the Noctis alone/stealth/horror vibe/key-card puzzles segment mentioned in the preview.

Which video showed that scene? I don't remember.
Just jumping in real quick about specific statements that keep bugging me.

"The reverse of XIII."

This statement is a complete logical fallacy. XIII was linear all the way through. And to be quite frank it wasn't the reason people disliked the game. Though, admittedly, it didn't help its cause. XIII had an open space 24 hours into the game that bottle-necked back into a linear second half.

FFXV has a large open world from go and doesn't become "linear" until much later in the game. Even then, as stated in the article, you can return to the open world at any point after you enter the more linear part of the game.
Good to have you here. I was wondering when you'd show up!
I'm not a huge fan of Tabata's but , still, chill out guys.

Sounds like the FF8 structure..... but better - you actually get to do things besides the last dungeon.

FF8 is actually a really good comparison (if this plays out like I think it will) where you can freely travel to/from Ultimecia's time as you please, or go back to the norm and do whatever you want.
It does sound weird, but not completely horrible.
Though if you're not the least bit skeptical about a game in development hell for 10 years with SE's very spotty track record then you're most likely bound for disappointment.


This kinda makes sense with the philosophy of the game... a fantasy based in reality. I wouldn't be surprised if the genre/feel of the game shifts to reflect Noctis' own maturity and shift into adulthood. Gameplay influenced by the plot. Art.


Purple Drazi
Yeah, can't argue with this. There were more than a few times I worked my way to the next location or cutscene and couldn't remember what I was supposed to be doing there.

Mhm, exactly. I understand it would have been nigh-impossible to have been given the OK for even more time spent on development, especially a decade ago before we had examples like The Last Guardian and -- heh -- FFXV, but I do wish FFXII were a 2008 game or something instead. Watanabe wanted more time for further cutscenes. I think they could have gone a long way toward improving those flaws, depending on quality of course.

Ah well. I digress. :p

Ploid 3.0

FFXII (from my experience) was almost just as frustrating. I never had enough money in that game and I had to google what monsters dropped rare loot so that I could at least sell that to buy a weapon for more than the main person I'm using.

I'm probably lucky, I always knew what to do when I had a expensive item in my inventory. I farm like a machine. Chains were my friend. The skeletons in the Lhushu Mines hated my guts early game. They spawned so quick, and their bones were gold, then you could zone 2x easily in there to get a fresh batch of them quickly. Now I want to play FFXII, have to find out why my PSX2 keeps crashing when I hit a certain button, I'll rather wait on the remaster news.
I'm probably lucky, I always knew what to do when I had a expensive item in my inventory. I farm like a machine. Chains were my friend. The skeletons in the Lhushu Mines hated my guts early game. They spawned so quick, and their bones were gold, then you could zone 2x easily in there to get a fresh batch of them quickly. Now I want to play FFXII, have to find out why my PSX2 keeps crashing when I hit a certain button, I'll rather wait on the remaster news.

Heh, I did quite a bit of grinding in XII too and never had money troubles. But if you zip through it'll definitely catch up with you.

I actually prefer this approach in general -- if you don't have to work hard for money to buy stuff, you don't care about the stuff you buy.


Honestly, sounds like what I expected and Im still excited.

I got the idea it would be a mix of ideas (lots of the promotional material has been showing random shit you can do) and a game with clear flaws that's still enjoyable and unique.

Shame that the story is said to not be that great. But come on, it's a square game. The surprise would have been if it had a good story.

The bit about the second half does sound terrible. No problem with linearity but I hope it's not all stealth / horror focused.

I feel like we need an edit in the OP that the entire second half of the game won't be a stealth/horror segment. It's getting ridiculous at this point.


Never understood why people even bother to bring up the "open" part of FFXIII. It's not open at all. It's just a hallway with grass and a sky.


In Witcher 3 when you are in the second part of the game you have to go back to Master amorers and weaponsmiths to have a meaningful upgrade to your weapons, and they are one per region. One in Velen, one in Skellige. It's annoying, especially with the long loading times, but i didn't care so much so weapon upgrade being accessible only in one part of the map, so it won't be an issue in FF XV.

About outfits being few and mostly underpowered compared to default armor: Witcher 3 suffered from the same mistake, the really important weapons and armors were just Witcher gear and every other weapon and armor were completely useless. I didn't care in that game, i won't care in FF XV.

Wait...what? Master smiths are both in Velen.
I forget her name but the Dwarf's "assistant" at Crow's Perch for armor, and Eibhear in Novigrad for weapons.
Both of which can craft everything prior to master craft, if you don't want to travel all over. Though you can say you're still separated by a loading screen since you aren't going to be horsing it from one place to the other.

And after a while I just wore what I wanted. Technically my alchemy build was more gimp for not using all Manticore gear, but it didn't matter to me and I just rather look cool anyway. I also play Fashion Souls, and I'll be playing Fashion Fantasy XV.


Purple Drazi

I run the risk of appearing conspiratorial here, admittedly, but that still isn't as clear as I think the fellow wants it to appear. It still contradicts Edge's statements entirely too much and I still don't feel like Edge would blatantly lie about this sort of thing. It's probable, in my estimation, that what they're saying here is that the author of the article didn't experience a great deal of the more optional content on-offer, which tracks with the "mere" 40 hours spent playing relative to the 15 hours Jeremy Parish spent on scarcely more than two chapters.

At first blush, the twitter response is every bit the statement that Edge didn't receive a complete copy of the game. Yet it leaves plenty of wiggle room, too. Furthermore, there continues to exist the oddball chance that the twitter handler is ignorant to Edge receiving the game.

I don't know. Again, this probably sounds silly. But it's what I'm leaning toward, even now.


Ah. That brings joy to my heart.
Ravus fanbois need to face the facts: Ardyn is the main villain. He always was. Ravus is Seifer. Ardyn is Kefka.

This has made me really happy. I've always thought
had the best character design so it's nice to know we will see him a ton.


always chasing the next thrill
Go and read the spoilers and come back and rewrite your post :p

all i want is final fantasy 15 to be is

open like final fantasy 12. Just plain open no 50% no 80% or anything. Just open. Reading into this makes me think the game did have issues in direction.

So yes i will wait for reviews before i dive in. Cause if edge is right it's a big nono for me
I'm probably lucky, I always knew what to do when I had a expensive item in my inventory. I farm like a machine. Chains were my friend. The skeletons in the Lhushu Mines hated my guts early game. They spawned so quick, and their bones were gold, then you could zone 2x easily in there to get a fresh batch of them quickly. Now I want to play FFXII, have to find out why my PSX2 keeps crashing when I hit a certain button, I'll rather wait on the remaster news.
See back then I didn't care for grinding like that so I had a hard time when I got to phon (?) coast. I couldn't afford anything but healing items, one new weapon and maybe a spell. I think I had early game weapons and magic for most of the game. It was a struggle. Not sure how it would be for me now though.

Ploid 3.0

Just jumping in real quick about specific statements that keep bugging me.

"The reverse of XIII."

This statement is a complete logical fallacy. XIII was linear all the way through. And to be quite frank it wasn't the reason people disliked the game. Though, admittedly, it didn't help its cause. XIII had an open space 24 hours into the game that bottle-necked back into a linear second half.

FFXV has a large open world from go and doesn't become "linear" until much later in the game. Even then, as stated in the article, you can return to the open world at any point after you enter the more linear part of the game.

Yeah, this was my observation of FFXIII. Started with a long linear tutorial. Then you get the freedom area, which continues back to linear corridor maps (without the tutorial tests/setups). One of the reason I didn't even get the game was that that open area was said to be pretty short.


Purple Drazi
Okay, so I'm thinking what happened here was that Edge was given a 40-hour opportunity versus 15 or so with everyone else and the author chose to spend that time driving forward to the conclusion of its critical path.

I very much doubt anything was removed from the cut they were given. I've almost never seen this actually happen, but folks wonder if it's the case whenever something like this occurs, heh.


Imagine a preview version existing that goes beyond other preview versions but isn't the full experience


"A longer preview" which somehow reaches the apparent end of the game. This feels like more of a complete package.

What if it was the complete game, but they gave a timer for them instead of limiting the actual content, but didn't expect them to rush to the ending as fast as they could? That fits with impressions that don't really seem like such a big deal, like weapon upgrading not appearing after the first area, which is easily fixable if you just go back to the first area and upgrade your weapons, but it's something they wouldn't do if they're rushing through the game so they can see as much of the story as they could for their preview.


Purple Drazi
Unless Square-Enix clarifies how EDGE's copy wasn't a full copy, I call bullshit.

I think Square's PR is mincing words here as a fallback measure to prevent a potential (probably far overblown) storm. At first the PR fellow may well not have known that Edge was given a 40-hour timeslot; once that was clarified on their end, they worded things delicately to amend the situation.

It seems probable to me that they had a 40-hour timer or somesuch and they opted to reach the conclusion of the story with it rather than spending a tremendous amount of time in Liede/Duscae.

What if it was the complete game, but they gave a timer for them instead of limiting the actual content, but didn't expect them to rush to the ending as fast as they could? That fits with impressions that don't really seem like such a big deal, like weapon upgrading not appearing after the first area, which is easily fixable if you just go back to the first area and upgrade your weapons, but it's something they wouldn't do if they're rushing through the game so they can see as much of the story as they could for their preview.

Heh, that's actually exactly what I'm thinking.
Okay, so I'm thinking what happened here was that Edge was given a 40-hour opportunity versus 15 or so with everyone else and the author chose to spend that time driving forward to the conclusion of its critical path.

I very much doubt anything was removed from the cut they were given. I've almost never seen this actually happen, but folks wonder if it's the case whenever something like this occurs, heh.
Highly doubt it. The 40 hours limit could have worked theoretically if they were previewing it in a PR event, which was time limited. But it sounds like SE gave them some cut copy that was specifically for preview purpose.

What if it was the complete game, but they gave a timer for them instead of limiting the actual content, but didn't expect them to rush to the ending as fast as they could? That fits with impressions that don't really seem like such a big deal, like weapon upgrading not appearing after the first area, which is easily fixable if you just go back to the first area and upgrade your weapons, but it's something they wouldn't do if they're rushing through the game so they can see as much of the story as they could for their preview.
That doesn't happen. This would be a huge oversight for them.

ONe DaY (Omen trailer gets released) we all rejoice,
Next Day is like Negative and dark regarding this game....
...I can't man, I'm trying to hold on.
Highly doubt it. The 40 hours limit could have worked theoretically if they were previewing it in a PR event, which was time limited. But it sounds like SE gave them some cut copy that was specifically for preview purpose.

Yes, a cut copy makes a lot more sense. There is no way, you can keep people stuck on a chair playing the game for a solid 40 hours straight. The only folks I know who can attempt that and stay sane is a video game speed runner.


Purple Drazi
Highly doubt it. The 40 hours limit could have worked theoretically if they were previewing it in a PR event, which was time limited. But it sounds like SE gave them some cut copy that was specifically for preview purpose.

It's odd, then. Edge mentions the ending. The "cut copy for preview purpose" seems to be the complete package.


Purple Drazi
Yes, a cut copy makes a lot more sense. There is no way, you can keep people stuck on a chair playing the game for a solid 40 hours straight. The only folks I know who can attempt that and stay sane is a video game speed runner.

I wasn't envisioning this as a 40-hour play session. More like a complete copy of the final game (minus Day One Patch etc of course) which doesn't allow for further play after 39:59 on its in-game timer.

Maybe its an ending of an arc? Did the previewer mention anything about
older Noctis

Nah, they didn't talk specifics like that. But I'd be pretty surprised if the fellow who wrote the article couldn't differentiate between the finale and the end of a chapter.
It's odd, then. Edge mentions the ending. The "cut copy for preview purpose" seems to be the complete package.
Keep in mind that whatever code the previews have used is compatible with the final game. Saves will carry over to the final copy of the game. So if they can give just the first 5 chapters, what stops them from giving 10 chapters? 12?

Just seems to me they received 10 chapters or more as opposed to 5 for the rest of the press, because it was their special anniversary edition.


If the game is only half as entertaining as this... I think I'm good, lol.

Anyway, a cut copy where you can reach the end of the game strikes me as odd though.


Purple Drazi
Keep in mind that whatever code the previews have used is compatible with the final game. Saves will carry over to the final copy of the game. So if they can give just the first 5 chapters, what stops them from giving 10 chapters? 12?

Just seems to me they received 10 chapters or more as opposed to 5 for the rest of the press, because it was their special anniversary edition.

That's fair. I don't know, though. Like I said a moment ago, it'd strike me as bizarre beyond any current measure if the journalist in question mistakenly perceived the end of their experience as the end of the game, and, having read the article twice now, it definitely seems clear to me that they believe they completed the game's critical path.

Either that or it's the single biggest one-line oversight I've seen in a magazine in quite some time. Which, hey -- it's possible!


I wasn't envisioning this as a 40-hour play session. More like a complete copy of the final game (minus Day One Patch etc of course) which doesn't allow for further play after 39:59 on its in-game timer.

That's exactly what I'm thinking. And it would probably be handled by the western branches of Square-Enix, too, so it makes sense for an oversight as big as "we didn't know you could complete the game in 39 hours" to happen when it wasn't a decision made by people who actually worked on the game.
The official Twitter account making those statements was a mistake, I think, since it paints the picture that either EDGE or Square-Enix are deceiving people, neither of which are a good thing for Square-Enix to be asserting.
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