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Edge previews 40 hours of Final Fantasy XV



Yesterday everything was fine. Then this morning I get on GAF and suddenly the house is on fire and there's panic everywhere I look.

Not gonna read the spoilers, though I get the general idea just from what people are saying. Just gonna judge the game with my own eyes. I still believe, dammit! I'm in too deep at this point. If I go down with this ship, so be it.

everything is never fine in FFXV thread. enjoy this lifetime experience brother!


I strongly doubt the writer would mistake the end of a chapter for the end of the game. There would be mention of it feeling incomplete, I should think, if it felt that complete.

Every source is saying they didn't complete the whole game before getting to my theory. My theory only attempts to make sense as to why they would be confused in the first place. Edit: and not the end of a chapter, either. End of an act.


Persecution Complex
I'm trying to not get spoiled, but if FFXV is indeed linear in it's second half that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing. As long as the narrative is strong I won't mind. The implied stealth is worrisome but I'll see when I actually played it.

One of the many problems I had with FF13 wasn't just it's linearity it was also the dreadful story and characters. I just have never gotten that same feeling following FFXV.


You really think that's what happened?

Not really, but the article is ambiguous in its description, so it's difficult to say what or where the previewer played to. I'm just saying that a description or another written from a player who hasn't played the entire game doesn't necessarily mean anything.

But of course the opposite is true too. It could be a very weak plot. We will just have to wait and see.


Versus XIII

She's a guest character in the party, so that clearly refers to her participation in the actual gameplay. She has a 'supposedly' key role in the plot, and no doubt she's is the main heroine in the overaching plot, at least in name.

She's still being billed as the main heroine, regardless of what she actually ends up doing in the game as a whole.
Alright, that's fair point.

Just curious, what did the actual preview excerpt said about Luna and her character. Or did it simply say that she was barely in the game, which doesn't explain much when we talk about a journey of 40 hours.
Maybe I'm over-reacting in the opposite direction, but I don't think easing off on a dozen or so quests to harvest 12 green chocobo skins or whatever will be the ultimate make or break of the total gameplay experience.


Maybe they didn't finished the game, but they were like 1 final dungeon away?

Why are people asuming they only reached halfway?

It's hard to know how far they got into the game. I think that assumption is based on the fact that he hasn't mentioned old Noctis in the article, but he could just be holding back that information, so who really knows. Maybe SE said "don't talk about old Noctis story" and so he didn't write about it.


Crystal Bearer
Every source is saying they didn't complete the whole game before getting to my theory. My theory only attempts to make sense as to why they would be confused in the first place. Edit: and not the end of a chapter, either. End of an act.

Who is every source.
Alright, that's fair point.

Just curious, what did the actual preview excerpt said about Luna and her character. Or did it simply say that she was barely in the game, which doesn't explain much when we talk about a journey of 40 hours.

I wonder about this, Tabata stated that Luna was for Noctis that unreachable objective, someone that you wanna met, the exact quote is:

the type of heroine you want to meet but can't quite reach.

So, I think Luna having little participation is to be expected. Even that silly trailer showed Noctis constantly trying to reach Luna on very poorly thought off visual metaphores, so that's clearly a thing in the game.

(btw, she's called heroine there, lol)


Purple Drazi
Every source is saying they didn't complete the whole game before getting to my theory. My theory only attempts to make sense as to why they would be confused in the first place. Edit: and not the end of a chapter, either. End of an act.

I don't really see how how even an act could masquerade so strongly as the ending of the game that it would stump a professional like that. *shrug* There's always a chance you're right, of course. It'd just surprise me... royally.


From what we've seen and heard of her, Luna seems like a "heroine" in the same sense as Princess Zelda: Important to the plot, but her presence in the game is a distant second to the player character and main party members.

So not really a heroine in any meaningful sense. But yes, technically a female with heroic qualities.
It's hard to know how far they got into the game. I think that assumption is based on the fact that he hasn't mentioned old Noctis in the article, but he could just be holding back that information, so who really knows. Maybe SE said "don't talk about old Noctis story" and so he didn't write about it.

Is a preview, I'm pretty sure they have things the can't talk about, because SE wants to keep it for the final game, why would they talk about old noctis and the presumably ending sequence when that would be major spoilers?.

Usually previews dosn't go deep in that much detail about events that occur that further in the game. Is common sense.

They played 40 hours, that should be considerably far into the game. I think you are giving it too much thought.


I don't really see how how even an act could masquerade so strongly as the ending of the game that it would stump a professional like that. *shrug* There's always a chance you're right, of course. It'd just surprise me... royally.

I don't think it's likely he was confused but mid-game or 2/3 climaxes are really common in JRPGs. For example, the end of the second act of Tales of Vesperia is much stronger than the actual ending of the game.

Xaero Gravity

It reminds me of MGSV and reviews copies were handled to media with the last mission missing in order to avoid spoilers. Well, I guess Square got the same idea !
Hopefully they don't go all the way with the same idea and include it in the retail release.
I haven't followed these last two threads at all, but in case you haven't seen it already:


That could easily mean that they lacked like one boss to reach the ending. I don't see how it can particularly change the content of the preview.
Don't see the problem with the second half being more linear. In fact I prefer it like that since it can lead to a more focused climax.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
A switch from
open world to linear
sounds fundamentally like a terrible idea, but then I can't recall it ever being done.

Imagine if GTA VI did this though.

Sounds like an expansion of the traditional JRPG final dungeon!

I think people may be overreacting somewhat.
From what we've seen and heard of her, Luna seems like a "heroine" in the same sense as Princess Zelda: Important to the plot, but her presence in the game is a distant second to the player character and main party members.

So not really a heroine in any meaningful sense. But yes, technically a female with heroic qualities.
Sounds about right.

Which is why I don't understand why some people are shocked to hear
she won't be in the majority of the game.

The cutscene you get after defeating the last boss counts to the "complete story" does it not?
The game is divided in chapters. Doubt they cut just the last boss. They could have cut the last couple of chapters but the writer could have been close enough that he feels the narrative isn't really gonna deliver much more than what he played. The confusion comes from his comments on the ending, which is an odd thing to talk about in what amounts to an 'in-depth' preview.

How many previews talked about the ending of the game?


I'm going to guess this is a case where it's pretty grounded storytelling (if a bit uneventful) in the first half where you're in the open world with your bros, more focused on character moments, but then when Noctis reaches the second half it becomes a trippy psychological experience that's maybe a bit too esoteric and out there for its own good, leaving the player feeling a bit "lol what just happened" when it all ends. Like the ending will be bombastic and epic but it might feel a bit off, emotionally speaking, because it's operating on some dreamlike logic. That being said, it could also be one of those endings that has a lot of thematic resonance upon further reflection.

Maybe someone should tweet the author asking for him to elaborate, though.


I just joined GAF this year, and I've already forgotten what it felt like when I didn't obsessively follow games and just bought them when they came out. lol
yeah the e3 2013 battle system thread is my first gaf exposure. I remember the panic after tgs2014 trailer drop when people assume it wont be a open world game, until the walk trough demo later in october.

Man how time flies


Sounds about right.

Which is why I don't understand why some people are shocked to hear
she won't be in the majority of the game.

There are layers to that.
It could be like Riku in wasn't in the majority of KH2 and still was an important figure in the story that Sora chased during the game. It could be like Cirilla in TW3 which is not present during the first acts of the game until you get to her.

Or it could be like Skullface in MGSV.
The game is divided in chapters. Doubt they cut just the last boss. They could have cut the last couple of chapters but the writer could have been close enough that he feels the narrative isn't really gonna deliver much more than what he played. The confusion comes from his comments on the ending, which is an odd thing to talk about in what amounts to an 'in-depth' preview.

How many previews talked about the ending of the game?

The tweet just comments they didn't complete the whole game or finished it. I mean, they aren't mentioning chapters, just that they didn't finished it. From that point could be chapters, basically 1 dunegon away or a boss away.
There are layers to that.
It could be like Riku in wasn't in the majority of KH2 and still was an important figure in the story that Sora chased during the game. It could be like Cirilla in TW3 which is not present during the first acts of the game until you get to her.

Or it could be like Skullface in MGSV.
Can't wait for all the Luna memes


The tweet just comments they didn't complete the whole game or finished it. I mean, they aren't mentioning chapters, just that they didn't finished it. From that point could be chapters, basically 1 dunegon away or a boss away.
It is much easier to cut the game in chapters form then to program it so it ends right before a specific boss fight or dungeon section, so yeh, chapters are the most logical conclusion here.

The game has been confirmed to include
15 chapters
so they could have given extended preview i.e the first 10 chapters and that could have worked for Edge, since they wanted essentially that.


That's pretty much the only source needed, no? xD[/url]
No, the only reliable source would be someone/thing you can trust no matter what.
40 hours in a game means anything. It just depends on how you play and what you're focused on.
Most of the time, what quick people do in 40 hours, it takes me twice as much to do the same because I like to take my time. But still, both games get through the same contents (minus de side stuff you did or way you played, to get to 80 hours instead of 40).

It's impossible to deny the mess around the development. It has to be felt to some degree in the final game. You can see it in other projects that passed through less painful work.
I don't think it'll be the main cons/pros (depending on if you like the game) for people.

I can already know I can't like the game and this "mess" wouldn't be the reason why.


Maybe I'm over-reacting in the opposite direction, but I don't think easing off on a dozen or so quests to harvest 12 green chocobo skins or whatever will be the ultimate make or break of the total gameplay experience.

12 green chocobo cloacae.

Yes, that's the plural form of cloaca, bet you didn't think you'd learn something new when you entered page 15 of this thread!
There are layers to that.
It could be like Riku in wasn't in the majority of KH2 and still was an important figure in the story that Sora chased during the game. It could be like Cirilla in TW3 which is not present during the first acts of the game until you get to her.

Or it could be like Skullface in MGSV.

Ciri has a strong presence in the game even if you don't met her, she's playable and basically has her own storyline, nothing suggest the same will happen with Luna. Actually most Tabata's comments points to the contrary.


I just joined GAF this year, and I've already forgotten what it felt like when I didn't obsessively follow games and just bought them when they came out. lol

Can't we do both? My current strategy is to spend the months leading up to a game complaining about it and telling everyone that I won't buy it but then buying it on day one anyway because I have money and an addiction to new stimulation.
I wonder if any of the developers of XV go into forums like these and read the comments? I wonder what they're thinking right now?
I imagine any developer that steps foot in a hectic thread would go..."I should just go full mobile" lol

Who knows I think druckman got drove away earlier this year tho


Don't see the problem with the second half being more linear. In fact I prefer it like that since it can lead to a more focused climax.

Same here, I haven't read anything to overly concern myself about. But then I don't have a problem with linearity in general if it narratively makes sense. Plus I always eventually get bored in open world games and just do the mainline quest. So this is kind of how I play them anyway.
Edge has always been the edgelords of game reviews. This is among their more positive previews that I can recall in recent history.

I think they gave Ratchet and Clank 3 a 6/10 and that was the last time I bothered reading their review section. HOW DARE THEY HAVE DIFFERENT FEELINGS.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I wonder if any of the developers of XV go into forums like these and read the comments? I wonder what they're thinking right now?

Most likely they'd be wondering why people are placing so much stock in a single preview, particularly from a magazine with a relatively small circulation and a history of swaggering hipsterism that always made them something of a joke within the UK dev scene.


I wonder if any of the developers of XV go into forums like these and read the comments? I wonder what they're thinking right now?

"...uh oh... hey, Tabata, come look at this...

...it's a .gif of Hayao Miyazaki saying Final Fantasy is nothing but trash - why would he say something like that? And here's one of our fans saying that we just shot ourselves in the foot! Honor and shame ARE huge parts of Japanese culture! Oh no, we never should have done this! Quick! Erase everything! No traces can be left of this affront to humanity!"
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