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Edge previews 40 hours of Final Fantasy XV

A switch from
open world to linear
sounds fundamentally like a terrible idea, but then I can't recall it ever being done.

Imagine if GTA VI did this though.


why does this second "half" sound terrible??? Whats so bad about having successive chains of events to end a game?

all it sounds like to me is one of those "cant go back beyond this point, are you sure you'd like to continue" type situations

and i love those moments in my jrpgs bc it means shit is about to get crazy. I for one am incredibly intrigued at some of the scenarios that have been mentioned about this end game run.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
If MGSV had some lengthy linear sections resembling old MGS infiltrations, it would have been a better game.


A switch from
open world to linear
sounds fundamentally like a terrible idea, but then I can't recall it ever being done.

Imagine if GTA VI did this though.
I don't think it sounds bad since you can still return to the open world at any time to continue exploring and cleaning up side quests. It's just that in order to progress the main story in the second half, the path you take is through linear dungeons and stealth/survival horror sections, which presumably allows them to have more cutscenes, scripted moments and set-pieces to help the story reach a strong conclusion. But if you tire of that, it sounds like you can still
time travel, OoT-style,
to return to the open world and explore, goof around, etc.


After being informed about how amazing the music will be yesterday, if the plot gets too wacko I'm just going to turn down voices and up the music, sit back and relax. Maybe that won't work for all the cut scenes, but something tells me I'm still going to enjoy the game for its sights and sounds.


One thing is for sure: This game will be a screenshot bonanza. All the more reason to get a Pro -- the enhanced visuals will make for nicer screenshots, and the increased HDD will give me more space to store them!

Also means I'll be making many save files in order to return to different points and screenshot cool cutscenes.


I'm feeling excited about the apparent survival horror shift, since the Omen trailer was pretty fucking scary at points. I want to play a game with that atmosphere.



This scene is probably taken from that last act of the game (which is not the second half, as previously confirmed) which contains stealth sections and stuff. It's possible that the model for Noctis was switched for this scene because his other design wasn't revealed back then. The "jump scares" could very well be game over scenes that you get when you get caught by the enemy. There were stealth sections in past FF games and adapting them to a game with bigger production values and scope means that you have to consider a range new situations that wouldn't happen in old games because of the graphic fidelity.

We have to wait to judge because I personally think that this preview didn't quite do its job very well. It will make more sense once we get back to it after playing the game.


Edge has always been the edgelords of game reviews. This is among their more positive previews that I can recall in recent history.
This all sounds really weird, but I trust Square.
Why wouldn't Edge put in the first page in capital letters:" WE PLAYED AND FINISHED FFXV STORY"? That alone would have sold a lot of copies for the magazine.
Instead they just wrote 3 confusing lines about the ending, remarking the fact they played 40 hours... I don't know guys



This scene is probably taken from that last act of the game (which is not the second half, as previously confirmed) which contains stealth sections and stuff. It's possible that the model for Noctis was switched for this scene because his other design wasn't revealed back then. The "jump scares" could very well be game over scenes that you get when you get caught by the enemy. There were stealth sections in past FF games and adapting them to a game with bigger production values and scope means that you have to consider a range new situations that wouldn't happen in old games because of the graphic fidelity.

We have to wait to judge because I personally think that this preview didn't quite do its job very well. It will make more sense once we get back to it after playing the game.

I was thinking something very similar, only that this would be the tail end of the second act.

Basically that this would be you going in to "reclaim your throne", and just when you think you've beaten the game, the rug gets pulled from underneath, blah blah, there's your timeskip.

I don't think the article specifically mentioned a time skip or Old Noctis directly, did it? If people are making assumptions, then this totally makes sense. Not unlike the fake ending in the middle of FFVI.
This all sounds really weird, but I trust Square.
Why wouldn't Edge put in the first page in capital letters:" WE PLAYED AND FINISHED FFXV STORY"? That alone would have sold a lot of copies for the magazine.
Instead they just wrote 3 confusing lines about the ending, remarking the fact they played 40 hours... I don't know guys

They advertise on the front page of their 300th issue that they've conducted an 'exhaustive playtest' '40 hours journeying with a road-trip RPG playing by new rules'.

Should be enough to attract anyone with a passing interest.


Purple Drazi
I was thinking something very similar, only that this would be the tail end of the second act.

Basically that this would be you going in to "reclaim your throne", and just when you think you've beaten the game, the rug gets pulled from underneath, blah blah, there's your timeskip.

I don't think the article specifically mentioned a time skip or Old Noctis directly, did it? If people are making assumptions, then this totally makes sense. Not unlike the fake ending in the middle of FFVI.

I strongly doubt the writer would mistake the end of a chapter for the end of the game. There would be mention of it feeling incomplete, I should think, if it felt that complete.


Yeah, if you only read the segments that were posted here it sounds positive, but in context of the whole article...Not so much. There's a lot not posted here.

Luna is a waste. She's barely in the game. The bromance has good parts (including an emotional rooftop scene) but the lack of female characters is "a damaging oversight". The plot is lacking. The game is "litered with stuctural issues". The take away from the article is that Tabata managed to make an eccentric, and original game that never escapes it's development hell past.

I wonder if we will have an Alisha (Tales of Zestiria) kind of drama regarding Luna's presence in the game...


Worships the porcelain goddess
Dont care about previews or reviews. This train is going on ten years and i am at the front enjoying the ride. Whether it goes to a paradise or off a cliff, on fire. This is part of the fun!
Honestly I'm all in with the second half just because it sounds so crazy.

Also I am sick to death of looking at footage of hammerhead and duscae. So anything that isn't that is very welcome at this point.
Yeah she is.

You're right. A lot of the advertising for the game has put her on the same level as Noctis in terms of importance. I can see plenty of people being disappointed at the "STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER" not actually being strong and not actually mattering. Disappointed for sure.


Not sure how to embed tweets, but this is full confirmation that EDGE did NOT play the full, final build of the game. They did not see the ending.

Were people actually questioning this? I mean, the thread is "EDGE previews 40 hours" - I feel like it would be have been specified if they beat it.
You're right. A lot of the advertising for the game has put her on the same level as Noctis in terms of importance. I can see plenty of people being disappointed at the "STRONG FEMALE CHARACTER" not actually being strong and not actually mattering. Disappointed for sure.

Well she does matter... but her importance seems to lie in developing Noctis' character and propelling him where he needs to go rather then well, you know, being an independent character etc

Were people actually questioning this? I mean, the thread is "EDGE previews 40 hours" - I feel like it would be have been specified if they beat it.

The text of the preview made it sound like they had seen the ending, which is where some of the controversy is coming from.


Luna was never advertised as the main heroine though. Different scenario here.

But she is a very important female that doesn't need no man to protect herself because she is strong enough to fight for what she believes and she can achieve everything she wants because she is has a strong mind and powerful powers and abilities that make her one of the best Final Fantasy characters and a groundbreaking female protagonist™ that I wonder: if she is barely in the game, how can the game narrative show the player all of these qualities this Lunafreya character allegedly has?
Yeah she is.
I mean she was confirmed as a 'guest character' and the only actual role that we saw for her was in the Leviathan fight, so... I don't see it.

Now on the other hand, I agree they forced the narrative of her being strong perhaps a bit too much, and if the end game doesn't give this impression, then they played us a like a fiddle.

But she is a very important female that doesn't need no man to protect herself because she is strong enough to fight for what she believes and she can achieve everything she wants because she is has a strong mind and powerful powers and abilities that make her one of the best Final Fantasy characters and a groundbreaking female protagonist™ that I wonder: if she is barely in the game, how can the game narrative show the player all of these qualities this Lunafreya character allegedly has?
I am curious about this myself but we all knew that she was a 'guest character' that could have joined the party for a short while, which is my point here.

If the story doesn't make her look like a strong character despite all the BS that was fed to us by the devs/PR, then they lied. End of story.


Were people actually questioning this? I mean, the thread is "EDGE previews 40 hours" - I feel like it would be have been specified if they beat it.

Yes. I guess you haven't been reading the thread, people have been debating this throughout this entire thread. And it's mainly because of the ambiguous nature of the article; the writer mentions a conclusion, although it's hard to parse exactly what he means.


There isn't inherently something wrong with long linear sections. The Witcher 3 has those (spanning several hours, or at least in my case) and they were awesome and offered a nice contrast to the regular open world gameplay, which kept the 80+ hours experience fresh. Oh, and I missed FF crazyness (some stuff in FFVI-VIII is crazy in a way the sequels did not have for me personally).

It sounds risky, but I may end up loving the change of pace.


The text of the preview made it sound like they had seen the ending, which is where some of the controversy is coming from.

IMO, doesn't matter if they reached the ending or not. You shouldn't be confused about a game's plot 40 hours in. This sounds exactly like FFXIII and Type 0...
It reminds me of MGSV and reviews copies were handled to media with the last mission missing in order to avoid spoilers. Well, I guess Square got the same idea !
I mean she was confirmed as a 'guest character' and the only actual role that we saw for her was in the Leviathan fight, so... I don't see it.

Now on the other hand, I agree they forced the narrative of her being strong perhaps a bit too much, and if the end game doesn't give this impression, then they played us a like a fiddle.

She's a guest character in the party, so that clearly refers to her participation in the actual gameplay. She has a 'supposedly' key role in the plot, and no doubt she's is the main heroine in the overaching plot, at least in name.


Crystal Bearer
I mean she was confirmed as a 'guest character' and the only actual role that we saw for her was in the Leviathan fight, so... I don't see it.

Now on the other hand, I agree they forced the narrative of her being strong perhaps a bit too much, and if the end game doesn't give this impression, then they played us a like a fiddle.

I am curious about this myself but we all knew that she was a 'guest character' that could have joined the party for a short while, which is my point here.

If the story doesn't make her look like a strong character despite all the BS that was fed to us by the devs/PR, then they lied. End of story.

She's still being billed as the main heroine, regardless of what she actually ends up doing in the game as a whole.


IMO, doesn't matter if they reached the ending or not. You shouldn't be confused about a game's plot 40 hours in. This sounds exactly like FFXIII and Type 0...

Not exactly. What if someone plays 30 hours of side quests? What if it's a type of story that hides the "reveal" or real plot until halfway? Plenty of stories do such. Although, it does seem like the game will be light on story until a certain portion through the game. I don't see anything wrong with this, as long as the parts leading up to that are interesting (and fun) enough to get you through.

We also don't know what build Edge played, but it sounds most likely like the first 5 chapters, although the article shares details about story that we haven't heard from the other previewers. We will have to wait and see.
Not really. What if someone plays 30 hours of side quests? What if it's a type of story that hides the "reveal" or real plot until halfway? Plenty of stories do such. Although, it does seem like the game will be light on story until a certain portion through the game. I don't see anything wrong with this, as long as the parts leading up to that are interesting (and fun) enough to get you through.

You really think that's what happened?
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